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1、最新各种动物叫声的英文表达讲课稿各种动物叫声的英文表达 (中)在英语中,不同动物的叫声通常需要特定词汇来准确传神地表达。下面按照英文字母顺序列明不同年龄、性别的动物发声动词【通常也可以做名词】、拟声词以及例句:baa:绵羊的叫声bark:狗的叫声 bellow:(公牛)吼叫声 bleat:(羊或小牛)叫声;咩咩声 bowwow:(狗)汪汪声 bray:(驴等的)叫声buzz:(蜜蜂、蚊子等)嗡嗡声 cackle:(母鸡下蛋后)咯咯声cheep:(小鸡)唧唧声;(鸟等)啁啾声 chirp:(小鸟、昆虫等)啁啾声,唧唧声,嘤嘤声cluck:(母鸡)咯咯声 coo:(鸽子、斑鸠等)咕咕声crowco

2、ckadoodledoo(公鸡)啼鸣;喔喔声 growl:(狗)狺狺叫gruntoink:(猪等)咕噜声hiss 蛇发嘶嘶声hum:(蜜蜂等)嗡嗡声mewmiaowmiaoumeowmeou(猫)喵喵声moo:(母牛)哞叫声neigh whinny:(马等)嘶叫声purr:(猫)呼噜声quack:(鸭等)嘎嘎声roar:(狮虎等)咆哮声squeak:(鼠等)吱吱声twitter:(鸟)吱吱叫;鸣声whine:(狗)呜呜叫whistle:(画眉等)鸟鸣声yelp:(兽类痛苦、愤怒、兴奋等的)嗥叫声28. Curlew【鹬】:pipe。例句:The eastern curlews are pipi

3、ng today; Theirflute like notes so melodious and clear29. Deer【鹿】:bell。例句:Red Deer - buck belling in mating season30. Dingo【澳洲野狗】:bark、cry。例句:a) Like all domestic dogs, dingoes tend towards a phonetic communication, the difference being that they howl and whimper more and bark less than domestic dog

4、s.b) The “dingoes cry” gives the drought conditions a sense of mystery.31. Dodo【嘟嘟鸟】:squawk、cry。例句:a) The Dodo used to walk around And take the sun and air. The sun yet warms his native ground- The Dodo is not there! The voice which used to squawk and squeak Is now for ever dumb- Yet you may see his

5、 bones and beak All in the Mu-se-um. b) The cries of the young dodo, described by a sailor, sounded like the cries of a young goose.32. Dog【狗】:bark、woof。例句:a) The only time dogs wont bark to communicate, is when they are displaying submissive behaviour.b) Dogs never lost the original knowledge that

6、they are descended from the wolf, so the very first thing they had to say when they learned to bark was woof - as they lack the linguistic ability to pronounce the l in wolf(it doesnt roll off their tongues). 33. Dolphin【海豚】:click。例句:Dolphin echolocation clicks are amongst the loudest sounds made by

7、 marine animals.34. Dove/pigeon【鸽】:coo。例句:a) Mourning doves are named for their coo, which has a sad and mournful sound to many people.b) I find the sound of woodpigeons cooing soothing too.35. Duck【鸭】:quack。例句:Despite widespread misconceptions, only the females of most dabbling ducks quack.36. Eagl

8、e【鹰】:scream、cry。例句:a) They will tell you brother, when the eagle screams we die.b) The name Calcasieu comes from the Atakapan word, quelqueshue, meaning crying eagle.37. Elephant【象】:trumpet。例句:Picture of an elephant trumpeting38. Emu【鸸鹋】:galumph。例句:略。39. Falcon【隼】:chant。例句:Which one is your fav. Fal

9、con chant we sang during this years season?40. Ferret【】:dook。例句:There are many ways to dook your ferrets. Dook means the little giggle that ferrets make.41. Fly【苍蝇】:buzz、hum。例句:a) Why do flies buzz when they fly?b) Bee-flies hum and hover in front of flowers like bees.42. Fox【狐狸】:bark、yelp、simper。例句

10、:a) I seem to remember fox barks as .b) The wolf sends forth only frightful howlings; but the fox barks, yelps, and utters a mournful cry like that of the peacock.43. Frog【青蛙】:croak。拟声词:ribbit。例句:a) In most frog species only the males croak. They croak to attract female frogs for breeding, and to wa

11、rn away other male frogs from their territory.b) Does it have webs? Ribbit, Ribbit Little green webs? Ribbit, Ribbit If it does then it is, Ribbit, Ribbit A little green froggie. Ribbit, Ribbit44. Giraffe【长颈鹿】:bleat。例句:The resident expert consulted with a zoo vet and learned that although giraffes a

12、re generally quiet animals, they can make a bleating sound, similar to that of a young calf or sheep.45. Goat【山羊】:bleat。拟声词:baa。例句:a) Its not often that you will hear a goat bleating (crying) for no apparent reason, and if you do, it most often signals that something is wrong.b) Goats and Sheep ques

13、tion: Does a goat say baa? Yes.46. Goose【鹅】:cackle、gobble、hiss、honk、quack。例句:a) When geese cackle, it will rain.b) After flowing through Riverside Park the Spokane River, having given pleasure to the Citys walkers and a haven for the Ducks and Geese gobbling up the bread fed to them by the children,

14、 has one last job before it leaves the City limits.c) I do not think that geese honk to encourage the other geese. It is not very common for geese to think the way we do.d) Farm Animals question: Do geese quack or is it just the ducks? Geese honk and sometimes hiss, ducks only quack.47. Grasshopper【

15、草蜢】:chirp、stridulate。例句:a) Several unidentified grasshoppers stridulating.b) Grasshoppers are closely related to crickets, and male grasshoppers make chirping or stridulating noises similar to those produced by crickets.48. Guinea pig【天竺鼠】:squeak、wheek。例句:a) Guinea pigs communicate with both sound a

16、nd body language. When walking around together in the cage, or on the floor, they will often times squeak and grunt as they move about, which is a sign of general contentment.b) If a guinea pig is lost, it may wheek for assistance.49. Hamster【仓鼠】:squeak。例句:A hamster squeaking usually indicates that

17、there is something wrong.50. Hare【野兔】:squeak。例句:Fehn Explorer Squeaking Hare Grab Toy51. Hawk【鹰】:scream、screech。例句:My friend told me that the reason why hawks make such loud screams and screeches when they fly is to scare prey out into the open so they can swoop down and capture them.52. Hen【母鸡】:cac

18、kle、cluck。例句:a) After a while, the hen looks back, inspects the egg with her beak and leaves the nest under loud cackles.b) Clucking Hens unique service will be all you need to have hens in your .53. Hippopotamus【河马】:bellow、rumble、grunt、roar、growl。例句:a) During the afternoon Barklow heard hippos bellowing several more times and noticed a curious phenomenon: roar of the leading male triggered a chorus from other hippos.b) The hippopotamus communicates with a variety of grunts and rumbling noises.c) Hippo growling in the water54. Hog【猪】:grunt。例句:Why Hog is always grunting

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