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高考英语 书面表达范文背诵.docx

1、高考英语 书面表达范文背诵英语书面表达范文背诵篇(1)请你根据下表内容的提示,为中学生英语报写一篇有关“Earth Hour”的短文,谈谈你对此活动的认识及你在节能活动中所能做的事。活动内容全球节能活动,每年三月份最后一个星期六的晚上,家庭及企业关灯一小时活动目的有利于提高节能意识;具体做法离开教室时记得关灯;注意:1短文的开头已经给出,不计入总词数;2可根据内容要点适当发挥,但不要逐条翻译,3词数150个左右。 参考词汇:企业enterprise;意识awarenessEarth Hour is an annual international event created by the Wor

2、ld Wide Fund for Nature. Its a worldwide activity aimed at energy saving,for which families and enterprises are encouraged to turn off lights and electrical appliances for an hour on the last Saturday night of March.In my opinion,Earth Hour is an activity worth taking part in. Not only does it help

3、raise the awareness of the public to save energy,but it contributes to reducing the effect of global warming. Whats more,it offers a chance for us to join in environmental protection and therefore make our own contributions.Small acts can make a big difference and theres much we can do in our life.

4、Its a good idea to turn off lights before leaving the classroom and keep air conditioners above 26 in summer days. Besides,to unplug televisions or computers rather than leave them stand-by is highly appreciated.As a saying goes, actions speak louder than words. Therefore, take action and we will en

5、joy a brighter energy-saving future.英语书面表达范文背诵篇(2)2010年央视春晚的广告收入创新高,但节目中的植入广告引发了热议。最近,某网站举行了一次题为“对今年春晚植入广告的态度”的调查,请根据以下饼图(pie chart)所示信息用英语写一篇短文,并提出你自己的看法。注意: 1. 对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。2. 词数150左右。开头已给出,不计入总词数。3. 植入广告: product placementThe 2010 Spring Festival Gala has set records for TV commerci

6、al rates, which accordingly has caused heated discussions due to product placement in the programmes.As is shown in the pie chart, 20% of the people surveyed think it acceptable, for the product placement appears in the programmes naturally. And 15% of them consider it necessary for CCTV to make mon

7、ey from product placement, which is of great benefit to the development of CCTV itself.However, among the people surveyed, more than one third of them complain that the product placement has nothing to do with the programmes. 25% of them even feel hurt seeing so much of it. Furthermore, the rest 10%

8、 hold the view that great harm has been done to the image of CCTV.From the chart we can draw a conclusion that most of the people surveyed are against product placement in the programmes. In my opinion, product placement nowadays is almost unavoidable, but it should not damage the art of the show an

9、d should take the audiences feelings into account.英语书面表达范文背诵篇(3)高三学年即将面临高考,学生学习压力很大,你校准备组织高三学生进行校外活动。你在班级作了一次调查,了解学生对这一活动的看法,发现高三学生对参加学校活动有着不同的看法,请以Taking Part in School Activities 为题,用英文写一篇150词左右的短文,着重介绍两种不同的观点和态度,最后谈谈你的个人看法。支持者(40%)反对者(60%)你的看法1从实践中学得知识2减轻学习压力 3增加同学友情1学生的首要任务是学习2学校活动与学习无3浪费学习时间 标题

10、和开头已给,不计入总词数。少于或多于150词20个以上扣2分。Taking Part in School ActivitiesAs for school activities, students mainly hold two views. About 40% of the students are very enthusiastic about school activities; they have their reasons. Firstly, they think that learning from textbooks is not their only task and they

11、should take any chance to get some practical knowledge. Secondly, they think that after long hours study, they can relax themselves by participating in school activities. Besides, this is a good chance to develop good relationships with classmates. However, 60% of the students take little interest i

12、n them and are strongly against the school activity. They believe that they should make full use of time to study, and that school activities have little to do with their further development. Taking part in school activities is a waste of time. Thus sometimes they even laugh at those who take an act

13、ive part in school activities. As far as Im concerned, I prefer the first view. On the one hand, we can learn a great deal from other students we meet in activities. Furthermore, the modern society requires many qualities of young students, so “book worms” cant keep up with the times.英语书面表达范文背诵篇(4)接

14、连发生的酒后驾驶、飙车肇事致死案,引发了社会高度关注。2010年8月15日起,全国行动,重拳整治“酒驾”,各地出台措施,狠扎酒驾痛穴。2011年5月,酒驾入刑请你根据以下内容,以Treasure Our Lives为题在你个人博客上发文,奉劝司机朋友珍爱生命,切莫酒后驾车。案例15月7日,杭州市中心飙车案,过路浙大毕业生身亡。26月30日,南京司机醉驾肇事,5死4伤。呼吁1. 关爱生命,关爱社会,关爱家人。2. 履行公民职责,拒绝酒后驾车。 3. 路人自我防范,避免交通事故。措施考生自拟(至少三项措施)。参考词汇:飙车drag-race;醉驾drunk driving;路人pedestrian

15、。词数150。开头已给出,不计入总数。Treasure Our LivesWith the number of cars increasing in cities, traffic accidents occur frequently, calling serious attention across the globe and becoming a major concern in our society today.Frightening news never stops shocking people. May 7th witnessed a terrible accident due

16、todrag-racing in the city center of Hangzhou,causing immediate death of a graduate when he was walking across the road from Zhejiang University. On June 30th, drunk driving in Nanjing resulted in five deaths and four injuries.Painful lessons quite set the alarm bells ringing. Harmonious society call

17、s for people who treasure their lives as well as their family and the society itself. Drivers should always put their responsibilities on top of everything and say “no” strongly to drunk driving. For the sake of safety, pedestrians are never too careful while crossing streets so as to avoid traffic

18、accident.It is time that governments took steps to prevent drunk driving. Severe punishment should be carried out without mercy whether it is drag-racing or drunk driving. As students, we should always slow down while approaching crossroads and never run red lights. Only when everybody obeys traffic

19、 rules can we enjoy a happier life (只有当我们遵守交通法规时,我们才能永享幸福生活).英语书面表达范文背诵篇(5)下面的图表显示了某校高三学生周末放假的学习生活情况。Ways to spend the weekend 根据上图信息,请以 “Ways to spend the weekend” 为题,用英语写一篇100120个词的短文。 要求如下:1. 简要描述图中的信息;2. 说明原因 (为了高效学习;锻炼身体;争分夺秒);3. 谈谈你的看法。注意:文章标题和开头已给出(不计词数)Ways to spend the weekendAs can be seen

20、 from the chart, senior three students have different ways to spend their weekends. Going back home and having a good rest is what most students would like to do, while 25% students choose to study at school during weekends. The least studnts , accounting for 15% , take outdoor activities to spend t

21、heir weekends. Various reasons are responsible for their different choices. Those who choose to go back home believe that a good rest does help them relax and work more efficiently during the school time. Outdoor-activity lovers hold the opinoin that taking exercise is a wonderful way to refresh the

22、mselves. However, a small number of students living far away from home tend to stay at school to save every minute to study. Personally, despite the heavy study pressure, senior three year doesnt necessarily mean studying all the time. Sometimes a good rest and proper exercise can be of vital import

23、ance.同类作文范文:假设你是李华,你的英国笔友Henry 最近来信,询问你高考后的暑期安排。请根据以下要点,用英语回一封信,说明你的计划,并简述理由。1休息; 2.读书; 3.陪伴父母; 4.参加社会活动;注意:1.词数100左右,信的开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数);2.可根据内容要点适当增加细节,使行文连贯;3.参考词汇:高考college entrance examination社会活动social activitiesIm glad to receive your letter. Its a pleasure for me to tell you my plan of this

24、 coming summer vacation after the college entrance examination. First of all, a good rest is needed because I do feel tired after the hard work of all these years. Of course, Ill do some reading for fun, and for knowledge as well. Ill spend some time staying with my parents, chatting with them and d

25、oing some housework. Theyve done so much for me, you know. If possible, Ill take part in some social activities so that I can know more about the society.Best wishes!Li Hua英语书面表达范文背诵篇(6)World Heritage sites enjoy a long history with rich content, which are cultural treasures for human beings. Howeve

26、r, they are facing more and more problems with the rapid development of our society. ( However, World Heritage sites are now facing many serious problems.) Firstly, some sites are badly damaged by natural disasters, such as earthquake, sandstorm, weathering and so on. Besides/ secondly, our humans a

27、lso do some harm to them for some entertainment companies shoot films and TV plays, because they want to catch the eyes by those rare World Heritage sites. There are also many tourists scratching on the old buildings, stones and trees just for fun or to prove that they have arrived there. Thirdly, t

28、here is no doubt that other factors can also lead to the loss of World Heritage sites, constant wars and construction included.Obviously, many factors contribute to damage of World Heritage sites. As a result, it is time we took steps to preserve them/ it is an urgent task for us to take steps to pr

29、eserve them. We should plant more trees to prevent them from being damaged by natural disasters. Then, as for some companies, they should increase the awareness of responsibility and they shouldnt damage our environment just for making profit.After all, the beauty of the world depends on everyone.英语

30、书面表达范文背诵篇(7)自哥本哈根气候大会以来,“实行低碳经济”,“过低碳生活”已成为人们关注的热门话题。最近你班就这个话题展开了热烈的讨论。请你根据下表所提供的信息,给21st Century 写篇文章,报道你们班的讨论情况。为什么要“实行低碳经济”温室气体大量排放,污染严重,环境恶化如何走“绿色发展道路”1植树造林2开发清洁能源和再生性能源3回收和利用废弃物过低碳生活如何“从我做起”(联系自己拟定内容,至少列举两点)注意: 1对所给要点,逐一陈述,适当发挥,不要简单翻译。2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3文章中不得提及考生所在学校及本人姓名。Since the Copenha

31、gen Climate Conference, carrying out low carbon common & living a low carbon life has been a hot topic. Recently our class had a heated discussion about it.Through the discussion, we are fully aware of the necessity of carrying out a low carbon economy in our country. Fossil fuels have been mainly u

32、sed for power for quite a long time, thus producing large quantities of greenhouse gases and causing serious pollution. People have paid more attention to economic growth than the environmental protection. / People have given priority to economic growth over the environmental protection. If the situation continues, China will die of its own development.During the discussion, my classmates put for

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