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高一英语unit 5 the silver screen一周强化新人教版.docx

1、高一英语unit 5 the silver screen一周强化新人教版Unit 5 The silver screen一周强化一、本单元重点单词1scene n. 场面:情景;布景;出事地点;现场.This is a play with few scene changes.这是一部很少更换布景的戏剧。(布景)These are the objects found at the scene of the crime.这些是在犯罪现场找到的物品。(现场)You can see some scenes from the new socialist country side in this film

2、.你可以在这部片子里看到一些关于社会主义新农村的几则特写。(情节,情景)派生词:scenic adj. 舞台的;布景的比较:scene / scenery / viewscenery 是指“风景,景色”(尤指美丽、一览无余的乡村景色),强调全貌,是从美的观点来看的。view 是指scenery 的一部份,一般指从某处所见的远景(如从窗往外看)。scene 也可指从某处所见之景色,但多半包含人与动物。例如:The beautiful scenery of the English lakes attracted many tourists.英国湖泊的风光吸引了许多游客。You can find a

3、 fine view of the river, standing near the window.站在窗边,你能发现一副河流的美景。The happy scene of children playing in the garden reminded him of his childhood.孩子们在花园中游玩的欢乐情景使他想起了他的童年。2law n. 法律;法学;规律用法:(1)指“一国的法律”前面要用the. 例如:The law forbids stealing.法律禁止盗窃。Anyone who breaks the law should be punished.任何触犯法律的人将会

4、受到惩罚。(break the law 犯法,触犯法律)相关词组:obey the law 守法(2)指“法治”,常用于词组law and order,意思是“法治”。(3)指“法学;法律知识”,如:read / study law研读法律(4)指“律师;司法界”时与the连用。例如:After graduation, he want to practice / follow the law.毕业后,他想做律师。(practice / follow the law做律师)(5)指“法则,原理,规则,规定”时是可数名词。例如:Boyles law is a scientific principl

5、e.波义耳定律是一项科学原理。(定律)Do you know the laws of cricket?你知道板球的规则吗?(规则)相关词组:go to law against与打官司a law of nature自然规律派生词:lawyer n. 律师3role n. 角色主要用法:play a role in指“在中扮演角色”。play the role of (sb)指“扮演的角色”。例如:He was invited to play a role in this TV play.他被邀请在这个电视剧里扮演一个角色。Gong Li played the role of Qiu Ju in

6、this film successfully.在这部影片中,巩俐把秋菊扮演得很成功。另外,role还可指“(生活中,活动中)任务;职责”,例如:Technology plays an important role in developing modern agriculture.科技在发展现代农业中起着重要作用。注意:role指“角色”,“职务任务”讲时,可以与part 互换。例如:play a role / part in play the role / part of play an important role / part in 4award n. 奖了奖品;vt. 奖励;授予(一般用

7、作被动语态)比较:award / reward /prize /honour award:指一种官方的奖励行为,往往鼓励在工作中达到成就或所提出的要求而进行一种奖励。强调荣誉而不在乎奖品的大小或奖金的多少。例如:Mr. Wang has been awarded the title of “Advanced Workers”,王先生被授予了“先进工作者”的称号。An award of 5,000 will be given to those hurt in the explosion.五千英镑的赔偿金将被赔偿给那些在爆炸中受伤的人。reward:多指对某人的工作或服务等的报答。如帮助警察抓到罪

8、犯或帮助失主找到东西而得到赏金、酬金。例如:His reward for his loyal support for the party was a seat in the Cabinet.在内阁安置了他一个席位作为他对那个政党衷心支持的报答。He received a medal as a reward for his courage.他得到一枚奖章,作为他对勇敢的奖赏。prize:多指在各类竞赛、竞争或抽彩中所赢得的奖。这种奖赏有的凭能力获得,有的凭运气获得。例如:A prize was given to the person who had the winning number.奖品奖给

9、了那个获得中奖号码的人。honour:一般指“尊敬,敬重;荣誉,名誉”等。例如:The visiting head of state was given the honour of a twenty-one salute.来访的国家元首领受了二十一响礼炮的礼遇。5degree n. 学位;度数;程度主要用法:(1)指“在某种程度上”常与to连用。to a degree意为“极端地,极其;有点,稍微”。例如:I suppose that each one of us is, to a degree, a prisoner of our experience.我想我们每个人在一定程度上都受着个人经

10、历的禁锢。(2)指“温度,度数”,常与at连用,例如:at ten degrees centigrade在摄氏十度(相当于at 10)(3)指“某科的学位”时,常在degree后面接介词in。例如:He holds a masters degree in education.他有教育学硕士学位。相关词组:by degrees逐渐地to the last degree极度地to a certain /some degree在一定程度上6speed vt. & vi加快,速飞,飞跑n.速度过去式、过去分词为:speedsped sped 或 speed speeded speeded主要用法;He

11、 speeded on his way with breathless speed.他屏息地急行。(快行,迅速前进,vi.)Yao Ming sped the ball on its way.姚明带球迅速前进。(快速传递,vt.)We should try to speed the wounded back to health.我们应该尽力使伤员早日恢复健康。(促进,vt.)关键词组:speed up 意为“使加快速度”,此词组可用作及物动词或者不及物动词词组。例如:The train speeded up soon.火车不久就加快了速度。(vi.)We should speed up the

12、 building of socialism.我们必须加快社会主义建设。(vt.)speed away /off 指“疾驰而去,迅速传播”。例如:I saw a car speeding away just now.我刚才看到一辆汽车疾驰而去。The train is traveling at a speed of fifty miles an hour.火车以每小时50英里的速度前进。(at a speed of 数字,以的速度)注意:“以速度”后有具体的数据时,要用不定冠词a.He wants to be a football player with good speed.他想成为一位速度

13、很快的足球运动员。(with good speed)He made his escape by speed rather than cleverness.他之所以能逃脱,是动作迅速而非机智。(by speed凭借速度)相关词组:at full / top speed 全速(具体)with all / great speed 迅速地(抽象)at an ordinary speed 以正常速度7owe vt. &vi. 欠(债等);感激;把归功于(常与介词to连用)主要用法:可接双宾语:(owe sb. sth.)例如:He owes me 20 for my work.他欠我工资20镑。(owe

14、 sb. money 欠债)We owe our parents a lot.我们感激自己的父母。(owe sb. sth. 感激)注意:owe sb. sth.= owe sth. to sb.以上两句可分别写为:He owes me 20 for my work.=He owes 20 to me for my work.We owe our parents a lot=We owe a lot to our parents.We owe all our success to the wise leadership of our Party.我们把一切成就都归功于党的英明领导。(owe s

15、th. to sb. /sth. 把归功于)重要短语:owing to 由于(because of )We were late, owing to the snow.由于下雪,我们迟到了。Owing to our efforts, the task was finished ahead of time.由于我们的努力,任务提前完成了。8accept (主观)接受;认可;同意,承认(着重一个人的态度)cf : receive (客观)收到,(特别指通过邮递等)He has accepted our invitation.他已接受了我们的邀请。(vt.)I accept your reason f

16、or being late.我相信你迟到的理由。(vt.)He asked her to marry him, and she accepted.他向她求婚,她答应了。(vi. )She received his invitation, but she didnt accept it.她收到了他的邀请,但并没有接受。注意:accept不可接动词不定式作宾语。下面句子为错句:He has accepted to go to a dinner with us.他已经同意与我们一起用餐。(错误)派生词:accepted adj.公认的acceptable adj.可接受的,合意的,受到欢迎的9det

17、ermine vi. 决定;决心(to form a firm intention in the mind )主要搭配:(1)determine to do sth.决定/确定去做某事He has determined to settle down in the countryside.他决定在农村安家落户。(2)determinethat-从句He determined that he would go at once.他决心马上去。(3)determine sth决定/确定某事Its time to determine the rights and wrongs of the case.是

18、决定本案是非的时候了。Weather determines the size of the crop.气候决定收成好不好。(4)determine sb. to do sth.His advice determined me to delay no more.他的劝告使我决定不再拖延。相当于:His advise determined me against further delay.(determine sb against sth.)(5)determine on sth.We determined on an early start. 我们决定尽早出发。派生词:(1)determined

19、 adj. 坚决的,毅然的a determined women 一个有决心的女人a determined look坚决的表情be determined to do sth. 决心去做某事。例如:We are determined to go and nothing will stop us.我们决心要去,没有什么可以阻挡我们。(2)determination n. 决心,果断a woman with great determination一个很有决心的女人10afford vt. & vi. 买得起,花费得起;抽得出(时间);提供;给予(常与can / could /be able to连用,

20、指一种能力上的承受力)主要用法:They were able to afford a house.他们终于能够买一栋房子了。(afford sth.)I cant afford to buy a car at present.目前我买不起车。(afford to do sth.)Our garden affords us fresh vegetables.我们的园子为我们提供了新鲜的蔬菜。(afford sb. sth. )I cant afford one week away from work.我无暇离开工作一周。(afford time 抽得出时间)二、本单元重点短语1take off成

21、功;成名;脱掉(衣服);(飞机)起飞主要用法:(1)作“(飞机,太空船等的)起飞”时,为不及物动词,后面不可接宾语,不可有被动语态。例如:A helicopter is able to take off and land straight up and down.直升飞机可以直接起飞和降落。(2)指“脱掉(衣服、鞋等)”时,是及物动词,后面可接宾语。例如:He took off his wet shoes.他把湿鞋子脱了下来。He took off his glasses and looked up.他摘下眼镜抬头看了看。opp. put on穿上(3)指“(观念,产品等)突然大受欢迎;成功;

22、成名”。例如:The new dictionary has really taken off.这部新词典极受欢迎。Sales of home computers have taken off in recent years.家用电脑的销售量近年来上升很快。2go wrong(1)走错路;算错;弄错(to make a mistake, as in following a path, or a method)The sum is wrong, but I cant see where I went wrong.总数错了,可是我看不出哪里算错了。(2)(结果)变坏了(to end badly)Th

23、e day down by the sea went wrong.到海边那天不好玩。(3)坏了,不能走了(to stop working properly)Our clock went wrong.我们的钟坏了。(4)(指品格)变坏了(to act badly, immorally, etc.)He met some bad friends and they helped him to go wrong.他跟一些坏朋友混在一起,被他们带坏了。比较:go bad(指食物)变质,不适合吃了(to become unfit to eat)This fish has gone bad because

24、of the hot weather.由于天气热,这条鱼坏了。3in all 总共,总之;总计,合计(counting everyone /everything; altogether )How many are there in all?总计有多少?(altogether )These are twenty in all.一共有二十。(altogether )比较:in all / at all / after all /above all(1)at all(用来加强语气),主要有以下几种含义:常用于否定句,表示“完全不,一点也不。”例如:It makes no sense at all.这

25、毫无意义。I dont agree with you at all.我根本不同意你的意见。也可用于疑问句,陈述句,用来加强语气。例如:Do you know at all?你究竟知道吗?(疑问句)I want to know what she is there at all for.我要知道她究竟为什么呆在那里。He liked to go anywhere at all.他喜欢到任何地方去。not at all用来回答别人的感激。例如:Its very kind of you to help me.Not at all.谢谢你帮助我。没什么。Thank you very much.谢谢你。N

26、ot at all.别客气。(2)after all 终究,毕竟(in spite of everything )。例如:So you see I was right after all!你看,到头来还是我对。记着(it must be remembered that )I know he hasnt finished the work, but, after all, he is a very busy man.我知道他尚未完成工作,不过,别忘了,他是个忙人。(3)above all最主要的是(most important of all )。例如:The song is loved abov

27、e all by the children.这首歌尤为儿童所喜爱。Dont tell that matter to anyone, above all to my mother.不要把那件事告诉任何人,尤其是我的母亲。What we parents should pay attention to, above all, is our childrens interest in their studies.我们父母首先应该注意的是我们的孩子对学习的兴趣。4辨析:run after / run behind run after 追逐,追赶,追求。例如:A dog is running after

28、rabbits.一只狗正在追逐兔子。(追逐)Hes always running after women.他老是在追女人。(追求)run behind在后面跑/跑在后面(指位置)A dog is running behind rabbits.一只狗正跑在兔子的后面。三、本单元重难点句子解析1After graduating she went to New York, where she started working as an actress. 毕业之后,她到了纽约,在那里,她从演员职业开始做起。(1)After graduating 短语中,after在其中是个介词。此短语,可以是一个从句

29、:After she graduated from school,在从句中,after是个连词。英语中,有的词只有一个词性,有的词却具有多种词性。例如:after / before 就只有接句子时,它们才是连词,如果不接句子,则为介词。而其它连词,如:when / if / unless / although / though等则不论在什么情况下均为连词。例如:Before you hand in your examination papers, you should check them carefully.在交试卷之前,你应该仔细核对答案。相当于:Before(prep.) handing

30、 in your examination papers, 难点:在省略句中的运用在英语中,有些从句的主语如果同主句的主语一致,且从句主语后紧接着一个be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语及其be动词。例如:I am not going to the party unless I am invited.省略形式为:I am not going to the party unless invited.While still a student, she played roles in many plays.(while后省略了she was。)但这一规则却不能适用于after/before 引导的从句,例如:Before your examination papers are handed in, they should be checked carefully by you.在你的试卷交上来之前,你应该认真核对答案。省略形式不可写为:Before handed in, they should be checked carefully by you.因为before后没有句子时,只能作为介词使用,因此句子应改为:Before being handed in, your examination papers should be checked carefu

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