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1、经典美剧老友记第一季第二集字幕对白中英文对照看美剧学英语What you guys dont understand is, 你们男生不懂的是for us, kissing is as important as any part of it. 接吻对女生的重要性Yeah, right!. 是嘛Yserious? 当真吗Oh, yeah! 当然Everything you need to know is in that first kiss. 初吻可以让人明白一切Absolutely. 没错Yeah, I think for us, 对我们而言kissing is pretty much like

2、 an opening act, you know? 接吻就像是暖场序幕kissing is pretty much like an opening act, you know? 摇滚乐队I mean its like the stand-up comedian you have to sit through 就像平克弗洛伊德出场前before Pink Floyd comes out. 你得耐着性子先看完暖场搞笑秀Yeah, and-and its not that 对 而且 我们并非we dont like the comedian, its that-that. 讨厌搞笑表演 而是因为t

3、hats not why we bought the ticket. 只是我们买票又不是为了看搞笑秀The problem is, though, after the concerts over, 问题在于演唱会结束后no matter how great the show was, 不论表演有多精采you girls are always looking for the comedian again, you know? 你们女生总还想再重温暖场搞笑秀I mean, were in the car, were fighting traffic.basically 我们在车中奋力杀出车阵jus

4、t trying to stay awake. 只是拼命让自己别睡着Yeah, well, word of advice:Bring back the comedian. 是哦 给你个建议 让搞笑秀返场Otherwise next time youre gonna find yourself 否则下次你们只能坐在家里sitting at home, listening to that album alone. 独自一人听唱片.Are we still talking about sex? 我们现在还在谈论性吗.Are we still talking about sex? 史前历史博物馆No,

5、 its good, it is good, its just that- Mm- 不 挺好的 只是doesnt she seem a little angry? 她看起来是不是有点生气啊Well, she has issues. 那是因为她有问题了Does she? 真的吗Hes out banging other women over the head with a club, 她男人在外头拿着大棒敲昏别的女人while she sits at home trying to 而她却得在家get the mastodon smell out of the carpet! 努力清除地毯上乳齿象

6、的臭味Marsha, these are cave people. 玛莎 他们是原始人Okay? They have issues like 明白吗 他们关心的问题应该是Gee, that glaciers getting kind of close. 嘿 冰川时代离我们越来越近了- See? - Speaking of issues, isnt that your ex-wife? -懂吗 -谈到问题 那不是你前妻吗Me? No. 我 不是Yes, it is. Carol! Hi! 正是 卡罗尔 你好Okay.Yes.Yes,it is. 好吧 是的Okay.Yes.Yes,it is.

7、史前生命展即将开幕How about Ill catch up with you in the Ice Age? 咱们到冰河世纪那边见好吗You look great. I, uh. 你的气色好极了 我I hate that. 虽然我很不喜欢Sorry. thanks.You look good too. 抱歉 谢了 你看起来也不错Ah, well, in here, anyone who.stands erect. 在这儿任何直立的人So whats new? Still, uh. 最近怎么样 还是A lesbian? 女同性恋 never know. Hows, um. 世

8、事难料嘛 那么hows the family? 家庭生活如何Martys still totally paranoid. Oh, and, uh- 玛蒂的疑心病还是很重 还有Why- why are you here, Carol? 卡罗尔 你来找我有什么事Im pregnant. 我怀孕了Pregnant?! 怀孕she didnt leave in such a hurry after all 她似乎不急着离开Oh, I think this is the episode of Threes Company where 我猜这是三人行里theres some kind of misunde

9、rstanding. 他们有误会的那集.Then Ive already seen this one! 那我果真看过这一集Are you through with that? 喝完没Yeah, sorry, the swallowing slowed me down. 真不好意思 我咽得太慢了Whose little ball of paper is this?! 这是谁的小纸团Oh, uh, that would be mine. See, I wrote a note to myself, 应该是我的 我写给自己一张便条and then I realised I didnt need it

10、, so I balled it up and. 后来觉得不需要 于是将它揉成纸团.now I wish I was dead. 于是我现在不想活了Shes already fluffed that pillow. 那个枕头她已经拍过了Monica, you know,youve already fluffed that-but, its fine! 莫妮卡 你已经拍过了枕头了 算了Look , Im sorry, guys, 抱歉各位I just dont wanna give them any more ammunition 我只是不想给他们任何than they already have

11、. 借题发挥的机会Yes, and we all know how cruel a parent can be 没错 众所周知父母对孩子的枕头about the flatness of a childs pillow. 要求有多苛刻Monica? Hi! 莫妮卡Um, Monica, youre scaring me. 莫妮卡 你吓到我了I mean, youre like, youre like all chaotic and twirly. 我是说 你现在一副慌张失措的样子And not-not in a good way. 而且显得不是很好Yeah, calm down. 对啊 放轻松Y

12、ou dont see Ross getting all chaotic and 每次他们来时从没见twirly every time they come. 罗斯露出慌张的样子Thats because as far as my parents are concerned, Ross can do no wrong. 因为在我爸妈心目中 罗斯不可能犯错Ysee, hes the Prince. 他是个王子Apparently they had some big ceremony before I was born. 显然 他们在我出生前有个大型仪式What? 什么Ugly Naked Guy

13、got a thigh-master! 丑裸男搞了个健腿器Has anybody seen my engagement ring? 有人见我订婚戒指了吗Yeah, its beautiful. 有 挺漂亮的Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God, Oh God. 天哪 天哪 天哪 天哪No, look, dont touch that! 嘿 不要动它们Oh, like I wasnt dreading tomorrow enough, 还嫌我现在不够恐慌害怕吗having to give it back to him. 明天就得还他戒指了H

14、i Barry! Remember me? Im the girl in the veil 巴瑞 记得我不 我是那个身穿婚纱who stomped on your heart in front of your entire family! 当着你全家人的面让你颜面无存的女孩Oh God and now Im gonna have to return the ring, 天啊 如今我要去把戒指还给他without the ring, which makes it so much harder. 结果戒指没了 这是要逼死我啊Easy Rach, well find it. Wont we! 别急

15、瑞秋 我们会找到的 对不Oh! Yeah! 是呀 没错Alright, when do you have it on last? 最后一次戴是在什么时候Doy! Probably right before she lost it! 呆子 大概是在丢失之前咯You dont get a lot of doy these days. 这年头说呆子的人还真不多I know I had it this morning, 我今天早上还戴着呢and I know I had it when I was in the kitchen with. 我记得当时我正在厨房.Dinah? 和黛娜一起吗Ohhhhh,

16、 dont be mad. 别生气You didnt? 你不是吧Oh, I am sorry. 哦 对不起I gave you one job! 我就让你做了这么一件事情Oh, but look how straight those noodles are! 不过这面条煮得还真直Now, Monica, you know thats not 莫妮卡 你明白的how you look for an engagement ring in a lasagne. 在千层面中找订婚戒指不是这个样子找的I just.cant do it. 我 办不到Boys? Were going in. 伙计们 动手吧

17、Wow. That is not a happy hi. 听语气不怎么开心啊Carols pregnant. 卡罗尔怀孕了Ooh! I found it! 我找到了W-w-wh-.wha-.w-w-w-. 什么 啥 怎么 什么Yeah. Do that for another two hours, 保持这个状态两小时you might be where I am right about now. 你就会变成我现在这样了Kinda puts that whole pillow thing in perspective, huh, Mon? 如此一来 就不用操心枕头的事了对吧Well now, h

18、ow-how do you fit into this whole thing? 那现在 你现在要怎么办Well, Carol says she and Susan want me to be involved, 卡罗尔说她和苏珊想让我也参与进来but if Im not comfortable with it, I dont have to be involved. 但是我对此感觉很不自在 我不想掺和basically its totally up to me. 一切由我做决定She is so great! I miss her. 她人好好 我真想念她What does she mean

19、by involved? 她所谓的参与是什么意思I mean presumably, the biggest part of your job is done. 我觉得 最大部分的工作你已经完成了Anyway, they want me to go down to this- 总之 她们要我明天一起去sonogram thing with them tomorrow. 做超声波检查So what are you gonna do? 你打算怎么做I have no idea. 我也不知道No matter what I do, though, Im still gonna be a father

20、. 不管我怎么做 我都要当爸爸了.Well, this is still ruined, right? 面已经被搅乱了 不是吗Oh, Martha Ludwins daughter is gonna call you. 玛莎卢德文的女儿会打电话给你Mmm! Whats that curry taste? 怎么会有咖哩味Curry. 那就是咖喱I- I think theyre great! I, I really do. 我觉得挺很好吃 真的Do you remember the Ludwins? 你还记得卢德文一家人吗The big one had a thing for you, didn

21、t she? 他家的大女儿挺喜欢你 对不They all had a thing for him. 他们家的女儿都喜欢他Aw, Mom. 别这样 妈Im sorry, why is this girl going to call me? 抱歉 她为何要打电话给我Oh, she just graduated, and she wants to be something in cooking, 她刚毕业 想找份烹饪的工作or food, or.I dont know. 或是做饭啥的 我也不清楚Anyway, I told her you had a restaurant- 总之 我告诉她你开了一家

22、餐馆No Mom, I dont have a restaurant, 不 妈 我没开餐馆I work in a restaurant. 我是在餐厅工作Well, they dont have to know that. 他们不需要知道这个Ross, could you come and help me with the spaghetti, please? 罗斯 能过来帮我做意大利面吗- Yeah. - Oh, were having spaghetti! -好 -我们要吃意大利面呀Thats.easy. 太简单了I know this is going to sound unbelieva

23、bly selfish, 我知道这样要求过于自私but, were you planning on bringing up the whole baby/lesbian thing? 你能提一下孩子和女同性恋的事吗Because I think it might take some of the heat off me. 因为那样好歹能让我稍稍喘口气What that Rachel did to her life. 瑞秋最近闯了那么大的祸We ran into her parents at the club, 我们在俱乐部遇见她父母they were not playing very well

24、. 他们很不开心Im not gonna tell you what they spent on that wedding. 我不会告诉你他们为婚礼耗费了多少钱but forty thousand dollars is a lot of money! 但是四万块可是不少钱呢Well, at least she had the chance to leave a man at the altar. 至少她曾拥有过把男人丢在教堂圣坛的机会Whats that supposed to mean? 这话算什么意思Nothing! Its an expression. 没什么 表达一下亲情No, its

25、 not. 不 才不是呢Dont listen to your mother. 别听你妈的Youre independent, and you always have been! 你独立自主 而且一直都这么独Even when you were a kid. 就连你小时候也一样and you were chubby, and you had no friends, 那时你胖嘟嘟 一个朋友也没有you were just fine! 你还是活得好好的And you would read alone in your room, and your puzzles. 你会独自待在自己房间里看书 玩拼图

26、Look, there are people like Ross who need to shoot for the stars, 而像罗斯这种人却注定要做人中之龙的with his museum, and his papers getting published. 在博物馆工作 发表论文Other people are satisfied with staying where they are- 其他人则安逸于现状Im telling you, these are the people who never get cancer. 告诉你 这些人绝不会得癌症哦.And I read about

27、 these women trying to have it all, 我曾读过一些女性也试图想拥有一切and I thank God Our Little Harmonica doesnt seem to have that problem. 幸好咱家的小莫妮卡完全没有这种烦恼So, Ross, whats going on with you? 罗斯 你最近怎么样Any stories? 有啥情况吗No news, no little anecdotes to share with the folks? 没有新闻八卦之类能和爸妈分享一下吗Okay! Okay. 好吧 好吧Look, I, u

28、h- I realise 听着 我明白you guys have been wondering 你们一直想知道what exactly happened between Carol and me, and, 我和卡罗尔之间倒底出了什么事so, well, heres the deal. 事情是这样的Carols a lesbian. 卡罗尔是同性恋Shes living with a woman named Susan. 她现在和一个叫苏珊的女人住在一起Shes pregnant with my child, 她还怀了我的孩子and she and Susan are going to rai

29、se the baby. 并打算和苏珊共同抚养And you knew about this?! 这些你居然全都知道Your folks are really that bad, huh? 你的爸妈真的很不怎么样啊Well, yknow, these people are pros. 你要知道他们特别专业They know what theyre doing, 他们运筹帷幄they take their time, they get the job done. 慢慢部署 最后总能达到目的Boy, I know they say you cant change your parents,. 常言

30、道 父母是无法交换的boy, if you could-Id want yours. 如果可以 我要你的父母Must pee. 我去尿尿Yknow, its even worse when youre twins. 如果你是双胞胎 情况会更惨- Youre twins? - Yeah. We dont speak. -你是双胞胎 -对 我们不往来Shes like this high-powered, driven career type. 她是那种精力充沛 事业心强的人What does she do? 她从事什么工作Shes a waitress. 服务生All right, you gu

31、ys, I kinda gotta clean up now. 好了各位 我得打扫了Chandler, youre an only child, right? 钱德勒 你是独生子对吧- You dont have any of this. - Well, no, -你就没这些困扰 -没有although I did have an imaginary friend, 不过我有个想像中的朋友 parents actually preferred. 而我爸妈比较喜欢他The lights, please. 帮我关灯.How long was I in there? 我刚在里面多久了Im just cleaning up. 我在做打扫Do you need any help? 那么 你 你需要帮忙吗Uh.oka

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