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1、六年级英语毕业专项复习之一词汇部分六年级毕业专项复习之一(词汇部分)第一部分:复习要点与方法(按要求重点复习下面的单词):(一)见词汇表(注意“三会”和“四会”的要求)(二)注意下面词组和短语:Aa lot of, a pair of, after class/school, agree with, all day long, ask for, at first/last;Bbe born, be full of, be good at, be worried about, by the way;Ccatch up with, clean up, close to, come to tea;

2、Ddo some reading/shopping, different from, do well in;Eeach other;Ffall over, far away from, from door to door, fromto, from then on;Gget down, get dressed, get out of, get up, go away, go back, go boating/shopping/fishing/sightseeing, go for a walk, go for it, go on, go on a diet, go out, go to bed

3、,good luck;Hhand in, have a bath, have a cold, have a good time, have fun, have a look, have been to, have to, help yourself to, help s.b. with, how many, how much;Iin English, in front of, in time, in trouble;Kkeep a diary;Lleave for, listen to, look at, look for, lots of;Mmore than, make a sp

4、eech;NNew Year;Oof course, on foot, on time, out there, over there;Ppen friend, pick up, plenty of, put on, police station, post office, put on;SSpring Festival, straight ahead, surf the net;Ttake a rest, take exercise, take the medicine, take photos, talk about, Teachers Day,the day after tomorrow,

5、 the day before yesterday, the Great Wall, the only child, thePearl River, the poor, the rich, there is/are, train station, Tree Planting Day, trick or treat, turn on, TV station;WWait for, wake up;Yyears old, Youd better(三)缩写词:原词缩写词原词缩写词is notisntare notarentwill notwontwas notwasntwere notWerentca

6、nnotcantdid notdidntshould notshouldntmust notmustntneed notneedntthat isthatsit isitswhere iswhereswho iswhoswhen iswhenswhat iswhats 此外我们还学过下面的一些缩写词,如: UK, USA, PE, a.m., p.m. Mr, Mrs, CD, VCD(四)复习单词学习方法可以是:1根据单词的读音来记单词的拼写,把字母和字母组合的读音规则和单词的拼写挂钩,比较容易记住单词的拼写;2英语的一个特点是“一词多义”,单词的意思应该在句子中体会;3记忆单词的时候,最好

7、一眼到、口到、手到,即边看、边读、边写;4把单词分类记忆也是一个好方法;5加大单词的复现率,帮助自己记忆单词,可以增加一些阅读和做练习,在阅读合做练习中加大词汇的重现率;第二部分:练习一、Try your best to fill in the blanks with the right letters. 尽你的能力写出下面单词所缺的字母。1. 数字(1) _ne, f_ve, thr_ _, _ight, n_ne, _l_ven, tw_lve, th_ _teen, f_fteen, s_v_nteen, tw_nty, th_ _ty, f_fty, f_ _rty, s_xty, n

8、_n_ty, h_ndr_d, th_ _sand;(2) f_ _st, s_c_nd, th_ _d, f_ _rth, f_fth, _ _ghth, n_nth, t_nth, tw_l_th, tw_nt_ _th, th_ _ti_th2. 颜色gr_ _, r_d, gr_ _n, y_ll_w, bl_e, wh_te, bl_ck, p_nk, _r_nge, br_ _n3. 食品、饮料(1) f_ _d, r_ce, c_ke, _gg, sw_ _t, n_ _dles, br_ _d, b_n, c_ _kie, s_ ap, _ce cr_ _m;(2) ch_ck

9、_n, m_ _t, b_ _f, f_sh;(3) dr_nks, j_ _ce, m_lk, c_ke, t_a, c_ff_ _4. 植物、水果(1) tr_ _, fl_ _er, l_af, s_ _d, fr_it, gr_ss;(2) _ose, l_ly, s_nfl_ _er;(3) v_g_t_ble, _n_on, t_m_t_, p_t_t_, c_bb_ge, c_rr_t, m_shr_ _m;(4) _pple, p_ _r, _r_nge, b_n_n_, gr_pe, p_ _ch5. 文具p_n, p_nc_l, r_bb_r, r_l_r, m_p, d_

10、ct_on_ry6. 动物(1) ch_cken, d_ck, g_ _se;(2) d_g, c_t, p_g, sh_ _p, g_ _t, h_ _se, c_t;(3) l_on, t_g_r, _l_ph_nt, sn_ke, k_ng_r_ _, m_nk_y, b_ _r, p_l_r b_ _r, p_nd_, wh_le, t_ rtle, fr_g, b_ _d,sh_ _k7. 服装cl_thes, T-sh_rt, sh_rt, sk_rt, dr_ss, c_ _t, bl_ _se, sh_ _ts, h_t, c_p, sh_e, s_ck, st_ck_ng;8

11、. 自然界(1) s_n, m_ _n, st_ _, sk_(2) r_v_r, se_, l_ke, h_ll, m_ _nt_in9. 人,家庭与亲属(1) p_ _ple, p_ _son, m_n, w_m_n, l_d_, ch_ld, b_by;(2) gr_ndf_ther, gr_ndm_ther, p_r_nt, f_th_r, m_th_r, s_st_r, br_th_r, d_ _ghter, s_n, c_ _sin, _ncle, _ _nt10. 运动sp_rt, f_ _tb_ll, b_sk_tb_ll, r_nn_ng, sw_mm_ng, the l_n

12、g j_mp, the h_gh j_mp, t_nn_s, t_ble t_nn_s11. 天气w_ _th_r, s_nny, w_ndy, cl_ _dy, dr_, w_t, r_in, h_t, w_rm, c_ _l c_ld12. 人体部分h_ad, h_ir, h_nd, f_ce, _y_, _ar, n_se, _rm, l_g, f_ _t;13. 语言、国籍Ch_n_se, Br_t_sh, _ngl_sh, Fr_nch, G_rm_n, J_p_nese, _m_rican, A_str_lian, C_n_d_an, R_ss_an14. 国家Ch_n_, Am_

13、r_c_, A_str_lia, C_n_d_, Fr_nce, G_rm_ny, R_ss_ _, J_p_n15. 时间、月份、季节(1) spr_ng, s_mm_r, _ _t_mn, w_nt_r;(2) J_n_ary, F_br_ary, M_rch, _pr_l, M_y, J_ne, J_l_, _ug_st, S_pt_mber, _ct_ber, N_v_mber, D_c_mber;(3) S_nday, M_nday, T_esday, W_dn_sday, Th_rsday, Fr_day, S_t_rday;(4) y_ _r, s_ _son, m_nth, w

14、_ _k, d_te, d_y, h_ur, m_rn_ng, _ft_rn_ _n, _v_n_ng, n_ght;(5) t_m_rr_w, t_d_y, y_st_rd_y16. 节日Ch_ldr_ns D_y, N_w Y_ _rs D_y, W_m_ns D_y, N_t_onal D_y, T_ach_rs D_y, M_y D_y, Spr_ng F_s_iv_l, Dr_g_n B_ _t F_st_v_l, M_d-_ _tumn F_st_v_l, Chr_tm_s17. 职业w_rk_r, f_rm_r, s_ld_er, d_ct_r, n_rse, t_ _cher,

15、 dr_v_r, c_ _k, p_l_ceman, f_ _tb_ll_r18. 建筑与房屋部分(1) b_dr_ _m, l_ving-room, k_tch_n, g_rd_n, t_il_t, st_dy, _ff_ce;(2) b_ild_ng, b_nk, sch_ _l, h_sp_tal, c_n_ma, p_rk, z_ _, sh_p, b_ _ksh_p, pl_ygr_und, m_rk_t, g_m, p_st _ff_ce, s_p_rm_ _k_t, sh_pping c_ntre, TV st_t_on, h_t_l;(3) w_ll, fl_ _r, w_nd

16、_w, d_ _r19. 日用品c_m_ra, t_l_ph_ne, cl_ck, l_mp, fr_dge, c_p, gl_ss, b_x, b_ttle, b_wl, pl_te20. 学科Ch_n_se, _ngl_sh, m_ths, h_st_ry, sc_ _nce, P._. m_s_c, _rt, h_st_ry21. 方向, 方位_n, _n, _t, b_h_nd, b_s_de, n_ar, _nd_r, _pp_site, l_ft, r_ght, _p, d_wn22. 家具b_d, d_sk, t_ble, ch_ _r, b_nch, st_ _l, w_ rd

17、r_be, sh_lf23. 餐食m_ _l, br_ _kf_st, l_nch, d_nn_r24. 交通工具b_s, tr_ck, c_r, b_ke, j_ _p, m_t_rb_ke, sh_p, tr_ _n, pl_ne, sp_cesh_p25. 玩具t_y, d_ll, k_te, b_ll26. 感受h_pp_, _ngr_, s_d, w_rr_ed, afr_ _d, l_ck_y, h_t; w_rm, c_ _l, c_ _l, _xc_ted, s_rpr_sed27. 外貌、特征t_ll, sh_rt, th_ _n, h_ _lth_, g_ _d-l_ _k

18、ing, b_ _utif_l, _gly, str_ng, _ld, y_ _ng, w_ _k, h_ _vy, c_te, f_ne br_ve, cl_v_r28. 其他形容词:b g, sm 11, 1 ng, sh t, n w, ld, g d, b d, n ce, f ne, th_ck, mp_ _t nt, _nt_r_st_ng, d_l_c_ous, d ff r nt, fr ndl , h_n_st, p_t_ _nt, k_nd, br_ve, cl_ver, m_d_rn, r_ch, p_ _r29. 动词:g , c me, p n, cl se, r n

19、, sw m, pl , t ke, m ke,fl , r d, wr te, s_t, 1 rn, st_d_, t ch, dr ve, h lp, w k, h r, 1 st n, w lk, b y, g t, p t, w sh, cl mb, f sh, e t, dr nk, r de, sp k, thr w, w tch, h ve, g ve, st_y, l_nd, c nt, m rk, c tch, dr w, t 11, tu _n, 1 ve, 1 ve, kn w, me t, c k, d , 1 k, s y, cl n, 1 ke, w nt, h_p

20、e, tr_, sh_w, d_g, c_rr_, s_ve, h_pp_n, k_ _p, w_it, l_ugh, b_te, w_n, dr_ _m, f_n_sh, cr_sh, p_ _nt30. 频率alw_ys, _s_ally, _ft_n, s_met_mes, s_ld_m, n_v_r31. 部分副词sl_ _ly, fast, qu_ckl_, h_rd, w_ll, to_, _ither, st_ll, y_t各类单词你能够增加一些单词吗,分组比赛,看谁能够增加得更多。二、Fill in the form with the right words. 按分类把单词填入

21、表格适当的位置。ShapescircleClothesFoodsAnimalsJobscircle, lawyer, jeans, fireman, triangle, salad, rectangle, sweater, seal, guinea pig, square, hamburger, giraffe, sandwich, porridge, jacket, postman, deer, athlete, trousers, jeans, bear, vendor, dress,rectangle三、Write the verbs of the right forms after t

22、he model. 写出下面的动词的一般现在是第三人称单数形式、-ing形式和过去式。 Model: work works working worked(1) run _ _ _(2) put _ _ _(3) carry _ _ _(4) sit _ _ _(5) write _ _ _(6) dance _ _ _(7) paint _ _ _(8) draw _ _ _(9) get _ _ _(10) make _ _ _(11) study _ _ _(12) watch _ _ _(13) see _ _ _(14) put _ _ _(15) have _ _ _(16) beg

23、in _ _ _(17) sing _ _ _(18) swim _ _ _(19) leave _ _ _(20) wish _ _ _(21) wave _ _ _(22) try _ _ _(23) travel _ _ _(24) wash _ _ _四、Write the adjectives and adverbs of the right forms after the model. 写出下面的形容词和副词的的比较级和最高级形式。 Model: old older oldest(1) good _ _(2) young _ _(3) big _ _(4) heavy _ _(5) high _ _(6) dirty _ _(7) sunny _ _(8) bad _ _(9) ugly _ _(10) friendly _ _(11) well _ _(12) hard _ _(13) slowly _ _ (14) important _ _(15) interesting _ _

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