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1、最新六级听力原文及答案解析2022年6月六级听力原文及答案解析2022年6月六级听力原文及答案解析Part III Listening ComprehensionSection ADirections: In this section, you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the

2、 questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.11.W: Did you hea

3、r that Anna needs to stay in bed for 4 weeks?M: Yeah. She injured her spine in a fall and a doctor told her to lie flat on her back for a month so it can mend.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?【答案】A) The injury will confine Anna to bed for quite a while.【解析】细节题。从对话中可知,Anna摔倒导致脊椎spine受伤,医生让其

4、卧床休息一个月。12.M: A famous Russian ballet is coming to town next weekend. But I cant find a ticket anywhere.W: Dont be upset. My sister just happened to have one and she cant go since she has got some sort of conflict in her schedule.Q: What does the woman mean?【答案】D) She can get a ballet ticket for the

5、 man.【解析】推理题。男子买不到俄罗斯芭蕾表演的票,女子告诉她不要失落,自己的姐姐碰巧有张票,并且由于安排有冲突,所以不去了。13.W: Hello, my bathroom drain is blocked and Im giving a party tonight. Do you think you could come and fix it for me?M: Sorry, maam. Im pretty busy right now. But I can put you on my list.Q: What does the man mean?【答案】B) He has to do

6、 other repairs first.【解析】推理题。女子请男子帮助修浴室的地漏,但是男子现在忙,不过他会记住并稍后帮助。14.W: Were taking up a collection to buy a gift for Jemma. Shell have been with the company 25 years next week.M: Well, count me in. But Im a bit short on cash now. When do you need it?Q: What is the man going to do?【答案】B) Give his contr

7、ibution some time later.【解析】推理题。下周Gemma在公司的时间就满25年了,大家正在凑钱为他买礼物。男子也要参加,但是手头缺少现金。从他的询问能够推测出他会晚些时间交钱。15.W: Tonys mother has invited me to dinner. Do you think I should tell her in advance that Im a vegetarian? 18.W: Hi, Im calling about the ad for the one bedroom apartment.M: Perfect timing! The perso

8、n who was supposed to rent it just backed town to take a room on campus.Q: What do we learn from the conversation?【答案】A) The apartment is still available.【解析】推理题。男子告诉女子她打电话来的时机正好,因为本来要租房子的人回到市区租大学里的房间了,所以这个公寓女子还能租。 Conversation 1W: One of the most interesting experiments with dolphins must be one do

9、ne by Doctor Jarvis Bastian. What he tried to do was to teach a male dolphin called Bass and a female called Doris to communicate with each other across a solid barrier.M: So how did he do it exactly?W: Well, first of all, he kept the two dolphins together in the same tank and taught them to press l

10、evers whenever they saw a light. The levers were fitted to the side of the tank next to each other. If the light flashed on and off several times, the dolphins were supposed to press the left-hand lever followed by the right-hand one. If the light was kept steady, the dolphins were supposed to press

11、 the levers in reverse order. Whenever they responded correctly, they were rewarded with fish.M: Sounds terribly complicated.W: Well, that was the first stage. In the second stage, Doctor Bastian separated the dolphins into two tanks. They could still hear one another, but they couldnt actually see

12、each other. The levers and light were set up in exactly the same way except that this time it was only Doris who could see the light indicating which lever to press first. But in order to get their fish, both dolphins had to press the levers in the correct order. This meant of course that Doris had

13、to tell Bass whether it was a flashing light or whether it was a steady light.M: So did it work?W: Well, amazingly enough, the dolphins achieved a 100 % success rate.Questions 19-21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.Q19. What is the purpose of Doctor Jarvis Bastians experiment?【答案】B)

14、 to see if dolphins can communicate with each other.【解析】推理题。整篇文章讲述了关于教授海豚互相沟通的实验。可以推断出实验目的就是验证海豚是否能互相交流。 Q20. What were the dolphins supposed to do when they saw a steady light?【答案】C) Press the right-hand lever first.【解析】推理题。从原文中If the light was kept steady, the dolphins were supposed to press the l

15、evers in reverse order.可以得知,相反的方向为the right-hand lever。Q21. How did the second stage of the experiment differ from the first stage?【答案】C) Only one dolphin was able to see the light.【解析】细节题。it was only Doris who could see the light这句话直接把答案告诉给我们了。解析:这篇长对话主要围绕巴斯蒂安博士关于海豚的实验而展开,实验的目的是要教会海豚学会互相沟通和交流讯息。随着男

16、士对实验的发问,女士便对实验的两个阶段进行了详细介绍。这篇长对话整体难度适中,考生只要在平时注意练习和打好词汇根底,想要得总分值并不难。需要提醒考生的是,做听力题也要讲究技巧,一定要带着问题去有目的地听,相关的信息着重记忆,不相干的信息迅速忽略。懂得抓题眼和懂得取舍,这样听力才能做得好。重点词汇和表达:levern.杠(杆);途径,工具in reverse order 以相反的顺序be rewarded with 得到奖励flashing light 闪光灯 Conversation 2W: This weeks program Up Your Street takes you to Harrogate, a small town in Yorkshire. Harro

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