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1、物流英语复习1、The aim of (inventory) management is to minimize the amoune of material in stock .2/(Logistics) is a hot topic in China and the whole world.3/If the ship had sailed along the recommended(route),it would have been able to acoid the heavy weather.4/People generally consider logistics as the (f

2、lowing)of goods,it is partly right,but logistics is much more than that.5/Logistics involves the (movement) of goods,but also of people,as well as housing and feeding them 6/The foreign company has to (purchase )500 garmentd from China every year7、The meaning of the word”logistics” firstly(originate

3、)from the military.8/The(storge)expenses willbe for your account if you place an order of 100,000 tons ofroll stell at a time.My workshop uses tons a month.9/With the development of modern economy,people become more and more aware of the (impotance) of logistics.10/Whether facilities are owend or re

4、nted,the (location)of warehouses is extremely important. 1/Transport can be done by sea,air,(and)rail and pipe.2/ is an iventory(manager)in a bonded warehouses in Capital Airport.3/Logistics managers pay more attention to inventory at persent,because inventory management can effectively reduc

5、e logistics (cost)4/Information is akey to the (success) of logistics strategy.5/Warehousing is not a new (business),but it has gained new functions in modern logistics6/In every company customer service is (source)of information for demand forecasting.7/Every firm,large and small (alike),needs logi

6、stics strategic planning for itd development.8/packing is one of the most impotant (activities)which are includede in a logistics system9/(Procurement) ideals with the buying of goods and services that keep the organization functioning.10/Could you five me a brief(analysis)of the present situation i

7、n relation to logistics in China?1/General purpose of warehouses is to provide ( safe) environment conditions and a wide range of products.2/Usually warehouses are typically viewed as a (temporary)place to store goods.3/The cost of small(order)becomes expensive to transport.4/Warehousing plays a vit

8、al role in providing a (moderate)level of cusiomer service.5/Customer service may be the deciding factor for warehouse site location,(access)to markets can improve its service level/6/Disteeibution center is alarge and highly (sufficient)warehouse designed to receive goods from various plants and su

9、ppliers.7/A warehouse can be viewed as a (bridge) between supply and demand.8/IN order to (achieve)the efficiency they may have to hold stock ,but this is not their main role.9/Retailers found it difficult to source in (desired)quantity from a singke supplier.10/After the goods are unloaded from the

10、 transportation carrier ,rhey shouldbe (verify)against cargo manifest.1/Managers must establish inplement inventory policies on the basis of (strategic) consideration.2/When he asopted new stratgy in inventory management, he lowered the cost while (expand)the sales.3/The aim of reducing (inventory)

11、is to make better use of overall assets.4/Inventory refers to (stocks)of anything necessary to do business.5/To make efficient and effective use of the (warehouse)space,you should decide how large your order must be.6/When the stock is near safety stock leverl,materials have to be (reoder).7/Raw mat

12、erials,goods in process and finished goods all (cause)various forms of inventory.8/Buffer stock is adopted to maintain (balance) in demand or supply.9/The order cost is (decline)with the increase of quantity.10/Inventory makes it possible for each firm to (specialize)in the products that it manufact

13、ures.1/I always (confuse)John with his brother ;they are very much alike.2/We re sure to fullill the task ahead of schedule if everyone bears down.3/Many plastic(containers)are disposed of as waste,although they are resuable.4.Youre supposed to keep your car (exterior)in good condition by cleaning i

14、t .5/You can schedule a weekend to (discard)some things that perhaps you dont actually need.6/The idea of a holiday abroad is certainly(appealing)7/That invention is of great commercial (widesperead)8/She is strong enough to (withstand) intellectual challenge.9/In todays world,trade barriers in inte

15、rnational trade are still (significant).10/The case was dismissed because of (insufficient)evidence.1/We ar noe ina position to (reinforce) our own demands to our emplpyers.2/Well (dictate) the cease with iron strap.3/These plicies (instill)strong felling of loyalty in P&G employees.4/The smell of f

16、ood (tempts) the hungry children unto the hut.5/I cant figure out why hes been behaving so (oddly)6/Consumers may also (shun) firms that pollute the environment or engage in unethical practices by not buyong their products.7/What is the reaction to the new car in the (marketplace)?8/It is thus clear

17、 that the (residual)infuuences of clannishness must not be understiomated .9/From the (standpoint)of success,a good work ehic is no less important than an education .10/More and more public places in the United States (forbid) smoking.1/Transpotation,by moving goods from one place to another place,c

18、reates (place utility) for poducts.2/To satisfy customers with special taste, manufactures have to provide (personal)services.3/In the supply chain,(external customers) may contain wholesalers,retailers and end-users.4/There is a great (demand) foreign investment in the western part of China.5/We sh

19、ould make an (analysis) of prouducts,depending on who use them and how they are used.6/We must distribute the products to as many places as possible so that our customers find it (convenient) to get them7/Customer service is considered as the (output)of logistics system.8/The key point in distributi

20、on is whether the product is (available)where the customer wishes to consume it .9/One of the basis tasks of a logistics analyst is to dtermine customer(response) to service.10/Generally speaking ,soap can be found in a (retail) shop.1/Once their oreders are accpted ,all customers should be treated

21、equally by receiving (basis service).2/Its my job to (offest ) cusiomers response to logistics service.3/Customer service plays a significant (role ) in the development of all firms.4/A firm may have a customer service department or customer service employees that (handle)complaints,special orders,d

22、amage claims,etc.5/The mission of logistics mangement is to plan and (coordinate)all logistics activities to achieve desired level.6/In todays (competitive) market,fiems find it extremely difficult to create new custoomers.7/You can learn about your customers (response)by analyzing inventory informa

23、tion.8/Every companys ultimate goal is to gain (profit),not sales .9/I think if our warehouses are located in the (proximity)of customers,we can offer better after-sale service.10/Good logistics plan (determine) the cost of warehousing anf transportation of products.1/The river departed from its ori

24、ginal course several miles (downstream).2/It now provides a (linkage) to more than 60 home pages of goverment agencies and related organzations.3/well try to work as (procurement) agent on behalf of IBM.4/(Competitiveness) is also about the quality and cretivity of the people .5/He resigned in the f

25、ace of mounting pressure from the (shareholder).6/We expect to increase (utilization) of the helicopters.7/Hi-tech industry has been driving the (optimization)of the economic structure.8/She would like to be a film actress,but at present she is (modeling)9/The general price level declined by small (

26、margin)10/We have the busiest container port in the world and the busiest international air freight(throughput)1/I think Ill be all right as soon as the plane gets out of this (turbulence).2/People are much better informed since the (advent ) of television.3/Vendors could charge between $190 and $37

27、5 per cumputer,depending on (configuration).4/Every value they created (ultimately) redounded to their boss.5/As your companys representative, your phone manners should be (impeccable)6/Tax became a powerful policy instrument to tackle monetary(deflation)7/He is a (prominent) scholar in the field of

28、 linguistics.8/I would ask you to collaborate) with us in this work.9/We must (accommodate)ourselves to circumstance.10/Her intemperance will (entail) the curse of insanity upon her innocent children.英译汉1、 Modern Logisticsis one of the most challenging and exciting jobs in the world .现代物流是全世界最有挑战力同时

29、令人兴奋的工作之一。2、 Every company that sells products has to need the service of logistics.每个公司都必须需要通过物流服务来销售产品3、 Many esperts hold the opinion that logistics as an iceberg,only the top of which is seen,what is unseen is much bigger.很多专家都支持物流是一座冰山,只能看见顶端而更多的事看不见这个观点4、 As logistics managers roles and value

30、have grown,the need for well-educated,talented professionals with a diverse array of skills has emerged.作为物流经理的角色和价值增长,受过良好的教育拥有多样化工作技巧的专业人士已经很急需5、 Logistics is a unique golbal “pipeline” that operates 24hours a day, planning and coordinating the transpot of products to customers the world over.物流是一

31、条一天24小时生产,计划和协调从生产到消费运输到全世界各地的独特全球渠道。6、 In the past decades,important changes have occurred with rhe role of purchasing in modern logistics system.在过去的几十年里,采购在现代去了系统图中扮演的角色已经发生巨大改变7、 Package can have both a consumer package and logistics pakage.包装包括顾客包装和物流包装。8、 To make efficient use of the warehouse

32、 sapce,you should decide how large your oreders must be.为了提高仓储空间的利用率,你应该觉得你预订的货物有多大。9、 We should keep in mind that one logistics system does not fit all companies.The number of activities in a logistics system can wary from compant to company. 我们要记住一个物流系统并不适用所有的公司,在物流系统中的很多活动在每个都会有很大差异10、 The strategic placement of warehouses near companys major markets can improve the customers service levels.仓储靠近公司主要商场这个放置战略可以提高客户服务水平。11、 Over the y

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