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1、英语口语常用句子英语口语常用句子PART 1 1. You make me sick! 你真让我恶心! 2. Im very disappointed. 真让我失望。3. Youre crazy! 你疯了! 4. Dont bother me. 别烦我。5. Leave me alone. 走开。 6. Its none of your business. 关你屁事!7. Thats terrible. 真糟糕! 8. Enough is enough! 够了够了!9. Dont count on me别指望我。10. Believe it or not! 信不信由你!11. What sho

2、uld I do? 我该怎么办?12. What a good deal! 真便宜!13. Its a long story 说来话长。14. Its Sunday today 今天是星期15. Just wait and see! 等着瞧!16. Make up your mind 做个决定17. What day is today? 今天星期几?18. I beg your pardon? 请您再说一19. Dont let me down 别让我失望。20. Speak louder,please说话请大声点21. Make yourself at home请不要拘礼。22. What

3、a nice day it is! 今天天气真好!23. I will never forget it 我会记着的。24. He is looking for a job他正在找工作。25. I get up at six oclock 我六点起床。26. Dont let me down!别让我失望!27. Are you satisfied with your job?你对你的工作满意吗 ?28. Cant you speak louder?你就不能说大声点吗?29. Could you tell me what time it is?你能告诉我现在几点了 吗?30. Do you kno

4、w what happened?你知道发生什么事了吗 ?31. Do you want to know why?你想知道为什么?32. How do you know my name?你怎么知道我的名字?PART 21. We are best friends我们是最好的朋友2. May I join you?我可以加入你们吗?3 .Is this seat taken?这个座位有人吗?4 .Havent I met you here before?我以前在这见过你,不是吗?5. Do you come here often?你经常来这里吗?6. You can trust me 你可以相信我

5、7. Give it a try试一下吧8 It tastes good味道不错9 What is the food like?这里的饭菜怎么样啊?10 I need something to eat我需要吃点东西11 Can you tell me the way to the railway station?请问去火车站怎么走?12 Where is the railway station?火车站在哪里?13 You can take the No 1 bus你可以乘坐1路公交车14 When will you go home?你什么时候回家15 Where do you come fro

6、m?你从哪里来的?16 Id like to open a savings account我想开个储蓄账户17 Im feeling terrible我有点不舒服18 Maybe you need a rest也许你需要休息一下19 How much is the rent?房租多少钱?20 Its very hot today今天非常热啊21 Its time to go to bed该睡觉了22 Do you like sports?你喜欢体育活动吗?23 What do you want to have for lunch? 午饭你想吃些什么?1.How have you been do

7、ing?近况如何?2.Keeping myself busy.很忙3.Just so so 马马虎虎吧4.Same as usual凑合凑合吧5.How do you feel today?你今天感觉如何?6.Couldnt be better.再好不过了7.How do you like your house?你感觉自己的房子怎么样?8.I have nothing to complain about 我没有什么不满意的9.Do you have time for coffee?你有时间去喝咖啡吗?10.I have heard so much about you久仰大名啊11.Hows y

8、our family?你家人都还好吧?12.Oh, its getting late时间不早了13.Its been fun talking to you跟你聊的真开心14.Lets do lunch sometime咱们什么时候一起吃个饭吧15.The doorbell is ringing, who is it?门铃响了,是谁啊?16.Im going to have to run我得赶紧走了17.Are you ready to go?你能走了吗?18.Ill call you when I get home我到家会给你打电话的19.You bet =You got it.你说对了20.

9、Thats for sure那肯定的21.I have no problem with that我对此没意见22.You are second to none你是最棒的23.Thats unthinkable这是难以想象的24.Can I come over later today?我今天晚些时候能过来吗?25.What time should I be there?我该什么时间到那里?26.May I bring a friend to the party?我可以带个朋友去参加聚会吗?27.Am I surprised to see you真没想到,在这能见到你28.Look whos he

10、re原来是你啊29.Can you stay for dinner?你能留下来吃晚饭吗?Id love to,but Im busy tonight.30.Can I get you something to drink?我给你搞点喝的好吗?31.Id like to try this on我想试试这件32.That looks nice on you你穿这个真好看33.Would you like to go travelling with me?你想和我一起去旅游吗?34.When do you think is OK for you?你认为什么时候合适?35.How about next

11、 Sunday?下个星期日怎么样?36.Thats fine for me对我来说没有问题37.Then ,thats a deal那就这样定了38.When do you go to bed usually?你一般什么时候睡觉?39.At about 10 oclock or so大约10点左右吧40.Oh,thats too late for me. 哦,这对我来说太晚了41.I usually go to sleep at 9 oclock我一般9点睡觉42.Ive been used to it,我已经习惯了43.So its ok for me.所以对我没问题PART 31.What

12、 do we have tonight?今天晚上吃什么?2.You can guess你猜猜看3.How do you like beef?你喜欢牛肉吗?4.Yes,I love it,its my favorite food嗯,我很喜欢,那是我的最爱5.writer 作家 write a book 写一本书 swim游泳 go swimming 去游泳cosmetickz metik化妆品6.Shes my friend. But just like a sister to me.她是我的朋友,但是就像我姐姐一样7.Lets go back to the hotel.我们回酒店吧8.I di

13、d not sleep well last night.我昨晚没睡好9.Dont you want to do some shopping?你不想买点什么吗?10.I have talked to her about you我和她谈过你11.She knows about you early她早就知道你了12.temple 寺庙lake 湖13.Lets go to buy some fruit我们去买些水果吧14.What kind of fruits do you like?你喜欢吃什么水果?15.Ill buy you some我去给你买一些来16.I often take a walk

14、 in the park我经常去公园散步17.Let me take you there.让我带你去18.inside 里面 outside 外面19.Wed better be hurry,or we will miss the bus我们最好快点,否则我们就要错过公交车了20.Its becoming hotter and hotter天气越来越热了21.Do you mind if I turn the TV off ?你介意我把电视机关掉吗?22.Its too noisy,Im sleepy,I want to sleep它太吵了,我困了,我想睡觉了23.Lets have our meal我们吃饭吧24.When do we get married?我们什么时候结婚?25.What do you say?你说呢?26.How about next month?下个月怎么样?27.Would you like to go shopping with me ?你能和我一起去购物吗?28.Thats a nice idea.这是个好主意29.Can you buy me a T shirt?你能给我买一件T恤吗?30.Sure.What size do you wear?当然可以,你穿多大的?31.Where is my book

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