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1、HND员工培训与开发AG Bell Ltd.A.G. Bell Ltd., is a private sector company specialising in 24/7 call centre services. Based in High Town, Scotland, the company prides itself on achieving exceptional service levels, and exploiting cutting edge technology. The company encourages a team based approach 方法to meet

2、ing its demanding 要求高的targets for response rates反应率.When traditional manufacturing industries were at their peak, High Town experienced very little unemployment. With the downturn in traditional industry, unemployment rates reached an all time high. In addition to these high levels of unemployment,

3、the potential可能的workforce tends to be往往是low skilled with higher than average representation平均代表性among disadvantaged groups弱势群体. AG Bell Ltd relocated重新安置to High Town five years ago attracted to the area by inward investment外来投资 grants offered提供补助金by the Government.AG Bell Ltd has a reputation名誉throu

4、ghout遍及 the industry for its innovative approach to HR Employing 180 staff, the flat水平的organisation structure (see diagram below) facilitates促进 a supportive支持的, enabling culture, where people are valued as a key resource and developed to meet business needs. The companys approach要求to its workforce i

5、s reflected表现in its desire渴望to achieve the Investors in People Standard over the next year. The workforce at AG Bell Ltd is diverse多种多样的and the organisation benefits from the opportunity 机会to recruit吸收staff from a variety of disadvantaged groups. The workforce has above average representation表现of Bl

6、ack Minority Ethnic少数民族workers, disabled残疾的workers and workers with criminal records犯罪记录.Due to rapid expansion, the organisation needs to expand its workforce by 40 employees. To enable使可行;this to happen, the company will relocate迁移to larger premises假定in High Town during the next two months.Assessm

7、ent task1Outcome(s) covered1a,b,cAssessment task instructionsPrepare a Training Strategy for the OrganisationThis assessment is based on the case study of AG Bell LtdAs the HR Manager of AG Bell Ltd, you have been asked to develop a Training Strategy for the next two years. The training strategy you

8、 produce is to be included in the Staff Handbook. Use the information contained in the case study to assist you. You may make whatever assumptions you wish about the company provided these do not materially alter the fundamental basis of the study. Please state clearly any assumptions you do make.Yo

9、u should produce your strategy in the form of a document, which contains the following:1. Policy StatementThis should be an overall statement of the philosophy of the organisation. This should be about 2-3 paragraphs in length (maximum), and should detail the nature of the companys commitment to tra

10、ining, and the contribution that training will make to organisational success over the forthcoming 2 years.2. The Main Body of the Training Strategy(a) Identify the major issues that AG Bell Ltd will be facing in the next 2 years. You should refer to at least 3 important organisational issues that h

11、ave training implications.(b) Identify training needs at AG Bell Ltd and sort these requirements into the categories of organisational, group and individual level needs. You should then assign time scales for meeting these needs in terms of short term (immediate), and key strategic (medium to longer

12、 term). Produce a summary table of training needs along the lines of the example provided overleaf.Short-termMedium to long-termOrganisationalGroupIndividualYou should also include recommendations on the allocation of resources to meet the needs you identify.3. Responsibilities for Training at AG Be

13、ll LtdState how you propose that responsibilities for training should be allocated amongst managers, team leaders, training professionals and individual employees. Referring to the organisations chart provided with the case study material, clearly identify those individuals within the company who wi

14、ll have responsibility for ensuring the training and development recommendations are achieved.Assessment task2Outcome(s) covered1dAssessment task instructionsThis assessment is based on the AG Bell Case Study. At AG Bell Ltd, managers benefit from a monthly training session lead by one of the manage

15、ment team. This has proved to be an effective way of broadening organisational awareness. Managers knowledge of the roles their colleagues play in achieving organisational aims is enhanced through this activity.You are the HR manager at AG Bell Ltd and this month it is your turn to lead the manageme

16、nt training session. The Managing Director has asked you to prepare a paper for discussion and has given you the following brief.Title: Incorporating Elements from the National Training Framework into the Training and Development Strategy at AG Bell Ltd(a) You are required to describe a broad overvi

17、ew of the current national training framework, making reference to LECs, Sector Skills Councils training providers, vocational bodies and professional bodies.(b) You should describe how at least 3 national training initiatives operate, and evaluate their usefulness in the context of AG Bell Ltd Expl

18、ain how the company could implement at least two of the initiatives you have referred to. Your recommendations should be consistent with the companys overall training philosophy.Assessment task3Outcomes(s) covered2a,b,c,d,eAssessment task instructionsThis assessment is based on the case study of AG

19、Bell Ltd As the HR Manager of AG Bell, your task in this assessment is to design a training programme. The training programme is to have a duration of between 2 and 3 hours.More specifically your task is to:a) Design a training programme for managers within AG Bell Ltd, entitled “How to Conduct a Se

20、lection Interview”. In particular, the course should be aimed at interviewing people for telephone customer service roles.The course should include sessions on the following: Preparing for the interview Conducting the interview (questioning, listening and observing techniques) Advantages and disadva

21、ntages of the interview Discrimination and how to avoid itThis list should not be treated as exhaustive. You are encouraged to include other subject areas where these are appropriate and can be justified.You are required to ensure that a variety of delivery methods are included in the training plan.

22、b) Produce a training session plan for the course which contains: Overall course objectives Individual session objectives A timetable showing the title, duration and timing of each session within the course An indication of the resources required for each session.c) Produce a brief list of the appro

23、ximate costs involved in preparing and delivering the course.d) Plan how the course will be evaluated by: Devise a method of measuring the extent to which the objectives of the course have been met Devise a method of measuring the reaction of delegates on the course Devise a method of assessing the

24、extent to which the course was financially viablee) You should present a final folder containing all the material required for the training programme you have designed. The document should include all material produced for items (a) to (d) above. In addition, you should also prepare an introductory

25、preamble to the training programme in which you describe the rationale for the programme. Your rationale should include reference to learning theory and describing how you took account of Kolbs Learning Cycle and differing learning styles when designing your training programme. This preamble / ratio

26、nale should be approximately 500 words in length.Assessment task4Outcome(s) covered3a, b, c, d ,eAssessment task instructionsThis assessment is based on the AG Bell Ltd Case study.In your role as HR manager at AG Bell, your task in this assessment is to prepare a briefing note for the Managing Direc

27、tor. You have been asked to outline why there is a need to promote and support continuous development activity at AG Bell Ltd The Managing Director will review your arguments in order to decide whether to support this activity.For background information about AG Bell Ltd you should refer to the case

28、 study material provided in learning outcome 1.You should write briefing notes for your proposal, approximately 1500 words in length, which includes the following elements:1. An explanation of the concept of the learning organisation and the relevance of this concept to AG Bell Ltd.2. An explanation

29、 of the concept of continuous development and the objectives of introducing continuous development at AG Bell Ltd.3. A description of the benefits to the organisation of the continuous development approach to learning should be clearly stated (at least 5 benefits).4. An explanation of the principal

30、strategies that you recommend for implementation to embed continuous development at AG Bell Ltd.Your answer should make reference to development on the job, work experience, self-development programmes, formal training and performance assessment.5. Advice on the roles and responsibilities that shoul

31、d be assumed by individuals and groups in order to ensure the successful implementation of continuous development.6. An overall summary describing the key benefits to AG Bell Ltd of implementing the above. Assessment checklistsUnit assessment: candidates assessment recordA6HC 34 Training and Develop

32、ing the WorkforceClassGroupCandidate NameCandidate IDAssessment 1Evidence RequirementsRecord of PerformanceSatisfactory/UnsatisfactoryCommentsAssessment task The nature of the companys commitment to training is identified The contribution training will make to the organisation over the next two years is identified A minimum of three issues fa

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