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新教材外研版英语必修第二册同步练习Unit 1Period Ⅰ.docx

1、新教材外研版英语必修第二册同步练习Unit 1 Period 舌尖上的中国热播以来,迅速成为吃货们的视觉盛宴,那些让你垂涎欲滴的中国菜,都分为哪些种类呢?让我们一起来了解一下吧!Chinese food can be classified into six categories:1.Local dishes.This refers to a class of dishes with very strong local flavors that came into existence in line with localproducts, climate and customs. Among t

2、he most well known local dishes are “sea cucumber braised with scallion (葱烧海参)” of Shandong, “hot and spicy hot pot (香辣火锅)” of Sichuan.2Royal dishes.These used to be prepared by the imperial kitchen for emperors and empresses. Usually, they are fancifully named and exquisitely prepared with the best

3、 ingredients. Among the most famous are “all birds pay court to the phoenix (百鸟朝凤)” and “swastikashaped braised pork slices (万字扣肉)”3Family dishes.These used to be reserved for highranking bureaucrats and celebrities. But they were subsequently adopted by ordinary people. Among the most famous family

4、 dishes are Confucianstyle (孔府菜) and Tanfamily style (谭府菜). In addition, “Dongpo Pork (东坡肉)” “diced chicken stirfried with chili and peanuts (宫保鸡丁)” are also popular dishes.4Ethnic food.These originated in minorityinhabited areas, and became popular nationwide. Famous ethnic dishes include roast bee

5、f, “sliced mutton hot pot (羊肉火锅)” and shashliks (烤肉串)5Vegetarian food.Because most monks eat vegetarian food, it is also known as “monastery dishes (斋饭)”. There are a wide variety of flavors. These dishes are often cooked in such a way as to look and taste exactly like meat and fish.6Medicinal dishe

6、s, or food therapy.The Chinese believe that mixing tonics with food adds flavor to the food and is good for health. Famed medicinal dishes include “lily decoction with chicken (百合鸡汤)” and “porridge with lotus seeds and lily (莲子百合粥)”【注】category n. 类别,种类flavor n. 风味,特色royal adj. 皇家的,王室的bureaucrat n. 官

7、僚ethnic adj. 民族的,具有民族特色的【立德树人】俗话说“民以食为天 (Food is the first necessity of the people.)”,我们聪慧的祖先创造出了瑰玮灿烂的中华饮食文化(diet culture),作为中学生的你对“中国美食”和“洋快餐(Western fast food)”的态度如何?让我们一起为传统美食做贡献,热爱它,发扬它,以它为荣,让中华美食走向世界。Unit 1Food for thoughtPeriod Starting out & Understanding ideas课前自学导引我在英国长大,父亲是英国人,母亲是中国人,自从能拿刀



10、一份英式饼干配一杯精致陶瓷茶杯盛放的中国乌龙茶的跨文化下午茶更好的了!课堂合作探究1typical adj. 典型的,有代表性的(P3)归纳拓展(1)be typical of 具有的特点;是的典型It is typical of sb. to do sth. 某人一向;是某人的特点(2)typically adv. 一般,典型地,具有代表性地;不出所料,果然As a carrier of culture, Jiaozi is_typical_of traditional Chinese cuisine culture.作为文化的载体,饺子是中国传统饮食文化的典型。It_is_typical_

11、of_him_to_turn a deaf ear to advice.对他人的建议置若罔闻是他的特点。Typically,_a doctor will see about 30 patients a day.医生通常每天要看约30位病人。(1)单句语法填空This poem is typical _ the Romantic period.Light _ (typical) travels in a straight line.答案:oftypically(2)单句写作他一向提前10分钟到达。_ 10 minutes ahead of schedule.答案:It is typical of

12、 him to arrive2suffer v. (身体或精神上)受苦(P3)归纳拓展(1)suffer作及物动词时,其后常接抽象名词,如pain, loss, defeat, damage, punishment, poverty, hunger, hardship等;suffer作不及物动词时,常与from连用,指遭受战争、自然灾害带来的苦难及患病或其他之苦,意为“苦于,患病,因而受罚”。(2)suffering n. 痛苦;苦恼;让人痛苦的事sufferer n. 受难者;患病者It is reported that the factory suffered a great loss i

13、n the fire.据报道,这家工厂在大火中遭受了重大损失。What worried us most was that mother suffered_from bad heart disease.最令我们担忧的是母亲患有严重的心脏病。单句语法填空The film is based on the truelife story of a cancer _ (suffer)_ (suffer) defeat after defeat, he began to lose faith in himself.You must have suffered _ a cold.答案:suffererHavi

14、ng sufferedfrom3horrible adj. 糟糕的;可怕的;粗鲁的(P3)归纳拓展(1)be horrible to sb. 对某人很粗鲁have a horrible feeling (that) 有种不好的感觉(2)horribly adv. 可怕地;非常地horror n. 惊恐;令人惊恐的事 to sb.s horror 让某人大为惊恐in/with horror 惊恐;震惊My sister was_being_horrible_to me all day. 我姐姐一整天都对我很凶。To_my_horror,_I realized my shirt was wet w

15、ith blood.我发现自己的衬衫被鲜血沾湿,大为惊恐。People watched in_horror as the plane crashed to the ground. 人们惊恐地看着飞机坠落到地面上。(1)单句语法填空The thought of being left alone filled her with _ (horrible)The experiment went _ (horrible) wrong.答案:horrorhorribly(2)单句写作 他很恐惧,感到自己都快哭了。_, he could feel himself starting to cry.我感觉到很不

16、愉快,她对我们说了谎。Ive got _ she lied to us. 答案:To his horror a horrible feeling4poison n. 毒素,毒物,毒药v. 毒害;危害(P3)归纳拓展(1)poison sb. with sth. 用毒害(2)poisoning n. 中毒food poisoning 食物中毒poisonous adj. 中毒的;充满敌意的poisonously adv. 恶毒地;恶意地He attempted to poison them with some mushrooms containing a deadly poison.他企图用含有

17、致命毒素的蘑菇毒害他们。He said some poisonous things to me.他对我说了一些恶毒的话。(1)单句语法填空He killed several people by _ (poison) their tea.The debate is _ (poisonous) skewed (歪曲). 答案:poisoningpoisonously(2)单句写作我们在她的食物里发现了微量毒药。We detected traces of _.答案:the poison in her food5opinion n. 意见,看法;(群体的)观点,信仰;专业意见(P4)归纳拓展give/

18、express an opinion 表达观点public opinion 舆论,民意in my opinion 依我看opinion of sb. 关于某人的意见/看法 opinion about/on sth. 关于某事的意见/看法be of the opinion (that) 认为,主张We were invited to give_our_opinions_about how the work should be done. 我们应邀就如何开展工作提出意见。In_my_opinion,_its a very sound investment. 依我看,这是十分可靠的投资。Ive re

19、cently changed my opinion_of her. 我最近改变了对她的看法。 Everyone had an opinion_on the subject. 大家对这个问题都有自己的看法。单句写作你应该纠正对他的看法。You should revise your _.以我个人观点来看,没有电我们什么都做不了。_, without electricity we cant do anything.主席认为,失业在所难免。The chairman _ that job losses were inevitable.答案:opinion of himIn my opiniongave/

20、expressed the opinion1Growing_up_in_England_with_a_British_father_and_a_Chinese_mother,_Ive enjoyed food from both countries ever since I was able to hold a knife and forkand chopsticks! 我在英国长大,父亲是英国人,母亲是中国人,自从能拿刀叉和筷子起我就享用两国的食物。(P2)剖析本句中Growing up in England with a British father and a Chinese mothe


22、一般式;(5)最后选定现在或过去分词。Hearing_the_news,_he jumped for joy. 听了这消息时他高兴得跳了起来。(时间状语)He died, leaving_his_wife_with_five_children.他死了,留下他妻子和五个孩子。(结果状语)He was lying on the sofa watching_TV.他躺在沙发上看电视。(伴随状语)Being_sick,_I stayed at home. 我因病待在家中。(原因状语)Working_hard,_you will succeed. 如果努力工作,你就可以成功。(条件状语)名师点津现在分词

23、短语作结果状语时,一般表示“顺理成章”的结果;如表示“意料之外或不愉快”的结果,应用不定式短语。Their car was caught in a traffic jam, thus causing_the_delay.他们的车遇上交通阻塞,因而耽误了。Tom got to the station, only_to_find the train had gone.汤姆到达车站,却发现火车已经开走了。(1)单句语法填空The dog entered the room, _ (follow) his master.European football is played in more than 8

24、0 countries, _ (make) it the most popular game in the world._ (live) far from my company, I have to get up early every morning._ (turn) left, youll see the park._ (not know) how to work out the difficult physics problem, he asked the teacher for help.答案:followingmakingLivingTurningNot knowing(2)单句写作

25、听到老师的声音,学生们立马停止说话了。_, the pupils stopped talking at once.看到那些画,她想起了自己的童年。_, she remembered her childhood.他父亲死了,留给他许多钱。His father died, _ a lot of money.答案:Hearing the teachers voiceSeeing those picturesleaving him2He must_have_thought I was joking. 他一定以为我在开玩笑。(P3)剖析本句中must have thought是must have don

26、e结构,表示“过去一定做过”,是对过去发生的动作的肯定推测。归纳拓展其他“情态动词have done”的用法:(1)should/ought to have done两者均含委婉的批评、责备之意。肯定式表示过去应该做某事而未做,意为“本应该做”;否定式表示做了不该做的事情,意为“本不应该做”。(2)can/could have done用于疑问句或否定句中,表示对行为可能性的推测。could have done用于肯定的陈述句中,表示与过去事实相反的假设,表示“本能够去做却没有做”。(3)may/might have done此结构表示对过去情况不确定的推测,意为“也许做过”,常用于肯定句,不

27、用于疑问句;另外,might have done还可表示委婉的责备,意为“其实(本来)可以”。(4)neednt have done此结构表示一种不必要的过去行为,意为“本来不必做却做了”,一般用于否定句或疑问句。I told Sally how to get there, but perhaps I should_have_written it out for her.我告诉萨莉怎么去那儿了,但或许我应该为她写出来。He cant_have_worked at the office last night, for he had to go to a party at 6:00 pm.昨晚他不

28、可能在办公室工作,因为(昨天)晚上六点他得参加一个聚会。I stayed at a hotel while in New York.Oh, did you? You could_have_stayed with Barbara.在纽约时我住在一家旅店。哦,是吗?你本可以和巴巴拉在一起的。You might_have_given him more help, though you were busy.尽管你很忙,其实你本可以多帮助他一下。There was plenty of time; she neednt_have_hurried.时间很充足,她本不必着急的。单句写作比尔不可能走太远了。他的

29、咖啡还是温的。Bill _ too far. His coffee is still warm.对不起,妈妈!我面试又失败了。哦,太糟糕了。你本应该做好充分的准备的。Sorry, Mum! I failed the job interview again.Oh, its too bad. You _ full preparations.来新学校前,我本不必担心的,因为这儿的同学对我都很友好。I _ before I came to the new school, for my classmates here are very friendly to me.没有战争经历,海明威就不可能写出他著名的小说永别了,武器。Without his wartime experiences, Hemingway _ his famous novel A Farewell to Arms.路是湿的,昨天晚上一定下雨了。The road is wet. It _ last night.答案:cant/couldnt have goneshould have made

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