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1、静设备安装程序中英00CCONTENTS目 录1 Scope 范 围2 Reference documents 参考文件3 General 概 述4 Installation of vessels and package equipment 容器和撬装设备安装5 Tower 塔 器6 Heater installation 换热器安装7 Other static equipments 其他静设备8 Construction quality record and inspection report 施工质量记录和检查报告1 Scope 范围 This procedure defines the

2、minimum requirement for the installation of static equipment. This work shall be done by installation engineer in conjunction with vendors representative where required .本程序规定静设备安装施工的最低要求。需要时,该工作由静设备安装工程师结合厂家代表一起做。2 Specifications, Codes and Standards 标准、规范及参考文件2.1高压化工设备施工及验收规范HGJ208-83 Code for con

3、struction and acceptance of HP chemical-industry equipment HGJ208-832.2中低压化工设备施工及验收规范HGJ209-83 Code for construction and acceptance of MP chemical-industry equipment HGJ209-832.3石油化工换热设备施工及验收规范SH3532-95 Code for construction and acceptance of petrochemical heat exchangers SH3532-952.4业主程序文件:Procedur

4、e documentsDEP DEP PL-8830-TEC1-00062.5 Specification and drawing from TCM承包商提供的图纸资料及其要求的施工标准2.6 Quality plan of static equipment 静设备质量计划 NH-HDPE+PP-QPL-3032.7 Quality control of insulation绝热质量控制程序 NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-2292.8 Procedure for Loadingunloading, reserve and di

5、stribution of the construction material 材料装卸及发放程序NH-HDPE+PP-PR-1122.9 Critical lifting study重型设备吊装方案 NH-HDPE+PP-WPR-2072.10Vendors specification厂家安装说明书2.11 Installation Practice of CP6CC我公司同类工程施工经验3 General 概述3.1 Equipment Foundation 设备基础The foundation shall be prepared and properly checked for bolt

6、 position and levelness. For concrete foundation, laitance shall be removed by chipping.until aggregate is exposed Foreign material inside bolted sleeve shall be removed and cleaned, then the centerline and the elevation marked on the sides of the foundation prior to the equipment installation. so t

7、hat it can be read after grouting insert dimensional tolerance that shall be used when checking levelness verticality ,spacing .etc For steel structure foundations, openings around bolts and dimensions of tightening bolts shall be checked . Ensuring that supporting bases have no foreign material and

8、 have sufficient contacting surface for equipment and supports. 3.2 Installation Lists CP6CC shall provide the list of all equipment to be installed including size, weight ,lifting tools and lifting drawings and engineered lift of the equipment, manuals, complete set of manufacturing drawing and all

9、 other documents required for equipment installation.3.2 安装清单Equipment list CP6CC将编制安装清单,全面列出需要安装的设备尺寸、重量及吊装方法,清单必须包括说明书,制造厂家的设计图纸及设备安装所需的其他文件。 Equipment list is to be prepared by CP6CC to describe the details of dimension, weight and lifting method of equipment and the specification, drawing and ot

10、her construction documents of manufacturer should be included in the list.3.3 General Regulation of Installation 安装的一般规定3.3.1 Equipment installation shall include loading, transporting, unloading, leveling, alignment positioning and grouting (For the foundations of steel structure, bolts and equipme

11、nt shall be aligned ) . 设备安装包括装卸、搬运、就位、找正和灌浆(钢结构基础、螺栓和设备应对准)。3.3.2 The equipment shall be transported to to the field or the temporary storehouse in accordance with the schedule. The equipment and materials shall be inspected and checked by CP6CC and TCM engineer at site. And damage shall be immedia

12、tely reported before further action. 按照计划将所有设备装运至直接运抵工地或临时材料库,并会同TCM对材料设备进行验收,损坏立即报告。3.3.3 All the temporary protective covers shall be removed prior to the equipment installation. And shall be reinstalled ,as soon as post installation inspections are completed ,nozzle covers shall not be removed pr

13、ior to installation ,unless these will interfere with lifting equipment or clearances.3.3.4 The equipment shall be verified as per drawings to ensure the correct position of the nozzles and base support plates , prior to installation. 设备安装之前, 应对照PID图和制造图检查,保证所有设备开口位置正确、设备上的加强板位置正确。3.3.5 Heavy equipm

14、ent installation see Critical lifting study重型设备的吊装另见重型设备吊装方案。3.3.6 Ladders, platforms and piping shall be installed before equipment is lifted into position, if there is no interference or possible damage during installation. 设备起吊之前,在不影响吊装的前提下,可进行设备梯子、平台、管线施工。4 Installation of Vessels And Package Eq

15、uipment 容器和撬装设备安装4.1 The procedures for the installation and construction of vessels and package equipment shall include but not limited to: Inspection acceptance of the foundation and the equipment, lifting to its position, alignment and grouting, internals installation, and inspection acceptance,

16、and closure. 容器和撬装设备类安装施工程序主要有:基础验收、设备验收、吊装找正灌浆、内件安装、内部清扫、检查认可、封闭。4.2 Foundation Inspection Acceptance 基础验收4.2.1 The foundation shall be checked and confirmed showing survey records, elevation, datum line, transversal and longitudinal centerline marked on the foundation and settling measuring point

17、, ready for the installation of heavy-duty equipment. All markings on the foundation shall be located low enough so that they can be read after grouting 基础移交时应有测量记录,在基础上标出标高、基准线、及基础的纵横中心线。对重型设备的基础应有沉降观测点。4.2.2 The foundation shall be visually checked to be of free defects such as cracks, honeycombs,

18、 holes, steel-protrusions etc. 对基础进行外观检测,不能有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、露筋等缺陷。4.2.3 The concrete foundation shall not be surface treated until it has cured for 7 days at the minimum. The surface of the concrete shall be free from laitance, and the foreign materials in the hole of the bolted sleeve should be removed an

19、d cleaned. The top of foundation and the inside of anchor bolt holes shall be rough-chipped to expose aggregate . 混凝土基础至少有7天凝固期,才能进行表面处理。混凝土表面应凿出麻面、并清理螺栓套筒孔内杂物。4.2.4 The size and position of the foundation shall be rechecked in accordance with the foundation diagram of civil works and the technical

20、documents of the equipment, especially the clearance between the anchor bolts shall be uniform with that of the equipment bolts. 按土建基础图及有关设备的技术文件,对基础尺寸及位置进行复测检查, 尤其是地脚螺栓的间距,要与设备相符。4.3 Equipment Inspection Acceptance 设备验收4.3.1 The nameplate shall be checked in accordance with the drawings , specifica

21、tions and data sheets. The nozzle position and enhanced plates of the equipment shall be in accordance with the fabrication drawings and the skid process conforming to the specifications and the drawings . 按照图纸、规范、数据表,核实名牌参数的正确性,按照制造图核对设备开口方位、加强板位置是否正确。按PID图核对撬装设备流程4.3.2 The passages of ladders and

22、platforms etc. shall be checked by CP6CC with the TCM engineer in accordance with the specifications and the drawings. If ladders and platforms have not been installed, CP6CC shall be responsible for the installation on site in accordance with drawings and specifications. Bottom-side of equipment ba

23、se plates and the inside of anchor bolt holes on equipment shall be cleaned prior to installation ,so they are free of laitance ,oil and grease . 根据规范和图纸与TCM工程师一起检查梯子、平台等所需的通道,如有未安装的梯子平台,CP6CC将负责按图纸和规范要求进行现场安装。4.3.3 The internals and coatings shall be inspected and accepted by CP6CC and the TCM engi

24、neer, upon acceptation all manholes and nozzles shall be closed. The blinds on the nozzles shall not be opened prior to the installation of piping. .打开人孔和其他开孔,由CP6CC和TCM工程师一起进行内件和涂层检查。检查合格后应封闭所有人孔和法兰孔,在管道安装前不得打开法兰孔的盲板4.4 Leveling, Alignment and Grouting 设备就位,找正灌浆4.4.1 The equipment shall be lifted i

25、n accordance with the Installation Manual and Engineered Lift Design and care shall be taken to prevent damage or collisions with the anchor bolts. 按照图纸或安装说明书进行设备的吊装就位,吊装时要求不损伤设备,不碰地脚螺栓。4.4.2 Centerline alignment, level and vertical adjustment of the equipment shall be carried out in accordance with

26、 specifications and the Installation Manual. 设备找正、找平按规范和安装说明书要求,找正中心、调整垂直度、水平度4.4.3 The foundation PAD for equipment leveling shall be close to each side of the anchor bolts. 设备找平使用的水平馒头应布置在地脚螺栓两侧并尽量靠近地脚螺栓。4.4.4 The foundation PAD, generally 30-70mm in height, The length of the foundation PAD extend

27、ing between the equipment and the base shall be longer than that of the anchor bolt to ensure balance of load-bearing. 水平馒头的高度一般为3070mm,地脚螺栓两侧的馒头伸入设备底座的长度均应超过地脚螺栓,且保证设备底座受力均匀。4.4.5 Lever and transit shall be used to verify the levelness and alignment of the equipment, and upon verification the ancho

28、r bolts shall be tightened, before be approved by TCM engineer. 设备找平找正,紧固地脚螺栓,用水准仪、经纬仪校核准确无误,并经TCM工程师确认4.4.6 Secondary grouting shall be carried out . 进行二次灌浆4.5 When coating of the equipment is not conforming to the requirements or damaged, the equipment shall be re-coated in accordance with the spe

29、cifications. 对未按要求进行防腐或防腐层有损伤的设备,按标准和规范进行补刷防腐层。4.6 The equipment shall be insulated during dry atmospheric condition as per drawings and specifications. Rain-proofing cover shall be provided in rainy seasons. 对有保温要求的设备,按规范或图纸要求进行保温。保温施工应在干燥的环境下进行,雨季施工时应有防雨措施。4.7 The vessels shall not be closed until

30、 it has been inspected, cleaned and approved by the TCM engineer. 容器清扫合格并经TCM工程师认可后方可封闭。5 Tower 塔器5.1 The installation procedure of the tower shall include but not be limited to the inspection acceptance of the tower and foundation, prefabrication and installation of the ladders and platforms, hoist

31、ing to its position, alignment and grouting, internals installation and corrosion protection, closure etc. 塔器安装施工程序:基础验收、塔体验收、梯子平台预制安装、吊装就位、找正灌浆、内件安装、内防腐、封闭。5.2 Foundation Inspection Acceptance 基础验收5.2.1 The foundation, with elevation, datum line, transversal and longitudinal centerline marked below

32、 the grouting elevation , shall be delivered to CP6CC with the survey records. 基础移交时应有测量记录,在基础上标出标高、基准线、及基础的纵横中心线。5.2.2 The foundation shall be visually checked to be free from defects such as cracks, honeycombs, holes and steel-protrusion. 对基础外观检查,不能有裂纹、蜂窝、空洞、 露筋等缺陷。5.2.3 The concrete foundation shall not be surficially treated until it has cured for 7 days as minimum. The surface of the concrete shall be free from laitance and any for

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