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第六讲 第二语言习得研究.docx

1、第六讲 第二语言习得研究第六章 第二语言习得研究第二语言习得研究是一块较新的领域。有的学者从科德1967年发表的学生偏误的意义一文算起,把该文和塞林克1972年发表的中介语一文看做是第二语言习得研究的开端。另一部分学者认为把以拉多于1957年发表的跨文化语言学为标志的对比分析研究,作为第二语言习得研究的起点。这样算来,第二语言习得的研究已有40年的历史。上一章我们所谈的第二语言习得理论,侧重从学习者的内部机制探讨第二语言是如何习得的。第二语言习得理论除此之外,主要还包括三个方面。(1) 对语言习得过程和学习者语言特征的研究,这部分又先后出现了对比分析、偏误分析、运用分析和话语分析几种模式,也就

2、是从最初只是对目的语的研究发展到后几种模式对学习者中介语的研究。(2) 对第二语言学习者个体因素的研究,研究学习者生理、认知和情感方面的个体因素对语言习得的影响。(3) 对语言习得外部因素、即语言习得环境的研究,包括课堂教学的环境和社会大环境。本章主要介绍这三个方面的内容。 第一节 第二语言习得过程研究一 对比分析(Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis)1 对比分析的目的 Deeply rooted in the behavioristic and structuralist approaches of the day, the CAI claimed that th

3、e principal barrier to second language acquisition is the interference of the first language system with the second language system, and that a scientific, structural analysis of the two languages in question would yield a taxonomy of linguistic contrasts between them which in turn would enable the

4、linguist to predict the difficulties a learner would encounter.2 Clifford Prators hierarchy of difficulty for grammatical structures of two languages in contrast:Level 0-Transfer. No difference or contrast is present between the two languages. The learner can simply transfer (positive) a sound, stru

5、cture, or lexical item from the native language to the target language.如英语和汉语都是“动词+宾语”的语序,因此以英语为第一语言或母语的学习者在学习汉语的这一结构时,没有困难。2 对比分析的基本观点对比研究是在结构主义和行为主义的理论基础上发展起来的,其基本观点包括:1) 语言属于行为范畴,第二语言的学习过程是学习者培养一整套新的行为习惯的过程。Second language learning was viewed as a process of overcoming the habits of the native la

6、nguage in order to acquire the new habits of the target language. 在形成新习惯的过程中,原有的习惯就会产生迁移作用。如果是是负迁移,则对学习产生干扰,这种干扰又分为两种:A 阻碍性的干扰(preclusive interference),指目的语中需要学习的某一语言项目是第一语言中所没有的,第一语言中所缺少的东西在学习时就要受到阻碍,如对从没有接触过汉字的西方学生来说,汉字总是较难掌握的;B 介入性干扰(intrusive interference),即第一语言中的某一语言项目虽然在目的语中没有,但在学习过程中仍要顽强地介入,如

7、西方语言中通过词形变化来表示动词“时”的概念,在汉语中本来没有,但西方学生学习汉语时仍时常出现这方面的干扰。2) 学习者使用第二语言时的错误主要来源于母语,产生错误的原因往往可以从两种语言之间的差异中找到答案,差异越大,产生错误的可能性也越大。3 对比分析的步骤(1)描写:对目的语和学习者的第一语言进行详细的、具体的描写,作为对比的基础;(2)选择:在两种语言中选择进行对比的某些有意义的语言项目或结构;(3)对比:对两种语言中选择好的语言项目或结构进行对比,找出两种语言的相同点和不同点;(4)预测:在对比的基础上对第二语言学习者在学习中可能出现的困难和发生的错误进行预测。4 对比分析在教学中的

8、应用hierarchy of difficultyLevel1-Coalescence. Two items in the native language become coalesced into essentially one item in the target language . This requires that learners overlook a distinction they have grown accustomed to.如英语中的单数第三人称代词有he和she的区别,而汉语在读音中则不分,都读t。英语为第一语言的学习者在听、说汉语时,要忽略单数第三人称男性、女性的

9、区别,而用同一个t。再如英语里表示“借”有borrow和lend,但是汉语里都用“借”。汉语的“粗”这个词,就可以分别与thickcoarce, vulgar, rough, careless等相对应。Level2-Underdifferentiation. An item in the native language is absent in the target language. The learner must avoid that item.如英语语音中的,汉语中没有,英语为母语的学生学汉语要防止其介入性干扰。英语里有冠词与定冠词,汉语里没有。Level3-Reinterpretat

10、ion. An item that exists in the native language is given a new shape or distribution. 例如汉语和英语都有被动句,但汉语中除了有标记的“被”、“叫”、“让”等表示的被动句外,大量的则是无标记被动句,还有像“是的”等表示被动意义的句子。以英语为第一语言的学习者学习汉语时,在其原有的英语被动句知识的基础上,必须重新认识汉语的被动句,否则就会因英语的影响而造出错句,如“这本书是被他买的”,或者无法理解像“茶喝了”这样的句子。比如“这”和“那”这两个最常用的指示代词,一般地来说,与英语的“this”和“that”在意义

11、上是对应的,用法也有共同之处。但在某种情况下,却又有不同的用法。如在总括上文时,汉语习惯上用“这”而英语用“that”,用法恰恰相反。如在一段话中,叙述了一个代表团访问中国的目的,最后有一句总括的话“这就是我们访问中国的目的”,外国学生大概会说:“那就是我们访问中国的目的。”因为在英语中,一般应说“That is the aim of our visit to China”。Level4-Overdifferentiation. A new item entirely, bearing little if any similarity to the native language item,

12、must be learned. 如以英语为第一语言的学习者在学习汉语的声调、汉字以及语法的“把”字句及多种补语时,都会感到一定的困难。Level5-Split. One item in the native language becomes two or more in the target language, requiring the learner to make a new distinction. 如英语动词visit,可译为汉语中的“参观”、“访问”、“看望”三个动词,各与不同的宾语组合。“参观”的宾语只能是表示场所机构的事物,“看望”的宾语只能是人,而“访问”则指人指事物均可。

13、学生如不了解汉语的区别,就会受第一语言的影响,造出“我明天参观我老师”这样的句子来。英语中的thick5 对比分析的意义1)对比分析有一套严密的方法和程序,通过对不同语言的比较,使人们对语言现象的描写和研究、对语言特征的了解更为深入,从而丰富了普通语言学、具体语言学和翻译学的理论。2)对比分析应用于语言教学,通过目的语与学习者第一语言的对比,从两种语言的差异中发现了第一语言给第二语言教学带来的干扰,从而为第二语言教学提供了十分重要的信息:发现了学生学习的难点,揭示了教学的重点,加强了教学的针对性,便于更有效地制定大纲、设计课程、编选教材和改进课堂教学与测试。6 对比分析的局限1)对比分析的主要



16、习者母语的对比,甚至根本没有涉及学习者的实际语言表现,也未涉及到学习者的特点。因此有的学者就认为对比分析只是一种语言的研究,不应包括在第二语言习得研究的范围之内。Perhaps the most fatal flaw of the CAH, as pointed out by Long and Sato(1984), was the dubious assumption that one could depend solely upon an analysis of a linguistic product to yield meaningful insight into a psycholi

17、nguistic process, i.e. second language learning.二 偏误分析(Error analysis)1 Strong versus weak versions of the CAHIn an attempt to reconcile this observation with the disappointing results of empirical investigations, Wardhaugh(1970) proposed a distinction between a strong version and a weak version of

18、the contrastive analysis hypothesis. The strong version involved predicting errors in second language learning based upon an a priori contrastive analysis of the L1 and L2, and as we have seen, the predictions are not always borne out. In the weak version, however, researchers start with learners er

19、rors and explain at least a subset of them by pointing to the similarities and differences between the two languages. Thus, although CAH might not be useful a priori, it was still claimed to possess a posteriori explanatory power. As such, it was useful in a broader approach to detecting the source

20、of error, namely error analysis.2 偏误分析产生的背景本世纪60年代末到70年代初,人们在实践中发现,第二语言习得中出现的错误并非都是来自母语的干扰,许多错误往往无法通过两种语言的对比来加以解释。在这一大背景下,出现了“偏误分析”的理论和研究方法。偏误分析的面要大大宽于对比研究。对比研究只是把错误的根源局限在母语的影响上,而偏误分析对产生偏误的原因作了更为广泛的探讨和研究,认为相当一部分偏误是语言发展过程中的必然产物。3 什么是偏误 In his 1967 paper, Corder made a distinction between a mistake an

21、d an error. Whereas a mistake is a random performance slip caused by fatigue, excitement, etc, and therefore can be readily self-corrected, an error is a systematic deviation made by learners who have not yet mastered the rules of the L2. A learner cannot self-correct an error because it is a produc

22、t reflective of his or her current stage of L2 development, or underlying competence. Rather than being seen as something to be prevented, then, errors were signs that were actively engaged in hypothesis testing which would ultimately result in the acquisition of TL rules.比如以汉语为母语的人学习英语,常常忘记第三人称单数一般

23、现在时动词后边要加“s”,这类错误一般学习者自己难以察觉,也不易改正,同一错误会多次重复出现。这类规律性的偏误正是中介语特征的反映,是偏误分析要研究的主要内容。4 偏误分析的基础偏误分析的心理学基础是认知理论,语言学基础是乔姆斯基的普遍语法理论。第二语言习得过程被看成是规则形成的过程,即学习者不断从目的语输入中尝试对目的语规则作出假设,并进行检验与修正,逐渐向目的语靠近并建构目的语的规则系统。5 偏误分析的具体步骤科德把偏误分析分为五个步骤:(1) 搜集供分析的语料:从第二语言学习者的口头和书面语表达中或听力理解中选择供分析用的语料。(2) 鉴别偏误:首先要区分是有规律性的偏误还是偶然的失误,

24、同时还要区分是结构形式的偏误还是语用的偏误。(3) 对偏误进行分类。(4) 解释偏误产生的原因。(5) 评估偏误的严重程度,是否影响到交际。6 偏误的分类(1)传统分类(着眼于语言形式):语音、词汇、语法等(2)根据偏误的严重程度:整体性偏误(global errors)和局部性偏误(local errors)Hendrickson(1980) advised teachers to try to discern the difference between global and local errors. Once, a learner of English was describing a

25、 quaint old hotel in Europe and said, “There is a French widow in every bedroom.” Global errors need to be treated in some way since the message may otherwise remain garbled. “The different city is another one in the another two.” “Well, its a great hurry around.”The local error is clearly , and hum

26、orously, recognized. “A scissors.” Hendrickson recommended that local errors usually need not be corrected since the message is clear and correction might interrupt a learner in the flow of productive communication.(3) Interlingual versus intralingual errors SL learners committed errors which could

27、be traced to L1 interference and as such were termed interlingual errors by Richards(1971). However, there was a large number of similar errors being committed by SL learners, regardless of their L1. These errors were called intralingual.(4) Overt and covert errorsOvertly erroneous utterances are un

28、questionably ungrammatical at the sentence level. Covertly erroneous utterances are grammatically well-formed at the sentence level but are not interpretable within the context of communication. Covert errors, in other words, are not really covert at all if you attend to surrounding discourse (befor

29、e or after the utterance). “Im fine, thank you” is grammatically correct at the sentence level, but as a response to “Who are you?” it is obviously an error. A simpler and more straightforward set of terms, then, would be “sentence level” and “discourse level” errors.7 偏误的来源(Sources of Error)1) Inte

30、rlingual TransferInterlingual transfer is a significant source of error for all learners. The begging stages of learning a second language are especially vulnerable to interlingual transfer from the native language, or interference.例如-i、是外国学生普遍感到困难的音素,shi可能发成she shir shei等。Si往往被发成sei se等。韵母可能发成i ei

31、iu u i等。班图语系非洲学生发-ng时,常常带一个轻微的g音,这是因为他们的母语中没有字母n和g一起出现时,n自成音节,g与其后的元音拼合成一个音节。因此,当这些学生发汉语的时,尽管从道理上知道-ng是一个音素,但母语的习惯使他们把n和g分开,而g后又没有元音与之相拼,所以一出就止。西班牙学生学习汉语、英语,常不发音节开头的h,就是明显的西班牙语的影响。2) Intralingual TransferIntralingual transfer is a major factor in second language learning. Negative intralingual trans

32、fer, or overgeneralization(用通俗的话说,有点儿像“想当然”), has alreadly been illustrated in such utterances as “Does John can sing?” “He goed.” “I dont know what time is it.”如汉语的三声变调是学生的难点。有的学生单独发三声或在教师领读半三声或三声连读时,都没有问题,但只要自己一说一念,就把半三声变成全三声,或者把连续的几个三声一律读成全三声。其原因就是学生照直感对三声总结出他自己的规律,用在半三声或三声连读上。3) Context of learning “Context” refers, for example, to the classroom with its teacher and its materials in the case of school learning or the social situation in the case of untutored second language learning. In a classroom the teache

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