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九年级下册Unit 5 Sport教案.docx

1、九年级下册Unit 5 Sport教案龙文教育一对一个性化辅导教案学生学校年级九年级次数第次科目英语教师罗仕韬日期时段 课题Unit 5 Sport教学重点Unit5重点词汇及语法知识点教学难点语法知识的综合运用教学目标能够掌握新单词,新短语和课文内容能够掌握语法知识的综合运用教学步骤及教学内容一、教学衔接: 通过沟通了解学生的思想动态和学习情况。 检查上次辅导的课外作业二、内容讲解: 单词检测、短语检测知识点 1、用法集萃知识点2、Unit 5重点词汇知识点3、Unit 5重点语法知识点被动语态知识点4、同步练习三、课堂总结与反思: 带领学生对本次课授课内容进行回顾、总结四、作业布置: 安排

2、适量具有代表性的题目让学生回家后巩固练习。 管理人员签字: 日期: 年 月 日作业布置1、学生上次作业评价: 好 较好 一般 差 备注:2、本次课后作业:见讲义 课堂小结 家长签字: 日期: 年 月 日讲义一、单词回顾announcement n.公告,通告 passport n.护照Canada n.加拿大 opposite prep.与.相对,在.对面couple n.夫妻,情侣 honest adj.坦率的,诚实的overadv.结束 shame n.令人惋惜的事enterv.报名参加 rapid adj.迅速的,快速的final n.决赛 stress n.精神压力,紧张二、短语回顾p

3、lay with. ,跟.玩 at last 最后one another 互相 put on 穿上,戴上to be honest 老实说 fall over 被.绊倒hold on to 抓紧 keep ones balance 保持平衡a few 几个,一些 arrive at 到达by bus 乘公共汽车 up to 直到play against 与.对抗 a lot 非常,很more than 超过,多样 millions of 数以百万计的,无数的be far from 离.远 (be) full of 充满.be good for 对.有好处 build up 建立how often

4、 多久一次 at any time 在任何时间,随时begin with 以.开始 take part in 参加such as 例如 all over the world 全世界check in (at)(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到have a wonderful time 过得愉快,玩得开心feel pleased with sb.对某人感到满意keep sb. from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事三、用法集萃make sb do sth 使某人做某事keep on doing sth 继续/反复做某事have to do sth 必须/不得不做某事manage to do st

5、h 设法做某事much +比较级,.的多in order to do sth 为了做某事learn to do sth 学着做某事 want to do sth 想要做某事learn (to) do sth. 学着做某事start doing sth 开始做某事(be) dying to do sth 渴望做某事,极想做某事cant wait to do sth 迫不及待地做某事spend some time (in) doing sth 花费多少时间做某事It is/was adj. to do sth 做某事是.的one of the 形容词最高级+可数名词复数,最.之一四、重点语法被动时

6、态被动语态是历年来中考的考点之一。在学习被动语态时,一定要彻底地弄明白,搞清楚。再认真审题,相信能够百战百胜。那么,如何更容易地了解和掌握被动语态呢请牢记“一变二套三注意”。 1、一变变主动为被动或变被动为主动时 ,把原句的主语和宾语互换,注意被动语态的构成“be + 过去分词”。如:We planted a tree yesterday. A tree was planted yesterday by us. 2、二套被动语态的构成为“be + 过去分词”。在不同的时态中,过去分词保持不变,而be动词随着时态有不同的变化,如:am/ is/ are(一般现在时);was/ were (一般过

7、去时);have/ has been( 现在完成时);am/ is/are being (现在进行时)等。若含有情态动词,则用“情态动词+ be + 过去分词”结构。例如:The flowers are being watered by them. 他们正在浇花。The plan has been found by me. 钢笔已经被我找到了。Homework must be finished first. 必须要先完成作业。3、三注意 句中含有双宾语如give/ buy sb sth 时,一般要把间接宾语(sb)变成被动句的主语,若将直接宾语( sth ) 变成主语,则在间接宾语前加上介词t

8、o或for。常用to的介词有give, show, pass, hand, lend, send 等;常用介词for 的动词有borrow, buy, make 等。如:The eraser was passed to me at last. 最后,橡皮被传递给了我。A new toy was bought for me as my birthday present by him.他给我买了一个玩具,作为我的生日礼物。 主动句中,谓语是含有介词或副词的动词短语,变为被动句时,介词或副词不能省略。常见的词组有listen to, take care of, pay attention to 等。

9、如: We often talk with the old politely. The old are often talked with politely by us. 主动句中作宾补的不带to的动词不定式,变被动时要加上to.常见的词组有hear/ see sb do sth, make sb do sth 等。如:we make the boy stand outside. The boy was made to stand by us.课堂练习1、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词 -Can you play volleyball -No, I cant. But I can play

10、 b_. What a s_! You cant come to my birthday party. Our classroom is _(在.对面)the library. Dont forget to take your _(护照)when you leave. Where are my _(手套)I cant find them.2、用所给单词的适当形式填空 Its so hot. Im dying _(drink) some cold water. Last year, I spent most of my free time _(play) computer games. Mary

11、 _(write) a letter when I came into the classroom. You should hold on to the rope _(keep) your balance. When _ the telephone _(invent) Look! The students _ ( cross )the street. Listen! A girl is heard _ ( sing ) in the next room. The 29th Olympics _( will hold )in Beijing next year. I think he _ ( f

12、inish )this work tomorrow morning. This building _ ( build )in zoo. Do you know who _ ( invent )the telephone They told me _( come )earlier tomorrow. The boy is often seen _ ( play ) baseball by us. 3、单项填空 -Which team will the Chinese football team play _ -The Japanese team.A、for Football is so exci

13、ting that _ people in the world play it.A、million of of millions of million of They will try their best in the Dragon Boat Racing _ they may fail. Wed better wait _ more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. few little The boys usually play football in the playground after school is _. -Can a plane

14、fly _ the Atlantic Ocean -Yes, but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours.; through ; across ; across ; through -_ do you visit your grandparents -Twice a month. often long soon far How did you manage _ the task, Tony finish -When did your uncle _ Shanghai -The day before yesterday. We got there in t

15、he afternoon, and then _ in a small hotel. She was seen _ at this time yesterday. A. dance B. dancing C. danced D. to dance The meeting _ at 4 this afternoon. A. began B. will begin C. is begun D. will be begin The man _for more than ten hours a day. A. made to work B. was made working C. was made w

16、ork D. was made to work The teacher must _ carefully in class. A. listen B. be listened C. be listened to listening A lot of tall buildings _in our city last year. A. are built B. was built C. were built D. can be built Our classroom is clean and tidy. It _every day. A. is cleaned B. is cleaning C.

17、cleans D. cleaned How long may this book _ A. be keeping B. kept C. be kept D. is kept When your homework _, please hand it in. A. did B. do C. done D. is done课后练习(一) 词汇检测1. 报名参加v 2.公告、通告n3. 坦诚的adj 4.令人惋惜的事n _ 5. 夫妻n _ 6. 迅速的 adj _7. 平缓的 adj _ 8. 绳子 n _9. 手套 n _ 10. 结束 adv _11. 护照 n _ 12旅游胜地 n _13.

18、与 相对,在对面 prep _(二) 短语检测1. _ 玩, 跟玩; 2. _ 最后3 _ 互相 4 _ 穿上、戴上4 _ 说实在的 6 _ 被绊倒6 _ 抓紧 8 _ 保持平衡9 _ 到达 10 _ 乘公共汽车11 _ 与对战 12 _ 直到13 _ 离远 14 _ 充满15 _ 对有好处 16 _ 建立17 _ 以开始 18 _ 在(旅馆、机场)登记,报道(三) 语法检测( ) 1. If you really hold on to your dreams, they _ true one day. A came B comes C has come D will come( ) 2. D

19、id you sleep well last night Far from that! One of my neighbours _ music pretty loud. A plays B is playing C was playing D would play( ) 3. Where _ the dictionary I cant see it. I _ it right here a moment ago. But its gone. A did you put, have put B have you put, put C had you put, have put D were y

20、ou putting, had put( ) 4. It is reported that more new teaching buildings _ in our school next term. A will be built B was built C has built D will build( ) 5. Are you going to the party No , because I _. A have invented B havent invited C have been invited D havent been invited( ) 6. Which team wil

21、l the Chinese football team play _ The Japanese team. A for B on C against D at( ) 7. Football is so exciting that _ people in the world play it. A million of B millions of C two millions of D two million of( ) 8. They will try their best in the Dragon Boat Racing _ they may fail. A if B although C

22、unless D until( ) 9. Wed better wait _ more minutes. I think Jeff will come soon. A a few B few C a little D little( ) 10. Can a plane fly _ the Atlantic Ocean Yes, but it needs to go _ the clouds for hours. A across, through B through, across C across, across D through, through( ) 11. How did you m

23、anage _ the task, Tony A finish B finishing C to finish D finished(四) 短语检测用单词的适当形式填空。1. Its so hot. Im dying _ (drink) some cold water.2. Last year, I spent most of my free time _ (play) computer games.3. Mary _ ( write) a letter when I came into the classroom.4. when _ the telephone _( invent)5. Th

24、is was the worst _(nature) disaster in the history of the United States.6. Look! There are two_ (coach) in front of our school.7. Some countries would be _ ( flood) if sea level around the world rose.8. Mary suggested _ ( go) there by bus and I agreed.(五)填空题1. Look! The students _ the street. ( cros

25、s )2. Listen! A girl is heard _ in the next room. ( sing )3. The 29th Olympics _in Beijing next year. ( will hold )4. I think he _ this work tomorrow morning. ( finish )5. This building _in zoo. ( build )6. Do you know who _the telephone ( invent )7. They told me _earlier tomorrow. ( come )8. The bo

26、y is often seen _ baseball by us. ( play )(六)单项选题( )1. She was seen _ at this time yesterday. A. dance B. dancing C. danced D. to dance( )2. The meeting _ at 4 this afternoon. A. began B. will begin C. is begun D. will be begin( )3. The man _for more than ten hours a day. A. made to work B. was made working C. was made work D. was made to work( )4. The teacher must _ carefully in class. A. listen B. be listened C. be listened to D. be listening( )5. A lot of tall buildings _in our city last year. A. are built B. was built C. were built D. can be built( )6. Our classr

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