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本文(精品新人教版英语人教新目标九年级上册Unit单元课时练习.docx)为本站会员(b****4)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、精品新人教版英语人教新目标九年级上册Unit单元课时练习精品新人教版英语人教新目标九年级上册-Unit-单元课时练习 作者:日期:九年级英语 上 Unit 7 Teenaer huld ellod ochose ther own clohs. 课时训练 Secto A一、根据句意和汉语提示,填入所缺单词。 Tm go his rers_(执照)last ee. e d _(同意)ith wht yu sad jstow.【 :1 】3. Scr ovesmy give you _(恶)dea4 Mm_(允许) me to kep og athome. H ften_(熬夜) latat nih

2、二、用所给短语的适当形式填空。learn from, stay out, be good for, instead of, keep.away from, be strict with 1. We ike to stdy wih a oupbeaue can _ eachoter 2. Ou techers _ u so thenever llo us t copyothrshomwo.3. Teaers shouldtbe aloe t _ a nigh.1 14. If war ou on lothes, welcentrate o or ches _ ou sis.5. Wems _ t

3、eenage _th Intent 三、单项选择 。( ) 1. The ol wma sees_ with t hpy Ctb happ hap5() 2.-Da, whymustsp _ cpter gme? -Fr your ealth, by.A.yB.tpl C.toplayigD.pln( )3. Do you thnk _ soud work at ght?A.sitenysol .sitee-year-old C.sixteen-ear-olds D. sxten-ya-od( ) 4.-Dos the taher al

4、o u _ ofore 12 oclok?-No, h dosnt.A.go B. go .goingDon( ) 5.The clasroom _ every ay.A. oul leaB.shou e and .shoul cleand D.should beleain4、句型转换。1. Sixteen-yea-oldsshoud bellowed t drv.(改为一般疑问句) _ sitenyear-ods_ o die?2. Tenagrs shoud ballowedto wear that erring.(改为否定句) Teeagrs _allwed to er at earin

5、g.3. I inkthworkshobe don at onc.(改为否定句) _ thnk e wor _ be don at one4. We shouldn allow te stuents to say up unti dniht(改为被动句) Th stunt_ to st up untilmdn.5. TheEngish mo must be haged in thi ftern.(改为被动句) _ _ the Eglih omework this afteroon. 五、根据根据汉语提示完成句子,每空一词。1.那时候他好像在睡觉。 It _ _ he _then.42.我认为不

6、应该允许青少年晚上出去。 I_ hink teengrs _ _ _ t go out atight. 她不和我说话了。 S _ _e4. 妈妈给了我温暖的臂膀让我入睡。 Momave me wa arm _ _.2. 我们应该给青少年们自己做决定的机会。 e houl giveteagers chancs to _ _ _ _ Sectio 一、根据句意和汉语提示,填入所缺单词。1. -hich tam wil you _(支持)? -Thesecond team. tinit s bettr tha te first on.2. My mother says thatitis my y _

7、(选择).Tesupermaret is the_(中心)of the city 4. If yu dot studyhad, youmy _(不及格) hm.【: 】. Davdsdrea is to bea _(职业的) rr. 二、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1.Ithin his is t betw _(sole) eproblm. .an mke ow _(decide), Mom? 3.Parenshavenothng agantclrn _(lay) it hei friends. 4. What _(hppn) if he _(not becme) an athlete? 5 O

8、nly omoow I _(inish) myewk.三、 单项选择。 1. Yousholdkno the_ofEnglsh stdy.A.mportan B.necessary .imortace Dpossie . -MustIfinish reding the book tody? -o. Y _if you ae omthing el todo.A.mustn .coudnt Dont hato 3. Your coat _You sud by a nw one.【 :21 0】A.warot B.s worn ot C.or ut .is worn 4. Soeimes

9、tenae hobbies cange _ hway _scool wor.o; of .way; of .in; o D.f;n 5.May inetns _ hundes f yersago. aall invend ll ar nvented C.wer all invntd D.all were nvente4、句型转换。 1. I thnkstuns shoud wea he uniforms.(改为否定句)I _ thik stdents_ wear the niom . wul fel mormfoal if we e allowed t wear our w lohes.(对划

10、线部分提问)_ woud ou_ iyou re allowed towear your own clohe? .Th play baskeal twice awe(对划线部分提问) _ _ o ey lay basketbal?4. Hsprnts woryabot his success(改为同义句) Hisprnt _ _his sucess5. He is o young tha hcant drive(改为同义句) He _ og _ drv.五.根据对话内容,从方框中选择合适的句子补全对话。有两项多余。 A Hi,Wang L! Yo ook apy. Wts wng? 1_AI

11、dont hinthats oo idea. We ne topen timewit riend. BTs rig_ Ral? Butmy ather sks me tmake reds ih all my classaes. 3_ ABut my mthr dst et mepay copter games for lng.4 B 4_ Wemuttsped too uc tim payig omptrgams A_ B Youre rght.hineeed o talk to r pare an me tem uestnd u.A. But we are old enough.B. I t

12、hink your mother is right.C. Wow, how kind your father is!D. What rules do you have at home?E. Well, sometimes our parents dont understand us.F. My father doesnt allow me to go out on weekends.G. My parents dont allowed me to make friends with any boys, either. Self Ceck一、根据句意和首字母提示,写出单词。. If ou wan

13、to dve a ca, get the driersl_firs,as.2 2 Everykid can e_for fre in our ountr.63. o anttakpots wih a f_ hee.4. ot boy want toe a p_thle. Heisam_f tha Elis ub, sohe canrea th agaznes forfre.二、 根据汉语提示完成句子。1. She didn _ _(不在乎)nythin oplethere might say 2. r hir is to lon. ou oulave _ _(理发).【 :21 】 . e h

14、e tachrae, al th studens_(停止了交谈)4. Our eacher is_ _(对要求严格)us.5. Do ouknow_(重要性) oftinhd. 三、单项选择。 1 Oneeke he a _until 12p.m.A.stayp B.stay n C.stay n Dsta at. he ictionry mustnt _ rom the ibrary. Atae awayaenawy .betaken ay Dr a away Its diffiut for villge children t cs e iverto sch. hink a bidg _ v

15、er thr. .shol bbuil B.will build C.isuilt .wasbu 4. Oly hen _ tht he had lost a chane of achieing his ream A.e rad e realzed C.did he reai D.e did ealie 5.Mum, must I finish my homewrk right now? -Oh, yu _. .musnt B.needn Ccant D.may not四、 根据汉语意思完成英文句子,每空一词。 1我们不反对跑步。 have _ _ nig.2他跟他叔叔学习汉语。 e

16、 _ Chinse _ suncle.看电视太多对你的眼睛不好。 _ _ _ s bad foror eyes 4. 这是一个很难实现的梦。 Itsaery dificul rea _.5如果不成功你该怎么办? hat _yo o i y _ _?5、补全对话。 A Ji wnlteagai toight, Lucy.I o, Lily. Int 1_ sixteen-year-ols should be2_ tork t night Yug eopl need 3_. A I disagee wit you Teenaers bys nerget tid. B W, mae. B Jim s

17、ouldnt wrk every nigt. AOh, I gree. e needs tme to_ homework.1 B Yo no,Lil, hshu really 5_ his arA Oh, dot kow. Do ou tinkt to ong? BYe, I dt doest look clan. AnI thn he suld stop _ t sill earring A Oh, I 7_. I lke t. It oks col! B Youkno wat wories -Ji dontseem to 8_ mny frien A Really? I dn knowth

18、at. B es,Lily. e needsto sed ie 9_fries. 0_ ou an e? :Myb. 答案: SetoA一、lice 2ae3awul 4allows5.tay up二、. lern from 2. stict wth3.taout4.insead of 5.keep,away from三、1-5 DBB四、1. Shoul, b llowe 2.holt be 3.dont, shoul 4souldn b lowed5.mustnd in五、.seemed that, ws slepng .ont, should bllwed .spd alkig 4o s

19、lepin 5mae theirown eciios Section B一、1.sppot .cice 4.fal 5.profsional二、.t sole 2.eision 3playing 4.wilhapen; oesnt bece .wil fnish三、-5 CC四、1dont;sould 2.How; feel 3. ow oten wrriedabot .too, to.五、-5 CESlf Chec一、.licese 4.presiona 5.member * 二、1.aru2.itcut3.stpp talkig 4.srct wit 5heportace三、 1-5AACB四、1.nthing ginst .lerns,from3acngTV toomuch 4toacieve 5.will, n scess五、1.thin 2llowd 3.leep 4.d .cut6.waring disgr8.av 9with 10.k

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