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1、大学英语六级听力高频词汇2016年12月大学英语六级听力高频词汇1. concept概念 观念 设想Do you think home video players would replace movie theaters and force them out of the entertainment businesses?We certainly face to the great challenge from the DVD industry, thats why I think we have to revolution our concept about the movie showin

2、g. As I said, the movie theater should not just be a place to watch a film, but place to meet people.2. concerning关于You must be familiar with all safety preceduling operation and maitainment this equipment.3. concert音乐会 演奏会Did you see just now, I want to ask her to go with us to the concert tonight.

3、She must be around somewhere. You might still be able to catch her.4. conduct进行 管理 举止 行为Whats considered typical popular conduct in one country maybe regarded as odd, improper or even rude in the other.5. conference会议 正式会议 讨论会I thought you are going to call me last night about the plans for the conf

4、erence on language teaching.Sorry, I should have. But tom and Jane stopped by, and stayed until midnight.6. confidence信任 信赖 信心 自信Ive never seen you have such confidence before in the exam.Its more than confidence! Right now I feel if I got less than A, it will be the fault of the exam itself.7. conf

5、irm证实 肯定 确认When the doctor examed Wilt, the doctor confirmed Wilts fears. The doctor told Wilt that he had a broken bone in the wirst, and he couldnt play anymore.8. consequently所以 因此 因而Fishes are caught when they are on the way upstream to lay eggs, Consequently, not enough fished are left to repro

6、duce in large numbers.9. consider考虑 认为 把看作Most Americans are consider to success when they make a name for themselves.10. constitude 构成 形成 建立Professor Stevenson, as a economist, how do you look upon the surging chinese economy? does it constitude a threat to the rest of the world?I believe chinas ec

7、onomics success should be seen more as an opportunity than a threat, those who look upon it as a threat overlooked the benefit of chinas growth to the world economy, they also lack the understanding of elementary economics.11. constitutional宪法的 宪法规定的As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encoura

8、ged the french to help Georgy Washingdon. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress.12. consultant顾问 专科医生By the way, Jane, did you talk to the consultant about our new health program?I contacted his office, but his secrectary said he would be out for lunch until 2.13. consume消耗

9、 喝光The human body is a remarkable food processer. as a adult, you can consume over a ton of food per year, and still not gain or lose a pound of body weight.14. contact接触 联系 与取得联系The virus can be highly infectious. If you come in contact with a victims blood or other body fluids, you can get sick, t

10、oo.Mary, could you please tell thomas to contact to me, I was hoping him would be able to help me out with the freshmen orientation program next week.I would certainly tell him If I saw him, but I havent see him around for quite a few days.15. continue继续 延续Until marriage again become a serious impor

11、tant part of peoples lives, well probably continue to see a high rate of divorce.16. contract合同 契约You have the right to cancel the contract at anytime up to 7 working days after the date you send your acceptance form to us.17. contribute作出贡献 有助于When her youngest child reach the school age, jane deci

12、ded to go back to work, she felt she should contribute to the household finances.18. contribution共线 促成作用As ambassador to France, Benjamin Franklin encouraged the French to help Georgy washington. After the war, he attended the American Constitutional Congress. This was his last contribution for he d

13、ied later that year.19. conrol控制International rescue works brought equipment to Zaire soon after the outbreak occurred, now the disease appears to be under control.20. convention习俗 公约 大会 定期大会Many Europeans states supported Dunant and on 22th August 1864 the first Geneva convention was signed.21. coo

14、perate合作 协作 配合As an open and cooperative art, the network art enables artists to cooperate and intercommunicate with IT experts.22. cooperative合作的 合作组织Another problem is that the members of the fishing cooperative are over-fishing.23. coordinate调节 协调As nurses, we are licensed to provide nursing care

15、 only, we provid health teaching, assess with physical as well as emotional prolems, and coordinate patient related services.1. cavity洞 穴Im afraid there wont be time to do aother tooth today, make sure you dont eat anything like steaks for the next few hours,and well fill the other cavity tomorrow.A

16、ll right. Actually, I must hurry to the library to return some books.2. ceremony典礼 仪式If the flag just display on such occasions, do not allow the flag to fall to the ground. But let it be carried high up in the air to form a feature of the ceremony.3. cetainly必定 当然Your dog certainly seems to know yo

17、ure his master. Did you have to punish him very often when you trained him?I found its better to praise him when you obeys and not to be so fussy when he makes mistakes.4. challenge挑战 向挑战 对质疑The assignment on physics is a real challenge, I dont think I can finish it on time all by myself.Why dont we

18、 join in our feet together? It may be easier then.5. chamber室 会所The local chamber of commerce, which represents the industry in the area, hired me as a consultant to do a one-year study on fishing in the Biramichi river and write report for them.6. champaign香槟酒Ann, how much champaign did they drink?

19、A lot, it was more popular than mineral water.7. champion冠军 捍卫者 拥护者Though we didnt win the game, we were satisfied with our performanceYou did a great job, you almost beat the world champion. It was a real surprise to many people.8. championship锦标赛 冠军His teams often won enough games to qualify for t

20、he final rounds, butthey almost aways lost in the finals. As a result, Wilt chamberlain becamedetermined to win one more championship before he retired.9. chance可能性 机会 机遇When dos the football team have the best chance to win the World Cup?10. change 改变 变更 变化 零钱Susan, Im going to change the light bul

21、b above dining table, will you hold the ladder for me?No problem. But be careful while youre up here.Change the part of life, but rapid change, said scientist Georgy Woodwill, is the enemy of life.11. character性格 特性 人物Hollywood films generally have one thing in common conflict. The main character wa

22、nts something very badly and will do anything to get it. The opponent tries to stop the main character from achieving the goal.12. characteristic典型的 特性 特征Sue accepted each assignment cheerfully, and when problems arose, she responded with his characteristic,No problem, I can handle it.”13. charge价钱

23、管理 指控Mary is in charge of the art and music section, and charles the post page, what about you?Im responsible for the editorials.14. charity慈善 慈善团体We need to let everyone know about the charity concert, but we dont have enough money for advertising.How about using the school radio station? They broa

24、dcast free public service announcements.15. check检查 支票 账单I wonder whether it would be possible to change this double room to two single rooms.Sorry, sir. All the single rooms are occupied. If you like I can check with imperial hotel to see if they have any.Many people dislike walking into the banks,

25、 standing in long lines andrunning out of checks. Theyre dissatisfied with the banks limited hours, too.16. chemical化学的 化学制品Low-till farming increases harvests and reduces water use, and this method reduced the need for chemical products. because they are few unwanted plants.17. chief主要的 首要的 首领 长官On

26、ce more than fifty hundred pairs of bald eagles nested across the country, but by 1960, that number had fallen below four hundred. the chief killer was the wildly used DDT.18. choice选择 选择权There was no real significance in the choice of lucky number.19. choke(使)窒息 呛Enviromental scientist praises the

27、teenages for removing garbage that can harm wildlife, waterbirds, for example, can choke on plastic bottle rings, and get cut by scrap metal.20. choose选择 决定Im looking for a department with a monthly rent to around 200 dollars in his neighborhood, can you give me some advice on that?It is rather hard

28、 to find anything for less than 300 dollars around here. Rents are often lower in the suburbs. But you will need transportation if you choose live here.21. circle圆圈 圈子 界Graffidy is also a popular art form, graffiti pictures have gained respect in artistic circles.22. circumstance环境 条件 境况If in any ci

29、rcumstance, we feel that a physicians order is inappropriate or unsafte, we have the legal responsiblity to question that order or refuse to carry it out.23. cite引用 引证Why did the speaker cite the example of graffiti in the london underground?1.ascendThe pilots were told to descend to two-two thousan

30、d feet. The instruction actually meant twenty two thousand feet,but they thought they heard descent two thousand feet. That is a huge difference, and it should have been confirmed,but it was not. Unfortunately,the terrain of mountains in that region ascend to two thousand feet.2.aspectThe next three

31、 qustion were all concerned with aspects of marriage.Number 3 looked at the ideal age to get married.Number 4 examined the quailties looked for in the partner and number 5 asked about the ideal number of children.3.assessAs nurses we are licensed to provide nursing care only.We provide health teaching, assess with physical as well as emotional problems, and coordinate patient related sevices.4.assistanceI couldnt have won the award without your assistance.Thank you very much.Youve been working so hard.Yo

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