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1、小游戏源代码/* Desc: 俄罗斯方块游戏 * By: hoodlum1980 * Email * Date: 22:30 */#include #include #include #include #include #include #define true 1#define false 0#define BoardWidth 12#define BoardHeight 23#define _INNER_HELPER /*inner helper method */*Scan Codes Define*/enum KEYCODES K_ESC =0x011b, K_UP =0x4800,

2、/* upward arrow */ K_LEFT =0x4b00, K_DOWN =0x5000, K_RIGHT =0x4d00, K_SPACE =0x3920, K_P =0x1970;/* the data structure of the block */typedef struct tagBlock char c44; /* cell fill info array, 0-empty, 1-filled */ int x; /* block position cx 0,BoardWidht -1 */ int y; /* block position cy -4,BoardHei

3、ght-1 */ char color; /* block color */ char size; /* block max size in width or height */ char name; /* block name (the blocks shape) */ Block;/* games global info */int FrameTime= 1300;int CellSize= 18;int BoardLeft= 30;int BoardTop= 30;/* next block grid */int NBBoardLeft= 300;int NBBoardTop= 30;i

4、nt NBCellSize= 10;/* score board position */int ScoreBoardLeft= 300;int ScoreBoardTop=100;int ScoreBoardWidth=200;int ScoreBoardHeight=35;int ScoreColor=LIGHTCYAN;/* infor text postion */int InfoLeft=300;int InfoTop=200;int InfoColor=YELLOW;int BorderColor=DARKGRAY;int BkGndColor=BLACK;int GameRunni

5、ng=true;int TopLine=BoardHeight-1; /* top empty line */int TotalScore=100;char info_score20;char info_help255;char info_common255;/* our board, Boardxy0-isFilled, Boardxy1-fillColor */unsigned char BoardBoardWidthBoardHeight2;char BufferCells44; /* used to judge if can rotate block */Block curBlock;

6、 /* current moving block */Block nextBlock; /* next Block to appear */* function list */int GetKeyCode();int CanMove(int dx,int dy);int CanRotate();int RotateBlock(Block *block);int MoveBlock(Block *block,int dx,int dy);void DrawBlock(Block *block,int,int,int);void EraseBlock(Block *block,int,int,in

7、t);void DisplayScore();void DisplayInfo(char* text);void GenerateBlock(Block *block);void NextBlock();void InitGame();int PauseGame();void QuitGame();/*Get Key Code */int _INNER_HELPER GetKeyCode() int key=0; if(bioskey(1) key=bioskey(0); return key;/* display text! */void _INNER_HELPER DisplayInfo(

8、char *text) setcolor(BkGndColor); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop,info_common); strcpy(info_common,text); setcolor(InfoColor); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop,info_common);/* create a new block by key number,* the block anchor to the top-left corner of 4*4 cells*/void _INNER_HELPER GenerateBlock(Block *block)

9、 int key=(random(13)*random(17)+random(1000)+random(3000)%7; block-size=3;/* because most blocks size=3 */ memset(block-c,0,16); switch(key) case 0: block-name=T; block-color=RED; block-c10=1; block-c11=1, block-c21=1; block-c12=1; break; case 1: block-name=L; block-color=YELLOW; block-c10=1; block-

10、c11=1; block-c12=1, block-c22=1; break; case 2: block-name=J; block-color=LIGHTGRAY; block-c10=1; block-c11=1; block-c12=1, block-c02=1; break; case 3: block-name=z; block-color=CYAN; block-c00=1, block-c10=1; block-c11=1, block-c21=1; break; case 4: block-name=5; block-color=LIGHTBLUE; block-c10=1,

11、 block-c20=1; block-c01=1, block-c11=1; break; case 5: block-name=o; block-color=BLUE; block-size=2; block-c00=1, block-c10=1; block-c01=1, block-c11=1; break; case 6: block-name=I; block-color=GREEN; block-size=4; block-c10=1; block-c11=1; block-c12=1; block-c13=1; break; /* get next block! */void

12、NextBlock() /* copy the nextBlock to curBlock */ =; =; =(BoardWidth-4)/2; =; memcpy,16); /* generate nextBlock and show it */ EraseBlock(&nextBlock,NBBoardLeft,NBBoardTop,NBCellSize); GenerateBlock(&nextBlock); =1,=0; DrawBlock(&nextBlock,NBBoardLeft,NBBoardTop,NBCellSize);/* rotate the block, updat

13、e the block struct data */int _INNER_HELPER RotateCells(char c44,char blockSize) char temp,i,j; switch(blockSize) case 3: temp=c00; c00=c20, c20=c22, c22=c02, c02=temp; temp=c01; c01=c10, c10=c21, c21=c12, c12=temp; break; case 4: /* only I block arived here! */ c10=1-c10, c12=1-c12, c13=1-c13; c01=

14、1-c01, c21=1-c21, c31=1-c31; break; /* judge if the block can move toward the direction */int CanMove(int dx,int dy) int i,j,tempX,tempY; for(i=0;i;i+) for(j=0;j;j+) ifij) /* cannot move leftward or rightward */ tempX = + i + dx; if(tempX(BoardWidth-1) return false; /* make sure x is valid! */ /* ca

15、nnot move downward */ tempY = + j + dy; if(tempY(BoardHeight-1) return false; /* y is only checked lower bound, maybe negative! */ /* the cell already filled, we must check Ys upper bound before check cell ! */ if(tempY=0 & BoardtempXtempY0) return false; return true;/* judge if the block can rotate

16、 */int CanRotate() int i,j,tempX,tempY; /* update buffer */ memcpy(BufferCells, , 16); RotateCells(BufferCells,; for(i=0;i;i+) for(j=0;j;j+) if(BufferCellsij) tempX=+i; tempY=+j; if(tempX(BoardWidth-1) return false; if(tempY(BoardHeight-1) return false; if(tempY=0 & BoardtempXtempY0) return false; r

17、eturn true;/* draw the block */void _INNER_HELPER DrawBlock(Block *block,int bdLeft,int bdTop,int cellSize) int i,j; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,block-color); for(i=0;isize;i+) for(j=0;jsize;j+) if(block-cij & (block-y+j)=0) floodfill( bdLeft+cellSize*(i+block-x)+cellSize/2, bdTop+cellSize*(j+block-y)+c

18、ellSize/2, BorderColor); /* Rotate the block, if success, return true */int RotateBlock(Block *block) char temp,i,j; int b_success; if(block-size=2) return true; if( b_success=CanRotate() EraseBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); memcpy,BufferCells,16); DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSi

19、ze); return b_success;/* erase a block, only fill the filled cell with background color */void _INNER_HELPER EraseBlock(Block *block,int bdLeft,int bdTop,int cellSize) int i,j; setfillstyle(SOLID_FILL,BkGndColor); for(i=0;isize;i+) for(j=0;jsize;j+) if(block-cij & (block-y+j=0) floodfill( bdLeft+cel

20、lSize*(i+block-x)+cellSize/2, bdTop+cellSize*(j+block-y)+cellSize/2, BorderColor); /* move by the direction if can, donothing if cannot* return value: true - success, false - cannot move toward this direction*/int MoveBlock(Block *block,int dx,int dy) int b_canmove=CanMove(dx,dy); if(b_canmove) Eras

21、eBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); +=dx; +=dy; DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); return b_canmove;/* drop the block to the bottom! */int DropBlock(Block *block) EraseBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); while(CanMove(0,1) +; DrawBlock(block,BoardLeft,BoardTop,CellSize); retu

22、rn 0;/* return value is assign to the blocks alive */* init the graphics mode, draw the board grid */void InitGame() int i,j,gdriver=DETECT,gmode; struct time sysTime; /* draw board cells */ memset(Board,0,BoardWidth*BoardHeight*2); memset,0,16); strcpy(info_help,P: Pause Game. -by hoodlum1980); ini

23、tgraph(&gdriver,&gmode,); setcolor(BorderColor); for(i=0;i=BoardWidth;i+) line(BoardLeft+i*CellSize, BoardTop, BoardLeft+i*CellSize, BoardTop+ BoardHeight*CellSize); for(i=0;i=BoardHeight;i+) line(BoardLeft, BoardTop+i*CellSize, BoardLeft+BoardWidth*CellSize, BoardTop+ i*CellSize); /* draw board out

24、er border rect */ rectangle(BoardLeft-CellSize/4, BoardTop-CellSize/4, BoardLeft+BoardWidth*CellSize+CellSize/4, BoardTop+BoardHeight*CellSize+CellSize/4); /* draw next block grids */ for(i=0;i=4;i+) line(NBBoardLeft+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop, NBBoardLeft+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop+4*NBCellSize); line(

25、NBBoardLeft, NBBoardTop+i*NBCellSize, NBBoardLeft+4*NBCellSize, NBBoardTop+ i*NBCellSize); /* draw score rect */ rectangle(ScoreBoardLeft,ScoreBoardTop,ScoreBoardLeft+ScoreBoardWidth,ScoreBoardTop+ScoreBoardHeight); DisplayScore(); /* set new seed! */ gettime(&sysTime); srand*3600+*60+; GenerateBloc

26、k(&nextBlock); NextBlock(); /* create first block */ setcolor(DARKGRAY); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+20,Up -rotate Space-drop); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+35,Left-left Right-right); outtextxy(InfoLeft,InfoTop+50,Esc -exit); DisplayInfo(info_help);/* set the isFilled and fillcolor data to the board */

27、void _INNER_HELPER FillBoardData() int i,j; for(i=0;i;i+) for(j=0;j=0) Board+i+j0=1; Board+i+j1=; /* draw one line of the board */void _INNER_HELPER PaintBoard() int i,j,fillcolor; for(j=max(TopLine-4),0);jBoardHeight;j+) for(i=0;iBoardWidth;i+) fillcolor=Boardij0? Boardij1:BkGndColor; setfillstyle(

28、SOLID_FILL,fillcolor); floodfill(BoardLeft+i*CellSize+CellSize/2,BoardTop+j*CellSize+CellSize/2,BorderColor); /* check if one line if filled full and increase the totalScore! */void _INNER_HELPER CheckBoard() int i,j,k,score=10,sum=0,topy,lines=0; /* we find the top empty line! */ j=topy=BoardHeight-1; do sum=0; for(i=0;i

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