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现代大学英语精读2 unit8 The Men in Asbestos 教案.docx

1、现代大学英语精读2 unit8 The Men in Asbestos 教案吉林大学珠海学院教 案20122013 学年第1 学期系(中 心) 外语系 教 研 室 英语专业 课 程 名 称 英语精读(三)主 讲 教 师 吉林大学珠海学院教务处制讲授章节Unit8 TEXT ATHE MAN IN ASBESTOS (一)授课时数2 periods教学目的:Grasp the theme of the textAnalysis the text (main idea, structure) Learn more aboutthe literary genre called “literary d

2、ystopia”教 学 内 容(讲授提纲)I.lead-in questions:What is asbestos?Asbestos is a kind of material highly resistant to watery, electrical insulation and heat insulation, fire insulation and heat preservationWhat does the author want to do? What for?What has happened in this world of the future?How did all the

3、se changes come about according to the man in asbestos?Discussion:1) What kind of a future do you think is in store for us? Are you optimistic or pessimistic?2) The author seems to think that a life without hard work, death and hunger, worries and anxieties, is not only impossible, but also undesira

4、ble. Do you agree?3) Would you enjoy the world of future described in the text? Why/Why not? Give two or three reasons.II. About the author and the story:Author:The Man in Asbestos is an allegory of the future written by Stephen Butler Leacock (1869-1944), the Canadian author, who will long be remem

5、bered for his best-selling book Sunshine Sketches of a Little Town (1912) as well as the numerous awards and honours he received during his illustrious lifetime as author, professor, lecturer and humourist.Story:In this futurist story, there are observations of human nature which are as refreshing t

6、oday as when they were written in 1911. Leacock describes a world where the inhabitants are clad in long-wearing suits of asbestos; where death has been eliminated, although a person can be broken; and where only a vestigial memory of Work remains, anything requiring effort was accomplished centurie

7、s ago - in short, a perfect world it is.The original ending of the story:with the hum of the wicked, busy old world all about me, and loud in my ears the voice of the indignant man across the corridor.Quit your blatting, you infernal blatherskite, he was calling. Come down to earth. I came.Ask stude

8、nts to retell the story, according to the following key words: sleep, a strange man, death and food, city and nature, word and cars, communication, wake up. Understanding of the text1. The main idea and style.Such momentous (big) problems as hunger, war, disease, natural disasters and inequality are

9、 what gives life interest, fullness(richness) and purpose; in other words, these are the things that make us human. (The reasoning has been considered as a justification of the status quo and a plea for the end of human progress.On the other hand, the article perhaps does raise a thought-provoking q

10、uestion. Problems arise while human beings are developing thus we have to continue to work hard, to make painstaking efforts, to run risks, and to suffer. Pain, anxiety, failure and sacrifice will still be part of human experience. Indeed, a world without these is not only impossible, but also undes

11、irable. The genre of the story is a genre common in the West during the 20th century, which could be called “literary dystopia” (the opposite of Utopia) The Man in Asbestos paints the future in darkly pessimistic colors. In the “new society” presented by Leacock, there is no hunger, war, or disease;

12、 natural disasters and gender inequality have been eliminated, but life is dull, empty and meaningless.Style: The story was originally told by the strange man and retold by Jorkens. The wholestory is written in the direct speech, thus the write adopts a colloquial style.本章节的教学重点、难点: Make sure that s

13、tudents understand the theme(purpose behind the text); the important things that the text contains for the readers to think about; 教学方法、教学手段: Open questions and answers in class Class discussion and analysis PPT and multimedia作业、讨论题、思考题:Read the text at least five times and underline the words and p

14、hrases you are not familiar with.The preview exercises on page 191-192. 参考资料:ContemporaryCollege English, Yang Liming讲授章节Unit8 THE MAN IN ASBESTOS (二)授课时数2 periods教学目的: To understand the text at lexical, sentential, and textual levelTo grasp the meaning and spelling of the new words and expressions

15、To make sentences with important phrases and sentence patterns教 学 内 容(讲授提纲)Structure of the textText structure analysis Part I (para. 1-6)Main idea: the narrator plunged into a distant future to witness its marvels.Part II (para. 7-78)Main idea: A. he was astonished at a few of the marvels.(paras.7-

16、28)B. He felt thrilled at the conquest of Nature.(paras.29-55)C. He began to doubt whether the conquest was a blessing. (paras.56-66)D. He finally became angry at all the marvels and rejected the world of marvels.(paras.67-78)Part III (paras.79-81)Main idea: The author woke up and returned back to t

17、he reality.Detailed study of the text: difficult words, phrases, and sentencesWords study1) To begin with: first of allCompare all these prepositions or prepositional phrases that may be used to Express a reason:Because of; due to; for the sake of ; owing to; out ofFrom; with(his face was blue with

18、cold)For(She cried for joy)2) From jealousy: out of jealousy. Compare all these prepositions or prepositional phrases that may be used to express a reason:Because ofdue to; for the sake of; owing to; out of; from; with (His face was blue with cold.); for (She cried for joy.)3)It seemed unfair that o

19、ther writers should be able at will to drop into a sleep of four or five hundred years, and to plunge headfirst into a distant future and be a witness of its marvels.(para.2)Questions: where did you get the clue to the authors identity?Where did you first notice that it was science fiction?It seemed

20、 unfair that other writers should be able to drop into a sleep of four or five hundred years at whatever time, and to go right into a distant future without hesitation and see the wonderful changes that would have taken place during this long time.The world of artificial intelligence in my mind is h

21、ouse can move at will. 所以我心目中的人工智能世界就是房子可以随意迁移。At will At-Will Relationship随意终止的主雇关系At-Will Power随意威能at-will partership任意合伙Those attributes are not static, so you can add and delete them at will.这些属性不是静态的,因此可以随意添加和删除它们。Plunge intoThe fireman plunged into burning building and saved the boy.4) senses

22、(paras.6sense of 的感觉 in a sense 在某种意义上 make sense 有意义;讲得通;言之有理 sense of responsibility 责任感,责任心 common sense 常识I try to make each song make sense for itself. 我努力创作每首歌都有它自己的意义。In this sense, personality is the very soul of art. 由这种意义上说来,人格就是艺术的灵魂。I think that he meant a sense of awe, a sense that ther

23、e are things larger than us, that we do not have all the answers at this moment. 我认为他指的是一种敬畏感,是一种意识世界上存在著比我们人类更博大的事物,而我们现在远未达到无所不知的境界。5) dimly I could feel .the long passage of the centruries.passage n. A: the act of going from one place to another the passage of time B: a way by which one passes; a

24、 hall or corridor The two buildings are linked by a long passage.C: legal enactment The opposition party tried to prevent the passage of the new tax law.D: a single clause or portion of a book This is a beautiful passage from “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens.6) faint adj. A: feeble; adequat

25、e His strength grew faint.B: not loud or clearThe sounds grew fainter.I havent the faintest idea of what you mean.7)keep track of: to remain in touch with跟踪了解的情况;与保持联系keep track of time记住时间keep track of与保持联系keep track of progress了解to keep track of追踪Keep track of your notes跟踪你的笔记keep track of my atte

26、ndance留意我是否旷课Keep track of your Utilities追踪你水电费Her mother used to keep track of every penny she spend. 她母亲从前把自己所花的每一分钱都记下来。 You can keep track of the tornado around the current situation. 你可随时追踪记录当下各地的龙卷风现况。8) “Stop,” I said, my brain reeling. “Tell me one thing at a time.”My brain reelingmy head se

27、emed to be moving round and round in a whirling motion. I felt dizzy, bewildered, completely puzzled.One thing at a timeone by one9) spring v.(paras.21)A: to leap; bound spring to ones feet; spring out of bed B: to arise; appear A breeze has sprung up.The water springs from the ground.10)render :n.a

28、 substance similar to stucco but exclusively applied to masonry wallsv.1. cause to becomeThe shot rendered her immobile 2. provide or furnish with3. give an interpretation or rendition ofThe pianist rendered the Beethoven sonata beautifully 4. give or supplyThe estate renders some revenue for the fa

29、mily The sages of ancient times taught us to render good for evil. 古代圣贤教导我们要以德报怨。The conquered had to render tribute to the conqueror. 被征服者只得向征服者称臣纳贡。本章节的教学重点、难点:Deal with some difficult points of the text教学方法、教学手段: Open questions and answers in class Class discussion and analysis PPT and multimedia

30、作业、讨论题、思考题:Exercises 参考资料:ContemporaryCollege English, Yang Liming讲授章节Unit8 The man in asbestos (三)授课时数2 periods教学目的:1.Grasp language points and grammar in the text;2. Be clear of development of the text and its writing style;3.Know the use of useful expressions and sentence structure;4.Comprehend t

31、he meaning and use of the expressions in the text;教 学 内 容(讲授提纲)Continue to have detailed study of words and expressions.11)gasp :n.a short labored intake of breath with the mouth openshe gave a gasp and fainted v.breathe noisily, as when one is exhaustedlast gasp 最终喘息;奄奄一息 gasp for breath 呼吸十分困难, 上气不接下气After running such a long way, the messenger was gasping for breath. 传令兵在跑了这么长一段路后,直喘粗气。 A gasp broke from her. 她突然发出一声喘息。 The wagging wasp grasps the crisp clasp for a gasp.( A Twister) 摇摆的黄蜂抓住脆钩喘息。12) Momentous (things): important, signifi

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