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外研4 Module2 Traffic Jam.docx

1、外研4 Module2 Traffic JamModule2 Traffic Jam Period 1 Introduction, Reading and vocabulary课程学习目标学习自主化1. To learn about the useful words, phrases and sentence patterns in this period;2. To grasp the main idea of the passage Getting around in Beijing and its general information;4. To understand the long

2、 and difficult sentence patterns in the passage and use them freely;5. To learn to read with strategies课程导学建议导学规范化Teaching goals:1. Target languagetrolleybus, wire, suburban, display, permit, receipt, fare, limit, airconditioned, destination, impressive, route, provide, convenient, pedal, single, re

3、turn, explore be connected to, be/get stuck in, in no time, get around, under construction 2. Ability goals 1To learn some words about traffic 2To learn to read with some reading strategies 3. Improve students integrated abilities of listening, speaking ,reading and writing 3. Teaching important poi

4、nts 1To master some words about traffic jam.2To develop studentsreading ability of skimming and scanning 4. Teaching difficult points How to make students fully understand the text 5. Teaching methods brain storm ; task-based teaching ; communicative teaching,individual work;pair work ;group work .S

5、ummarize words and phrases related to traffic ; get and process important information in the course of reading by using the reading abilities of skimming ,scanning and guessing new words from the context .6. Teaching aids a computer and multi-media【自主预习】不看不讲【课堂预习交流】Complete the following sentences w

6、ith the words given, using proper forms when necessary. There are some extra, fare, lane, trolleybus, traffic, coach, permit, helicopter, underground, return, route, single, receipt, destination, passenger1) Yesterday he took a _to work. But on the way, the die driver had an accident.2) In

7、 every city of China, there are bicycle_ for bicycle riders.3)._use electricity as power.4) You break the law if you drive without a driving_. 5) The roads are too crowded. Why not use the_. 6) Trolleybuses follow certain_ every day to pick up passengers.7) After you buy something from a shop, you w

8、ill be given a _ for your payment.8) In travelling, the place you want to go to is your _.9) A long distance bus is called a_.10.) He was so angry that he could not say a _word.Keys:l)cab 2)lanes 3)Trolleybuses s 4)permit 5)underground6)routes; 7)receipt t 8)destination 9)coach l0)single【课堂预习导学】预读理解

9、Read the passage and choose the best answers1, How many transports are mentioned in the text?A. One. B. Four CSix D. Eight,2. Which transport can you take if you want to explore the narrow alleys of old Beijing?A. buses B. underground C. Pedicabs D. minibuses3.In Beijing, the underground is open fro

10、m _to_.A. 3:00 a. m. ; 8:00 p.m. B. 5 : 00 a m. ;11: 00 pmC.3:00 a. m. ;11:00 p. m. D, 5:00 a. m. ;8:00 p. m.Keys:1.C 2.C 3.B【新知学习】不议不讲【阅读策略突破】.Read the text and answer questions according to the text .1. How easy is it to find a taxi in Beijing? 2. What color are most taxis? 3. Whats the problem wi

11、th buses? 4. Which is the best bus for tourists? 5. How many people can get in a minibus? 6. What are the advantages of the underground? 7. When does it close at night? 8. What can you visit in a Pedi cab?Answers:1. Raise your hand, and a taxi appears in no time,2. Theyre red.3. Theyre often very cr

12、owded.4. The 103 bus.5. 12 people.6. Its fast and convenient.7. It closes at 11:oo pm.8. The narrow alleys of old Beijing.【重点难点探究】重点单词display【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意display的意思及用法。1.The cakes were displayed in the window. 糕点陈列在橱窗中。 2.He displayed interest in archaeology. 他对考古学有兴趣。 3.Children enjoy a fireworks

13、 display. 孩子们喜爱看烟火。 4.I like the way the displays are arranged in the museum. 我喜欢那个博物馆里展品陈列的方式。 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现display既可以作动词(句1,2),意思是陈列,显示,展示;还可以做名词(句3,4),意思是展览,陈列; 陈列品,展览品。【思维拓展】on display正在展览中put on display展出【即学即练】1.翻译句子这是这幅画首次公开展出。_答案: It is the first time the painting has been displayed to t

14、he public.2. 单项填空Her writing _ natural talent.A. gave B. made C. displays D. drew 答案与解析:C本题考查动词辨析。本句意为:她写的作品显示出她极高的天赋。display意为“显示,展示”。permit【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意permit的意思及用法。1You cannot enter a military base without a permit.无通行证者不得擅入军事基地。 2.Have you got a drivers permit? 你有驾驶执照吗? 3.The facts permit no o

15、ther explanation. 事实不容许有其它的解释。 4.Do you permit your children to smoke? 你准许你的孩子们吸烟吗? 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现permit既可以作名词(句1,2),意思是.许可证;执照;(尤指通行证);还可以做动词(句3,4),意思是许可;容许。【思维拓展】permit sth./doing sth. 允许某事/做某事permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 【即学即练】1.翻译句子我们老师不允许我们旷课或迟到。 _答案 Our teacher wont permit us to be absent

16、 or late. 2单项填空:Without_, no one dares to enter the office.Apermit Basking C. permission D. permitted答案与解析:C without permission未经许可,为习惯搭配短语。provide【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意provide的意思及用法。 1.The school will provide tents, but we have to bring our own food. 学校会提供帐篷,但是我们自己必须带食物。 2.We provided the sufferers with f

17、ood and clothes. 我们给受难者提供食物和衣服。 3.The company has provided me with a car. 公司供给我一辆轿车。 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现provide作动词(句子1,2,3)意思是提供,供给。【思维拓展】provide sb with sth/ provide sth for sb 给某人提供某物 【即学即练】单项填空:As equipment improved, satellites began_ scientists_ weather maps of the entire globe.A. providing; for

18、B. supplying; for C. offering ; for D. providing; with答案与解析:D本题为短语辨析题。所给选项均有“提供”之意,但各词的搭配表达不一样。A、B项搭配错误,C项中的offer为及物动词,后接双宾语,不用介词。本句意为“设备改进后,人造卫星开始向科学家提供整个地球的气象图。”convenient【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意convenient的意思及用法。1.I cant phone you now; its not convenient.我现在不方便给你打电话。2.Will it be convenient for you to start

19、 work tomorrow? 你明天开始工作方便吗? 3.Our house is convenient for the shops. 我们家到商店很方便。 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现convenient为形容词(句子1,2,3)意思是便利的,方便的。【思维拓展】It is convenient for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是方便的 inconvenient adj. 不方便的;不合适的inconvenience. n. 不方便之处;麻烦 注意:convenient 形容事物,指事情“方便的”,不能形容人。【即学即练】单项填空:It is not_ for m

20、e to return all the books to the library now because I still need some of them for my research,A constant B. difficult C. convenient D. sufficient答案与解析:C 考查词义辨析。句意为“我现在不方便把书还给图书馆,因为有一些在我的研究中还用得着”。constant经常的; difficult困难的:sufficient足够的。explore【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意explore的意思及用法。1.Columbus discovered Americ

21、a but did not explore the new continent. 哥伦布发现了美洲,但没有考察这块新大陆。 2.They were exploring for oil in this region. 他们在这一区域勘探石油。 3.Those scientists are exploring all possible ways to cure the disease. 那些科学家们正在研究所有可能治愈这种疾病的方法。 【自我归纳】通过观察以上句子我们发现explore作动词(句子1,2,3)意思是勘探;探测;探索;考察【思维拓展】explore vi. vt. 勘探;探险;exp

22、loration. n. 勘探;探究 explorer. n. 探险家;调查人员 exploratory adj. 勘探的;实地调查的【即学即练】单项填空:To tell the truth, will you really _ your nearest town while you are there?A. walk B. explore C. know D. examine答案与解析:B句意为:老实说,在那期间你真的准备去离你最近的乡镇考察吗? explore考察,探索,勘查。重点短语be connected to【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意be connected to的意思及用法。A

23、 railway coach was connected to the train.一节火车车厢接到了这列火车上。Every new thought or idea has to be connected to what we already know.每一种新思想或新思路都得与我们已有的知识联系起来。【思维拓展】make/establish a connection with与建立联系have connections with 与有联系have no connection with与无联系【即学即练】完成句子(1) 股骨连着髋骨。The thigh bone_ the hip bone.(2

24、) 他是与人所共知的罪犯有关的人。He is a man_ known criminals.(3) 请稍等,我这就给您接通琼斯小姐的电话,Hold on; Ill just_ Miss Jones.答案: (l)is connected to (2)connected with (3)connect you with: in no time【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意in no time的意思及用法。1.After his mum came back, little Tommy became happy in no time. 小汤姆在妈妈回来以后立刻变得高兴起来。 2.Lisa is ve

25、ry quick in thinking; she always answer you in no time no matter what you ask her. 利萨头脑敏捷,无论你问她什么,她都能立刻回答你。 【自我归纳】 in no time: very quickly; immediately; at once; right away 立刻;马上;很快地【思维拓展】ahead of time 提前 all the time 一直;向来 at all times 随时;永远 at one time 曾经;从前 at the same time 同时 at a time 每次 at th

26、is/that time 在这/那时 at times (sometimes) 有时 from time to time 不时;偶尔 in time 及时;迟早 once upon a time 从前 on time 按时;准时 【即学即练】用time的相关短语填空(1) We finished our homework 15 minutes_.(2) She was laughing and crying_.(3) He has to work at weekends_.(4) If you keep on, you will succeed_.答案:(1) ahead of time (2

27、) at the same time (3) from time to time/at times (4)in timeget around【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意get around的意思及用法。1.My grandfather is very old now and he doesnt get around much any more. 我的祖父年事已高,不再各处走动了。2.Its hard to get around without a car. 没有汽车的旅行很艰难。 3.It got around quickly that Andylau would give a concer

28、t in Harbin. 刘德华将在哈尔滨开个唱会的消息迅速传开。 【自我归纳】2get around (=go about):(1) (be able to) go or travel to different places; move from place to place 各处走动 (句子1,2)(2)(news or information, etc )is told to a lot of people (消息等)传播出去 (句子3)【思维拓展】get across(使某事)传播或被人理解get ahead (of sb)领先(于某人)get away (from)去度假;离开get

29、 back返回;重新得到get off(使某人)离开某地或出发;下班;不再讨论get out泄露;出产;离开get over克服;战胜;掌握get through做完;用完,消耗掉;(考试、测验等)及格【即学即练】翻译句子:手术之后他又能走动了。_答案:He could get around again after the operation.under construction【寓词于境】阅读下列句子,注意under construction的意思及用法。1.A dam is under construction. 水坝在建筑中。 2.The new airport is still under construction. 新机场仍在修建中。 【自我归纳】2under construction= being constructed/built 在建造中;正在施工【思维拓展】under attack遭受攻击under repair在修理中under control在控制之中under discussion在讨论中under consideration在考虑中unde

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