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1、GRE最新练习题10SECTION 1Time-30minutes38 Questions5y = 15x = 2y1. x 5 O is the center of the circle and the perimeter of AOB is 6.2. The circumference of the 12 circleKens monthly take-home pay is w dollars. After he pays for food and rent, he has x dollars left3. x w x4. 15. 86. The operation is defined

2、 for all positive numbers r and t by rt=7. 7137 37718. 9. (250)(492) 10. x y11. The number of prime The number of primenumbers between 70 numbers between 30and 76 and 366 x 7y = 812. 0.85KLNP is a square with perimeter 128.13. MQ 4214. 1+3xThe median salary for professional group A is $40,610. The m

3、edian salary for professional group B is $40,810.15. The median salary for $40,710groups A and Bcombined16. The water level in a tank is lowered by 6 inches, then raised by inches, and then lowered by 4 inches. If the water level was x inches before the changes in level, which of the following repre

4、sents the water level, in inches, after the changes?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 17. In the figure above, M, N, and P are midpoints of the sides of an equilateral triangle whose perimeter is 18. What is the perimeter of the shaded region?(A) 2(B) 3(C) (D) 6(E) 918. Which of the following sets of number is ha

5、s the greatest standard deviation?(A) 2, 3, 4(B) 2.5, 3, 3.5(C) 1, 1.25, 1.5(D) 2, 0, 2(E) 20, 21, 21.519. If x, y, and z represent consecutive integers, and x y z, which of the following equals y?. x + 1. . (A) only(B) and only(C) and only(D) and only(E) ,and 20. When 9 students took a zoology quiz

6、 with a possible score of 0 to 10, inclusive, there average (arithmetic mean) score was 7.5. If a tenth student takes the same quiz, what will be the least possible average score on the quiz for all 10 students?(A) 6.5(B) 6.75(C) 7.0(D) 7.25(E) 7.5Questions 21-25 refer to the following graph.21. The

7、 two corporate sectors that increased their support for the arts from 1988 to 1991 made a total contribution in 1991 of approximately how many million dollars?(A) 112(B) 125(C) 200(D) 250(E) 31522. How many of the six corporate sectors listed each contributed more than $60 million to the arts in bot

8、h 1988 and 1991?(A) One (B) Two(C) three(D) Four(E) Five23. Approximately how many million dollars more did the wholesale sector contribute to the arts in 1988 than in 1991?(A) 10.4(B) 12.6(C) 14.0(D) 16.5(E) 19.224. From 1988 to 1991, which corporate sector decreased its support for the arts by the

9、 greatest dollar amount?(A) Services(B) Manufacturing(C) Retail(D) Wholesale(E) Other25. Of the retail sectors 1991 contribution to the arts, went to symphony orchestras and of the remainder went to public television. Approximately how many million dollars more did to retail sector contribute to pub

10、lic television that year than to symphony orchestras?(A) 5.2(B) 6.3(C) 10.4(D) 13.0(E) 19.526. If x = a5 and y = a6, a 0, which of the following is equivalent to a13?(A) xy(B) x2y(C) (D) (E) 27. The probabilities that each of two independent experiments will have a successful outcome are and, respec

11、tively. What is the probability that both experiments will have successful outcomes?(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 28. If x is 1, 2, or 3 and y is either 2 or 4, then the product xy can have how many different possible values?(A) Three(B) Four(C) Five(E) Six(E) Seven29. If the radius of a circular region were

12、decreased by 20 percent, the area of the circular region would decrease by what percent?(A) 16%(B) 20%(C) 36%(D) 40%(E) 44%30. Workers at Companies X and Y are paid the same base hourly rate. Workers at company X are paid 1.5 times the base hourly rate for each hour worked per week in excess of the

13、first 37, while workers at Company Y are paid 1.5 times the base hourly rate for each hour worked per week in excess of the first 40. In a given week, how many hours must a Company X worker work in order to receive the same pay as a company Y worker who works 46 hours?(A) 46(B) 45(C) 44(D) 43(E) 42S

14、ECTION 2Time- 30 Minutes38 Questions1. As businesses become aware that their advertising must - the everyday concerns of consumers, their commercials will be characterized by a greater degree of -. (A) allay.pessimism (B) address.realism (C) evade.verisimilitude (D) engagefancy (E) change.sincerity2

15、. Because the lawyers methods were found to be -, the disciplinary committee - his privileges. (A) unimpeachable.suspended (B) ingenious.withdrew (C) questionable.expanded (D) unscrupulous.revoked (E) reprehensible.augmented3. People of intelligence and achievement can none- theless be so - and lack

16、ing in - that they gamble their reputations by breaking the law to further their own ends. (A) devious.propensity (B) culpable.prosperity (C) obsequious.deference (D) truculent. independence (E) greedy. integrity4. A number of scientists have published articles - global warming, stating - that there

17、 is no solid scientific evidence to support the theory that the Earth is warming because of increases in greenhouse gases. (A) debunking.categorically (B) rejecting.paradoxically (C) deploring.optimistically (D) dismissing.hesitantly (E) proving.candidly5. The senators attempt to convince the public

18、 that she is not interested in running for a second term is as - as her opponents attempt to disguise his intention to run against her. (A) biased (B) unsuccessful (C) inadvertent (D) indecisive (E) remote6. MacCrorys conversation was -: she could never tell a story, chiefly because she always forgo

19、t it, and she was never guilty of a witticism, unless by accident. (A) scintillating (B) unambiguous (C) perspicuous (D) stultifying (E) facetious7. Despite its many -, the whole-language philosophy of teaching reading continues to gain - among educators. (A) detractors.notoriety (B) adherents.preva

20、lence (C) criticscurrency (D) enthusiasts.popularity (E) practitioners credibility8. CENSUS: POPULATION: (A) interrogation : guilt (B) survey : price (C) interview : personality (D) questionnaire : explanation (E) inventory : stock9. AUTHENTICITY : FRAUDULENT: (A) morality : utopian (B) intensity :

21、vigorous (C) sincerity : hypocritical (D) particularity : unique (E) plausibility : narrated10. VARNISH : GLOSSY: (A) sharpen : blunt (B) measure : deep (C) sand : smooth (D) approximate : precise (E) anchor : unstable 11. AMENITY : COMFORTABLE (A) tact : circumspect (B) nuisance : aggravated (C) ho

22、norarium :grateful (D) favorite : envious (E) lounge : patient12. PAIN : ANALGESIC: (A) energy : revitalization (B) interest : stimulation (C) symptom : palliative (D) despair : anxiety (E) reward : incentive13. VOICE:SHOUT: (A) ear : overhear (B) eve : see (C) hand : clutch (D) nerve : feel (E) nos

23、e : inhale14. PONTIFICATE: SPEAK: (A) strut : walk (B) stare : look (C) patronize : frequent (D) eulogize : mourn (E) reciprocate : give15. BIBLIOPHILE : BOOKS: (A) environmentalist : pollution (B) zoologist : animals (C) gourmet : food (D) calligrapher : handwriting (E) aviator : aircraft16. INDIGE

24、NT : WEALTH: (A) presumptuous : independence (B) imperturbable : determination (C) inevitable : inescapability (D) indigestible : sustenance (E) redundant : indispensabilityThis passage is based on an article published in 1990. Eight times within the pat million years, some- thing in the Earths clim

25、atic equation has changed. allowing snow in the mountains and the northernLine latitudes to accumulate from one season to the next (5) instead of melting away. Each time, the enormous ice sheets resulting from this continual buildup lasted tens of thousands of years until the end of each particular

26、glacial cycle brought a warmer climate. Scientists speculated that these glacial cycles were ultimately(10) driven by astronomical factors: slow, cyclic changes in the eccentricity of the Earths orbit and in the tilt and orientation of its spin axis. But up until around 30 years ago, the lack of an

27、independent record of ice- age timing made the hypothesis untestable.(15) Then in the early 1950s Emiliani produced the first complete record of the waxings and wanings of past glaciations. It came from a seemingly odd place. the seafloor. Single-cell marine organisms called foraminifera house thems

28、elves in shells made(20) from calcium carbonate. When the foraminifera die. sink to the bottom, and become part of seafloor sedi- ments, the carbonate of their shells preserves certain characteristics of the seawater they inhabited. In particular, the ratio of a heavy, isotope of oxygen(25) (oxygen-

29、18) to ordinary oxygen (oxygen- 16) in the carbonate preserves the ratio of the two oxygens in water molecules. It is now understood that the ratio of oxygen iso- topes in seawater closely reflects the proportion of(30) the worlds water locked up in glaciers and ice sheets. A kind of meteorological

30、distillation accounts for the link. Water molecules containing the heavier isotope tend to condense and fall as precipitation slightly sooner than molecules containing the lighter isotope.(35) Hence, as water vapor evaporated from warm oceans moves away from its source. its oxygen -18 returns more quickly to the oceans than does its oxygen-16. What falls as snow on distant ice sheets and mountain glaciers is r

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