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1、中考英语实用英语口语学习材料第一部分人际交流之(1)问候 GreetingsConversation 1W: Morning, Tom.M: Hi, Mary.W: You seem to be in a hurry.M: Yes. Ive got a meeting in a minute.W: Okay. I wont hold you up then.M: Right. Ill see you later.W: See you later.Conversation 2M: Hi, Mary, its been a long timeW: Hello, my old friend. Lon

2、g time no see. How are you doing?M: Well, I m doing okay. And how about yourself?W: Not so well. To be honest with you, I broke up with Tom.M: Oh. I m sorry to hear that. What happened?Conversation 3M: Hi, Lilly, its so nice to see you again.W: Hum, me too. This winter holiday was especially long. W

3、hat have you done?M: Nothing special. I had a get-together with some schoolmates at the high school, visited the Internet and read a couple of books which I had been longing for. How about yours?W: You know, I like traveling. I made good use of this long vacation and enjoyed myself.Conversation 4M:

4、Good morning, Linda. How have you been?W: Pretty bad. Ive had a bad cold for three days and still can t get rid of it.M: I m sorry to hear that. Is there anything else I can do?W: No, thanks.M: Well, I hope youll feel better soon.W: Thank you for your concern.第一部分人际交流之(2)介绍 IntroductionConversation

5、1W: Simon, may I introduce you to Linda? You dont know each other, do you?M: No. I havent had the pleasure of meeting her yet.W: How do you do? I m pleased to meet you.M: How do you do?W: Please sit down. Help yourself just like you are at home.W: What would you like to drink?M: A cup of coffee, ple

6、ase.Conversation 2W: Mr. Green, Id like to introduce you to Mr. Brown.M: How do you do, Mr. Brown? Its a pleasure to get to know you.W: My pleasure, Mr. Green. I look forward to an excellent relationship with your company.M: I propose a toast to the health of everyone here and to the success of our

7、negotiation.W: Okay, lets make a toast.Conversation 3M: Good evening, Mr. Wu.W: Good evening, Mr. Smith.M: Have you met my wife, Mary?W: No. I havent had the pleasure.M: Mary, this is Mr. Wu, my new Chinese friend.W: How do you do, Mr. Wu? Welcome.M: How do you do?W: Have a glass of wine, Mr. Wu? An

8、d let me introduce you to some of my guests.Conversation 4M: How do you do? My names Jin Tao. Glad to meet you.W: How do you do? I m Yang Li. Glad to meet you, too.M: May I introduce Mr. Wang to you? Wang Yang. He is from China.W: Hi, Mr. Wang. I m glad to meet you.M: Hi, Miss Yang, Ive heard so muc

9、h about you.W: Me, too.M: Lets have a seat.Conversation 5M: Hello, may I introduce myself to you? I m Zhou Mei.W: I m Jack. Pleased to meet you.M: Pleased to meet you, too. Are you here with your family?W: No. My family is in England.M: Are you studying here?W: Yes. I m studying Chinese.M: What do y

10、ou think of our city?W: Its a nice place. Your people are so friendly.第一部分人际交流之(3)邀请 InvitationConversation 1W: Hello, is Jack there?M: Speaking.W: Jack! Its Rose here.M: Hi, Rose. Hows everything?W: Fine, thanks. I m having several friends over for dinner this Saturday. And I was wondering if you h

11、ave the time to join us.M: Sounds good. What time do you want me to come?W: Is six o clock okay?M: Thats fine. I think I can make it. By the way, what will you want me to bring?W: Nothing. Just bring yourself.Conversation 2M: Are you free on Friday evening because we were wondering if you would like

12、 to come round for dinner?W: Oh, thank you very much. Id like to come, but I m afraid I m busy that evening.M: Thats a pity! Then when would it be a good time for you?W: Well, I m not too sure, actually. Ive got a lot going on the next couple of weeks. Why don t I call you later?M: Okay, thats fine.

13、Conversation 3M: On Saturday night I m going to have a small get-together.W: Good.M: Would you like to come?W: Do you mean this Saturday?M: Yes, this coming Saturday.W: Thanks for inviting me, Jack, but Ive already made plans for this weekend. I wont be able to come, I m afraid.M: I m sorry to hear

14、that.W: Yeah, thats too bad.M: Well, perhaps, another time.Conversation 4W: Hi, Peter. I m afraid I cant make it to dinner tomorrow night.M: Oh, why not?W: Its just I m not feeling well. I think I m coming down with a cold or something.M: Oh, I m sorry to hear that. Hey, dont worry about the dinner.

15、 Well do it some other time. But you take care of yourself.W: Thanks. I will.第一部分人际交流之(4)道别 FarewellConversation 1A:Id like to say good-bye to everyone . Ive come to say good-bye.B:What time are you going ? When are you off?A:My plane leaves at 7:25. Im flying home on Sunday afternoon .B:Well , good

16、-bye and have a good trip!A:Good-bye . Remember to look me up if youre ever in Washington.Conversation 2A:Im calling to say good-bye .B:When do you leave?A: Im catching the 11:00 train.B: Take care of yourself and dont forget to keep in touch.A: Goodbye .Thanks again for everything.Conversation 3A:

17、Jenny, its very nice of you to see me off.B: Youre welcome. Did you have a good time on this vacation?A: Very well, if I leave Ill miss you.B: Me too. Please write to me as soon as you get Boston.A: Im sure and I remembered your phone number. Ill call you.B: OK, they begin to register.A: Its time I

18、left.B: Have a nice journey! Do give my regards to your parents.Conversation 4A: Did you have a good time in New York?B: Yes, very wonderful. Thank you very much for accompanying me this week.A: Its my pleasure.B: If you have time, please come to Boston. Its a very beautiful city.A: Im sure .Please

19、give my regards to your brother and have a good journey.B: Thank you. See you next time.第一部分人际交流之(5)闲聊 ChatConversation 1A: Its said that Mrs. Smith will be appointed as our head.B: Id rather quit my job.A: Mrs. Smith has gotten many excellent achievements, she is qualified for it.B: I admire her ac

20、hievements, but that doesnt mean that Id like to vote for her.A: To me, thats the last straw.B: Mrs. Smith is like a robot, she doesnt give us any slack.A: Just because of this, you got a prize last month.B: Its undervalued.Conversation 2A: Well, wouldnt you know it?B: Know what? Arent you going to

21、tell me?A: According to the newspaper, Sally has quit her job.B: Why was she working anyway? Shes rich.A: She wanted something to do. I guess .B: With all that money, she ought to have people working for her.第一部分人际交流之(6)求助 Asking for HelpConversation 1A: Excuse me, sir?B: Yes. Is there anything that

22、 I can do for you?A: Could you do me a favor? My hands are full.B: Sure, what?A: Just carry the suitcase for me, please.B: With pleasure.Conversation 2A: Im not very busy right now. Do you want any help?B: I dont think so. Im just cleaning the room.A: Ill be glad to help you.B: Well, OK. Its nice of

23、 you to offer.A: My pleasure.Conversation 3A: Hello, Jack, Id like to ask you for a small favor. I hope you dont mind.B: No, of course not. Anything I can do for you?A: You see, Sarah and I are going to give a party and we want to invite a lot of people. But you know our apartment, which really isnt

24、 big enough. We wonder if its possible for us to have it at your place, just for one evening, you know.B: Well, Id love to, of course. But just now it would be a little difficult; Im having the house redecorated.A: Oh, no. It wouldnt be now. Itll be in about two weeks.B: Two weeks, I see. Unfortunat

25、ely the job wont be finished until the end of the month.A: Oh, thats a shame. I dont know what well do.B: Im sorry. Id help if I could.Conversation 4A: Is there anything I can do for you?B: Oh, no, Im all right. Thank you.A: Are you quite sure? It seems that you are in some troubles.B: Well, its jus

26、t like this; my bicycle makes an unpleasant noise.A: Shall I see if I can get it repaired?B: Oh, that would bring you too much trouble.A: No trouble at all.第一部分人际交流之(7)商量 ConsultationConversation 1A: Whats the problem? You dont look happy.B: I failed my oral test.A: How come?B: Im not practicing eno

27、ugh.A: Why dont you go to the English corner to talk to your classmates in English quite often?B: When I talk to Chinese, I always want to speak Chinese.A: You should always keep in mind: the more you practice, the better English you can speak.Conversation 2A: Youre going to Shanghai tomorrow, are y

28、ou?B: Thats right. Do you think itll be cold?A: It might be. Youd better take a heavy sweater with you. The nights are usually quite cold at this time of year.B: Do you think Ill need a cotton coat?A: Not for now, I think, but I believe therell be rain, so take your raincoat with you.Conversation 3A

29、: Id like to have your opinion on my essay.B: Id be glad to tell you what I think.A: What do you think about the second part?B: I think its too short.A: You are right. Ill change it.Conversation 4A: Do you want a cigarette?B: No, thank you. Ive given up, you know.A: You dont mind if I have one.B: We

30、ll, all tight. But you know, smoking does do harm to your health.A: Yes, you are right.B: Why dont you try and give it up?A: Ive tried to give up smoking several times, but its no use.第一部分人际交流之(8)致谢 ThanksConversation 1A: How do you do, Mr. Smith? This is Lilli. Im calling to thank you for the wonde

31、rful dinner we had yesterday. I enjoyed it very much.B: Youre welcome. Id like you to join us for dinner again sometime.A: Thank you, Mr. Smith. Im returning to China today.B: Today?A: Yes. I appreciate all help and in particular, all the time that youve spent on my account during my stay here.B: Dont mention it. I am pleased to help you.A: If theres anything that I can help you in the future, please let me know.

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