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1、关于毕业的英语演讲稿关于毕业的英语演讲稿篇一:毕业生英语演讲稿毕业生英语演讲稿 毕业生英语演讲稿 Once we finish our final exams, many of us might never see each other again, and we might never sit in the classroom of St。 Charles listening to our teachers。 But “”If not us, who? If not now, when?”This quote is said by John F。 Kennedy, Americas 35th

2、 president。 It means that the time is pushing us forward, and we have to keep going。 We will leave many things behind the road。 I feel excited for the new things that are waiting ahead of me, and also feel sad to leave St。 Charles and all the great teachers and staff。 Good-by, my teachers。 Many of y

3、ou are the greatest teachers Ive ever met in my life。 Thank you for teaching me knowledge and skills。 Thank you for helping me to be a better person。 Most importantly, thank you for helping me overcome my language barrier。 Good-by, my friends。 Thank you for being my friends, you added color on to my

4、 life, and made my life interesting and fun。 Good-by, my classmates。 The last day of school might be the last time I will see you。 I will miss you and all the good time we have spent together。 When I look at my year book one day, I will say ,“Ha, I remember you ” And I will not forget the fun things

5、 we have done。 I have changed a lot in the three years I have been in St。 Charles。 Firstly, I learned many things from this school。 My English improved from being able to understand nothing to being able to almost understand anything。 These changes are huge。 But the most important thing St。 Charles

6、gave to me is courage。 The courage to talk to other people, and to actually be part of a group。 I can say that St。 Charles helped me pass hardest time in life。 When I first came here from China。 I could hardly understand anything I was very shy when I talked with people I didnt know。 With my languag

7、e difficulties, I could barely talk to people and understand what they were saying。 Also, the completely different culture made my life very hard。 Sometimes I have to do six hours of homework and go to sleep at one oclock。 But the teachers, staff, and classmate are so nice。 They give me lots of help

8、 when I need it 。With that help and my effort, my English grows better and better。, and the hardest time has finally passed。 Thank you to all those who have helped me , I will never forget what you have done for me。 Look back at our school, its not fashionable, its not big, it doesnt have new techno

9、logy, and it even looks small at first。 But we all love it。 Its like our second family, a family filled with joyfulness。 Here, everyone helps everyone, everyone love everyone。 I feel love and kindness here, that is something that I cannot feel from other schools。 Those are the unique things about ou

10、r school。 That is why we loved it , and wanted to stay there。We will miss this school so much because weve spent so much of our life here。 But like John F。 Kennedy said “If not us, who ? If not now, when ?” There are still many exciting things waiting for us in our future。 We cant just stop and miss

11、 the other beautiful sights coming up。 To keep going and get a good gradd is the most important thing for me to do now, because that is what I think Im supposed to do。 It is the starting of all。 You have to gain knowledge to develop your skill and to reach your goal。 And I believe that I will go far

12、ther if I get more knowledge。 I will remember all the great things St。 Charles had taught me, and remain thankful after I leave St。 Charles。 And I will come back and visit our school again, and visit those teachers who taught me, and people who helped me。篇二:英语毕业演讲稿英语毕业演讲稿Faculty, family, friends, an

13、d fellow graduates, good evening.I am honored to address you tonight. On behalf of the graduating masters and doctoral students of Washington Universitys School of Engineering and Applied Science, I would like to thank all the parents, spouses, families, and friends who encouraged and supported us a

14、s we worked towards our graduate degrees. I would especially like to thank my own family, eight members of which are in the audience today. I would also like to thank all of the department secretaries and other engineering school staff members who always seemed to be there when confused graduate stu

15、dents needed help. And finally I would like to thank the Washington University faculty members who served as our instructors, mentors, and friends.As I think back on the seven-and-a-half years I spent at Washington University, my mind is filled with memories, happy, sad, frustrating, and even humoro

16、us.Tonight I would like to share with you some of the memories that I take with me as I leave Washington University.I take with me the memory of my office on the fourth floor of Lopata Hall - the room at the end of the hallway that was too hot in summer, too cold in winter, and always too far away f

17、rom the womens restroom. The window was my offices best feature. Were it not for the physics building across the way, it would have afforded me a clear view of the arch. But instead I got a view of the roof of the physics building. I also had a view of one corner of the roof of Urbauer Hall, which s

18、eemed to be a favorite perch for various species of birds who alternately won perching rights for several weeks at a time. And I had a nice view of the physics courtyard, noteworthy as a good place for watching people run their dogs. Its amazing how fascinating these views became the longer I worked

19、 on my dissertation. But my favorite view was of a nearby oak tree. From my fourth-floor vantage point I had a rather intimate view of the tree and the various birds and squirrels that inhabit it. Occasionally a bird would land on my window sill, which usually had the effect of startling both of us.

20、I take with me the memory of two young professors who passed away while I was a graduate student. Anne Johnstone, the only female professor from whom I took a course in the engineering school, and Bob Durr, a political science professor and a member of my dissertation committee, both lost brave batt

21、les with cancer. I remember them fondly.I take with me the memory of failing the first exam in one of the first engineering courses I took as an undergraduate. I remember thinking the course was just too hard for me and that I would never be able to pass it. So I went to talk to the professor, ready

22、 to drop the class. And he told me not to give up, he told me I could succeed in his class. For reasons that seemed completely ludicrous at the time, he said he had faith in me. And after that my grades in the class slowly improved, and I ended the semester with an A on the final exam. I remember ho

23、w motivational it was to know that someone believed in me.I take with me memories of the midwestern friendliness that so surprised me when I arrived in St. Louis 8 years ago. Since moving to New Jersey, I am sad to say, nobody has asked me where I went to high school.I take with me the memory of the

24、 short-lived computer science graduate student social committee lunches. The idea was that groups of CS grad students were supposed to take turns cooking a monthly lunch. But after one grad student prepared a pot of chicken that poisoned almost the entire CS grad student population and one unlucky f

25、aculty member in one fell swoop, there wasnt much enthusiasm for having more lunches.I take with me the memory of a more successful graduate student effort, the establishment of the Association of Graduate Engineering Students, known as AGES. Started by a handful of engineering graduate students bec

26、ause we needed a way to elect representatives to a campus-wide graduate student government, AGES soon grew into an organization that now sponsors a wide variety of activities and has been instrumental in addressing a number of engineering graduate student concerns.I take with me the memory of an Eng

27、ineering and Policy department that once had flourishing programs for full-time undergraduate, masters, and doctoral students.I take with me memories of the 1992 Presidential debate. Eager to get involved in all the excitement I volunteered to help wherever needed. I remember spending several days i

28、n the makeshift debate HQ giving out-of-town reporters directions to the athletic complex. I remember being thrilled to get assignedthe job of collecting film from the photographers in the debate hall during the debate. And I remember the disappointment of drawing the shortest straw among the studen

29、t volunteers and being the one who had to take the film out of the debate hall and down to the dark room five minutes into the debate - with no chance to re-enter the debate hall after I left.I take with me memories of university holidays which never seemed to apply to graduate students. I remember

30、spending many a fall break and Presidents Day holiday with my fellow grad students in all day meetings brought to us by the computer science department.I take with me memories of exams that seemed designed more to test endurance and perseverance than mastery of the subject matter. I managed to escap

31、e taking any classes that featured infamous 24-hour-take-home exams, but remember the suffering of my less fortunate colleagues. And what doctoral student could forget the pain and suffering one must endure to survive the qualifying examsI take with me the memory of the seven-minute rule, which alwa

32、ys seemed to be an acceptable excuse for being ten minutes late for anything on campus, but which doesnt seem to apply anywhere else I go.I take with me the memory of Friday afternoon ACM happy hours, known not for kegs of beer, but rather bowls of rainbow sherbet punch. Over the several years that I attended these happy hours they enjoyed varying degrees of popularity, often proportional to the quality and quantity of the accompanying refreshments - but there was always the rainbow sherbert punch.I take with me memories of purple parking permits, the West Camp

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