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八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came人教版生版.docx

1、八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came人教版生版八下英语导学Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came(人教版生版)Unit 5 学生通过本讲学习,能够掌握本单元的重点词汇句型,并在综合能力上有一定的拓展。1. pick up (1) 捡起:pick up the book (2) 接电话,接某人 pick up the phone /pick up her children (3) 通过非正规途径学得语言 pick up some English 2. beat

2、 (1) 打败某人beat sb (2) (有规律地)想敲打,跳动 (3) 做名词可表示“节拍” 3. make ones way to sw 费劲的向某地前进 4. in silence 沉默,无声 5. take down:拆 除,记录,往下拽 6. at first 首先,最初 at las t最后,最终 7. fall asleep 入睡 8. have a look at看一看 9. realize:意识到,理解,领会 realize ones dream:实现梦想 10. raise/rise raise:及物动词 (1)举起raise your hand (2)抚养 raise

3、her family (3)筹集 raise money rise:不及物动词升起,增加,提高 如:the run rises in the east. 一、单项选择 1. My alarm clock is broken, and it doesnt . A. go over B. go out C. go off D. go away 2. - How heavily its raining! Could you pick me up to school? - No problem. A. drive me B. follow me C. phone me D. leave me 3. M

4、y heart always faster when I speak in public. A. catches B. beats C. blows D. connects 4. Please your hands if you have question. A. rise; some B. raise; any C. raise; some D. rise; any 5. The teacher said the sun in the east and down in the west. A. rises; goes B. raises; goes C. rised; went D. ros

5、e; go基础演练 一、单词拼写(单句首字母填空) 1 . The weather is very s . In the morning, it is full of sunshine, but now it becomes freezing cold. 2. According to a r in the newspaper, the basketball star was seriously injured. 3. The l in the room is too weak; I cant see it clearly. 4. Every morning my a clock wakes

6、me up. 5. Be careful to drive on an i street in winter. 二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6. As soon as they got to the railway station, it began to r ain (heavy). 7. (sudden), all the lights went out and people had to wait in the darkness. 8. After the earthquake, (fall) trees and broken windows were everywhere. 9.

7、 House prices have (rise) sharply in recent years. 10. At the age of eighteen, the girl began (work) for the community. 三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 11. 她捡起电话并拨了一个号码。 She the telephone and dialed a number. 12. 电影太无聊了, 演了一半我就睡着了。 The movie was too boring. I half way through it. 13. 昨天他没有意识到自己做错了事情。 Yesterday, he

8、 that he had done wrong. 14. 雨水拍打在窗户上。 The rain the windows. 15. 暴风雨停息之后,孩子们又出来玩耍了。 After the storm , the children went out to play again.巩固提高 一、单项选择 1. Attention, please! The plane will in a minute. Every passenger, please fasten your safety belt. A. take up B. take off C. take over D. take down 2.

9、 Dont your coat, Jane! Its easy to catch a cold in spring. A. take off B. take away C. take out D. take down 3. The English people in the film spoke so quickly that I couldnt understand them. A. simply B. probably C. completely D. recently 4. Alice was when she saw a snake near her. A. tired B. inte

10、resting C. scared D. lovely 5. Dont forget to take your bag when you the bus. A. get off B. take off C. turn off D. put off 二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6. Are you telling the (true)? I dont believe you. 7. When the news came, everybody was (shock) at the rare flood in Beijing. 8. Yesterday, Robert and his frie

11、nds walked home together in (silent). 9. He didnt understand the text (complete). 10. Have you heard from your parents (recent)? 三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子) 11. 起初,那个小女孩很害羞。 The little girl was too shy . 12. 绝大多数美国人都记得纽约世贸中心被恐怖分子摧毁时他们在做什么。 Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Cente

12、r in New York was by terrorists. 13. 同学们在静静地思考那个问题。 The students were thinking about that problem . 14. 我能看一看你的新手表吗? Can I your new watch? 15. 昨天是我哥哥去机场接我的。 My brother me yesterday. 答案 一、单项选择 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 二、适当形式填空(单句适当形式) 6. truth 7. shocked 8. silence 9. completely 10. recently 三、翻译(根据中

13、文提示完成句子) 11. at first 12. taken down 13. in silence 14. have a look at 15. picked; up at the airport一、按要求转换句型 1. He was playing football at five oclock yesterday afternoon. (改为否定句) He football at five oclock yesterday afternoon. 2. I was taking a shower when she called. (改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) a shower when

14、 she called? Yes, . 3. The girls sang and danced in the room. (用this time yesterday改写句子) The girls in the room this time yesterday. 4. My friends were watching TV when the event happened. (对划线部分提问) friends when the event happened? 5. I was doing my homework when they came. (用while改写句子) 6. 听到这个消息,我们很

15、震惊。 We hear the new s. 7. 昨天晚上发生火灾时你正在做什么? What you when the fire last night? 8. 起初,他不相信这是事实。 , he didnt believe it was true. 9. 2008年8月8日对中国人来说很有意义。 The date, August 8th, 2008 great Chinese. 10. 当开始下雨的时候,迈克还在前往学校的路上。 Mike was still to school when it began to rain. 二、完形填空 An old English saying says,

16、 Laugh is the best medicine. Norman Cousins 16 on this. Several years ago, he 17 an unusual illness. Every move he made was painful. He couldnt 18 at night. The doctors had never met the illness, so they didnt know 19 to cure(治愈) his illness. Mr. Cousins, however, didnt give up hope. Mr. Cousins fel

17、t that happiness or 20 might cure his illness. He 21 to watch comedy shows on television while he was still in hospital. He quickly 22 that ten minutes of real laugh during the day gave him two hours of pain-free sleep at night. 23 Mr. Cousins left the hospital and found a hotel. There he still did

18、his experiments with laugh. He lived in the 24 watching comedy shows, reading amusing books and sleeping whenever he felt tired. Within three weeks, he felt 25 enough to do exercise. After a few months, Mr. Cousins was able to carry on his work. 16. A. agreed B. thought C. liked D. decided 17. A. ma

19、de B. took C. got D. knew 18. A. sleep B. eat C. sit D. stand 19. A. how B. what C. where D. when 20. A. sadness B. tears C. laugh D. cry 21. A. tried B. did C. enjoyed D. liked 22. A. saw B. believed C. found D. hoped 23. A. But B. So C. Or D. If 24. A. home B. hospital C. hotel D. office 25. A. we

20、ll B. bad C. sick D. nice_ _ 一、单项选择(共10小题;共10.0分) 1. - Why didnt you go to the cinema with us this afternoon? - I at the station for my uncle from Beijing. A. was waiting B. have waited C. am waiting D. will wait 2. Peter went to the United States yesterday and he back next Saturday. A. come B. come

21、s C. will come D. has come 3. - Were you at home at 9:00 last night? I called you but nobody answered. - Sorry, I at that time. A. take a shower B. took a shower C. was taking a shower D. am taking a shower 4. Dont forget to the trash when you go out to play football. A. take off B. take out C. take

22、 care D. take down 5. After a while, the wind was slowly. A. dying of B. dying out C. dying down D. dying from 6. My car alarm is always whenever my neighbors cat goes under my car. A. going off B. going out C. breaking down D. setting off 7. - Would you like to go and have some coffee with me? - Id

23、 like to. But my mother me outside. A. waits for B. is waiting for C. has waited for D. waited for 8. - Did you hear someone knocking at the door just now? - No,sir. I music. A. was listening to B. listened to C. am listening to D. would listen to 9. Its known that the sun in the east. A. rise B. ro

24、se C. rises D. rising 10. - Mrs. Green was hit by a car while she was walking on the road. - . A. Really? Sorry to hear that B. Dont be scared C. Its dangerous to do so D. Sorry, I wont do it again 二、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共5小题;共5.0分) 11. There was a long (沉默) before she answered the question. 12. More an

25、d more students (意识到) it is important to learn History well. 13. Put the piano there, with its back (靠) the wall. 14. To our surprise, the girls finally (打败) the boys. 15. Im sorry. I (完全地) forgot about it. 三、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共5.0分) 16. 我正在散步,突然遇见了他。 I when I him. 17. 他太累了,以至于在公共汽车上睡着了。 He was so

26、 tired that he on the bus. 18. 当他看到地上的垃圾时,他立刻把它捡起来。 When he saw the rubbish on the ground, he at once. 19. 昨天晚上那个女孩的妈妈回来的时候,她正在玩电脑游戏。 The girl computer games her mother came last night. 20. Cindy在读英语时其他孩子在外面打篮球。 Cindy English other kids were outside. 四、完形填空(共10小题;共15.0分) A London family were enjoyin

27、g an unusual holiday in Iceland last month when things went very wrong. Anne, Ben and their two children, Claire and Sam, 21 died in freezing water. The accident happened while the family were visiting a glacier(冰河). Its a beautiful place. 22 were walking along the edge(边缘) of the ice when suddenly

28、they fell off the ice 23 the cold water. Ben 24 a cry for help and ran to see what was happening. “I found my wife and children in the ice water. And then my wife Anne just sank(沉没) 25 the ice. It was terrible.” Ben 26 his children from the water, but when he went to save his wife, he fell in, too,

29、as he was trying to 27 Anne. 28 , when he was in the water, he went all out to catch hold of Anne and helped her out of water. “Her face was blue. 29 was really frightening.” Anne spent three days in hospital there before the family 30 . And what are their plans for their next holiday? 21. A. nearly

30、 B. already C. fully D. sadly 22. A. The children B. Anne C. The family D. Anne and children 23. A. in B. into C. down D. to 24. A. saw B. listened C. heard D. searched 25. A. below B. above C. over D. in 26. A. pushed B. pulled out C. saved D. helped 27. A. see B. reach C. leave D. jump 28. A. Luck

31、ily B. Strangely C. Excitedly D. Clearly 29. A. That B. It C. She D. I 30. A. return to Iceland B. returned fro m England C. returned to England D. returned from Europe 五、阅读理解(共15小题;共30.0分) A James and his wife went to Beijing Restaurant for dinner at 7:00 p.m. on April 1st, 2005. While they were ea

32、ting, a waitress came to tell them that the two men at the next table were film makers and that they would like to have a talk with James. James agreed. One man came to sit down next to him and said that they were making a film named The Magic Gloves. The story was like Harry Potter and they were searching for an actor to play a magician(魔术师). They would like to invite James to have a try. James was excited, Many people think I look like Patrick Steward. However

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