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1、嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的性格分析 An Analysis of the Personalities of Sister Carrie in Sister Carrie嘉莉妹妹中嘉莉的性格分析摘 要嘉莉妹妹是美国小说家西奥多德莱塞的第一部长篇小说, 嘉莉妹妹是文中的主角,作品揭露出一位在现实社会生活中温柔,善良,美丽的社会乡村少女在资本主义社会环境中转变成为独立,自信,聪明,优雅,有内涵的新女性,刚开始嘉莉妹妹把自己的希望寄托在男性身上,结果自己遭受了两次欺骗,到后来她认识到只有通过自己的努力才能改变自己的命运。最终她通过自己努力和才能登上百老汇红五星舞台,成为一名大都市独立的新型女性。本文旨在通过对嘉

2、莉妹妹的性格分析,使读者清楚地认识到成为一名新时代的独立的女性,不能把希望依赖于别人,只有通过自己的努力才可以实现自我的价值,并最终取得成功。同时新时代的女性首先应该在经济上独立,从而获得人格上的独立,赢得别人的尊重,而嘉莉妹妹正是通过依靠自己才成为了一名经济独立,而又有自信和内涵的新女性。关键词:嘉莉妹妹;性格分析;性格形成原因;作者写作目的本文共分为五个章节。第一章写嘉莉的性格,并分析了嘉莉在乡村时的前期性格和嘉莉入城以后的后期性格;第二章,嘉莉后期性格形成的原因,第三章,有关嘉莉妹妹的性格缺陷;第四章,对作者写作意图的分析;在最后一章中总结一下嘉莉妹妹的性格。 本文共分为五个章节。第一章

3、写嘉莉的性格,并分析了嘉莉在乡村时的前期性格和嘉莉入城以后的后期性格;第二章,嘉莉后期性格形成的原因,第三章,有关嘉莉妹妹的性格缺陷;第四章,对作者写作意图的分析;在最后一章中总结一下嘉莉妹妹的性格。AbstractSister Carrie is written by American Theodore Dreiser. Sister Carrie is leading role. In the works, Sister Carrie is described as a gentle, kind-hearted, beautiful, country girl, eventually; s

4、he turns into be a independent, confident, smart, elegant, new metropolis female. In the beginning, she puts her hope on male. Unfortunately she is deceived twice by men. In the end she appears on Broadway red throne through her hard efforts and becomes a new independent metropolis female.This artic

5、le, aiming at the analysis of sister Carries characters, introduces readers a new independent female who cant rely hope on anybody only through her own efforts to achieve self-value and success. At first, a new female must obtain economical independence to gain personal independence, and win the res

6、pect of others. Owning to her efforts, Sister Carrie becomes a female with financial independence, confidence and inner beauty.Key Words: Sister Carrie; character analysis; cause of formation; the writers writing purposeContents1. IntroductionSister Carrie is the first novel written by the American

7、novelist Theodore Dreiser When the industrial and commercial cities have been rising, a large number of rural population have poured into the city. Carrie,eighteen years old, a smart and simple girl, in order to get rid of poverty, boards on a train to Chicago with only four U.S., hoping to have a b

8、etter life. However, the harsh reality breaks her dream because of her unemployment and disease. In desperation, she becomes the mistress of the salesman Chas.H.Drouet, and then she comes across a hotel manager, G.W. Hurstwood who was attracted by her simple beauty. Hurstwood lures Carrie to New Yor

9、k, stealing the money of the hotel. In New York, because of Hurstwoods deteriorating economy and unemployment, Carrie is forced to find job. Then she earns their living by hard work. Finally, owing to chance, she becomes a popular actress, squeezing into the high society and abandons poor Hurstwood.

10、 Carrie is famous for her persistence and effort. But she is not happy, even feels lonely.This paper is divided into six sections. The first chapter introduces the background of Sister Carrie. The second chapter reviews the characters of Sister Carrie. At first the personalities of Sister Carrie is

11、analyzed in the rural areas, and then the characters of Sister Carrie is analyzed in the city. The third chapter analyses the reasons of Sister Carries personalitys formation. The fourth chapter tells Sister Carries defects of personality. The fifth chapter analyses the writers intention. In the las

12、t chapter the Sister Carries characters are summarized. Duing to her complicated characteristic, a few questions need to be asked. What kind of person she is? What are the causing factors to the formation of her characters? What are defects in her personality and why does the author create such a ch

13、aracter?2. The Characters of Sister Carrie2.1 Innocence and SimplicityIn the first place, she is a brave girl.“When Sister Carrie boarded the afternoon train for Chicago, her total outfit consisted of a small trunk, a cheap imitation alligator-skin satchel, a small lunch in a paper box, and a yellow

14、 leather snap purse, containing her ticket, scrap of paper with her sister s address in Van Buren Street, and four dollars in money,”(Theodore Dreiser,1981:1-2)from the paragraph, we can see she is a courageous girl. When Sister Carrie goes out alone with little money, she is only eighteen years old

15、. In the second place, she is easy to be moved by heterosexual complaisance and sweet words at the train for Chicago. She encounters Drouet on the train for Chicago and after getting off the train, Drouet asks for taking the package for Carrie, she says, “Very kind of you.” and feels that it is real

16、ly lucky to get such a complaisant care in a strange land. Besides, at the train she gives a heterosexual stranger her address after they communicate with each other after a while without the vigilance In conclusion, it can be seen that Sister Carrie is brave, innocent and simple. 2.2 The Character

17、of Sister Carrie after Her Coming into city2.2.1 Her Diligence and Gumption Carries diligences are found expression in the work. She goes out to find a job the next day she arrives in Chicago. For running all day, she finally finds a job in a shoes factory with a payment of five point four dollars e

18、very week. Though having to work long hours in a poor working condition with a low pay, long working hours, poor working conditions, she endures that. Later because she wears thin clothes, she gets a cold and loses her job. If she does not find a job, her sister wants to ask her to go home. But she

19、does not give up living in Chicago; finally she becomes the mistress of Drouet. And at that time, the Masonic which Drouet belonged to is performing a “fund-raising Play”. At the meantime, the play lacks of heroine. Drouet asks Carrie to have a try, so Carrie replies to try. From that moment Carrie

20、practices painstakingly at home every day and then it is a good choice to get rid of privation. So she knows that if she wants to succeed, she has to work hard and finally Carrie performs this role successfully. This experience lays a solid foundation for her to success in the Broadway. Hurstwood lu

21、res Carrie to New York and they lives together. Carrie is a housewife in her first time, before Hurstwood loses his job and stays at home. The environment is getting increasingly embarrassment; Carrie has to go out to look for a job to do. Although she is only a humble chorus actor in a choir, then

22、she does not give up hope and makes an effort, eventually she becomes more and more popular, enjoying a prosperous life. Without her hard work, Carrie could not have been successful at last. Her gumption is expressed in the way how she improves herself. In Chicago, Carrie learns the conversations an

23、d manners of the people in graded society.2.2.2 Her Romantism and Realism Her romance is reflected in her illusion. Her romantic fantasy is that she will eventually get back as long as she works hard. Only in this way her hard work will not be wasted. After she finds a even low-paid job, she imagine

24、s that she will be happy. Her fantasy is that she has a nice future than beforelive a happy life waiting for her “For the next day Carrie indulged in the most high-flows peculation. Her fancy plunged recklessly into privileges and amusements which would have been much more becoming had she been crad

25、led a child of fortune. With ready will and quick mental selection she scattered her illusion four-fifty per week with a swift and graceful hand. Indeed, as she sat in her rocking-chair these several evenings before going to bed and looked out upon the pleasantly lighted street, this money cleared f

26、or its prospective possessor the way to every joy and every bauble which the heart of woman may desire. I will have a fine time, she thought”(Theodore Dreiser,1981:1-3). But her fantasy is soon shattered, and in this competitive metropolis, it is very difficult for one without any experience to find

27、 a work. Earning four point five dollars salary per week and working in poor condition are almost unbearable for her. Besides she also needs to pay her sister and brother-in-law for food. The rest of salary is not enough to offer her necessaries. Moreover her job is lost, because she is ill for thre

28、e days. Her romance is also reflected in her emotional fantasies. Her first fantasy is that Chas.H.Drouet will marry her after she becomes his mistress. When she comes cross Mr.G.W.Hurstwood and lives together with him. Her second fancy is that she and Hurstwood will have an ideal combination. But t

29、he Drouet does not really want to marry her, and then the Hurstwood just avoids his wifes outrage and rudeness to find a safe haven. Finally her emotional illusions have been shattered totally. Although achieving fame and fortune, she still is not happy, even Hurstwood has returned his original beau

30、ty and glory, he could not allure her. She knows that these material substances are not happiness in her own present state. Fame is not everything. She has twice been deceived by men, so that she no longer holds the magic about life and love. Her romance is because she does not understand that socia

31、l competition is brutal, sinister. Whats more she does not get the peoples hearts. Her reality is because life hones church she no longer easily believes a man. Only by own efforts to live the life you want.2.2.3 Her Independence and Persistence Carries independence is not spontaneous, but is forced

32、 out. She comes to Chicago to stay with her sister and brother-in-laws home and has to look for a job by herself, and then when she gets a job, she must pay the meals for her sister. After she is unemployed, she is not welcomed; they propose her to return home. At that time Carrie encounters Drouet

33、when she is in distress, and she takes him as the last straw, which makes her abandon relations to go alone. And breaking up with Drouet, she has to find a job again. Later she is lured to New York by Hurstwood, Carrie cannot stand with poor life, and Hurstwood cannot find jobs. Their life has a pro

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