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本文(广东省深圳高中联考联盟1018学年高二第一学期期末英语考试试题无答案.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、广东省深圳高中联考联盟1018学年高二第一学期期末英语考试试题 无答案深圳高中联考联盟2019-1018学年第一学期期末考试试题年级:高二 科目:英语命题人:刘n加油婧琦 审题人:胡仁贵考试时长:120分钟 卷面总n加油分:135分第一部分 单项选择(15小题,每小题1分,共计15分)n加油1Tom took a taxi to thn加油e airport, only _ that the plann加油e _ .Atelling; leftn加油 Bbeing told; had leftCn加油told; had been left Dto bn加油e told; had left2Th

2、e most exciting tn加油hing for him was _ he finn加油ally succeeded in what seemedn加油 to be the most difficult exam to him.n加油Athat Bwhether Cwhatn加油 Dwhich3Intelligent _ n加油he is, I suspect he will fail thn加油e competition.Aalthough Bas Csn加油ince Dhowever4Afn加油ter the flooding, people were sufferinn加油g i

3、n that area, _ urgently needn加油ed clean water, medicinen加油 and shelter to survive.An加油which Bwho Cwhere Dwhat5Itn加油 wasnt until near the end of n加油the letter _ she menn加油tioned her own plan.Awhn加油ere Bthat Cwhy Dwhen6n加油It is not important _ ; n加油but how you feel, how you think and whan加油t you do th

4、at are importn加油ant.Ahow old are you Byou are hown加油 oldChow you are old Dhow oldn加油 you are7_ in the cage forn加油 half a day, the bird became hunn加油gry.ABeing kept BHavingn加油 keptCHaving been kept n加油 DHave been keptn加油8In the global economy, a new n加油drug for cancer, _ it is n加油discovered, will cre

5、atn加油e many economic possibin加油lities around the world.Awhatever Bn加油whoever Cwherever Dwn加油hichever9It is in this town _n加油 Tom was born thirty yen加油ars ago _ he will build a new sn加油chool, which excites evn加油eryone in the town.Athat; that n加油 Bwhere; that Cwhere; wn加油hen Dthat; where10Progrn加油amme

6、s, _ to bring n加油the old and the young togethen加油r, are growing in popularityn加油 all over the world.Adesign加油ned Bto be designed Cdesigning Dn加油having designed11As a new journn加油alist, he often thinks of _ hen加油 can react more appropn加油riately on such occasion.Awhat Bn加油how Cthat Dwhn加油en12In 1963 t

7、he UN sn加油et up the World Food n加油Programme, one of _ purpose is tn加油o relieve worldwide starvatin加油on.Awhich Bits Cwhose Dwhom13n加油We must come up with a goon加油d way to solve the _ probln加油ems.Aremain Bremainin加油ng Cremained Dto n加油remain14I thought she was the veryn加油 girl that I should marn加油ry _

8、 I met her.Aat the firsn加油t time Bfor the first tin加油meCthe first time Dfn加油irst time15Never _n加油 Lisa would arrive but she turnen加油d up at the last minutn加油e.Adid we think Bhave n加油we thoughtCwe thought Dwen加油 have thought第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40n加油分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和Dn加油四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。n加油ABr

9、itish Museum Visin加油tor RulesAdmissionWe warmly welcon加油me you on your visit to the Museum. In tn加油he interests of the security of n加油all our visitors we ask you to follon加油w these Visitor Rules.Admisn加油sion to the Museum in加油s free, but we may charge for entry to sn加油ome exhibitions and events.Open

10、n加油ing hoursWe open the Museums n加油galleries daily from 10:00 unn加油til 17:30. We keep selected gallern加油ies open until 20:30 on n加油Fridays.The museums Grean加油t Court is open from 9:00n加油 until 18:00, except on Fridaysn加油 when it remains open until n加油20:30.You are asked to begin leaving un加油p to ten

11、 minutes before closing n加油time.The Museum is closed on 24-26 Decn加油ember and I January.Food and drinkn加油You arent allowed to eat fn加油ood and drink inside the Museum, excepn加油t in places such as the restan加油urant and cafes or the forecourtn加油. Families with children may use tn加油he Ford Centre for Yo

12、un加油ng Visitors in the basn加油ement of the Museums Great Cn加油ourt at weekends and during school holin加油day.AnimalsIf you have a disabn加油ility, you may be follon加油wed in the Museum by your guide or n加油an assistant animal. You n加油arent allowed to bring animals inn加油to the Museum in any othn加油er case.Fi

13、lm, photon加油graphy and audio recording.n加油Except where shown by notice, n加油youre permitted to use hand -held cn加油ameras (including mobile phones) witn加油h flash bulls or flash n加油units, and audio filmn加油 recording equipment not requiring n加油a stand. You may use your photographs,n加油 film and audio rec

14、ordn加油ing only for your own privaten加油 and non-business purposes.16Whatn加油 are the Visitor Rulesn加油 mainly designed to do?ATo protn加油ect exhibits BTo keep visn加油itors safeCTo increase entry charges n加油 DTo control the entry of visn加油itors17When can you visn加油it the British Museum?An加油At 18:30 on Fri

15、days BAt 17:55 on加油n weekendsCAt 11:00 on Chrisn加油tmas Day DAt 10:15 on New Years n加油Day18What can visitors do in the Bn加油ritish Museum?ARecord fin加油lms for sale BTake along thein加油r pet dogsCEat and n加油drink as they like DTake phn加油otos for personal useBThe sn加油ummer before my junior yn加油ear in hig

16、h school, mn加油y family and I took a trip to a compln加油etely new world. Being from a n加油small town, I had never really been n加油exposed to a large city such as New Yon加油rk City.As we stood waitin加油ng for a taxi outside of the airport, n加油it was immediately apparent to me tn加油hat New York City was not

17、n加油the same as New Caney, Texas, It seemed n加油like everyone there was in a hurry ton加油 get to another place. The n加油loud and constant soundn加油 of cars was heard throughout n加油the entire trip. When n加油we found our hotel in Times Squn加油are, I noticed that it wn加油asnt just the cars that were in a hn加油u

18、rry. Everyone in the sn加油treets was walking quickly thatn加油 indicated a rush to be somewhere. Jn加油ust standing and watching thn加油e many people rushing tn加油heir own separate ways wn加油as an interesting observation.In addin加油tion to the people andn加油 transportation, the buildings wn加油ere also incredibl

19、e sight. n加油Each street was crammed with buildingn加油s that were built side by side with non加油 room in between, and a number of skysn加油crapers were present thron加油ughout the city as well. The stores wn加油ere also large compared to thn加油e ones of my little townn加油. A small shop in Newn加油 Caney would be

20、 a huge sn加油tore that took up an entire buildinn加油g in New York. This won加油uld make it seen logical that the prn加油ices of everything in New York were aln加油most double those back home.For the fin加油rst time in my life, I was exposen加油d to a little taste of what the real won加油rld is like. The incredibl

21、en加油 transportation, the huge skyscrapn加油ers, and all of the thousands of peopln加油e made me anxious to grow up an加油nd perhaps move to an incredibln加油e city such as this one. Eithern加油 way, my first trip to New York was one n加油of the most incredible experien加油nces of my life, one I well always tren加油

22、asure.19According a the author, New Cn加油aney is _ .Aa n加油very large city Ba ran加油ther small townCa busy and noisy pn加油lace Dan undeveloped villagn加油e20The author was imprn加油essed by all of the following EXCn加油EPT _ .Athe people Bn加油the transportation Cn加油the buildings Dthe custom21Then加油 underlined

23、phrase was creamed with in加油n Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _n加油_ .Awas full of Bwas ruin加油ned byCwas lacking in Dn加油was narrowed by22What is the main idean加油 of the passage?ABin加油g cuties can provide young pen加油ople with more chancen加油s.BA trip to New York City ren加油duced my love of my hometown.n加

24、油CMy visit to New Yorkn加油 City was a life changing experience.Dn加油Ones impression of a city is n加油usually formed by the first vn加油isit.CCollege is a lifetime investmenn加油t - the gift of a college educn加油ation can open the door to a world of on加油pportunity for your child or gran加油ndchild. Savings, ev

25、en non加油t so many at a time, can make a big dn加油ifference.With the cost of a colln加油ege education continuing n加油to rise, the key is to start san加油ving early and regularly. Be savn加油ing a set amount at set times, your mon加油ney can grow as your childn加油 does. According to the Collegen加油 Board, the ave

26、rage cost fn加油or four-year public cn加油olleges has increased by nearln加油y 51% over the last 10 yean加油rs and these costs will almost n加油certainly continue to rise. Saving for n加油college can help with the increasingn加油 cost of a college edun加油cation and help you be well prepared n加油when your child is r

27、eadn加油y for college.Saving for your chn加油ilds college educationn加油 is an investment in their futn加油ure. The sayings you maken加油 today will pay off in incn加油reased earnings in then加油 future. According to the Un加油.S. Census Bureau, college n加油graduates earn an averagen加油 of $1 million more than high s

28、cn加油hool graduates during their careern加油s. The value of yourn加油 investment in a college en加油ducation will continue to grow forn加油 a lifetime.Set your cn加油ollege saving goals realistican加油lly. You may not be able to save n加油enough for all four yen加油ars fees, but you cn加油ould save enough to give your

29、n加油 child the right start.More ann加油d more families depenn加油d on student loans(贷款)to pay for cn加油ollege. By saving for college, familn加油ies will have less burden ofn加油 paying off loans and help their chin加油ldren leave school without worryinn加油g about paying off loans.23From the sen加油cond paragraph w

30、e can learn that _n加油_ .Athe College Bon加油ard increased public coln加油lege costsBpublic college costs willn加油 increase by 51% in the next ten yearsCn加油its not too late to start sayingn加油 when your child is ready for collegn加油eDsaving can help deal withn加油 the rising cost of college educationn加油24Savi

31、ngs for collegn加油e education _ .n加油Awill increase in the value in the n加油future Bmake one earn a lotChelp cn加油reate good jobs Dare wise for bun加油sinessmen to invest25Who are then加油 expected readers of tn加油he passage?AParentsn加油. BHigh school students. CEducators n加油 DBankers.26Which of tn加油he following would be n加油the best title for the passage

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