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1、初中语法情态动词知识点练习题初中语法:情态动词知识点练习题一、情态动词单项选择题1May I go out for a while, Mom?No, you _. You have to finish your homework first.Ashouldnt Bneednt Cmustnt Dwont【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:妈妈,我能出去一下吗? 不,你不能。你必须先完成作业。考查情态动词辨析。shouldnt不应该;neednt不需要;mustnt禁止;wont不会。以情态动词“May”引出的一般疑问句,其否定回答可用“mustnt”,表示“禁止”的意思。故选C。2Whom doe

2、s the yellow umbrella belong to, Lily?It _ be Lindas. She likes this color, but Im not sure.Acant Bmust Cmay Dcouldnt【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:Lily,这个黄色的伞是谁的?它可能是Linda的。她喜欢这个颜色,但是我不确定。考查情态动词。cant不可能;must必须;may可能;couldnt不可能。根据“Itbe Lindas. She likes this color, but Im not sure.”可知,Lily并不确定伞一定是Linda的,因此伞可能是Lind

3、a的。故选C。3No one in our class can work out this problem, so it _ be very difficult.Acan Bmay Cmust Dneed【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我们班上没有人能解出这道题,因此它一定非常难。考查情态动词。can能,可以;may可能;must必须,一定;need需要。根据“No one in our class can work out this problem” 没有人能解出这道题,可知表达肯定的推测,用“must”表示“一定”。故选C。4I cant stop playing computer

4、 games. For your health, my boy, Im afraid you _.Acan Bmay Cmust Dwill【答案】C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:我不能停止玩电脑游戏。 为了你的健康,孩子,恐怕你必须停止玩电脑游戏。考查情态动词。can可以;may可能;must必须;will将要。根据“For your health, my boy, Im afraid you.”可知,此处表示必须停止玩游戏,用must。故选C。5Excuse me, is this the right way to the library?Sorry, I am not sure. But

5、 it _ be.Aneed Bwill Cmust Dmight【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:对不起打扰,这是到图书馆的正确的路么?很抱歉,我不是很确定。但是它可能是的。考查情态动词。need需要;will将;must必须;might可能。根据“I am not sure”我不是很确定,可知表达不确定的推测,用情态动词“might”。故选D。6 Yuan Longping, a famous Chinese scientist, is now doing research on sea rice. If farmers _ start planting rice in salty

6、water, Chinas food supply will surely rise.Acan Bcant Cmust Dmustnt【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意: 中国著名科学家袁隆平正在研究海水稻。 如果农民可以开始在咸水中种植水稻,中国的粮食供应肯定会增加。考查情态动词。can能,可以;cant不能;must必须;mustnt禁止。根据“Chinas food supply will surely rise”可知,可以在咸水中种植水稻的话,那么中国的粮食供应肯定会增加。故选A。7Must I finish the report tomorrow morning?_. Altho

7、ugh there isnt enough time left for you, its the rule.AYes, you must BNo, you mustnt CYes, you need DNo, you neednt【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我必须明天早上完成这个报告吗?是的,你必须。虽然留给你的时间不多了,但这是规矩。考查must的用法。根据“Although there isnt enough time left for you, its the rule”可知必须要完成这个报告,must的肯定回答是yes, sb. must。故选A。8 Are you interes

8、ted in shopping online? Not so much. We _ see real products but pictures.Acant Bmustnt Cshouldnt Dneednt【答案】A【解析】【分析】【详解】句意: 你对网上购物感兴趣吗? 不太喜欢。我们看不到真正的产品,只能看到图片。考查情态动词。cant不能够;mustnt不允许、禁止;shouldnt不应该;neednt不需要。根据“ Not so much.”可知,对网上购物不感兴趣,是因为不能够看到真正的产品。故选A。9Jeff cant come to the party, because hell

9、 _ help his sister with the housework.Amust to Bhave to Chas to Dneed to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:杰夫不能来参加聚会,因为他得帮他妹妹做家务。考查动词辨析。must必须,must to形式错误;have to不得不,动词原形;has to不得不,动词三单;need to需要去。根据“Jeff cant come to the party, because hellhelp his sister with the housework.”可知,此处表示“必须”,排除D;must是情态动词,其后加动词原形,排除A;will

10、 do是一般将来时结构,排除C。故选B。10一 “Go to the playground and have fun!” parents often say to their kids.一 But they _ remember playgrounds can be dangerous.Amay Bwill Cneed Dshould【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意: “去操场,玩得开心!”父母经常这样对他们的孩子说。 但他们应该记得操场是危险的。考查情态动词。may可能;will将要;need需要;should应该。结合句意可知,孩子应该记住,操场也可能危险。故选D。11In Chin

11、a, many parents complain that their children have to stay up late to do the homework. Dont worry. The government has realized the problem. Im sure there _ be good news soon.Acan Bshould Cneed Dmust【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:在中国,许多家长抱怨他们的孩子不得不熬夜做家庭作业。别担心。政府已经意识到这个问题。我相信很快就会有好消息。考查情态动词。can能、会;should应当;need需要;mus

12、t必须、一定;根据空前“Im sure”可推知,应是“there must be,一定有”,表示肯定的推测。故选D。12It rained heavily yesterday, so we _ stay at home.Ahave to Bhad to Cmust【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:昨天雨下得很大,我们不得不待在家里。考查情态动词。have to不得不,用于一般现在时态中;had to不得不,用于一般过去时态中;must必须。雨下得很大,应该是不得不待在家里,句子是一般过去时态,故选B。13My classmate is running so fast! I _ believe m

13、y eyes.Acant Bneednt Cmustnt Dshouldnt【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:我的同学跑得如此快!我无法相信我的眼睛。考查情态动词辨析。cant不能;neednt不必;mustnt禁止;shouldnt不应该。根据“My classmate is running so fast”可知,感叹同学跑的速度,无法相信自己的眼睛,用cant believe表示“无法相信”,故选A。14Must we return the book to the library today?No, you _ .You can _ it for two weeks.Amustnt; kee

14、p Bmustnt; lend Cneednt; keep Dneednt; borrow【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:今天我们必须把这本书还给图书馆吗?不,你们不必,你们可以保存它两周。考查情态动词和动词。mustnt禁止;neednt不必;keep保存;lend借出;borrow借入。根据“Must we return the book to the library today?”和“No”可知,对must的疑问句进行否定回答要用neednt;再根据“for two weeks”是一段时间,要用延续性动词keep。lend与borrow是非延续性动词,故选C。15According to

15、 the school rules, the students _ get their ears pierced.I think thats right. Students should pay more attention to their study.Amustnt Bcan Cneednt Dshould【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:根据校规,学生不能穿耳洞。我认为那是对的。学生应该更加注意他们的学习。考查情态动词辨析。mustnt禁止;can能够;neednt不必;should应该。根据“According to the school rules, the students get

16、their ears pierced”可知,校规规定学生不允许穿耳洞,故选A。16Give up, okay? Im losing much hair these days.Dont lose heart. Make a cup of coffee. There _ be a good reason for our hard time.Amust Bmustnt Ccan Dcant【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:放弃,好么?我最近掉了好多头发。不要灰心。泡杯咖啡。我们的困境肯定有充分的理由。考查情态动词辨析。must一定;mustnt不能,表禁止;can可以,表许可;cant不可能,表否定推

17、测。根据题干“Therebe a good reason for our hard time”和语境,可知这里用must be表示肯定推测。故选A。17His English isnt very good. You must _ him.Atry help Btrying to help Ctry to helps Dtry to help【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:他的英语不是很好。你必须设法帮助他。考查情态动词和动词短语的用法。must是情态动词,后要加动词原形,故排除B项;尽力干某事:try to do sth.,故排除A、C项。故选D。18Whose bag is this

18、?It _ belong to Ted. Look! His ID card in it.Acan Bshould Cmight Dmust【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:这是谁的包? 它一定是特德的。看!里面有他的身份证。考查情态动词。can可以;should应该;might可能;must一定,必须。根据“His ID card in it.”可知,此处表示有把握的肯定推测,用must表示。故选D。19Is the man over there Adam?It _ be him. He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation.Amust Bcant Cmustnt

19、 Dcan【答案】B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:那边的那个男人是亚当吗?不可能是他。他已经去香港度假了。考查情态动词。must必须,一定;cant不可能;mustnt禁止;can能。根据“He has gone to Hong Kong on vacation”可知,他已经去香港度假了,因此有把握推测那边的那个男人不可能是亚当,因此用情态动词cant。故选B。20We should keep quiet in the reading room. We _ speak loudly.Amust Bneednt Cmustnt【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我们应该在阅览室保持安静。我们禁止大声

20、喧哗。考查情态动词。must一定,必须;neednt不需要;mustnt禁止。根据“We should keep quiet in the reading room.”我们应该在阅览室保持安静。可知此处是指我们不能大声说话。这里表示禁止的事情,所以用mustnt。故选C。21Whose magazine is this?It _ belong to Mary. Look! Her name is on its cover(封面).Amust Bcant Cmustnt Dcan【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:这是谁的杂志?一定是玛丽的。看!她的名字在封面上。考查情态动词。must必须;cant

21、不能;mustnt禁止;can能。根据“Look! Her name is on its cover(封面).”可知,此处强调十分肯定的推测,故选A。22The teacher you saw in our classroom just now _ be Mr. Wang. He has gone to Chongqing to attend a meeting.Amust Bmight Ccant【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:你刚才在我们教室看到的那个老师不可能是王老师。他去重庆开会了。考查情态动词。must必须;might可能;cant不可能;根据“He has gone to Chon

22、gqing to attend a meeting.”可知,刚看到的不可能是王老师,应用cant“不可能”,故选C。23Miss Chen, how can I get better grades in exams? Besides by learning wisely and studying hard, you _ be careful to check papers again.Acant Bmight Cmust【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:陈老师,我怎样才能在考试中取得更好的成绩呢?除了明智地学习和努力学习之外,你必须仔细检查卷子。考查情态动词。cant不能;might可能;mus

23、t必须,一定。根据“Miss Chen, how can I get better grades in exams?”及常识可知想要取得考成绩就一定要仔细检查试卷,用must符合语境。故选C。24Our teacher _ at home. I saw her working in the office a moment ago.Amustnt be Bmust be Ccant be Dmay be【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我们的老师不可能在家。我刚才看见她在办公室工作。考查情态动词。mustnt be禁止;must be一定是;cant be不可能是;may be可能是;根据“I s

24、aw her working in the office a moment ago.”可知,老师不可能在家,此处是否定的推测,应用cant be“不可能”,故选C。25 _ I see your ID card? We _ check your information. Here you are.AMust; should BCan; may CMay; have to DShall; must【答案】C【解析】【详解】句意:我可以看一下你的身份证吗? 我们不得不核实了你的信息。给你。考查情态动词辨析,must必须,一定;should应该;can能,会;may可能;shall将,会(主语为第一

25、人称);have to不得不。根据“check your information.”可知应该是“我们不得不核实了你的信息核实”,may在文体上比较正式,比较委婉地向对方提出建议,故选C。26 Everything is ready for the party. Do you mean I _ bring anything with me?Acant Bcouldnt Cmustnt Dneednt【答案】D【解析】【详解】句意:聚会的一切都准备好了。你是说我不必带任何东西吗?考查情态动词辨析。cant不能;couldnt不能;mustnt禁止;neednt没必要。根据“Everything i

26、s ready for the party”可知,所有东西都准备好了,那就没有必要再准备了。故选D。27You _ tell others about this, its only between you and me.I promise I will never.Amust Bmustnt Chave to Ddont have to【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:你不能把这件事告诉别人,这只是你和我之间的事。 我保证永远不会。考查情态动词。must必须;mustnt禁止;have to不得不;dont have to不必。根据“its only between you and me”可知,

27、此处表示不能把这件事告诉别人,表示禁止做某事用mustnt。故选B。28Mr Scott _ be in the office. The light is still on.No, he _ be. I saw him drive out with his wife just now.Amay; mustnt Bmust; mustnt Ccan; cant Dmust; cant【答案】D【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:史考特先生一定在办公室。灯还亮着。不,他不可能在办公室。我刚才看见他和他妻子开车出去了。考查情态动词表示推测。can可能;must一定;cant不可能;mustnt禁止。根据“

28、The light is still on.”可知,史考特先生一定在办公室,用情态动词must;根据“I saw him drive out with his wife just now.”可知,史考特先生刚跟妻子出去,所以肯定不在办公室,用情态动词cant。故选D。29Betty is good at singing and she _ play the piano well.Aalso can Bcan also Cis also Dalso is【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意:贝蒂唱歌很好,钢琴也弹得很好。考查副词的位置以及动词辨析。can能够;is是;also也。副词also要放在be

29、动词或情态动词后,排除A和D选项。根据“play the piano well”可知,此处指钢琴能弹得好,情态动词后接动词原形,故选B。30 Where is Jeff now? Im not sure. He _ be playing basketball on the playground.Acant Bmight Cmust【答案】B【解析】【详解】句意: 杰夫现在在哪里? 我不确定。他可能在操场上打篮球。考查情态动词。cant不可能;might可能;must一定。根据“Im not sure”可知,表达不确定的猜测,用情态动词“might”表达“可能”。故选B。31Cars, buses and bikes _ stop when the traffic lights change to red.Amust Bcan Cneed Dshould【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:交通灯变红时,汽车、公共汽车和自行车必须停车。考查情态动词。must必须;can能,会;need需要;should应该。

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