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本文(河南省商丘市柘城县实验中学学年七年级下学期竞赛英语试题含听力.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、河南省商丘市柘城县实验中学学年七年级下学期竞赛英语试题含听力河南省商丘市柘城县实验中学2020学年七年级下学期竞赛英语试题(含听力) 学 河南省商丘市柘城县实验中学 20XX-2020 学年七年级下学期竞赛英语试题(含听力) 学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_ 一、听短对话回答问题 1What did Sam do last Sunday? AHe drove to the town. BHe visited his dad. CHe cleaned the yard. 2What are the speakers talking about? AThe weather. BThe radio.

2、 CThe time. 3What does the _n usually do on Sunday afternoon? AHe goes to the park. BHe works in the garden. CHe reads newspapers. 4What is Mary doing now? ASpeaking English. BWriting a letter to her friend. CPracticing basketball. 5Whats the relationship between the two speakers? AFather and daught

3、er. BMother and son. CHu _and and wife. 二、听长对话回答问题 听下面一段对话,回答下列小题。 6What are the boy and the girl talking about? AInteresting movies. BSchool life. CFamily rules 7What cant the girl do on school nights? AWatch TV BPlay puter games CReach school late. 8What does the boy have to do on weekends? ATo wa

4、sh his clothes. BTo take a shower CTo clean his room. 听下面一段对话,回答下列小题。 9What is the wo _n doing now. ACooking supper. BWashing clothes. CWatching TV 10Where is the bank? ANext to the super _rket. _第 2 页,总 10 页 BNext to the post offi _. CBehind the super _rket. 听下面一段对话,回答下列小题。 11When did the wo _n e t

5、o this town? ALast Thursday BLast Friday. CLast Saturday. 12How can the wo _n get to the hospital? AGo along New Street and turn left at the first crossing. BGo along Bridge Street and turn right at the second crossing. CGo along New Street and turn left at the second crossing. 13Which bus can the w

6、o _n take? ABus No. 604. BBus No. 406. CBus No. 460 三、听短文回答问题 听下面一段独白,回答下列小题。 14How long did they stay in Bei _g? AFour days. BFive days. CSix days. 15How was the trip last summer? ANot bad. BTerrible. CGreat. 四、听短文给 _排序 听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列 _排序。短文读两遍。 A B CD E. 16_ 17_ 18_ 19_ 20_ 五、阅读单选 A _第 4

7、页,总 10 页 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 21You should_in the morning. Aeat breakfast Bdrink 3 liters of water Ctake a short nap Dwake up late 22You should take a break from your puter_every 2 hours. A3 times B4 times C5 times D6 times 23Before going to sleep, it is healthier to_. Awatch TV Bexercise Cplay with your p

8、hone Dread books 24Going to bed before 10 pm is_. Atoo late Btoo early Chealthy Dlazy 25Where is the text probably from? ANews report. BA storybook. CA poster. DA health _gazine. It was my first day at school. The teacher in my English class was Mr. Browne, a really tall _n with a yellow beard. At t

9、he beginning of the class, he wrote on the chalkboard in big block letters:PRECEPT. “Okay, so who can _ me what a pre _pt is? Does anyone know?” No one put up their hands. Mr. Browne _iled and wrote on the chalkboard again: PRECEPT=Rules about really important things. “So, what are some really impor

10、tant things?” he asked us. Many students gave their answers; rules, schoolwork, homework, family, parents, friends, our world “Okay,” said Mr. Browne, “but no one has named the most important thing of all.” We all looked at him, out of ideas, He then wrote down; WHO WE ARE! “Who we are! Us! Right? W

11、hat kind of people are we? Isnt the most important thing of all? Learning who you are is what youre here to do.” He turned around and wrote in huge block letters: Mr. Brownes September pre _pt: When given the choi _(选择)between being right or being kind, choose kind. “Okay, so everybody, I want you t

12、o start a brand-new part in your notebooks and call it Mr. Brownes pre _pt. And from now on, at the beginning of every month, Im going to write a new Mr. Browne pre _pt on the chalkboard and you are going to write it down in your notebook. Then we are going to talk about that pre _pt and what it mea

13、ns. And at the end of the month, you are going to write about it, about what it means to you. So by the end of the year” As I wrote down Mr. Brownes pre _pt, I suddenly found that I was going to like school. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 26What does Mr. Browne look like? AA tall _n with yellow hair. BA short _n wit

14、h a yellow beard. CA tall _n with a yellow beard. DA short _n with yellow hair. 27What does the underlined word PRECEPT mean in Chinese? A规章 B准则 C课程 D纪律 28Aording to Mr. Browne, what is the most important thing? ASchooling and homework. BFamily and parents. COur world. DWho we are. 29Which of the fo

15、llowing is right? AThe students knew what the most important things were. BThe teacher wanted students to choose being right. CThe students wrote the pre _pt on their English books. DThe writer liked the English class and the teacher. 30Whats the best title of this passage? AThe Pre _pt BMy English

16、Teacher CMy School day DThe Choi _ How much do you know about the novel coronavirus (新型冠状病毒)? It is this virus that causes COVID-19, an acute respiratory infectious disease(急性呼吸道传染病). Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses. The word “corona” es from Latin(拉丁文)and refers to crowns(王冠). When peop

17、le first saw a coronavirus under a microscope(显微镜), they found that its spikes(刺突)looked like a crown. Thats how the viruses got their names. Some coronaviruses cause illness in hu _ns; _ny others are found in ani _ls, including camels, cats and bats. So far, we have found seven kinds of coronavirus

18、 that can infect hu _ns. Four of them cause mon sicknesses, such as the flu and mon cold. But some coronaviruses are more serious such as SARS ( _型肺炎)and MERS (中东呼吸综合征). In xx and xx, _第 6 页,总 10 页 SARS hit 32 countries and regions (地区)around the world. China was hit the hardest, with 5,327 cases (病

19、例)and 349 deaths on the Chinese _inland. About nine years later, MERS first showed up in Saudi Arabia and caused 858 deaths. 根据材料内容选择最佳答案。 31Why coronaviruses was named this way? a. Because corona means “virus” in English. b. Because the spikes of the virus look like a crown. c. Because corona refer

20、s to “crown” in Latin. d. Because the virus was first found in a crown club. Aab Bac Cbc Dbd 32From the passage, we know that _. Acoronaviruses can _ke ani _ls fall ill Bcoronaviruses e from hu _ns Cnot all coronaviruses can infect hu _ns Dcamels, cats and bats cant carry coronaviruses 33How _ny peo

21、ple _d in China because of SARS? A5327 B349 C858 D4978 34When did MERS break out? AIn 2020 BIn xx CIn xx DIn 20XX 35What is the last paragraph about? ACoronaviruses that can infect hu _ns. BThe coronavirus found in Wuhan. CDifferent kinds of coronaviruses in ani _ls. DWays of slopping coronaviruses.

22、 文 六、补全短文 5 选 选 5 Family rules are very important. They help children understand what behavions(行为)are okay or not. As children grow up, they will be in pla _s where they have to follow rules.36 For family rules to work well, all family members should know, understand, and follow the rules.37For exa

23、mple, if you are polite and listen to others, then you can teach your child how to be a good listener. 38Family members can talk about what rules would help their family and _ke rules together.39Remember that young kids sometimes break rules because they just forget. Examples of mon family rules: No

24、 hurting. Keep your hands and feet to yourself. No shouting in the house. Use an inside voi _ when talking in the house. No climbing or jumping on furniture.40 根据材料内容,从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选择,使文章意思通畅、内存完整。 AThere are some ways to help everyone to follow rules. BYoung children look to their parents to

25、 learn how to behave. CSit on the sofa or lie down on the bed. DThey can also put up the rules on the wall so everyone can know them clearly. E.Following rules at home can help children learn to follow rules in other pla _s. 七、完型填空 Four cows lived in a forest near a meadow(草地). They were good friend

26、s and did 41 together. They walked around together, ate grass together and 42 together, day and night. 43 they were always together, they were able to protect each other from tigers and lions that might want to kill them 44 food. But one day, the four 45 got into a big argument(争论). They couldnt wor

27、k it out and all decided to 46 and go their own way. They each found a new 47 to live in. But a lion 48 found them. He thought that this might be a good chan _ to kill the cows and 49 a good meal. One by one, he hunted the cows and killed them until there 50 none left. The story gives us something t

28、o 51 . What the cows did not understand is that there is strenght(力量)in 52 . this is 53 even for hu _ns. If we stay close with our friends and family members, they can give us the strength to get through 54 times. And in return, 55 can help them when they are in need themselves. 41Asomething Bnothin

29、g Ceverything Dthing 42Aslept Bstayed Cdreamed Dfought 43ABefore BAfter CWhen DBecause 44Aon Bfor Cin Dto _第 8 页,总 10 页 45Afriends Blions Ctigers Dpets 46Awork Bleave Cplay Dfight 47Avillage Briver Cmeadow Dforest 48Aagain Bhard Calso Dsoon 49Aenjoy Bcook Ctaste Dsave 50Ahad Bhave Care Dwere 51Awrit

30、e about Bthink about Cask about Dtalk about 52Alions Bcows Cnumbers Dhu _ns 53Awrong Bbad Ctrue Dgood 54Ahappy Bspecial Cdifferent Dhard 55Awe Bthey Cyou Dit 八、用单词的正确形式完成短文 go,friend,kill,home,danger,sit,before,can,around,they What does it feel like to have a giraffe eat breakfast with you? Sofya Ph

31、illippova from Russia can _ you. Phillippova is a 24-year-old travel blogger (博主). Her job is to travel56the world and write about her experien _s on her blog. This time, Phillippova57to a giraffe hotel in Kenya, Africa. This hotel is home to _ny giraffes. They are58to people. When travelers eat outside, the giraffes will lean(伸)59heads toward them and ask for some food. When Phillippova was at the hotel, she enjoyed60on a tree swing while greeting and feeding th

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