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高一下学期期中考试 英语 含答案.docx

1、高一下学期期中考试 英语 含答案2019-2020年高一下学期期中考试 英语 含答案 董晴晨 林胜利考生在答题前请认真阅读本注意事项及各题答题要求 1. 本试卷分第卷、第卷和答题卡,共6 页。满分 120分,考试用时100 分钟。考试结束后,请将答题卡交回,试题卷自己保存。2答题前,请您务必将自己的班级、姓名、学号、考号用0.5毫米黑色签字笔填写在答题卡上。3作答非选择题必须用0.5毫米的黑色签字笔写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其它位置作答一律无效。4保持答题卷清洁、完整,严禁使用涂改液和修正带。一、 选择题(共75 分)第一部分:听力(共20小题,满分 20 分)第一节:共5小题听下面5段对话。

2、每段对话后有一小题, 从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳答案。1. When is the man holding the party?A .On Monday morning B. On Sunday afternoon C. On Tuesday afternoon 2. What is the woman doing?A. Listening to music B. Fixing the radio C. Doing her homework 3. Where is Mr. Zhang?A. In New York B. In Singapore C. In China4.How m

3、any women workers are there in the mans factory?A.120 B.180 C.3005. What day is it today?A. TuesdayB. WednesdayC. Thursday第二节:共15小题; 听下面5段对话或独白。 每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的ABC 三个选项中选出最佳答案。听第6段材料回答第6,7题。6. What is the iPad NOT used to do?A. Write an email B. Send a text C. Make a call 7. How much is the iPad w

4、ithout a discount?A.5,850 yuan B.5,600 yuan C.6,500 yuan听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。8. Why wont the man take a vacation?A. He has to attend a meeting B. He dislikes traveling C. He is too busy 9. Why wont the boss hire more people?A. He thinks there is no need B. He wants to keep costs downC. He has no time to t

5、hink about it听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. How many people will go to the restaurant? A.12 B. 10 C. 611. When will they be arriving?A. At about 7:00 pm B. At about 7:30pm C. At about 8:30pm12. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In the restaurant B. On the phone C. In a store 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。

6、13. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Brother and sister B. Teacher and student C. Father and daughter14. How did the girl buy so many things?A. With her roommates credit card B. With her fathers credit card C. With her student credit card15. How will the girl pay off her bill?

7、A. With her birthday money B. By borrowing money from her father C. By borrowing money from her friend16. What are the speakers going to do next?A. Call the bank B. Return the items to the store C. Discuss how to pay for what she bought听第10段材料,回答第17至20 题17. How many bedrooms does the apartment have?

8、A. One B. Two C. Three18. How much rent does the speaker have to pay a month?A. $650 B. $560 C. $100 19. Where can the speaker keep the washer and dryer? A. In the bathroom B. In the kitchen C. In the utility room20. What does NOT the landlord allow the speaker to do? A. To furnish the room B. To ke

9、ep a pet C. To share the rent 第二部分:英语知识运用(共二节,满分35分)I.单选(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Sometimes you need to give a stain _ before adding the garment to a load of laundry.A. special treatmentB. a special treatmentC. special treatmentsD. the special treatment22. Why do you keep this pletely _ umbrella, which

10、 is broken?A. uselessB. unusedC. usefulD. using23. It never occurred to me _ you could succeed in persuading him to change his mind.A. whichB. thatC. whatD. if24. _ his dream of going to college will e true is uncertain.A. ThatB. Even ifC. IfD. Whether25. If city noises _ from increasing, people _ s

11、hout to be heard even at diner.A. do not keep; will have toB. are not kept; haveC. are not kept; will have toD. do not keep; have to26. This page needed _ again.A. being checkedB. checkedC. to be checkedD. to check 27. You do need to _ students great potential for learning English.A. aware ofB. awar

12、e thatC. be aware that D. be aware of28. -“Mountain climbing is an exciting sport.” -“_ I like it very much.”A. I dont agree.B.I dont think so.C. I dont agree more.D. I couldnt agree more.29. As _ matter of fact, it was her attitude towards _life that moved us most.A. a; theB. a; /C. / ; /D. the; /3

13、0. Many wage earners in big cities find they may only have enough to _ their houses, cars and other costs of living and have little extra money to invest.A. pay offB. pay forC. pay backD. pay 31. His work _ have been pleted; otherwise, he wouldnt be enjoying himself on the beach.A. shouldB. shouldnt

14、C. cantD. must32. Research _ that over 81% of teachers are dissatisfied with their salary.A. contrastsB. indicatesC. highlightD. reveal33. Diets are most effective when _ with exercise.A. binedB. convertedC. containedD. claimed34. Before _ a loan _, calculate (核算) your monthly costs.A. taking; offB.

15、 taking; awayC. taking; outD. taking; over35. I suggest that we _ to the theater tomorrow, and I hope you can take my advice.A. to goB. will goC. goD. can goII.完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)Over the last ten years, technology has been constantly improving. Learning languages outside classes has_36_from usi

16、ng sets of tapes or CDs to much more creative and interesting _37_.This is largely due to the ever _38_Internet. There are now hundreds of _39_that will help you learn a language, some are better than others; some charge and some are _40_. Below are some of the free-of-charge websites that I remend

17、(推荐) to _41_ you learn a language.Busuu is like Facebook for language learners. _42_of this website span (跨越) across the globe. It works by giving you exercises to _43_; these exercises can be grammar, _44_, or reading prehension. The more exercises you plete, the more your “Language Garden” _45_. W

18、ritten exercises are corrected by native speaker of the language you are learning. You can also help students of your language by _46_ their work.MyHappyPlanet is an online munity for people _47_ in learning a language in _48_ for teaching their own language. For example, you help someone in Barcelo

19、na with their Chinese _49_they help you with your Spanish. With Myhappyplanet, you can practice speaking with a _50_speaker, learn more about other cultures, and make friends with people _51_in the world. BBC languages is probably one of the most _52_ways to learn a language online, and its great fo

20、r beginners .The lessons are in the _53_of a TV series shot in your target language. Its like watching your favorite show and _54_at the same time. They also help you to have a better understanding _55_ the culture of the country36. A. settledB. continuedC. changedD. started37. A. pointsB. ideasC. d

21、esignsD. methods38. A. improvingB. fallingC. requiringD. working39. A. booksB. websitesC. programsD. tapes40. A. cheapB. expensiveC. freeD. spare41. A. helpB. expectC. hopeD. advise42. A. ManagersB. MembersC. EmployeesD. Employers43. A. peteB. reportC. teachD. plete44. A. structureB. EnglishC. vocab

22、ularyD. knowledge45. A. closesB. growsC. endsD. rises46. A. showingB. measuringC. praisingD. correcting47. A. interestedB. shockedC. disappointedD. surprised48. A. balanceB. exchangeC. preparationD. search49. A. butB. whileC. sinceD. unless50. A. strangeB. foreignC. fluentD. native 51. A. anybodyB.

23、somewhereC. anywhereD. somebody52. A. seriousB. difficultC. boringD. relaxing53. A. fashionB. formC. shapeD. figure54. A. learningB. livingC. guessing D. thinking. 55. A. on B. toC. forD. of 第三部分:阅读理解(共10小题;每小题2分,满分20分)AWhen I learned that 71-year-old mother was playing Scrabble a word game, I knew

24、I had to do something. My husband suggests we give her a puter to play against herself. I wasnt sure whether my mother was ready for it. After all, it had taken 15 years to persuade her to buy an electric cooker. Even so, we packed up our old puter and delivered it to my parents home. And so began m

25、y mothers adventure in the world of the puters.It also marked the beginning of an unusual teaching task for me. Ive taught people of all ages, but I never thought I would be teaching my mother how to do anything.She has been the one teaching me all my life: to cook and sew; to enjoy the good times a

26、nd put up with the bad. Now it was my turn to give something back. It wasnt easy at the beginning. There was so much to explain and to introduce. Slowly but surely, my mother caught on, making notes in a little notebook. After a few months of Scrabble and other games, I decided it was time to introd

27、uce her to word processing. This proved to be a bigger challenge to her, so I gave her some homework. I asked her to write me a letter, using different letter types, colors and spaces. “Are you this demanding with your kindergarten pupils?” she asked.“No, of course not,” I said.”They already know ho

28、w to use a puter.” My mother isnt the only one experiencing a fast personal growth period. Thanks to the puter, my father has finally got over his phone allergy(过敏). For as long as I can remember, any time I called, my mother would answer. Dad and I have had more phone conversations in the last two

29、months than weve had in the past 20 years.56. What does the author do? A. She is a cookerB. She is a teacherC. She is a housewifeD. She is a puter engineer57. The author decided to give her mother a puter _.A. to let her have more chances to write lettersB. to support to her in doing her homework C.

30、 to help her through the bad times D. to make her life more enjoyable58. The author asked her mother to write her a letter _. A. because her mother had stopped using the telephone B. because she wanted to keep in touch with her mother C. so that her mother could practice what she had learned D. so that her mother could be free from the housework B Sports can help you keep fit and get in touch with nature. However, whether you are on the

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