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1、英语小故事数篇The Hare and the Tortoise 兔子和乌龟 One day a hare was telling the other animals how fast he could run. I can beat anyone!cried he. Will one of you try a race with me?I will,?said the tortoise.You!?laughed the hare. Oh, oh, how funny!?Save your laughing for the end of the race,?said the tortoise.

2、So a starting line was made, and away they went. The hare ran fast and was soon farahead, so he sat down to rest. By the time the tortoise came up, the hare was sleeping.On and on went the tortoise, and when the hare looked up at last, it was too late.There sat the tortoise by the sign that said: Th

3、e End.中文译文兔子和乌龟一天,兔子正在向其他动物炫耀他能跑得很快。“我能跑过任何人。”他喊道。“你们有谁想和我比一比吗?” “我。”乌龟说。 “你!”兔子笑道,“哦,哦,太滑稽了!” “留着到比赛结束后笑吧。”乌龟说。他们划了条起跑线,出发了。兔子跑得飞快,很快就跑到了前面,所以他坐下来休息。等到乌龟赶上来时,他睡着了。乌龟一直往前走,当兔子最后醒来时,已经太晚了。 乌龟坐在一块牌子旁,上面写着: 终点。Vocabularyhare 野兔 tortoise 龟,乌龟 beat 打败 race 比赛One Thing Touched Me 让我感动的一件事 Parents are the

4、people who care about us the most. But for a lot children, they think it is necessary for parents to give them everything. As they grow up, they start to realize theirresponsibilityand feelgratefulto their parents. I was verynaughtybefore. One day, I hanged out to play with my friends very late, but

5、 I havent told my parents, because I thought they would not care. But when I went home, I found my parents and uncle were sitting together, and they looked very upset. When my parents saw me, they were angry to ask me why I went home so late. I felt unhappy and shouted at them. Then my uncle told me

6、 that my parents worried about me so much, and they had searched me for the whole street. At this moment, I felt so touched, and felt their love.父母是最关心我们的人,而对于很多孩子来说,他们都认为父母给予他们的一切是理所当然。而随着他们的成长,他们开始意识到自己的责任,并对父母心存感激。我以前很调皮,有一天,我和朋友出去玩得很晚,而且没有告诉父母,因为我以为他们不会在意。但是当我回到家的时候,我发现我的父母和叔叔坐在一起,他们看起来很担忧。当我们父母

7、看到我时,他们很生气,问我为什么这么晚才回家。我很不高兴,就对他们大喊大叫。之后我叔叔告诉我,我父母非常担心我,他们找遍了整条街。此刻,我觉得很感动,我感受到了他们对我的爱。The Princess World 公主世界 When I was very small, my father told me that I was aprincess. I was really happy about it and felt proud of myself. My father taught me that way the princess walked and talked. I remembere

8、d it and acted very politely. As I grow up, I am sothankfulto my father, because he created a wonderful world for me.在我很小的时候,我爸爸告诉我,我是一个公主。我真的很开心,也感到很自豪。爸爸教我公主的走路和说话的方式,我记住了,举止非常礼貌。我长大后,我很感谢我的父亲,他为我创造了一个美好的世界。Saving the Earth 拯救地球 One day, I went with the group to a nearby river. We wanted to check

9、if it was clean. We did manyscientifictests to see if the river was healthy.Surprisingly, it was! We still, though, took any rubbish we could find out of the river. We wanted to make sure fish could live there happily.Recently, I helped the group plant flowers at our school. Were hoping the flowers

10、willbloomthis spring and make the school look beautiful. How did we pay for all the plants? We made T-shirts and sold them to our friends! Were still got some money left from selling the T-shirts. We hope to use it to buy some recyclingbinsfor the school.中文译文拯救地球一天,我和小组其他人一起来到附近的一条河边。我们想检查这条河是否干净。我们

11、做了许多科学实验以测试这条河是否健康。令人惊奇的是,这条河很健康!虽然我们还是从河里捞起了一些我们可以发现的垃圾。我们想要确保鱼能在这条河里开心地生活。最近,我和小组的其他人一起在学校里种了一些花。我们希望今年春天这些花会开,把学校装点得更美丽。我们怎么会有买这些植物的钱呢?我们自己做T恤衫,然后卖给我们的朋友!我们还剩余了一些卖T恤衫得来的钱。我们希望可以用这些钱为学校购买一些废物回收箱。surprisingly 令人惊奇地 bloom (花)开 recycling bin 回收箱不要拒绝心中的善意 My husband gave my 6 year old son a $10 bill.丈

12、夫把一张10美元的钞票交给了儿子。This $10 bill went with my son everywhere, from one pair of jeans to another, one hoodie to the other.这张钞票跟着他走到这儿走到那儿,从一条牛仔裤的口袋转移到另一条牛仔裤的口袋,从一件兜帽衫转移到另一件兜帽衫。My son would even sleep soundly with the $10 bill under his head.他把这张钞票放在枕头下面,似乎这样他就能睡得格外香甜。You see, he was holding out to buy

13、something special.我明白,他想留着这张钞票,准备买点特别的东西。One day my son and I go to the localgrocery1store where a man was singing carols and ringing a bell.一天,我带他去附近的杂货店。我们看到一个男人,他一边唱着圣诞颂歌,一边摇着铃铛。My son asks me what is he doing?儿子问我,“他在做什么?”I told my son hes singing to get our attention in hopes of collecting mone

14、y for the poor or for children who dont have toys.我告诉他,“他想通过唱歌来吸引路人的注意,这样他就能为穷人,或者为没有玩具的孩子们筹集善款了。”Iproceeded2to keep walking but my son wasnt next to me.我继续向前走,儿子却不在我旁边了。I turned around to see his little handdigging3in his pocket, pulling out his $10 bill.我转身发现他把小手伸进了口袋,拿出了那张10美元的钞票。He slides the bi

15、ll into theslot4, says Merry Christmas and walks over to me.他把钞票塞进了捐赠箱里,对那个男人说“圣诞快乐”,然后走回我身边来。I said you made mommy very happy.我对他说,“你让妈妈非常开心!”He told me I heard a voice say go, give him the money.他对我说,“我听到一个声音对我说,去吧,把你的钱给他。”Then he says I heard another voice say no, keep the money, you want a toy.接

16、着他又说,“我听到另一个声音说,不,别给他,你不是想买个玩具的吗?”I told my son you listened to the right voice” He looks up at me with his hands in the air and asks but who are they我告诉他,“你按照第一个声音告诉你的做了。你做得对。”他扬起脸看着我,两手一摊,“可是,那是谁发出的声音呢?”I laughed and said theyre you.我笑了,对他说,“是你的心在对你说话呀!”The Best Ways to Spend Holiday 度假的最好方式Every

17、time when the public holiday comes, a lot of people have planned to travel somewhere and enjoy theleisuretime. This year, as the mid-autumn festival and National Day come together, so there will be a long holiday. While for me, I am not going travel anywhere, because I dont want to join the crowd, i

18、nstead, I just want to stay in my house and enjoy the family hour. I am so happy that my grandparents will come to stay a few days with us. My parents decide to have the familybarbecueand ask morerelativesto come. It is such a great reunion, and nothing can compare this moment. Whats more, we will d

19、rive to our hometown, which is near to the city. There will be less people and we canappreciatethebeautyof nature.每次法定假期来临的时候,很多人都会计划出游,享受休闲时光。今年中秋节和国庆节放在一起,所以会有一个长假,对我来说,我不打算去任何地方旅游,因为我不想去那么拥挤的地方,我反而只是想呆在家里,享受家庭时光。我很高兴,我爷爷奶奶会来和我们呆几天。我父母决定举办家庭烧烤,邀请更多的亲戚来。这是一次隆重的聚会,没有什么可以比得上这一刻了。而且,我们会开车去我们的家乡,也在城市的附

20、近。没什么人,我们可以欣赏大自然的美。Snow Scenery 雪景 Before I come to visit my uncle in the winter, I never see snow in my life. When it snows, the sky is full of white things that falling into the ground first, I feel so excited about thisscenery. As the snow comes heavy, I can play snow with my cousins. We make the

21、 snowman and decorate it with funnyfacialexpression.在冬天去看望我叔叔之前,我从来没有见过雪。下雪的时候,首先,天空中满是白色的东西掉落在地上,我对这景色感到很兴奋。大雪来临时,我可以和我的表兄弟们一起玩雪。我们堆雪人,用有趣的面部表情来装饰它。Love From Parents 父母的爱 I was born in an ordinary family. Though my parents wont buy me all the things I want, I know they love me. Every day, when I co

22、me home after school, my mother is always waiting for me with delicious food. The home-made food makes me feel warm. It is my mothers love. She cooks for me. My father always brings me present when he come back after business trip. When I get this small things, I feel so lucky to be his daughter, be

23、cause he remembers me no matter where he goes. My parents cares about me in the small details. It is the best love they give me.我出生在一个普通的家庭。虽然我的父母不会给我买我想要的一切,但是我知道他们是爱我。每当我放学回家时,妈妈总是做好美味的饭菜等着我。家里做的饭菜让我感到温暖,这是来自母亲的爱,是她专门为我做的饭菜。我爸爸经常会在出差后给我带礼物。拿着这些小东西,我觉得很幸运能够成为他的女儿,因为不管他在哪里都会惦记着我。我的父母总是在小细节上关爱着我。这是他们

24、给我最好的爱回忆是永恒的珍宝 Memories are the timelesstreasuresof the heart.记忆是每个人心中永恒的珍宝。Dont you love the memories that make you smile every time you think of them?当你想起那些往事并为之会心一笑的时候,你能不爱他们吗?When our children were young we had big family picnics. I carried around a video camera and videotaped the fun.我们的孩子还小的时候

25、,我们常举办盛大的家庭野餐。我随身带着录像机,把那些有趣的画面都记录下来。We recently had these old videos made into DVDs. Its been ariotto watch these and laugh at these timeless treasures.最近我们把这些就录像改制成了DVD。全家人一起看着这些录像,为这些永恒的记忆宝藏大笑不止,真是一场狂欢。Several people on these DVDs are gone now. But we have their memory as timeless treasures of ou

26、r hearts. Others are still alive and well.这些录像中的几位亲人如今都已经不在了。幸好我们还保有对他们的记忆,那是我们心中不朽的珍宝。其他的亲人还健在,生活美满。We can smile when we think back and remember those who have passed on and remember the memories we made.当我们回忆过去,想起那些已经离开的亲人,记起我们经历过的往事,我们会露出幸福的微笑。Me, in Ten Years 十年后的我 Now I am in a middle school, a

27、nd I wish I could grow up soon. I always imagine what would I do in ten years. At that time, I would have already finished my college and come to the job market. I will work in the office as everybody else. When the work is done, I would come to dinner with my parents. I dont want to work far away f

28、rom them, so I will choose to job near home. When I earn money, I can travel around the world, so on the holiday, I will make some plans toenrichmy knowledge andbroadenmyvisionby seeing differentscenery. This is the life I want in ten years.我现在在上中学,我希望能够快一点长大。我总是想象十年后的自己会在做什么。那时我已经读完大学了,进入职场。跟其他人一样在

29、办公室上班。下班了就回家跟父母一起吃晚饭。我工作不想离他们太远,所以我会选择在家附近的工作。等我赚了钱,我就可以环游世界。所以在假期,我会计划通过看不同的风景来丰富知识,拓宽视野。这就是十年后我想要的生活。The King and His Stories 国王和他的故事Once there was a king. He likes to write stories, but his stories were not good. As people were afraid of him, they all said his stories were good.One day the king s

30、howed his stories to a famous writer. He waited the writer to praise these stories. But the writer said his stories were so bad that he should throw them into fire. The king got very angry with him and sent him toprison.After some time, the king set him free. Again he showed him some of his new stor

31、ies and asked what he thought of them.Afterreadingthem, the writer at once turned to the soldiers and said: “ Take me back to prison, please.”国王和他的故事从前有一个国王,他喜欢写故事,但是他写的故事很不好。人们怕他,都说他的故事好。有一天国王把他的故事给一名作家看,他想要作家赞扬他的这些故事,而作家说他的故事是如此的差以至于该扔进火里。国王很生气,把他送到监狱。过了些日子,国王给了作家自由。国王重新将自己的一些新故事给作家看并问他感觉怎么样。作家看了之

32、后立刻转身对士兵说着;“请把我送回监狱吧。”An Interesting Thing 一件有趣的事 The first day I went to middle school, I found a special girl in my class. Her name sounds almost the same with mine. When the teachers or my classmates called one of us, we would both answer, then other students looked at us. We feltawkward. But soon we had ournicknamesand it wasconvenienttodistinguishus. Now we are good friends. Every time wh

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