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学年高二英语北师大版选修六教学案Unit 17 Section 4 含答案 精品.docx

1、学年高二英语北师大版选修六教学案Unit 17 Section 4 含答案 精品.根据词性及汉语意思写出单词1coughn&vi.咳嗽2crisisn. 危机,难关3circusn. 马戏团,杂技团,杂技场4sensen. 感觉,意思,意义.补全短语1do sb. good 对某人有益2switch off切断,关掉 3make fun of取笑;拿开玩笑 4point out指出,指明 5face up to勇敢地面对 6give away赠送;泄露 7be/get attached to留恋,爱慕8make a point有意义,讲得通 9feel down情绪低落10call in召来;

2、召集1. He had to wait for what seemed like ages in the doctors surgery.他不得不在诊所等了似乎很长时间。句式分析what在此引导宾语从句并在从句中作主语。佳句赏析1492年,哥伦布到达了现在所称的美洲大陆。In 1492, Columbus reached what is now called America.2. An ironic situation is one where something is the opposite of what you would expect.具有讽刺意味的情况是指事情与你所期望的是相反的。

3、句式分析where在此引导定语从句,修饰先行词one,one指代situation。佳句赏析你能发现一个情况可以用这个单词吗?Can you find a situation where this word is used?考点1do sb. good 对某人有益教材原句That would do you a lot of good.那会对你有很多的好处。do good to sb./sth. do sb./sth. good对有益Its no good/use doing sth. 做某事没有好处/用处Dont you think talking to her would do you go

4、od?你不觉得和她谈一下会对你有益吗?Yes, it will do your health good.是的,这对您的健康有好处。Walking every day will do good to your body.每天散步将对你的身体有益。Its no good arguing (argue) with him.跟他争论没有用。联想发散与do sb. good类似的结构还有哪些?试着写一写。dosb.harm doharmtosb.对某人有害dosb.wrong dowrongtosb.冤枉某人Too much drinking will do you great harm/do grea

5、t harm to you.过量饮酒会对你有很大的伤害。翻译句子Im sure a few days off would do you a lot of good.我确信休息几天肯定对你的身体大有好处。后悔过去的过失是没有用的。Itsnouseregrettingyourpastmistakes.Please dont do me wrong; I was not criticizing you.请不要冤枉我,我刚才并不是批评你。考点2make fun of .取笑,嘲弄教材原句A person with a sardonic sense of humour has a way of maki

6、ng fun of people and turning it into laughter.一个有冷嘲热讽幽默感的人有捉弄人的方法,并且能把它变成笑声。(1)for fun闹着玩儿地;为了好玩儿have fun 玩得/过得很愉快(2)play tricks on sb. 捉弄某人make/play jokes on sb. 取笑某人make a fool of sb. 愚弄某人laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人The kids at school always make fun of Jims clothes.学校里的孩子总取笑吉姆穿的衣服。These might be mostly for

7、fun.这些可能主要是为了开玩笑。Its bad manners to play jokes on the disabled.取笑残疾人是不礼貌的。You shouldnt make a fool of poor people.你不该愚弄穷人。单句语法填空He had never learned to dance and was not prepared to make a fool of himself.The kids are always playing tricks on their teacher.People collect things just for fun.They mad

8、e fun of Jim because of his strange hairstyle.考点3point out(为引起注意而)指出,指明教材原句Satire points out faults in people, society or groups such as corporations, and makes people laugh at those faults.讽刺指出人们身上、社会或团体例如企业的缺点,并且让人们嘲笑这些缺点。(1)point to指向(较远)point at 指着(较近)(2)on the point of (doing) sth. 正要(做)某事的时候co

9、me to the point 说到要点上to the point 中肯,切题off the point 离/偏题I must point out that further delay would be unwise.我必须指明,再延误就不明智了。He pointed out a mistake in my composition. 他指出了我作文中的一个错误。She found her uncle on the point of leaving (leave) the market.她发现她叔叔正要离开市场。The hands of the clock pointed to two.这个钟表

10、的指针指向两点。用point的相关短语完成句子I like Mr. Miners speech; it was clear and tothepoint.No matter who pointsout our shortcomings, we will correct them.I was onthepointof leaving home when it started raining.Im busy; please cometothepoint.考点4face up to勇敢地面对教材原句For others, black humour is a way of facing up to,

11、and talking about difficult subjects .对其他人来说,黑色幽默是一种面对和谈论困难的方式(1)(be) faced with (face vt.)面对,面临(2)face to face (with) (与)面对面,当面in the face of 面对make a face 做鬼脸Face up to the life with smile, no matter what will happen.带着微笑勇敢地面对生活,不管将来发生什么。Theyll never offer you another job; you might as well face u

12、p to it.他们绝不会再给你另一份工作,所以你还是勇敢面对吧。They are all faced with the same problem.他们都面临着同样的问题。He stood face to face with her.他与她面对面站着。名师指津Faced with .作状语时,相当于Facing .表示“面临,面对”。1句型转换Facing the robbers, the little girl remained calm and encouraged.Facedwith the robbers, the little girl remained calm and encou

13、raged.2完成句子那间窗户朝南的房子是我的。The house with its windows facingsouth belongs to me.中国仍然面临许多问题;我们必须勇于正视在发展过程中遇到的困难。China still faces a lot of problems; we must faceupto the difficulty we have in the process of development.他和记者面对面地坐着交谈。He sat facetofacewith the reporter talking to each other.考点5give away泄露(

14、秘密);赠送教材原句I will never give your secrets away again.我再也不会说出你的秘密了。give up放弃give out 分发;发出(光、热);用尽;疲惫不堪give off 发出(气味、声音)give in 屈服,让步The millionaire gave away all his money after he died. 这位百万富翁死后把他所有的钱捐赠了出去。We are afraid the kids would give the whole thing away.恐怕孩子们会把整件事说出去。Our food and water will give out soon.我们的水和食物马上就要用完了。This engine gives off lots of smoke and steam.这发动机释放出很多烟雾和水汽。名师指津give out表示“用完,耗尽”时,无被动语态。1副词填空Buffett has given away most of his wealth to the Bill Gates Foundation.If you want to give up your bad habits, you must be strongminded.Do you think the President

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