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1、仁爱英语七年级下册英语知识点总结 七下英语复习资料Unit 5 topic 1重点词组去上学go to school 回家 go home去公园 go to the park 去购物/游泳 go shopping / swimming 步行 on foot 乘飞机by plane 坐火车by train 坐船 by ship 坐公共汽车 by bus 骑自行车by bike 走路去上学 go to school on foot /walk to school 乘飞机去上海 go to Shang hai by plane/ take a plane to Shang hai 坐公共汽车去公园

2、go to the park by bus/ take a bus to the park 骑自行车去上班 go to school by bike /ride a bike to school乘地铁去上学 go to school by subway/take the subway to school 开车去学校 go to school by car/drive a car to school 放学以后 after school 晚饭后 after supper 弹钢琴/吉他 play the piano/guitar 打篮球/踢足球 play basketball/football 玩电

3、脑游戏 play computer games 在工作日 on weekdays 在周末at weekends 吃早餐/中餐 have breakfast / lunch上课have classes / lessons 上英语课 have an English class 看电视/电影 watch TV / movies 在某人有空的时候 in ones free time 结束 be over频率副词及词组:never, seldom, sometimes, often, usually, always 一星期一次 once a week 一个月两次 twice a moth 一年三次 th

4、ree times a year 每天 every day 疑问词 how often 时态:一般现在时谓语动词的形式: be- am/is/are do/does一般疑问句:Do/Does 主语 do-?否定句:主语 dont/doesnt do -.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ?情景题:1 如果你想知道对方怎样去上学,你可以这样问:How do you usually go to school?2 你想知道对方通常是骑自行车上学还是走路上学,你可以这样问:Do you usually go to school by bike or on foot?3 你想知道对方多久打篮球一次,你

5、可以这样问:How often do you play basketball?4 你想知道对方放学后经常做什么,你可以这样问:What do you often do after school?5 你想知道对方早上起床的时间,你可以这样问:What time do you usually get up in the morning?6 你想告诉对方你父亲从不开车去上班,你可以这样说:My father never goes to work by car.7 你想知道对方放学的时间,你可以这样问:What time is school over?8你想知道对方上课的时间,你可以这样问:What

6、time do classes begin?9你想告诉对方是上课的时候了,你可以这样说:Its time for class.Unit 5 topic 2重点词组听音乐 listen to music写信 write letters 会见朋友 meet friends画画 draw pictures 做运动 play sports 看电视 watch TV解答数学题 work on math problems 打牌 play cards 制作卡片 make cards 做作业 do ones homework 在操场上 on the playground 在图书馆里 in the librar

7、y 在健身馆 in the gym 在书架上 on the shelf/shelves 在电话里 on the phone 看书/报纸 read books/newspapers 准时 on time 寻找 look for 举行足球赛 have a soccer game 和某人聊天 talk to - 喜欢做某事 like/love doing 时态:现在进行时谓语动词的形式: am/is/are + doing现在分词(doing)构成法:go going play playing have having drive driving makemaking dancedancing run

8、 running swim swimming begin beginning planplanning shop-shopping sitsitting put putting 一般疑问句:Am/Is/Are 主语 -?否定句:主语 am/is/are not doing -.特殊疑问句:疑问词 + 一般疑问句 ?情景题:1如果你想知道对方正在做什么,你可以这样问:What are you doing?2 你想知道对方是否正在做作业,你可以这样问:Are you doing your homework now?3 你想知道对方正在看电视还是在画画,你可以这样问:Are you watching

9、 TV or drawing pictures?4 你想向对方借用自行车,你可以这样问:May I borrow your bike?5 你想知道这些书可以借多久,你可以这样问:How long can I keep these books?6如果你想知道对方的妹妹正在做什么,你可以这样问:What is your sister doing now?7你想告诉对方康康在听音乐,你可以这样说:Kangkang is listening to music.6如果你想知道对方正在上哪节课,你可以这样问:What class are you having now? in the evening, of

10、ten usually, pool often, zooUnit 5 topic 3重点词组到家 get home 到校 get to school 每个星期四 every Thursday 在星期一 on Monday 在星期二晚上 on Tuesday evening 与不同 be different from 与相同 be the same as 进行户外活动 do outdoor activities 在与之间 between and 向学习 learn from 了解过去 learn about the past 某人最喜欢的科目/食物/季节 ones favorite subjec

11、t/food/season 最喜欢 like - best 讨论 talk about 从-到- from- to - 谢谢你做某事 thank you for -/doing sth.反义词:boring interesting difficult easy情景题:1如果你想知道今天星期几,你可以这样问:What day is it today?2 你想知道对方每周上几节英语课,你可以这样问:How many English lessons do you have every week?3 你想知道对方最喜欢的科目,你可以这样问:Whats your favorite subject? Wh

12、ich subject do you like best?4 你想知道对方最喜欢数学的原因,你可以这样问: Why do you like maths best?5 你想知道对方对音乐这一科目的看法,你可以这样问:What do you think of music? How do you like music?6 你想告诉对方你不喜欢物理的原因,你可以这样说:I dont like physics because its boring.7 你想告诉对方你对语文这一科的观点,你可以这样说:I think Chinese is interesting. music class after sch

13、ool, basketball dance, three times a week now, Chinese class listen, English songs look, do ones homework now, playground do exercise, gymUnit 6 topic 1重点词组在第二层 on the second floor看一看 have a look 看一看- have a look at -紧挨着 next to 在的前面 in front of 在的前部 in the front of 收到某人的来信 hear from sb 上楼 go upstai

14、rs 把收起来 put - away 照顾;照看 look after 玩钢笔 play with a pen 为什么不做某事 why not do sth? 在厨房in the kitchen 在书房 in the study 在-的后面 at the back of 在-的中心 inthe centre of 在-的左/右边 on the left/right of 在树上 in/on the tree写信给某人 write (a letter) to 某人重点句型 there be 句型 表示某地或某时间存在某人/某物。肯定句:There is +单数名词/不可数名词 There are

15、+复数名词There is +单数名词+and+复数名词 (就近原则)There are+复数名词+and+单数名词 (就近原则)否定句:be 后面直接加 not一般疑问句:be 动词直接提前。否定句和一般疑问句中要用“any”代替“some”。特殊疑问句:whats +介词短语?意思:某地有什么? 问数量How many + 复数名词 are there -? 问数量How much + 不可数名词 is there -?情景题:1如果你想告诉对方你的书房里有一台电脑,你可以这样说:There is a computer in my study.2如果你想告诉对方树上有一些小鸟在唱歌,你可以

16、这样说:There are some birds singing in the tree.3如果你想告诉对方操场上有一些学生在打篮球,你可以这样说:There are some students playing basketball on the playground.4如果你想告诉对方杯子里没有牛奶,你可以这样说:There isnt any milk in the glass. There is no milk in the glass.5 你想知道墙上有什么,你可以这样问:Whats on the wall?6 你想知道门后面有什么,你可以这样问:Whats behind the doo

17、r?7 你想知道桌子上有多少个苹果,你可以这样问:How many apples are there on the desk?8 你想知道袋子里有多少大米,你可以这样问:How much rice is there in the bag? cat under clock near close to Unit 6 topic 2重点词组在农村 in the countryside 出租 for rent 每月500元以下 under 500 yuan a month 一栋18层的公寓楼 an apartment building with 18 floors 打某人电话call sb. at 2

18、868888 存钱 keep money寄信 post letters 在街道的拐角处 on the street corner 在-的尽头 at the end of - 做运动 do sports 向某人求助 ask sb for help 远离 be far from 从某地搬到某地 move from- to- 生活费用 the cost of living 看医生 see a doctor 靠近 close to 打119求助 call 119 for help 对某人友好 be kind/friendly to sb 居住在 live in - 和某人住在一起 live with

19、sb 居住在第四层 live on the fourth floor情景题:1你想向别人求助,你可以这样说: Could you help me,please?2你想向别人提供帮助,你可以这样说: Can I help you? Would you like me to help you?3 你想知道对方居住在什么样的房子,你可以这样问: What kind of home do you live in ?4 你想告诉对方你住在一栋八层的单元楼里,你可以这样: I live in an apartment building with eight floors.5 你想告诉对方你的家离邮局很远,

20、你可以这样说: My home is far from the post office.6 你想问对方觉得城市的交通怎么样,你可以这样问: What do you think of the traffic in the city?7 你想问对方是否想租一间双人房,你可以这样问:Do you want to rent a room with two beds?8 你父亲吩咐你不要在街上踢足球,他可以这样说: Dont play football in the street.9 你建议对方不要在墙上画画,你可以这样说: Dont draw pictures on the wall.10 你希望对方

21、不要在阳光下看书,你可以这样说: Dont read books in the sun. favorite, subject orange ,favorite there ,birds, tree, sing tree, behind, there Unit 6 topic 3重点词组向左/右转 turn left/right 在第一个十字路口 at the first crossing 沿着-走 go/walk along/down - 在左/右边 on the left/right 在你的左右边 on your left/right 过桥 go across the bridge 在-的对

22、面 across from - 在-的拐角处 on the corner of - 在-和-之间 between - and - 继续走 walk on 需要做某事 need to do sth 换乘2路公交车 change to Bus No.2 受伤 get hurt 保证安全 keep safe 失去生命 lose ones life 在交通事故中 in traffic accidents 遵守交通规则 obey the traffic rules 我们所有人 all of us 小心 be careful 在街上玩 play on the street. 一张-的罚单 a ticket

23、 for - 保持安静 be quiet 情景题:1你想问对方去书店的路,你可以这样问: Excuse me, how can I get to the booksore? Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the bookstore?Excuse me, which is the way to the bookstore?Excuse me, where is the bookstore?2你想知道对方的家到学校有多远,你可以这样问: How far is your home from your school?3 交警告诫司机不要在这里停车,他可

24、以这样说: Dont park here.4你妈妈让你不要把风筝放在桌子上,她这样对你说: Dont put your kite on the desk.5交警告诫孩子们不要街上玩耍,他可以这样说: Dont play on the street.6 老师告诉学生们在图书馆里要安静,他可以这样说: Be quiet in the library,please.7你想知道对方正在找什么,你可以这样问: What are you looking for?8你想告诉你妈妈你正在书房里做作业,你应该这样说: I am doing my homework in the study.9王老师想知道你爸爸的

25、电话号码,他可以这样问: Whats your fathers telephone number?10 你想知道对方为什么不喜欢英语的原因,你可以这样问: Why dont you like English、11你想知道这辆自行车能借多久,你这样问你朋友: How long can I keep your bike?12你想告诉对方你班上有25名女生,你可以这样说: There are 25 girls in my class.13你想告诉对方在河的对面有一个漂亮的花园,你可以这样说: There is a beautiful garden across from the river.14你想

26、告诉朋友有一天你能参观长城,你可以这样说: I can visit the Great Wall one day.Unit 7 topic 1重点词组出生于(某年/月/地)be born in - 出生于某一天(早上/下午/晚上)be born on 在九月 in September -的一个粉丝 a fan of - 下周日 next Sunday计划做某事 plan to do sth 给某人举行生日晚会 have a birthday party for sb 我恐怕- Im afraid - 像- be like - 看起来像- look like - -的形状the shape of

27、 - 我猜到了 I get it 做一顿丰盛的晚餐 cook a big dinner 用某物来做某事 use sth to do sth/for doing sth 给某人买某物 buy sth for sb/buy sb sth时态:be 动词的过去式 am/is was are - were He was born in 2005 She was born in Beijing They were born in October. He was born on June 1st序数词:one- first two - second three - third four - fourth

28、five- fifth six - sixth seven - seventh eight - eighth nine - ninth ten - tenth eleven - eleventh twelve twelfth thirteen thirteenth fourteen fourteenth fifteen fifteenth sixteen sixteenth seventeen seventeenth eighteen eighteenth nineteen nineteenth twentytwentieth 情景题:1你想知道今天几月几号,你可以这样问: Whats the

29、 date today?2你想知道对方是否出生在加拿大,你可以这样问: Were you born in Canada?3你想知道对方的出生地,你可以这样问: Where were you born?4你想知道对方的出生日期,你可以这样问: When were you born?5你想知道对方什么时候生日,你可以这样问: When is your birthday?6你想告诉对方你的父母计划给你举办一个生日聚会,你可以这样说: My parents plan to have a birthday party for me.7你想问对方电脑的用途,你可以这样问: What do we use c

30、omputers for?8你想问对方的尺子有多长,你可以这样问: How long is your ruler?9你想知道对方给康康的生日礼物的形状,你可以这样问: Whats the shape of your present for Kangkang?10你想告诉对方MP4的用途,你可以这样说: I use an MP4 to listen to music.11你想告诉对方你出生于2005年4月1号,你可以这样说:I was born on April 1st, 2005. Unit 7 topic 2重点词组拍照 take photos 在某人的生日聚会上 at ones birthday party 弹钢琴 play the piano 表演芭蕾舞 perform ballet 跳迪斯科 dance to disco 得开心 have a good time/enjoy oneself 其它什么 what else 制作飞机模型 make model planes 唱英文歌 sing English songs 带- 去某地 take - to - 一年前 one year ago

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