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1、支持走遍美国必须掌握的习语【关键字】支持1Here they are.就在这里。The traffic is very heavy.交通非常拥挤。Me, too.我也要。Take it easy.别紧张。You really saved the day for me.你真的帮了我大忙。2What do you want?什么事?After you.请先走。Ill take care of everything.我会好好照料一切。Im not complaining.我不在意。I never like that umbrella stand.我一直嫌那伞架碍事。3Thats for sure.我

2、同意你的看法。Ive got it!我有一个主意了!Hes something!他真了不起!Take your time.慢慢来,别急。I cant wait.我很兴奋。Thats a neat idea.这是个好主意。Look (us) up!与(我们)联络。4Its a snap.太简单了,毫无问题。No sweat.简单,绝无问题。You want to bet?你想打赌?Nope.不,没有。Anytime.什么时候都行,你说吧,无所谓。You are kidding!你在开玩笑吧!You think so?你这样认为?Im on my way over.我马上就来。Its a piec

3、e of cake.毫不费力。You are in great shape.你的身体很好。5What are you doing tomorrow?你明天准备做什么?Nothing much.没什么要紧的事。Ive got to run.我得赶紧走了。Going fishing?要去钓鱼?We didnt catch anything.我们什么也没钓着。Remember our fishing trips?还记得我们以前那些钓鱼之行吗?Dont you have to work?你不用上班吗?Itll be like old times.过去的美好时光又会重现。Whats the weathe

4、r going to be like?明天天气会怎样?Here we go.现在我们可以开始了。Now, the important thing is to get the hook close to the fish.现在,重要的是让鱼钩靠近鱼。Not a chance!不可能!Hi, there!你好,嘿。No way!不行,决不可以。Come on.你来吧!You bet.你可以确信。Easy does it.别慌,慢点。That a boy.对了,就这样。So long.再见。6Theres much more to be done.我们有很多事要做。Can you do me a f

5、avor?你能帮我个忙吗?Thats my boy!好儿子!Alexandra might call.Alexandra可能会来电话。I see.我知道了,我懂。Make you feel better.这会使你舒服些。Whats gotten into him?他怎么搞的?Maybe so.也许是这样,或许是吧。Wrong number.打错了电话。That was very kind of you.你真周到。7Whats up?怎么啦?发生什么事?I can tell.我能感觉到。How late are you open?你们开到多晚?Shes hard to resist.她真是人见人

6、爱。她真可爱。Atta girl!真是个好女孩。Were off.我们走了。我们上路了。Is that it?就这些啦?Stewart residence.Stewart家。This is he.就是他。Your name will do.你的名字就够了。8How you doing?你怎么样啦?Its a problem, isnt it?这是个问题,不是吗?I got it!我猜到了。Want to hear them?你想听听吗?Youre fooling me.你在骗我。Everything will be just fine.一切都会好的。Youre a sore loser.你是个

7、输不起的人。Hi, gang.嗨,各位。Whats going on?怎么啦?Thats the deal.这是交换条件。9What are you working on?你在干什么?Whats it about?是关于什么方面的?是什么题目?I dont mind.我不在乎。came to that conclusion做出那样的结论Thanks for hearing me out.谢谢你听我的意见。Doesnt show.看不出来。Whats little uncertain.我有点犹豫不决。That sounds fine.这样听起来蛮好的。Its great to see you!真

8、高兴见到你!In that case.这么说university club大学俱乐部10Will do. = Sure, Ill do it.我会去办的。Right. = Ill do it.好的。Smell the flowers.轻松一下。There you go.这是你们的。你们东西来了。Its so nice out.外面天气真好。He can answer any questions.他可以回答任何问题。Good for you.为你高兴。We had a talk.我们谈了一下。To enjoy the simple things in life.享受人生乐趣11We couldn

9、t afford it.我们负担不起。When did you buy a house?你们什么时候买房子?The price is right.价格合适。Give my best to your parents.我会向你父母问好。Ill give them your regards.我会向他们转达你的问候之意。Read (this) over.详读。Take care.走好,慢走。Well be there for you.我们会伸出援助之手。Likewise.我也一样。Heres a real buy.这个价格便宜。12Its me.是我。Am I glad to see you!我真的很

10、高兴见到你!How are things?近况如何?Sure can.当然可以。Thats music to my ears.正合我意,正是我想听到的。Welcome aboard!欢迎加入!Lets talk business.让我们来谈谈正经事。You just earned your weight in gold.你帮了大忙。13Its crowded.太挤了。I wouldnt call that tall.我不认为那种尺寸算高。You can count on it.你等着瞧吧。Welcome home.欢迎回家。Like me.像我一样。It was so kind of them

11、.他们太客气了。So cuddly.抱起来真舒服。Thats not all.还没完呢。They get along so well.他们相处得很好。Its the way it should be.本该如此。14Come on in.请进。I had never been there before.我以前从没去过那儿。Youre all tied.你们的得分一样,你们不分胜负。Now comes the good part.现在到了最精彩的部分。You have to ask for my fathers permission.你必须征得我父亲的同意。We tested it last we

12、ek on twelve- to fifteen-year-olds.上周我们曾在12-15岁的孩子中试验过这项游戏。15Just because.没有特别理由。No buts.不许说但是,别反对我。What do you say?你说呢?Great!太好了!Hold it.等一等。Done.办到了!You call this clean?你说这里干净?I beg your pardon?对不起?You will never guess.你永远猜不到。Its fantastic!太棒了!16I wish I could go.我真希望我能去。You never know.难以料想。Filler

13、 up.加满。Check the hood?检查一下机件?Whereabouts are you headed?你要去哪里?Make a right.向右拐弯。Thatll be (eighteen dollars and seventy cents).一共(18美元70美分)。No charge. = Its on the house.免费的。Oh, my gosh!噢,我的天啊!For goodness saske!天啊,真难以置信!17Whats now?下一步呢?Lets get some sleep.让我们去睡觉吧。Whats going on?怎么样了?Thanks a lot.非

14、常感谢。(Mr. Carlson) will be with you shortly.Carlson先生不久就可以与你见面。Like get right to it.正如我所说。Lets get right to it.我们就直接谈正事了。Theres something missing.少了点东西。Its not fair.这样不公平。What a job!你拍得很棒!18Hes probably right.他也许是对的。Im serious.我是认真的。Im with you.我支持你。Right over here, Grandpa.请到这里来,爷爷。It helps enormous

15、ly.这个帮助很大。Im not sure Im up to it.我不能肯定我是否做得来。Leave it to me.由我来处理。Its not over yet.还没有完呢。Lets just all calm down.让我们全都冷静下来。I appreciate your kind words.我很感谢你好心的安慰。19Not to worry.别担心。Should be.应该。Got to go.我得走了。Thats a relief.这下我就放心了。Lovely!太可爱了!Just relax.放轻松点。Please take your places.请大家就座。You neve

16、r looked better.(你看起来)再漂亮不过了。20She cant sit around and do nothing.她总不能闲坐着无所事事呀。Anybody home?有人在家吗?A cookie cant hurt, though.但一片小甜饼不要紧。What do you propose to do about it?那你建议要怎么办?You have that look in your eye.你看来似是已有了主意。Things on my mind.想一些事情。Come on.实话实说吧,不要拐弯抹角。You and Dad are like ships that pa

17、ss in the night.你和爸爸就像夜里交错而过的船一样。I dont get it.我不懂。I couldnt agree with you more.我完全同意你的看法。21We couldnt ask for anything more.我们再没什么可求的了。No point in delaying.没有道理拖下去。I dont want to interrupt her school year.我不想打断她这个学期的学业。Think it over.好好地想一想。Talk it over.好好地谈一谈。As soon as possible.越快越好。How should I

18、feel?我该作何感想?A real dilemma.一件大伤脑筋的事。How was everybodys day today?今天各位过得怎么样?Thats something!太好了!22Im torn.我不知如何取舍。Thats whats got you thinking, isnt it?就是那件事使你开始思量起来的,是吗?Being a mother is not easy.当一个母亲真不容易。Thats a good sign.这是个好兆头。My, how hes grown!天啊,他长这么大了!Im all ears.我洗耳恭听。Thats what I thought.这正

19、是我所想的。23I see what you mean.我明白你的意思。Cola coming up.可乐马上就来了。I was the same way.我当年也是这样。I can do it either day.两天中哪一天我都可以。I wonder what the problem is.我不知道发生了什么问题。You were a great help.你帮了个大忙。This is a good start.这是一个好的开始。24Give me a break.让我喘口气。Im broke.我身无分文。Sounds pretty good.听起来不错。Whatd you have i

20、n mind?你心里有什么想法?Youre not so bad yourself.你自己也不错。Its a date.就这么说定了。I have to run.我得赶紧走了。Howd it go?怎么样啦?Hear, hear!我们洗耳恭听。This is too much!太难以置信了!25I wish I had one now.我真希望现在就来一个。Its no big deal.没什么大事。I wish he felt better.我真希望他现在好一些。Where does it go?放在哪儿?The weather couldnt have been better.天气再好不过

21、了。Hes teething.他正在长牙齿。Got it!找到了!Theyre in good hands.他们得到很好的照顾。Its so calming.好宁静。You all helped.你们都帮了忙。26A little further to the right.再往右一点。Hes in a good mood.他心情不错。Theyve stood by me through all this.他们一直支持我做这件事。Be our guest.请随意。I do mean it.我的确是说真的。Keep your fingers crossed.但求好运。Help me with this tie, will you?帮我打领带,好吗?There! You look very attractive.天!你看起来真帅!Charmed.至感荣幸。Help yourselves.请随便用,请自己来此文档是由网络收集并进行重新排版整理.word可编辑版本!

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