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1、历年英语专业四级单项选择题真题整理及答案解析历年英语专业四级单项选择题真题整理及答案解析2006年51. _dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.A Although B whatever C As D However正确答案为D). however引导的让步状语从句,意思是无论(怎么样),从句需要倒装,即However+adj/adv+主+谓. However dull he may be=Dull as he may be. although和as引导让步状语从句,指”尽管”, whatever用来引

2、导名词从句,意思是: 无论什么. 句意: 无论他多么地令人感到乏味.他还是一位非常成功的顶级行政人员.52. If only I _play the guitar as well as you!A would B could C should D might正确答案为B). could表示能够,是一种能力. If only引导的虚拟语气,表示”要是.该多好啊!”. 句意: 要是我能像你那样把吉他弹得那么好该多好啊!53. The party, _I was the guest of honour, was extremely enjoyable.A by which B for which C

3、 to which D at which正确答案为D). at which. 先行词the party作介词at的宾语. 即I was the guest of honor at the party. 关系代词指代the party. 54 Its high time we _ cutting down the rainforests. A stopped B had to stop C shall stop D stop正确答案为A). stopped. It is (high) time的意思是到了做的时候了. 从句中一般用过去时构成虚拟语气. 此句型为历年专四考试常考句型.55 The

4、student said there were a few points in the essay he _ impossible to comprehend.A has found B was finding C had found D would find正确答案为C). had found. 考察定语从句的时态. 定语从句中的”找到问题”这一动作发生先于主句动词said,所以用had found构成过去完成时.56 Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone_ an opportunity to hear the speech

5、. A ought to have B must have C may have D should have正确答案为C). may. so that引导目的状语从句,表示为了让每个人都有机会听到讲座. 其他选项均不符合题意. ought to have done=should have done本应该做而实际未做. must have done表示对过去的肯定猜测.57 I am surprised_ this city is a dull place to live in.A that you should think B by what you are thinkingC that yo

6、u would think D with what you were thinking正确答案为A). 本句中should表示惊讶语气, 故不能省略. 句意:你居然会认为在这个城市居住是很无聊的,这点让我很惊讶.58 Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not_ for her work.A enough good B good enough C as good enough D good as enough正确答案为B). enough修饰形容词副词时需要后置, 且不能和as结构连用.59 It is imperative that the g

7、overnment _ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.A attracts B shall attract C attract D has to正确答案为C). attract 考核的是虚拟语气的用法. It is imperative that sb (should)+do/V, should可以省略. 该句型在专四考试中极为常见. 句意:当务之急是征服应该吸引更多投资到造船业. 60 Land belongs to the city; there is _ thing as private ownership of land.

8、A no such a B not such C not such a D no such正确答案为D). no such. There is no such (a) thing as固定用法. 意思是: It is impossible to .没有. e.g. There is no such a thing as free lunch. 天下没有免费的午餐.61 My daughter has walked eight miles today. We neverguessed that she could walk_ far. A / B such C that D as正确答案为C).

9、 that=so. 那么,如此. The weather today is not that cold as is reported.6 The statistics _ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times. A proves B is proving C are proving D prove正确答案为D). prove. statistics表示数字数据时谓语动词用复数. The statistics prove/show that,这里表示的是一种客观状态,没有明显时态标志

10、,所以用一般时态.63 There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _ the spoilt ones.A not counting B not to count C dont count D having not counted正确答案为A). not counting. 伴随状语. 表示不把计算在内.=not including. 64 It was _ we had hopedA more a success than B a success more thanC as much of a success as D a success a

11、s much as正确答案为C). 这题是本年专四语法考试中最难的一道题目. as much of a as是固定结构,类似的结构还有more of a than, less of athan, 如果是这些比较结构,则名词只能放在比较结构中, 如: It was as much of a success as I had hoped. He is more of a sportsman than his brother. We can let you have as many copies as you need. 所以选项A的正确形式应该是more of a success than, B选

12、项只能将名词置于比较结构中间.65 There used to be a petrol station near the park, _?A didnt it B doesnt there C usednt it? D didnt there正确答案为D). 考察反意疑问句. there be 的反意疑问句就用there来进行反问.66 It is an offence to show _ against people of different races.A distinction B difference C separation D.discrimination正确答案为D). disc

13、rimination歧视. show discrimination against sb歧视某人 distinction区别,差别. difference不同, separation分开. 句意:对不同种族的人表现出歧视是一种冒犯行为.67 A great amount of work has gone into _ the Cathedral to its previous splendor.A refreshing B restoring C renovating D renewing正确答案为B). restoring:使恢复到以前面貌, 通常和to连用. refresh使精神爽快, r

14、enovate更新,革新. renew更新68 The thieves fled with the local police close on their _.A backs B necks C toes D heels正确答案为D). heels. on/at ones heels紧跟在某人后面. 固定搭配,句意为:小偷逃跑了,当地的警察紧随其后追赶. fled逃走,逃掉( flee的过去式和过去分词 ); 逃离,逃避。69 The economic recession has meant that job_ is a rare thing. A security B safety C pr

15、otection D secureness正确答案为A). security. job security是商务英语中的词汇,意思是工作保障,职业安全感. e.g. The workers agreed to forgo a pay increase for the sake of greater job security. 工人们为了工作更保险, 同意放弃增加工资的要求. secure较safe更加抽象,这里工作保障应属于抽象范畴, 且secure的名词形式是security而非secureness.70 Many people nowadays save money to _ for the

16、ir old age. A cater B supply C provide D equip 正确答案为C) provide for准备,筹备., cater for迎合, supply sth to sb为某人提供, equip with用装备, 句意: 现在许多人存钱是为了防老. 71 The tone of the article _ the writers mood at the time. A reproduced B reflected C imagined D imitated正确答案为B). reflect反映. reproduce复制,繁殖,再生产. imagine想象, i

17、mitate模仿. 句意:这篇文章的语调反映了当时作者的心态.72 This is not the right _ to ask for my help; I am far too busy even to listenA.moment B.situation C.opportunity D.circumstance正确答案为A). moment时候, situation情况, opportunity机会, circumstance 环境. 句意:现在不是让我帮你的时候,我忙得连听你话的时间都没有.73 The job of a student accommodation officer_ a

18、 great many visits to landladies.A concerns B offers C asks D involves正确答案为D). involve包含,涉及,使陷入中. concern涉及到, offer提供 不符合题意. 句意:学生住宿管理人员的工作包括拜访房东. 74 Our family doctors clinic _at the junction of two busy roads. A rests B stands C stays D seats正确答案为B). stands位于=lies in, rest停卧,安防, stay停留, seat坐下. 根据

19、句意,选B. 我们的家庭医生的诊所位于两条繁忙道路的交叉点,75 She was so fat that she could only just _ through the door. A assemble B appear C squeeze D gather正确答案为C). squeeze oneself through从.中挤过去, assemble集合,聚集, appear出现, gather聚集. 她太胖了只能勉强从门口挤过去.76 After the heavy rain, a builder was called to repair the roof, which was _.

20、A leaking B trickling C dripping D floating正确答案为A). leaking漏. trickle滴流,细流,drip滴落, float漂浮,漂动. 这里意思是维修正在漏水的房顶. 只有leaking合适.77 The reception was attended by _ members of the local community.A excellent B conspicuous C prominent D noticeable正确答案为C). prominent杰出的, 突出的,显著的. excellent非常好的. conspicuous 显而

21、易见的, noticeable易见的. 参加这次招待会的是当地的显赫人士.78 Share prices on the Stock Exchange plunged sharply in the morning but _slightly in the afternoon.A regained B recovered C restored D revived正确答案为B). recover指身体,心情的恢复,康复,(经济)的恢复; regain恢复,复得,restore归还,修复(到原来的面貌). revive复苏,恢复: may imply recovery from a deathlike

22、 state通常是指到了谷底然后复苏,振兴. 题目中提到fell sharply然后下午come back up. revive强调一个由死/谷底反弹的一个过程. 故这里选recover比较合适. 且在商务英语的环境中,recover的使用频率和范围都要比revive广.79 His brain has worked away on the idea of a universal cure. A rich B quick C productive D fertile正确答案为D). quick敏捷的,迅速的. rich丰富的,富裕的, productive 多产的, fertile 有创造力的

23、,思想丰富的 80 The couple has donated a not_ amount of money to the foundation.A inconsiderable B inconsiderateC inaccurate D incomparable. 正确答案为A). inconsiderable少量的. a not inconsiderable amount of=a large amount of, inconsiderate不体谅的,考虑欠缺的,inaccurate不精确的,.incomparable无与伦比的. 句意:这对夫妇向这个基金会捐助了数目可观的一笔钱.【应试

24、直达之专四系列】2007年英语专业四级单选真题解析【不断更新,恳请指正】2007年【2007-51.】 There are as good fish in the sea _ ever came out of it.A. as B. like C. than D. soasas结构,纵然失去一个机会,不愁没有其他机会。但是,让你动心的人失去了,就不能再来了as还是可以作为作成分的关联词来理解【2007-52.】 All the Presidents Men _ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate S

25、candal.A. remains B. remain C. remained D. is remainingAll the Presidents擦,它是本书,主谓一直,谓单,很显然的选择【2007-53.】 “You _ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,”I told my friend.A. can B. should C. must D. could情态动词大抵都很坑爹坑娘的,选can,听天由命吧【2007-54.】 If only the patient _ a different treatment instead of

26、using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.A. had received B. received C. should receive D. were receiving虚拟语气,从句虚拟过去,时态倒退,完成时也【2007-55.】 Linda was _ to experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.A. to have started B. to start C. to be starting D. to have been starti

27、ngBe to do表示已经计划好,马上要做的事情,而be(过去式)to have done表示过去的事情对现在的影响,过去将来完成时呀,可惜是一种没有做成的事呀,犹记得高中intend to have done的纠结【2007-56.】 She _ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.A. must have been B. had been C. could be D. must be2009-53,又是两年周期,绝对的坑爹呀,不解释【2007-57.】 It is not _ much the language as th

28、e background that makes the book difficult to understand.A. so B. as C. that D. verynot so much A as B= more B than A与其说是,不如说是Bnot so much A as B甚至连都不如 区别于固有观念,青年在于更容易学习和吸收先进的思想和知识呀呀【2007-58.】 The committee has anticipated the problems that _ in the road construction project.A. will arise B. arise C

29、. arose D. have arisenanticipate 预料,预计,故而从句应为将来时,当然这种不伦不类的幼稚傻逼的题目是我很怕的题型【2007-59.】 The student said there were a few points in the essay he _ impossible to comprehend.A. had found B. finds C. has found D. would find完成体要有一个明显的时间参照后的前后顺序,显然,这儿具备【2007-60.】 He would have finished his college education,

30、but he _ to quit and find a job to support his family.A. had B. has C. had had D. would havebut句子不是虚拟语气,这是真真的现实,故而直接过去式【2007-61.】 The research requires more money than _.A. has been put in B. have been put in C. being put in D. to be put in又是一道坑爹的than引导的比较句问题,还是把than作为做成分的关联词来理解比较妥当,陈汉生书上至少有这样的题目三道,

31、杨瑾同学问得好呀【2007-62.】 Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race. Yet it is probably _ a threat to the human race than environmental destruction.A. not more B. no more C. even more D. much morenot more A than B 与其说是A不如说是no more A than B A与B两者都不【2007-63.】 It is not uncommon for there _ problems of communication between the old and the young.A. to be B. would be C. be D. being介词后跟存在句(there be句型),需用there to be,这就是规则呀【2007-64.】_ at in his way, the situation does not seem so desperate.A. Looked. B. looking

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