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1、电大理工英语4机考题库-本页仅作为文档封面,使用时请直接删除即可-内页可以根据需求调整合适字体及大小-2020电大理工英语4机考题库(总19页)交际用语(50)1、3D printing is one of the latest technological innovations.() Maybe its functionsReally?2、According to a report of what holidays in the future might look like, a trip to the Moon Spectacular3、Could you give methe broch

2、ure for that machine?Yes, here you are.4、Do you eat porridge every dav()B. No,sometimes Id have a cup of soybean milk,a boiled egg and a steamed bun for ny breakfast.5、Do you enjoy your present job()I just do it for a living.B.Not really.6 、 Do you like that technology exhibitionYes, I like it very

3、much.It shows me the impressive magic power of 3D printing.7、Do you mind my us ing my mobile phone here()C.No,of course not.8、Do you prefer a portable or a clumsy 3D printerB. I prefer a portable one to a clumsy one.9、Do you think cosmetic surgery is more popular with women().B.Yes,absolutely.It is

4、because women pay moreattention to beauty.10、Good morning.welcome to our booth.What can I do for you()C.Im looking for a present.11、Good morning,Jeff.Would you mind going to get me a cup of coffee at the Starbucks().B. No problen!You want the usual12、Good morning,welcome to our booth.What can I do f

5、or youC Im looking for a present.13、How about having a drink?Good idea.14、How do you like Anne Hathaway()B. She is amazing.15、How isyour business going?Good, its growing all the time.16、I get at least half an hour of exercise almost every day Oh great! (). A. Keep it up.17、I get at least half an hou

6、r of exercise almost every day.Oh great!().C.Keep it up.18、I have a scar on my face , so Ive make up my mind to have a plastic surgery.()A. Good idea.19、I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of foodYes, you bet20、I wonder if I could use your tablet tonight()Im not usi

7、ng it right now.C. Sure,here you are.21、Im leaving for Shanghai tomorrow. ()B.Have a pleasant trip!22、Is it better to be physically attractive or intelligent?For me, be intelligent is better, but that depends on. 23、Jeff, Id appreciate it if you could help me with the opening speech l m giving next

8、week.(),but Ill have some time between five and six pm.C.Well , it s pretty busy this morning24、l m leaving for Shanghai tomorrow.().B. Have a pleasant trip!25、Let me introduce myself, Im Tom.pleased to meet you.26、Lets go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us. ()A. Cant

9、 wait to watch it.27、Lets go to this movie and see what exciting experience it will bring to us. ()A. Cant wait to watch it.28、Oh, by the way, how was your report of the new batteries coming along?Its going pretty well29、Oh.Dear!Ive lost my new watch. ().C. What a pity!30、OK, Ill fix your computer r

10、ight now.Oh, take your time, ().Im in no hurry31 、 Perhaps you have heard our products. Would you like to know something more()A. Sure. Go ahead.32、So how can we buy safe food()C. When we choose food , we must remember to check its tag , confirming whether the basic information is marked on it.33、Sp

11、ace travel must be very expensive. () The cost of a seat on the Virgin craft is $ 250,000B. Of course.34、Thank you ever so much for the Apple Watchyou sent me.Im glad you like it.35、They are testing the 3D printer. Dont you come and see itWhatWhere is it displayed?36、This apple pie is too sweet,dont

12、 you think so().I think its just right,actuallyA.Not really.37、What advice would you give to a friend who wants cosmetic surgery?I would tell them that there are many risks and much cost of that surgery.38、What are you going to do this weekend?It depends39、What do you want to be?I would study comput

13、er science than dancer.40、What errands did you have to do today?Done one, and another one to do.41、What is U.Ss experience in food safety management?They are improving the legal system all the time and very strict in law enforcement42、What would you like to have for breakfast?Twisted cruller, I boug

14、ht it this morning43、What would you like to have for breakfast?()Would you like to have a taste?A44、Would you have cosmetic surgery if it was free?No. Good diet and exercise are great alternatives. 45、Would you mind turning up the music()Dad is sleeping nowB.Sorry,I cant do it.46、You know a good sch

15、edule brings efficiency to the work.I see your point.47、You need to believe that space tourism will grow and get cheaper. Maybe there isWhat is it?48、() Can you tell me something about your new product?Can I help you, sir?49、一 Do you think cosmetic surgery Is more popular with women().B.Yes , absolu

16、tely. It is because women pay more attention to beauty.50、一 I think the other reason can be identified from the industrialization of food production.()C.Yes , you bet.D.词汇与语法(104)1、3D printers have spread from labs to industrial factories, () they are being cheaper andos2、3D printing is just at the

17、beginning stage. It is not ().mature3、Absolutely, that movie ( ) and I must admit that its director is brilliant.took my breath away4、Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a person, there are a certain consequences5、Although plastic surgery is created to improve the looks of a

18、person,there are a certain percentage of ()C. consequences6、Aninal faring ()about balf of all human-caused greenhouse gases.B.accounts for7、Between the two buildings ()C.stands a tall tree8、Combining carbon and super-capacitors() like a perfect marriage.A.seems9、Considering the needsof the new gener

19、ation, we propose the concept ofwearable10、Cosmetic surgery involves () reshaping the body features.in11、Doctor, please let ne know you can reccnstructny face.B.whether12、Everyone has periods in their lives() everything seems so hard.A.when13、Everything we do has the potentia(l )creating some bad.C.

20、for14 、 Flowers grow well in a warm climate.Similarly,technology ()in a harmonious society.C. flourishes15、He his bagage anong hundreds of otbers.ident ified16、He remotely controls my mobile phone ()he can set up it for order that17、He would much()it if you could do him the favor.B.appreciat

21、e18、He () his baggage among hundreds of others.identified19、Heremotelycontrols my mobile phone () he can set up it for that20、He()his baggage among hundreds of others.A. identified21、I accepted my nose surgery, the () and patient doctor was really helpful during my gracious22、I accepted my nos

22、e surgery,the ()and patient doctor was really helpful during my recovery period.C. gracious23、I am really() by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese fascinated24、I an really_by fresh ingredients, intricate cooking and diverse traditions of Chinese foodA. fase inated2

23、5、I couldnt stand London!Bloody () place.C. awful26、I think the benefits of opening up space far()the damage that we can see.B.outweigh27、I was a little scared that it was my first time that I ()had my cosmetic surgery.B. had28、If Gardener,who will take care of us?A.leaves29、If you have any( ) n ews

24、 of my husband,please let me know.A.definite30、If you want to download this app, you need to connect your mobile phone ()to31、It is hard for any wonan to resistberself nore beauty.B.made32、It is hard Ior any woman to resist ()herself more beautyC.Making33、It is kmown to all that a lot of South Korea

25、n()accepted plastic surgery.C. celebrities34、It is known to all that a lot of South ()accepted plastic surgery,C. conscious of35、It is the ability to do the job () matters not where you come from or what you are.what36、It is ()an interesting story that I want to read it againB.such37、It () me that I

26、 had a choice.C.hit38、Modern Meadow is a start up that engineers tissue, to create lab-grown neat.A. edible39、My assistant will now() the machine in action.demonstrate40、No one had enough foresight to () the winner.A. predict41、Our part of the mission is nearly complete and the new crew will () for

27、us.A. take over42、people are no longer worried about whether their food is safe or not they enjoy a betterOnly ifcan43、She is () tall as youC. as44、Shes been interested in computer science ()she was eight.C. ago45、Shes not very optimistic () the development of 3D printing.about46、Shes been intereste

28、d in computer science ()she was eight.since47、So ()that millions of people queue to buy it.popularis the smartphone48 、 Some experts think reading is the fundamental skill upon () school education which49、Some illegaltraders Careabout nothing but().B.making money50、Someone invented the 3D printer ma

29、ny years ago, () I dont remember who.but51、Sone illegal traders care about not hing but()B. making money52、Spaceships are stocked with a variety of ()foods.B.instant53、Success can breed success,if you()C.take advantage of54、Success can breed success,if you ()it.C. take advantage of55、The atlas is no

30、rmally kept by the big window but now it is()to the wall right next tostuck56 、 The axlas is normally kepi by xhe big window but now ix is()to xhe wall righx next to Broccoli.B. stuck57、The BBC has just successfully demonstrated a () radio transmission system.digital58、The box is()hold these things.

31、B. too small to59、The Cheetah robot made by MITs scientists can jump over hurdles while ()B.running60、The current death rate is reduced ()10%compared with that of the year of 1980.C.by61、The plastie surgeon nay prowide several plans for your facial ()B.reconst ructionc62、The problem is uneven distribution,()870 million suffering f

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