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1、大学英语四级写作历年真题与范文大学英语四级写作历年真题与范文 作者: 日期:大学英语四级写作历年真题与范文99年1月真题 Drcts: For thispa, oae alloed 0 mines to wrte a copositnon theto. ont BeArado ay “No” You su wrt atat 100 s and yoshoul base yucomposition n the outlie (gvein hinee) bow: 1别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不” 2为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不” 3该说“不”时,不说“不”的坏处 范文 Don

2、t eAfa to a“No” Soetie e e to say “No” to oters wen hey sk usfor hlp.hy? n stuion may be thtwe are otcapabe on the thigs they sk u o . The otherstton ab haware uwillig o dwhatthey ask u to do, becusethei requets ay beureasnabler en iega. On h occasions should sa drectly th: “N”. But te ase i no alwa

3、ys the samenr daily life. So people are arad o s “No” wen thy should say so. On te oe hnd,they a afridof losing teir facesO teotrhan eydontant thrt ohe, such s heir faily meber,relaie, findor coleaes. sa “Yes” whn ou houda “o” wlevntuall d yusome harmf you say “Yes” but filo help themin th end ecae

4、of lack f tiiy, hy thin o enot worty of rt If you hep them domthing b oillegl, you will epunishdor wht yu have o. o, t be afrad tosa“o” if necssar.199年6月真题 Dirctios: Fotispat, yua alwed3 miuteo rie acmsiion n the tpic:Raig selctielyretensvely? Yo shouldwi aleast 100 wors,a baseyu compositon on the o

5、utle(givinChnese) below: 1有人认为读书要有选择 有人认为应当博览群书 3我的看法 范文Rigeltively or Exensivey?Reding selcivelyotenivel?Wha is yur oc?Perhapeachof s ha our coice. Soe pope hi wehould eadselectivly,fothre are omay boksfor us rad Tounds o newboks ar ulish very dy. Hw canwe ov all hesookin our imited time? Besids, n

6、ot ll thbooka worthradig. Smeeole, o e contrar, hoset ed extensivey h think that readi xtesivly can broad teirhoizonsTroghradngetensily te can lern somehing abu t ancetor;though reading extensiely tecan ge insight of geat men ding extensivlycan lso enable us t da to the fast dvelopn sociey. Bcaus ar

7、e livng n aknoledgeexodng ocet, if dot read etesi, we at get enugh nration abut tmodrn orld, awe cant ke ace wit the siey.In my oinon, we shuld ra bohselctivly and xtensielBeadiexensively,w can enrih ur knowe aspects yeadinelectivly,e cn focusn and lan wellte acaeic nwedge well ed n r future o2000年1

8、月真题 Diection:For thispat,ou ellowed 30inutes to wit copoition on te tpcHo I Finac My ClegeEduation? Yu shoudwrite tast 10rds, ad ase your composiionon te outine (gin in Cinse) elow:1. 上大学的费用可以通过多种途径解决2. 哪种途径适合我(说明理由) 范文 How Finance M lleg daton? Eeryyr, thosas o youg men entruniversiti andclges. It

9、haseen prblem for he sudts an hei fmie how tofinanceheir collegeection. n fct,heprbem can be deal with inanyway Th mos cmnwyi to get all th mo from the parets. tei parentscantproduet uiion anthe fee, sudents can ppl a oanfrm hebk. There is tilloe way. Stuents c ncetheireductio by doing some pat-time

10、 jobs interspare ime.As r me, my paent can pay the grer pr oft itn and fee f meSo, ot have a heavy fincial bun,and c ut all m earintostd. Iwoud likeopay the res by doin a par-ime jobAltuh myparents aeable pay al the ution ndfesfr me,I ust wan o moreaout te socetyby my ownworki xrience. herefore,os t

11、hs way finance my colege educaion.2000年6月真题Dirctios: For this part, o are llwed thity inutetowrit a cpsition ohetopi: Is a est ofSpoke Eglih cessay? Yo sholdwie at least 100 ords, anba yor comosition onthe outline gien i Chnese elw: .很多人认为有必要举行英语口语考试,理由是. 2.也有人持不同的意见 3我的看法和打算 aTs fSpoen English Nece

12、sy?001年月真题 Directons: r ts part,youare alwe iues writeacompositoonte tpicow o scced in Job Inteie?usud rte atleast 10 word, and baeyurcomsiionn heuti (givn in Chnee) beow: 1. 面试在求职过程中的作用 2 取得面试成功的因素 范文 Hto Succee in Jo Intervew? Nway, sunt mustsek jos b themelve. oiteview i the frtstep leadin to the

13、successhe emlont t iscea tht sucedig inaob iteriew i very mortat Thr re sm ys o ensure yourucces in a itview. irst, you sud be wl rpredfo al teinfrmain but yo, schs your diploma cerfication, y credit records,etificatiabutour aad, pblcati, if thre is any, the ast but h east, a carel dsgnd esue, i bth

14、hinese adEnlshScd,youmut aymuch attentin to yur apeaance, uin or dress and your beior. Youshoud drss properly. Whletakingwi te intervewer, yushol lisen t him tetel,accompaied whroerye cntacta a tily od of Thir,yo st be coniet aouyself You smilig acis thest way to shw yourcfince and fiedliness. ou sh

15、ould be also hnt, eeciall whe tlkin aot yurself.001年6月真题 retios:For this part,you are alowd0 mintes towe a letr poseyu aeZng Ying. Write aletter oXiao Wang, a shoolate ofyours who i gong to viit oudring he eklong holiday You houl wte at lest 10 words accodigto th suggestios (given inChnee) belo:.表示欢

16、迎2提出度假安排建议 3提醒应注意的事项 范文ALettr t a SchoolmtJue 23, 0Dear Xao Wag, amgdto hear thaty ill ce to e me duig thwekong holiay. t hs ben three years since we graduatd from ur niversiy mss yo ermuh I even can wi t see yo.Ive made a pla forthishoidas his s the it t you com to Beijig,I ik wed btr hav ightseein

17、 aoundit e can visit some famos scenic sotsand historicl ie, such Sm Palace, The Fobidden Ciy, TheGreat Wall, et. cn some shoping toeth. Tr ar many splendid maretsnd pzas i Beg.The Sate Lbray is aloagoopace foto o.B the wy,incelots peoplewll go aeg is oiday,itust be cowdo th trin Sy sould ake care o

18、ur lug.rig mor clotheswih yubcuseeijing is muh certa Kunnat this im. An dont foget totel me whenyouil r. Ill k you upat the irprt. Ms you!Yours,Zg ing02年月真题Directins: For ti a, aealowedthiy minut t re a cmpionon thtopc: Lete theUeiy resdent aotthe Cantee Servie o Camps. ou old rie at leas0words, a b

19、ae you comsitioonthe ouinegiveninse below 假设你是李明,请你就本校食堂的状况给校长写一封信,内容应涉及食堂的饭菜质量、价格、环境、服务等,可以是表扬,可以是批评建议,也可以兼而有之。 范文Lette tthe UnvrsitPesidet out te Cateen Sere o Campusaua 12th,02Der M.President, I am a studntofcoputr siencnr uiersit m writingths lette o u t show out thecateen sriceo cm o behof some

20、 sudens of our departmnt.Fstly, weel weee orevarietie of fod seved to te stdnts, whichmanseverstuencn get te fod that he thnks ubefr is asteand his pcet moy allancondly, e find eetal t prolon he pening our of the cntee. sudent from ass tt edsat2:00 noon may reachthe cnten nooon tn 12:30.Hwever, the

21、at is hat th nteni close whn h gets thre Tirdly,w ae graly nernd wih he ning enironment e el tat sudnt dnes aentitleto ber in environenhanht tey areving w. e hopeha t universty authori ill loo into tepblems dve thm. Yours Sicerely, Li Min002年月真题 rectins: For s part you r allowdthiry minute to wia co

22、posiin n theopcStudent se of Cmputer ou souldwrite lea120 ods and baeyour comstin he ulinegive below: 1.上图(图略)所示为10年、15年、00年某校大学生事业计算机的情况,请描述其变化 2请说明发生这些变化的原因(可从计算机的用途、价格或社会发展等方面加以说明)3.你认为目前大学生在计算机使用中有什么困难或问题范文Student Ueo Coutes Sudens tn touse ompute mre n r owadays. Readigthis hart, w can findthat

23、 aveage numerhoursa studt speds onthecmputerper week hasincreaed aply. n190,it haslss han 2hors;andin 1995, it increaed to alst hors, n200, euer soared to 20 hours Oviously cmptersaebecomreand mrepopular. ere areseveral reasons for this.First, computes faaeus inmoeaspet life. lso, the fat velopet o

24、t Internet nlrgs ou demasr using comptes. W a ealycntact with frinsin remte paces trogh theInteet. Beide, the pres ofcmptrs argettn ower d lowr, wich eales moe tentsto uchase themHwever, herestl eis some roblms, uch as, qulit, out of a esins nd so on. Ad how o lancethetimebetween usingcomputesstuyg i also aserius oblem Anyhw,ewil benefit a ot romompurs aslons weuethe proely 202年2月真题rctions: Fo this part, you are l

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