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1、英语教学法8课件docUnit 12 Teaching Writing Aims of the Unit- to understand the nature of writing in realityto learn a communicative approach to writing- to be aware of the problems in writing tasks in existing textbooksto understand the process approach to writingWriting through e-mail12.1 What, why and ho

2、w do we write?What do we write? Writing is a real-life reality. Whether it is in social, work or study situations, we write to get things done and to form and maintain social relationships. In reality there is a great variety of things we write for example, letters, journals, notes, instructions, po

3、sters, essays, reports, menus. We fill in forms, answer questionnaires and similar tasks.Why do we write?We write for various reasons, such as to convey messages or just to keep a record of what is in our mind.Reasons why we should get students involved in writing in a foreign language: Writing can

4、give a voice to shy students as writing can serve as a medium through which less confident students can communicate with their teacher. Writing can be less threatening for anxious students as it gives them time to think about their meaning and purpose (Morgan, 2005). Writing can also raise awareness

5、 of how language works. Through writing, students will become more familiar with the linguistic and social conventions of writing in English. A contrast between writing in ELT classroom and writing in realitywriting in ELT classroomwriting in realityPurpose To consolidate language recently learned (

6、writing as language learning)To convey message or for self creationWay to writeStudents write according to the topic and requirements given by the teacher in limited period of time; the focus is on the final product while the process which the students go through while do the writing task is virtual

7、ly ignored.We may have some ideas long before we put them on paper. And we often plan, draft, and rewrite. That is, we focus on the writing process.Principles for teaching writingChoose the proper model for teaching.Make the writing tasks for real communication.Focus on the process rather than the p

8、roduct.Instruct clearly for each stage.Integrate writing with reading, listening, and speaking.Pay attention to both product assessment and process assessment.Basically, in teaching writing the teacher of English needs to give equal weight to clarity of expression, preciseness, conciseness, frequenc

9、y, accuracy, and the ability to organize and summarize ideas.12. 2. A communicative approach to writingMechanical writing activities that are done in traditional ELT classroom do not by themselves motivate students. To motivate students, it is necessary to engage them in some act of communication. T

10、his means writing for a specific recipient or engaging in an act of creative writing where their work is intended to be read by an intended audience.In short, students can be motivated by authentic writing tasks that have some communicative elements.Some writing activities can be between “writing fo

11、r learning” and “writing for communication”. 12. 3 Problems in writing tasksMany writing tasks, both in existing textbooks and in classroom teaching, fail to have a communicative element due to the following deficiencies:1. They are mainly accuracy-based.2. They are designed to practice a certain ta

12、rget structures.3. There is insufficient preparation before the writing stage.4. There is no sense of audience or authenticity.5. Students are given ideas to express rather than invited to invent their own.6. There is no opportunity for creative writing, particularly for expressing unusual or origin

13、al ideas.7. Many of them are test-oriented.12.4 A Process Approach to Writing 1. What is process approach to writing? The teacher provides some help to guide the students through the process that they undergo when they are writing. Of course this kind of guidance should be gradually withdrawn so tha

14、t the students finally become independent writers.2. What are the features of process writing?Features of the process approach to writing summarized by Brown (1994:320-321):Focus on the process of writing that leads to the final written product;Help students writers to understand their own composing

15、 process;Help them to build repertoires of strategies for prewriting, drafting, and rewriting;Give students time to write and rewrite;Place central importance on the process of revision;Let students discover what they want to say as they write;Give students feedback throughout the composing process;

16、 (not just on the final product) to consider as they attempt to bring their expression closer and closer to intention;Encourage feedback both from the instructor and peers;Include individual conferences between teacher and student during the process of composition.Suggestions on the Process Approach

17、 to WritingBefore writing, students work together to brainstorm topics and ideas.While writing, students should finish it by themselves.After writing, there are a lot of options for the teacher to decide what to do next, e.g. peer reading, discussion, rewriting.The teacher could provide the students

18、 with a checklist to guide their peer reading and feedback.In other words, writing activities should serve to encourage a process of brainstorming, drafting, writing, feedback, revising and editing, which proceeds in a cyclical fashion resembling the writing process of a real writer. These types of

19、activities should encourage the idea that learning to write is more important than creating a final product; it is the learning of a series skills leading to the product. (Sokolik, 2003:96)Process-oriented ApproachPre-writing DraftingRevisingSecond draftTeachers feedback1) The Process of WritingDraf

20、tingOrganizeExplore the new ideaEditCheck idea and organizationCorrectingCorrect mistakes, such as spelling, usage, punctuationPublishingShare it with othersPre- writing activitiesCollect material,Choose object and audienceThe process approach pays attention to pre-writing, while-writing and post-wr

21、iting activities.Creating a motivation to write BrainstormingMapping FreewritingOutliningDraftingEditingRevisingProofreadingConferencingCreating a motivation to writePurpose or reason to writeInterest BrainstormingStudents thoughts can be inspired by each others sparkling points.The more important i

22、s to get the students to think freely and put down all possible ideas that come to their mind.MappingMapping will give students the opportunity to select from the list these useful ideas to be included in their writing and also to see how these ideas can be put together in a coherent and logical way

23、 to present a convincing argument. As pointed by Morgan (2005), when students see their ideas emerge visually on the page, it can stimulate more ideas.Free writingStudents are required to write anything that comes to their minds as quickly as possible without caring much about spelling and grammar.F

24、ree writing can help students develop fluency in writing.OutliningAn outline usually illustrates the main organising structure and the most important points of the essay.Main idea of each paragraph;Notes for supporting details;An introduction and a conclusion.It can be changed as the writer has bett

25、er ideas.DraftingAt this stage, students should be given more time to write the first draft and developing ideas is more important than getting grammatical structures, punctuations or spelling correct.EditingEditing is the stage when students read through their writings and check the clarity of idea

26、s or the logical development of their arguments.Self-editing and peer-editing(whats the benefit in editing?)Exchange of ideas between editors and writers and justification of ideas.RevisingRevising is the stage when teachers guide students to make necessary improvements in both organization and cont

27、ents based either self-editing or peer editing, eg. adding new points or deleting irrelevant facts, and correcting errors in spelling, punctuation, grammar or choice of words.Revising can take several rounds, so students need to be prepared to write a second or third draft before they submit the fin

28、al draft.Proofreading(校对)The final stage in writingTo read the writing for mistakes in grammar, spelling, punctuation, or capitalization.Independent proofreading is encouraged.Teachers should limit their involvement in making corrections for the students. They do not need to present all the correct

29、forms. They can underline those problematic items and leave them for the students to do the correction themselves.In order to keep tract of how students do self-correction, a form can be used so that both teachers and students can check from time to time to see if the same mistakes/errors are repeat

30、ed.ConferencingConference here refers to a private meeting between the teacher and each individual student. It is very important to talk face to face with students about their writing, pointing out their strength and weakness. For small classes, if possible, conferencing with individual student can

31、be done once or twice during a semester and 5-10 minutes for a student. For a number of large classes a teacher teaches, there can be a class conference focusing on the main problems and features of good writings.In commenting the students writing, teachers should keep in mind that teachers attitude

32、 can influence students confidence and motivation to write. So during the teacher-student conferencing, teachers need to encourage rather than criticize, be constructive rather than destructive and try their best to protect students self-esteem.Even after the marks are given, teachers can still allow students to continue improving their writing. In other words, students can revise their

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