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1、成人高考高起点英语试题及答案英语Part I Vocabulary (20%)Directions A: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this section. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one answer that best completes the sentence. 1. The wind _ the tree of all its leaves. ( )A. striped B. stripped C. struck D.

2、stretched2. She has been _ in line to buy some stamps. ( )A. waited B. waiting C. awaited D. awaiting3. He was unable to keep up the _ on his car. ( )A. loan B. moneyC. deposit D. payments4. He gave a(n) _ to the United Nations. ( )A. gift B. addressC. note D. agreement5. This book tells you how to

3、_ getting ill while traveling. ( )A. escape B. removeC. recover D. avoid6. He got through his work with _ and efficiency. ( )A. speed B. sparkC. space D. speech7. She insisted that he _ the experiment all over again. ( )A. did B. hadC. do D. leave8. I invited him to the meeting, but he _. ( )A. decl

4、ined B. acceptedC. removed D. escaped9. Our vacation is _ and we still cant decide where to go. ( )A. going B. approachingC. flying D. keeping10. These flowers will not grow in a cold _. ( )A. weather B. airC. day D. climate11. He spoke with more eagerness _ is appropriate on such occasions. ( )A. t

5、han that B. than whatC. than D. other than12. He feels a deep _ towards his parents for his miserable childhood. ( )A. indignation B. indignityC. indigenous D. indignant13. The badly wounded have _ for medical attention over those only slightly hurt.( )A. privilege B. priorityC. potential D. princip

6、le14. They stayed up late trying to _ out a way to solve the problem. ( )A. let B. giveC. knock D. figure15. After he won the first prize, he was full of _ and believed that he was an expert on everything. ( )A. arrogance B. vanityC. conceit D. contempt16. That mountain track is not _ in winter. You

7、d better go there in summer. ( )A. practicable B. practical C. feasible D. possible17. Our school bus always _ more than fifty students, which, in fact, is not allowed. ( )A. is seating B. has been seatedC. is seated D. seats18. Language is not _ throughout the country but falls into dialects. ( )A.

8、 constant B. uniformC. steady D. steadfast19. At that time they did hope to create a new world they had dreamed of, _ of all human sins. ( )A. cleanse(使清除) B. cleansedC. had cleansed D. cleansing20. She hopes to _ her artistic talents in the job. ( )A. apply B. utilizeC. employ D. avail Directions B

9、: There are 20 sentences in this section. In each sentence there is a word or phrase underlined. Below each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one answer that can replace the underlined part of each sentence without changing its original meaning.21. With time going by,

10、the rocks decompose and then become sand to continue to exist. ( )A. decay B. molderC. form D. disintegrate22. Mary is so careful about her weight that she doesnt eat staple food at all. ( )A. sensible B. sensationalC. senseless D. sensitive23. He is advised not to watch TV for more than 4 hours a d

11、ay. Otherwise, it would be a strain on his eyes. ( )A. hurt B. tensionC. stress D. burden24. Do not be deceived by what he has said this time. ( )A. taken in B. taken overC. taken after D. taken on25. They suggested that we should leave a separate room for smokers. ( )A. reserve B. conserveC. mainta

12、in D. preserve26. This attracted the attention of Richard Humphries who was then the most eminent boxer in England. ( )A. qualified B. humorousC. infamous D. famous27. He expressed criticism on the new style of writing which is now quite popular on the Internet in his latest paper. ( )A. blame B. de

13、nunciationC. evaluation D. accusation28. Every time when she tried to move her body, she let out a moan in pain. ( )A. wail (哀号) B. whimper (呜咽)C. groan D. weep29. As we all know, thick forests are the natural habitat for birds, animals and insects, and we must forbid cutting trees without any limit

14、ation. ( ) A. home B. resortC. residence D. refuge30. Even though the government denied it but what the spokesman said is a clear indication that the government will sooner or later collect this kind of tax. ( ) A. symptom B. symbol C. demonstration D. signal31. What can destine (命中注定) him to such a

15、 terrible lot, when his soul is dead and his body is alive? ( )A. foredoom B. foretellC. forecast D. foretaste32. Todays low inflation and steady growth in household income translates into more purchasing power. ( )A. changes B. transfersC. transplants D. transmits33. The journalist refused to revea

16、l the source of her information. ( )A. report B. discloseC. publish D. betray34. Comparison and contrast are often used intentionally in advertisements. ( )A. purposefully B. pertinentlyC. incidentally D. overwhelmingly35. These ancient buildings are part of our national legacy which, of course, sho

17、uld be protected. ( )A. privacy B. heritageC. legend D. property36. My father always hopes that I could mingle with his friends children but I prefer to stay alone. ( )A. reject B. mergeC. complain D. combine37. With the fast development and expansion of cities, the outlying suburbs of which become

18、prosperous, too. ( )A. exterior B. externalC. outer D. outside38. I am sorry I have no time at present to probe into more detail or give you an account of the incident. ( )A. bring into B. talk intoC. come into D. go into39. This type of apparatus can produce more than 40,000 blood specimen a day. (

19、 )A. examples B. modelsC. operations D. samples40. Smith did the only sensible thing by asking the Indians for food and shelter in their village. ( )A. sensitive B. sentimentalC. wise D. separatePart II Cloze (10%)Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are fou

20、r choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Interpersonal communication is your interaction with others. Talking to a friend on campus, chatting to a(n) 41 friend on campus, chatting on the phone with a classmate about a(n) 42 test, arguing the 43 of a movie with

21、friends, discussing strategies for accomplishing tasks at work, 44 for a job, and planning the future 45 a loved one are all forms of interpersonal communication.Effective interpersonal communication 46 our sensitivity to others and to the situation. One goal of effective interpersonal communication

22、 is to maintain relationships, and forming 47 messages that accurately convey our ideas and feelings 48 not offending the other person is key 49 our success.Effective interpersonal communication 50 us. People who can clearly express their ideas, beliefs, and opinions become influential and 51 contro

23、l over what happens to them and to others that they 52 . When we accurately and precisely 53 our thoughts, others gain a better 54 for our position. Their understanding and appreciation make it more likely that they will respond in 55 that are consistent with our needs.Effective interpersonal commun

24、ication helps us manage the 56 we create. Presenting ourselves in such a way that others will 57 and trust us is important in both public and private 58 whether were communicating in a professional setting, 59 our interpersonal skills are vital to getting a job, holding a position, or rising in an o

25、rganization, or in a private setting where were trying to 60 and maintain relationships.( )41. A. familiar B. informal C. intimate D. near( )42. A. upcoming B. final C. mid-term D. intermediate( )43. A. advances B. strength C. population D. fondness( )44. A. interviewing B. interfering C. interactin

26、g D. interpreting( )45. A. for B. with C. over D. to( )46. A. describes B. conveys C. portrays D. betrays( )47. A. sound B. directory C. diction D. verbal( )48. A. if B. when C. while D. as( )49. A. to B. of C. for D. in( )50. A. empowers B. reinforces C. supports D. sustains( )51. A. exhaust B. exe

27、rt C. affect D. enact( )52. A. care about B. care for C. care with D. take to( )53. A. interpret B. explain C. encode D. decode( )54. A. assessment B. evaluation C. appreciation D. appraisal ( )55. A. approaches B. methods C. ways D. ends( )56. A. impressions B. practices C. things D. experiences( )

28、57. A. respect B. despise C. mock D. sneer( )58. A. settings B. locations C. situations D. circumstances ( )59. A. when B. where C. how D. if( )60. A. work B. build C. keep D. retainPart III Reading Comprehension (40%)Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some

29、 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read each passage carefully and decide on the best answer. Passage OnePeople in the mass advertising business and other people who study American society have been very interested in the question: What

30、 does the American consumer like? Max Lerner, a well-known scholar who has studied American society, has said that American consumers are particularly fond of three things: comfort, cleanliness, and novelty.Lerner believes that the American love of comfort perhaps goes back to the frontier experienc

31、e. The pioneers had a rough life on the frontier and very few comforts. This experience may have created a strong desire in the pioneers and their children for goods that would make life more comfortable. Today, the Americans love of comfort is seen in the way they furnish their homes, the way they design their cars, and the way they like to travel.Cleanliness is also highly valued by Americans. There is a strong emphasis on keeping all parts of the body clean. Perhaps the Puritan (清教徒) heritage has played some r

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