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1、北师大课标版高一英语必修名师教学辅导资料汇编_Unit 1Lifestyles creative adJ创造性的 creative thinking创造性的思考 creation n创造,创建;创造物 an artists creations艺术家的作品 create v创造,创建 The project will create up to 60 new jobs. 这个工程将提供60个新的就业机会。 to create a stir引起骚动 creativity n U 创造力,创造性 This is an education system that lets children use th

2、eir creativity. 这是一个使儿童运用自己创造力的教育制度。 creator n创造者 2suppose vt (1) 猜想,料想,推测(一般不用进行时) As shes not here,I suppose she must have gone home. (2) 认为;相信(一般用被动) He was supposed to have left the country. (3) 常用be supposed to表示 a有义务做;应该 You are not supposed to (you are not allowed to) smoke here. b意图,打算 This

3、law is supposed to help the poor. suppose (supposing) conj.: what will happen if假如,假使 Suppose (supposing) it rains,what shall we do? 3responsibility n take (full) responsibility for负有(完全)责任 do sth. on ones own responsibility自行负责地做某事 responsible adj (1) 负有责任的,应承担责任的 Who is responsible for this terrib

4、le mess? (2) 值得信赖的,可靠的 You can leave the children with himhes very responsible. 4amount n数量,常和不可数名词连用。如: Large amounts of money were spent on the bridge. Youll have any amount of time after your examination.Lesson 1A Perfect Day 1control v认控制,管理 try to control your temper computer-controlled product

5、ion计算机控制的生产 control n掌握;控制;支配;管理;抑制 George tookgained control of the business after his father died(接管) I lost control(of myself)was out of control and hit him.(失去控制) The government is now inunder the control of the military.(在的控制下) Dont worryeverything is under control.(得到控制,情况恢复正常) 2challenge vI c

6、hallenged him to a game of tennis.(邀请某人比赛;向挑战) The difficulty Of putting our ideas into practice challenged us to find a new method. 我们的设想在付诸实践中所遇到的困难,激励了我们去寻求新的方法。 na challenge to a game of tennis赛一场网球的挑战书 challenging adj富有挑战性的 She finds her new job very challenging. 【例1】 _his father was? AWhat do

7、you think BYou think what CWhat you think DWhat did you think that 解析:考查do you think;do you suppose等在句子中作插入语用法。这时句子应用陈述句语序。 答案:A 点评:如果认为此句是由do you think引导的宾语从句也能选出正确答案,但要注意do you think的位置在特殊疑问词之后。 【例2】Although we invited him to the party,MrMundy decided to _ another late night _ the computer room. A

8、spend;in Btake;for Ccost;on Dspend; 解析:spendon sth(in)doing sth花时间,金钱做某事在某事上。 答案:A 点评:此题中省略了on sth(in) doing sth部分。 【例3】_I lived there,I used to go to the seashore on Saturdays. AWhen BAs CSince DBefore 解析:考查引导时间状语从句连词的选用。when既可以引导一个持续动作,也可以引导一个短暂动作,可用于主句和从句同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作。egWhen the film ended,the

9、people went back当when引出的时间状语从句为系表结构,而且其主语和主句的主语一致,其表语又是一个名词时,就可以用as引出的省略句。egAs a young man (When he was a young man) ,he was fond of huntingas引导一个持续性动作,多用于主句和从句动作同时发生。egJohn sings he workssince从句的谓语动词一般是非延续性动词,主句的谓语动词是延续性的或者是反复发生过的动作。since从句的时态若是一般现在时,相应地,主句中的时态是现在完成时或现在完成进行时。eg. I have written home

10、 four times since I came hereShe has been working in this factory since she left schoolbefore若表达“还未就”“不到就”“才”“趁,还没来得及”时,需要用连词before。egBefore l could get in a word,he had measured meWe hadnt run a mile before he felt tiredPlease write it down before you forget it. 答案:A 点评:连词的用法很多,出题的切入点也多。平时学习中多注意积累和

11、总结。 【例4】Not until quite recently _ any idea what a cloned sheep was like. Adid l have BI had CI didnt have Dwill I have 解析:考查notuntil位于句首的部分倒装用法。 答案:A 点评:till,until和notuntil. 1He remained there until she arrived. You may stay here until the rain stops. 用在肯定句中(主句和从句),主句谓语动词必须是延续性动词,意为“某动作一直延续到某点时间才停止

12、”。 2He wont go to bed until (till) she returns. 用在否定句中(主句),从句为肯定式,主句谓语动词必须是非延续性动词,意为“某动作直到某时间才开始”。 注意:till不可置于句首,而until可以。 egUntil you told me I had no idea of it 3掌握notuntil句型的倒装和强调说法。 It was not until you told me that I had any idea of it(强调) Not until you told me did l have any idea of it(倒装时主句倒装

13、,从句不倒装) 【例5】She used to be a housewifeNow she is a(n)_womanShe works as a fashion designer. Aprofession Bcareer Coccupation Dwork 解析:career作定语修饰woman。 英语中名词作定语用于以下几种情况: 1表用途或性质 e.gcoffee cups咖啡杯;sports shoes运动鞋;traffic lights交通灯 2表材料 e.gstone figures石像;gold medals金牌 (比较gold fish金鱼) 3表地点 e.gcountry m

14、usic乡村音乐;a government office政府机关;nature parks自然公园 (比较natural gas天然气) 4表时间 ega cock year stamp鸡年邮票;a Sunday edition周日版 5表内容 e.gweight problems体重问题;a chemistry lab化学实验室 (比较chemical rain酸雨) 6表身份性别 ega boy friend男朋友;women workers女工 (比较Womens Room 31女病号3l房间) 7表整体 egriver banks河岸;a school gate校门 答案:B 【例 6

15、】It is the test system,_the teachers,that is to blame for the heavy burden of middle school students nowadays. Aother than Bor rather Crather than Dmore than 解析:other thanexcept egTheres nobody here other than me. or ratherexactly egI am over 30,or rather 32. rather thanin preference to;instead of e

16、gI think I will have a cold drink rather than coffee. more thanless thanbetter thanworse than多于少于好于次于 答案:D 点评:less thanmore thanbetter thanworse than是一组比较级词组。no less than不少于,多达,有之多(有感情色彩强调多);no more than不多于,不超过,仅仅;not better thannot worse than不好于不次于,有最高级之意。 egThere are no more than 10 students in th

17、e room. 房间里最多有10名学生。 There is no better place than this. 没有比这里再好的地方了。(最好) It was no more than slight displeasure that I felt. 我只不过是感到有些不高兴。 【例7】Meetings and appointments _ a large part of the day. Atake over Btake on Ctake up Dtake apart 解析:考查动词take的动词短语的用法。 take up:The table takes up too much room.

18、 Her time is fully taken up with writing.(占据某时间或空间) The young actress was taken up by a famous director.(提携某人) She has taken up a job as a teacher.(开始从事某职业) The carpets had to be taken up when the house was rewired.(拿起;举起;抬起) take on流行,时髦,受欢迎;呈现 take sbon:employ sb. take sthon:undertake sth. egTake

19、on extra work(承担额外工作) The city takes on a festival air. take over控制;管理;接任 take away拿走,使离开 take sbapart轻易击败某人 take off脱下,请假 take sthapart拆卸某物 take in收容,接待 take down记下,拿下 take notice of注意 take the trouble费力 take for误以为 答案:C 点评:take up短语意思较多,和take搭配的动词短语也多,平时多注意积累和记忆。_&_?_&_?_&_?_Lesson 2Relaxing 1redu

20、ce v (1)减少,缩小(尺寸、数量等),降低(价格、程度等) The plague reduced the population to half its previous level.(到一半) The plague reduced the population by 10 million.(到了100万) (2) 使(某人)陷于(一般用被动) The child was reduced to tears (made to cry). 2probably ad v大概,很可能,多半会 John probably told his father all about the matter;he

21、 usually tells him everything. probable adj.大概的,很可能的 It is highly probable that there will be an election this year. 注意probable不能和to连用。 3expert n专家,内行,知识经验丰富的人 a medicalscientificeconomic expert医学科学经济专家 adj专家的,内行的,知识经验丰富的 He is expert atonin(be good at)teaching small children. 4social adj社会的 social

22、lifeservicesecuritysciencework 社会生活社会服务社会救济金社会科学社会福利工作 【例 1】I find painting or drawing_. Arelaxing Bis relaxing Crelaxed Dis relaxed 解析:find后可接名词,形容词,副词,介词短语,现在分词,过去分词作宾补。现在分词和过去分词都可以起形容词的作用,但现在分词表示事物的特征,性质;过去分词表示人的状态。egI found him strongoutin the classroomwatching TVbitten by a snakefind后也能接宾语从句,且从

23、句中的that可以省略。上句可以改为:I found (that) he strongoutin the classroomwatching TVbitten by a snake 答案:A 点评:注意find后面的宾补没有 (to) do的形式。 【例2】Fires are one of the _ of the decrease of the forests. Aexcuses Breasons Ceffects Dcauses 解析:考查名词cause事情起因。此句意为“火灾是森林面积减少的起因之一”。excuse理由,借口。There is no excuse for this whi

24、le you are on dutyreason原因,理由。The reason why he was late was that he was i11 effect影响;have a good effect on对有好的影响。 答案:D 点评:在英语中有很多意义相同或相近的词或短语,平时在学习时要注意体会他们使用的场景。 【例3】The bad cold _ her awake the whole night. Akept Bprevent Ccaused Dstop 解析:考查动词用法。keep sb后加形容词可表示使某人处于一种状态。preventstop sb(from) doing的

25、意思是防止,阻止某人做某事。cause的搭配应是cause sbto do导致某人做某事。 答案:A 点评:略。 【例4】How wide is the river? It all_ .From where to where? Adepends Bchanges Cremains Drefers 解析:That (all) dependsOr It (all) depends可以单独用于句首,“那得看情况”。 答案:A 点评:depend Onupon;to trust a person;have confidence in相信;信赖 egWere depending on youto fin

26、ish the jobon you finishing the job by Friday. Theyll be here soon,depend upon it (you can be sure). The country depends heavily on its tourist trade.(依靠,依赖) 国家的经济在很大程度上依靠其旅游业。 The price of the shares Will depend on the number of people who want to buy them. The amount you pay depends on where you l

27、ive. She wont forgetshes very dependable(able to be trusted) A dependable source of income. 【例5】_the vegetables go bad,I prefer _ them at half of the price. ARather than to let; selling BRather than let:to sell CNot to letting;to sell DIn order not to let; to selling 解析:考查动词prefer的用法。看以下句子,体会其用法。 1W

28、hich would you prefer, tea or coffee? 一I prefer tea to coffee(I like tea better than coffee.) 2I prefer walking to cycling(I like walking better than cycling.) 3I should prefer to wait until evening. 4He prefers to write his letters rather than dictate them(He wants to write his letter not dictate t

29、hem.) 5I should prefer that you did not go there alone. (I suggested that you should not go there alone. I should prefer you not to go there alone.) 答案:B 点评:prefer to dorather than do would rather do.than do. would do.rather than do. 这三组短语用法一致,意思大体相同。 I prefer to starve to death rather than beg. I w

30、ould rather starve to death than beg. I would starve to death rather than beg. 【例 6】The peasants had to_ heavy taxes and _ greatly from hunger. Apay; suffered Btake; suffered Cmake ; goes Dpaid; suffer 解析: suffer froM: to experience an illness over a very long period of time 为所困,因而吃苦头 e. g He has suffered from heart disease for years. suffer: to experience pain,

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