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Unit 22 Ship Equipment.docx

1、Unit 22 Ship EquipmentUnit 22 Ship EquipmentTEXT1 Hatch Covers When hatch covers or pontoons are stowed on the weather deck abreast of hatches, they shall be arranged in stable not closer to the hatch coaming than 0.91m.Exception:On the working side of the hatch, hatch covers or pontoons may be spre

2、ad one high between the coaming and bulwark with no space between them, provided the height of the hatch coamming is no less than 0.61m .Under no circumstances shall hatch covers or pontoons be stacked higher than the hatch coaming or bulwark on the working side of the hatch.22单元船舶设备文本1舱盖当舱口盖板或方形盖板堆

3、叠在露天甲板上且与舱口并列时,它们应稳定绑扎离舱口围板不接近0.91m. 除非: 在舱口工作一侧,当舱口盖或方形盖板舱口围板和舷墙之间并排没有空间时,则高于舱口围板的高度不少于0.61m。在舱口边工作时,任何情况下都不允许舱口盖的堆放 高于堡垒舱口围或舷墙。 On seagoing vessels, hatch boards or similar covers removed from the hatch beams in a section of partially opened hatch during cargo handling, cleaning or other operation

4、s shall not be stowed on the boards or covers left in place within that section.在海上航行船舶上、当打开舱口在货物装卸、清洗或其他作业时,舱口盖板或类似的覆盖物被移开舱口盖梁段部分不应放在未被打开的部分上。 Hatch beams shall be laid on their sides, or stood on edge close together and lashed .Exception: The latter paragraph shall not apply in cases where hatch b

5、eams are of such design that: 舱口活动梁应该放在它们的位置上,或保持边缘紧密绑扎相靠。.除非:进一步作业不宜适用,那样的舱口活动梁设计: The width of the flange is 50 percent or more of the height of the web; 折边的宽度50%及以上的高度的强肋骨; and The flange rests flat on the deck when the hatch beam is stood upright. 当舱口活动梁直立着折边平摊在甲板上时。 Strongbacks, hatch covers, a

6、nd pontoons removed from hatch openings and placed on the weather deck shall not obstruct clear fore-and-aft or coaming-to-bulwark passageways and shall be lashed or otherwise secured to prevent accidental dislodgement. Dunnage or other suitable material shall be used under and between tiers of stro

7、ngbacks and pontoons to prevent them from sliding when stowed on steel decks. 强力盖板,舱盖,方形舱盖从舱盖口移开放置在露天甲板上不得阻碍清晰的首尾线舱口围板到舷墙的长廊,并且绑扎或固定以防止意外的脱出。当装在钢质甲板时,货垫或其它合适的材料应该是在强力盖板下层和方形舱盖之间以及防止滑动。 Hatch covers unshipped in an intermediate deck shall be placed at least 0.91m from the coaming or they shall be rem

8、oved to another deck. Strongbacks unshipped in an intermediate deck shall not be placed closer than 15.24cm from the coaming and, if placed closed than 0.91m,shall be secured so that they cannot be tipped or dragged into a lower compartment . If such placement or securement is not possible, strongba

9、cks shall be removed to another deck. 未安装舱盖板的地方应把它放在至少离舱口围板0.91m,它们要移到另一层甲板上。未安装强力盖板的地方应把它放在距离舱口围板不小于15.24cm,如果靠近小于0.91m,则使他们不能绑牢或不能斜出拖入下一层甲板。如果这样的放置或系固是不可能的, 强力盖板应移到另一层甲板上 Any hatch beam or pontoon left in place next to an open hatch section being worked shall be locked or otherwise secured ,so tha

10、t it cannot be accidentally displaced .All portable, manually handled hatch covers ,including those bound together to make a larger cover ,shall be removed from any working section ,and adjacent sections , unless securely lashed . 在靠近正在工作中的舱口,任何舱口横梁或方形盖板均应锁住或将其系固,以便使他不能发生意外移动。所有轻便的,可手工操作的舱口遮盖物,包括这些有

11、较大遮盖物的区域,均应移离任何工作中的区域和临近的区域,除非已将其扎牢。 The roller hatch beam at the edge of the open section of the hatch shall be lashed or pinned back so that it cannot be moved toward the open section. 舱口开口区边缘的滚动舱口横梁,应将其扎牢或将其压住,以便使它不能移向开口区域。 Rolling, sectional or telescopic hatch covers of barges which open in a f

12、ore and aft direction shall be secured against unintentional movement while in the open position. 驳船上,在船首和船尾方向开着的滚动式、拼接式或套叠式舱盖均应系牢,以避免在开启位置发生意外的移动。 Hinged or folding hatch covers normally stowed in an approximately vertical position shall be positively secured when in the upright position, unless th

13、e design of the system otherwise prevents unintentional movement. 铰链式或折叠式舱盖一般装置近似垂直安全的位置,防止垂直时发生意外,除非系统要求,否则避免意外移动。 Hatches shall not be opened or closed while employees are in the square of the hatch below. 当船员在舱内作业时,舱口不得关闭,有船员在舱口下时,也不要开启。 All materials such as dunnage lashings, twist locks, or sta

14、cking cones shall be removed from the hatch cover or be secured to prevent them from falling off the cover before the hatch cover is moved. 所有的材料,如货垫,捆绑,旋锁,不应放在舱口盖上或覆盖在舱口盖摇动,固定阻止他们掉下来的 When a hatch is to be covered ,hatch covers or night tents shall be used . Any covering that only partially covers

15、the hatch ,such as alternate hatch covers or strips of dunnage ,shall not be covered by a tarpaulin .Exception : A tarpaulin may be used to cover an open or partially open hatch to reduce dust emissions during bulk cargo loading operations ,if positive means are taken to prevent employees from walki

16、ng on the tarpaulin . 当舱口将被盖住时,舱口盖或夜晚的帐篷应被使用,任何遮蔽物部分的遮蔽舱口,例如交替舱口盖或搬走支撑板,将不会被防水布覆盖。除外,防水布可用来覆盖开着或部分开的舱口以减少在货物装卸过程中汽油的挥发,如果可能的话,采用积极的手段来阻止从业人员在油布上行走。 ventilation 通风1. Introduction介绍Shipboard ventilation systems supply and remove air to/from spaces throughout the ship. In doing so ,these systems contro

17、l quality of breathing air and protect personnel and sensitive cargoes from potentially hazardous airborne contaminants, fires, explosions, and excessive heat. Theability of ventilation systems to protect personnel from these hazards is particularly important aboard ships, shich are like floating ci

18、ties fitted into a very limited apsce.Well designed and easily maintained ventilation systems are critical to a safe and comfortable shipboard work environment.装货通风系统为整艘船舶提供并注入空气。当启动那些系统的时候,那些系统提供大量的新鲜空气,从一些潜在的经过空气传播的污染物,比如火灾,爆炸和过多的热流中,保护全体船员和敏感货物。通风系统在船上从危险中保护船上全体成员的能力是非常重要的。这个就像一个漂浮的城市忽然间被装进一个非常狭窄

19、的空间里一样。好的设计和简单的维护通风系统决定了装货工作环境的安全和舒适程度。Ventilation systems include a supply, or makeup air system and an exhaust system. Supply systems replace contaminated air exhausted from a workspace with uncontaminated outside air. Supply ventilations systems also provide replenishment air to air conditioning

20、recirculation systems. Exhaust systems remove odors, heated air, and airborne contaminants from the workspace. Both supple and exhaust airflow quantities must be balanced.通风系统包括供给或者接通空气系统和为被污染的空气。供给系统从一个未被污染物污染的空气的场所,取代污染空气的排放。供给通风系统支持补充空气给空调循环系统,排气系统能消除工作场所异味,排除热空气,排除污染物。供给和排放对空气流动的工程量必须平衡。All comp

21、onents of ventilation systems such an fans, motors, ducts, dampers, air intakes and outlets, filters, and access panels, must work properly in order for the systems to operate safely and efficiently, Therefore, ventilation system design must be considered an essential part of planning, development,

22、and production of new shipboard equipment and systems and the facilities needed for their support. Not only must the systems themselves operate properly, but the way in which the operator and maintained fit into the design, or human systems integration, must also be taken into account. Failure to pr

23、ovide effective ventilation systems in the design stag can create costly obstacles to safe and efficient ship operation and maintenance, which ultimately presents a threat to personnel safety and health.为了是系统安全和有效的工作,所有的通风系统的部件,例如风扇,马达,管道,气阀,空气吸入和排除,过滤器检修门都应该前挡工作,因此,通风系统的设计必须被看作是计划,发展,新船舷设备制作以及系统和需要

24、他们支持的设施的必须的一部分。不仅系统自身的恰当操作,并且适合设计的操纵和维持的方式以及人工系统整合,都应该是考虑的因素,在设计阶段未能成功提供有效的通风系统,会对安全和有效的船舶操纵和维护产生高昂障碍代价,因此对个人安全和健康呈现威胁。2. Ventalation design and maintenance problems in laundries and galleysAboard ships, a great deal of actively involving complex equipment makes place in a relatively small space usi

25、ng large amounts of energy, A by-product of energy is heat. The most widespread ventilation problem aboard ship is controlling heat humidity produced by the cleaning and cooking processes in laundries and galleys. the build-up dirt, grease, and oil in the ducts serving these spaces, will restrict ai

26、rflow and reduce exhaust and supply air flow capabilities. Restricted air exhaust and supply will result in elevated temperatures, High heat and humidity lead to heat stress conditions that are both uncomfortable and reduce personnel productivity. In extreme cases, uncontrolled heat stress will expo

27、se personnel to the possibility of heat-related illnesses like heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Under certain conditions, personnel must be allowed time in a cooler environment to recover physiologically from the effects of heat stress. This has an indirect, but potentially very significant effect o

28、n cost over the life of the ship, because of reduced productivity and the need for additional manpower to perform a given set of tasks.登船时大量关于复杂设备的活动发生在相对较小的空间,这些活动要消耗大量能量。发热是能量消耗的副作用,在船上通风产生最普遍的问题是控制由在洗衣房和厨房进行的清洁和烹饪产生的热量和湿度。在接触上述地方的甲板上,逐渐增加的污垢,油脂和油,将会限制空气流动,减少废弃排除和供空气流通的能力。高温和高湿度所导致的热压力状况,使人感到不舒服并降

29、低个人的劳动效率。在极度事件中,未得到控制的热压力将使人暴露在可能与热量相关的疾病下,如:中暑衰竭。在通常情况下,一个人为了从热压力影响下恢复生理作用,必须允许有足够的呆在阴凉环境下的时间。这对于船舶的寿命有间接的作用,但却是潜在的并对花费具有重要影响,因为这降低了劳动生产率和为了完成给定任务所需要的额外劳动力。Another common ventilation problem associated with shipboard laundries and galleys is that airborne materials can collect in ducts unless a goo

30、d pre-filtration system is available and effectively maintained. Large volumes of lint generated in laundries can partially obstruct airflow and serve as potential combustion sources. Grease and other cooking residues generated in galleys that collect in ducts can also become combustible, Ventilatio

31、n duct fires are extremely difficult to extinguish. 另一个几点相关的通风问题是除非有一个很好的可利用的且直接有效的过滤系统,船上洗衣房和厨房经空气传播的物质才可以收集到管理里。洗衣房里大容积的麻布由于部分地被阻隔了空气流通会成为潜在的燃烧源头。厨房里被收集到的管道的油脂和另外一些剩下的食物也有可能成为燃烧物,通风管道里的火灾非常难以扑灭。3. Ventilation and maintenance problems in hazardous material storerooms and workshopsPoorly maintained

32、shipboard ventilation systems will result in dirty aid-filters that exceed design pressure drops, clogged ductwork, and low airflow. This can be particularly dangerous in shipboard hazardous material storerooms and in workshops that use hazardous materials. Inadequate ventilation can result in build-up of potentially hazardous levels of contaminants such as paint solvents. In extreme cases, control below fire-safety levels may be jeopardized, particularly after a hazardous material spill.保养不善的船上通风系统将导致脏的空气过滤(超过设计的眼里落尘,阻塞管道,和低的空气通过量)。在船上物料间或在工作间使用危险物料将尤为危险,不恰当的通风系统将导致增加潜在污染物危险水平,例如油漆,在极端

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