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1、在经济学人搜集的词汇网友在经济学人搜集的词汇10-21deception骗局,诡计,欺骗,欺诈garage sale现场旧货出售/跳瘙市场,tag salewriggle v. 蠕动,蜿蜒前进,out of 避免Keep still, and dont wriggle. 沉住气,别乱动慌。 wriggle out of a difficulty 从困难中挣扎出来。 wriggle out of a bargain 支支吾吾地想赖约。He felt her shoulders gave a wriggle of dissent. 他感到她的肩膀因为不同意而动了一下theocracy神权政体,神政

2、,神治国It is also significant that theocracy is not monolithic牢固的统一整体的either. 很重要的一点是,神权政治并非铁板一块WHO would have thought that可能会想到run diplomatic circlesMoves in diplomatic circles. 活跃于外交界At home in diplomatic circles. 在外交场合轻松自如run naked in a public place. 在公众场合裸体飞跑。It doesnt take a fevered brain to assum

3、e thatour fevered brain 兴奋的头脑brain fever 脑膜炎brain storm 集体研讨ego自我中心get ones hands on bombget/lay (ones) hands on =To get possessioon of; acquire or obtain.Irans claim that its nuclear programme is entirely peaceful is widely disbelieved.five painstaking years of diplomacy have abruptly unraveled.pai

4、nstaking n. 辛苦,苦心,工夫a. 辛苦的,勤勉的,小心的adj. Marked by or requiring great pains; very careful and diligent.n. Extremely careful and diligent work or effort.Unravel=to explain or solve: we unravelled the secrets阐明,解释,解开meticulous Adjective=very precise about details; careful and thoroughdebacle解冻,崩溃debacle

5、=Noun something that ends in a disastrous failure, esp. because it has not been properly plannedclandestine work on nuclear warheadsclandestine Formal secret and concealed: a base for clandestine activities 秘密的pull the rug from under the diplomacypull the rug from under someone/something =to suddenl

6、y take away help or support from someone, or to suddenly do something which causes many problems for them. The school pulled the rug from under the basketball team by making them pay to practise in the school gymnasium. 拆台(破坏计划)sweep something under the carpet (British, American & Australian, Americ

7、an & Australian) =to try to hide a problem or keep a problem secret instead of dealing with it. The incident has forced into the open an issue that the government would rather have swept under the carpet. The evidence was on film and the police couldnt just sweep it under the rug. a mild slap on the

8、 wrist get your wrist slapped a slap on the wrist - a warning or punishment that is not severe. We got our wrists slapped for leaving the door unlocked all night. I got a slap on the wrist for arriving late again.slap拍击wrist腕,腕关节 economic screwhave a screw loose (informal) =to be crazy. I think that

9、 woman has a screw loose - she goes out in her slippers. Tibet Takes Lead in Chinas Crusade against White Pollution he carried on a one-man crusade 运动against disease. 他一个人进行去疾病运动the students are crusading参与运动 against corruption. 学生们正在参加反腐败运动。crusade =a vigorous campaign in favor of a cause =to take

10、part in a crusade混淆是非 confound right and wrong 把事实与假设混为一谈 confound fiction and fact. Confound:1. To fail to distinguish; mix up: confound fiction and fact. 2. To make (something bad) worse: Do not confound the problem by losing your temper.3. To cause to be ashamed; abash: an invention that confound

11、ed the skepticsget/put your own house in order =to solve your own problems. You should put your own house in order before you start giving me advice. a clean bill of health =if you give someone or something a clean bill of health, you examine them and state that they are healthy, in good condition,

12、or legal. John will have to stay at home until the doctors give him a clean bill of health. Of 30 countries inspected for airline safety only 17 received a clean bill of health. receive a clean bill of health 无疫证书(无罪的证明书)misconstrue Verb to interpret mistakenlysniff out Verb to discover after some s

13、earching: they eventually sniffed out a suitable Parliamentary seat for him.sniff out发现, 寻找;调查fight like cat and dog (British & Australian, British & American) to argue violently all the time. We get on very well as adults but as kids we fought like cat and dog. live like cat and dog整天吵架agree like c

14、ats and dogs完全合不来;像猫和狗一样合不来posse(为追捕罪犯而组成的)民防团, 民兵队Our society permits people to sue for libel诽谤, 中伤,诬蔑, 损害名誉so that they may vindicate their reputations.我们的社会准许人们为自自而申辩,这样他们就可以维护他们的名誉vindication洗冤,证实beaming like cats at the cream , a posse ofIranianswent toJanuarys World Economic Forum in Davos cla

15、iming a double vindication. beaming like cats at the cream好象吃了奶油的猫一样得意洋洋(兴高彩烈、踌躇满志) pur v. 咕噜咕噜叫, 发出喉音travesty = A debased品质恶劣的or grotesque likeness: a travesty of justice. a travesty of justice对正义的歪曲argument is a travesty嘲弄in full daylight在大白天in defiance of违抗,无视UN resolutionswithout any fuss大惊小怪, v

16、. 无事自扰,忙乱Dont make any fuss. 不要小题大作。It does the job nicely and without any fuss.a quiet life without any fuss.The only mistake they made was giving us the wrong room, twin beds instead of queen bed room. But they changed it straight away without any fuss(顺利地).The matter concluded without too much fu

17、ss. 事情顺利地结束了fuss with something 1. to be busy with something without having a particular purpose. Jack had spent hours fussing with the old car.2. to try to fix something complicated. Its a mistake to fuss with your computer.gloss over掩饰the many unanswered questionsgloss over something to fail to de

18、al with the importance of something. The report praised the managers but glossed over the high cost of the project. The State Departments reports for the period glossed over the worst human-rights problems in the region.a lame duck 1. a person or company that is in trouble and needs help. In under t

19、wo years, it was transformed from a state-owned lame duck into a successful company. (mainly American) 2. someone, especially an elected official, who cannot influence events any more, often because their job is going to end soon. The Mayor intends to run for re-election to avoid being thought of as

20、 a lame duck. lame duck跛脚鸭lamb羔羊lamp灯coyly ad. 害羞地, 羞怯地coy= affectedly shy and modest腼典的,怕羞的,羞怯的, 吞吞吐吐dreadful consequences可怕后果Does negotiated disarmament deter war? 裁军协议能阻止dissuade战争吗?Its this edge that gives nuclear weapons their power to deter 正是这个优势赋予了核武器威慑力量deterrence挽留的事物,妨碍物competitive edge竞争

21、优势keep you from harm! up (ones) sleeve Hidden but ready to be used: I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.have a card up ones sleeve v. 秘而不宣的计划(意图), 锦囊妙计brush aside不理,不顾Americas offer of talksrider骑士,附件,扶手drop that rider make a perfect fetish of 盲目崇拜; 过分注意. Made a fetish of punctuality 过分恪守时间. Some

22、 women make a fetish of clothes. 有些妇女过于注重衣着。fetish神物(偶像,迷信,盲目崇拜的东西) dropped放弃 criminal proceedings起诉 against him Reforming global rules is an appealing诱人idea. But cleaning up domestic regulation is as important Heal解决 worst financial crisis early warning system 预警head off financial turbulence 动荡head

23、 off To block the progress or completion of; intercept: Try to head him off before he gets home. The town headed off the attempt to build another mall.political heavyweights 政坛要人heavyweight2. a person who is heavier than average 3. Informal an important or highly influential persondistil蒸馏, 提取.的精华le

24、ssons from the subprime mess 次贷危机more resilient against financial turmoil 混乱resilient Adjective1. (of a person) recovering easily and quickly from misfortune or illness 2. (of an object) capable of regaining its original shape or position after bending or stretchingheed v. 注意到,留心到That is a lesson po

25、liticians should now heed vying a. 竞争的vi. 竞争 vie v.竞争vie for supremacy至高,主权; 优势 boil down to a straight fight between managerial vim n. 精力,生气,精神10-23physical infrastructure物质基础设施(0)intermediate technology中间技术afflict使苦恼,折磨was afflicted with患了病was afflicted with conscience受良心责备intertwined 纠缠search-and

26、-advertising marketethnic cleansing种族清洗bloodshed流血事件be forced to accept a fait accompli既成事实10-26It also witnessed a pivotal moment关键时刻left the state reelingreel vi. 眩晕,蹒跚reel off To recite fluently and usually at length: reeled off a long list of names and dates.antagonize or -nise Verbto arouse hos

27、tility in: it was not prudent to antagonize a hired killer antagonize tailor-made Perfectly fitted to a condition, preference, or purpose; made or as if made to order: tailor-made renovations.很适合;度身打造 generous assumptions about the economys strength envisionset aside撇开(不顾,取消,放弃,保留) $70 billion to fi

28、nance the war on terror ballooning非法操纵价格entitlement health outlay费用,经费,支出v. 花费 slashing削减 payments to health-care insolvency破产10-29 thrown into the shade使逊色(使相形见绌,使黯然无光) sb. dropped out of the race quixotica. 唐吉诃德式的, 不切实际的;is loathed by the business establishment.I am loath to go on such short notic

29、e. 我不愿这么急急忙忙就走Monotonous单调的calls for a constitutional ban on abortion and homosexual marriage. put more emphasis on poverty, in a bid to win Mr Edwardss votersconservative populists 老保守派和民粹人士 咬紧牙关gritted her teeth giving immigrants the right to earn citizenship There is good reason for thinking充足的理由

30、 exacerbate加重(使.恶化,激怒) The economy is sputtering. Employment is faltering. House prices are dipping. been showered with大量给予;备受称赞dancer was showered with praise redesign a citys bus services from scratch从头开始;peasant agriculture农民经济 show little inclination to reproduce offspring子孙,后代,产物head to the cit

31、ies precarious不确定的,危险的 tedious沉闷的, 单调乏味的 rural bliss is precarious, isolated, and tedious. opt for wage employment their mode of production is ill suited to modern agricultural production, private provision私营化;私人提供public provision公共提供consumer food fashions are fast-changing and best met by integrated marketing chains leery 机敏的,细心的;戒心 been leery of commercial agriculture was leery of aggressive salespeople. 小心警惕地对待那些殷勤的推销员an aggressive young executive.一个进取心很强的年轻管理人员enclosure movement圈地运动 agricultural innovation is highly sensitive to local conditions benefits are not fully

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