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1、雅思口语考试答案模板doc雅思口语考试答案PART I (PARTIAL)May I have your name please?Of course, you can call me Hope.Would you please tell me your full name? How can I call you?Well, my sur name is Lu, and my given name is Yiping, so together it s Lu Yiping. But I guess it 11 be easier for you to address me by my Engli

2、sh name, Hope.Does your name have any special meaning?As a matter of fact, I got this name from my grandfather who tragically died a few weeks before I was bom. He gave this name to me just as a symbol of my birth date. I was born in February 1981. The first character of my given name Yi, which mean

3、s ONE, represents the year of my birth; the second character stands for a very special February according to traditional Chinese calendar which is called PING, a second February that occurs every four years.Let s talk about what you do. Do you work or you are a student?Unlike many other candicates w

4、ho are probably unemployed, I actually have a job. I now work as an English teacher, and teach spoken English courses.What is your majopr? Why did you choose to study this?As you can probably guess, I majored in English at a normal school which was a little special for it was not a college.Do you li

5、ke your subject? (What is the most interesting thing about your major? What is the best part of your studies? What part of your course do you like best? Which class do you enjoy the most?)Actually, I suppose that for the most part Id probably say that Im fairly keen on my major. But in particular, V

6、 m quite partial to the spoken lessons. This might be because I m an energetic and talkative person. Another reason I must mention is that I used to have a very good foreign teacher, who s from Canada and very funnyIs there anything about your subject you don t like?Well, to be honest, I 11 have to

7、say that I sometimes couldn t stand the intensive reading lessons for the reason that the textbooks were so boring and had nothing communicative. And furthermore, I think the teachers forgot something really important to learners, for example, encouragement or fulfilling students psychological needs

8、.Do many people in China (many Chinese people) choose to study that major?Well, in actual fact, I guess this has been a very popular major in China. I think in general ideas English is considered to be a very benefitial major that can bring students high salary jobs. But according to what I ve learn

9、ed about the latest information concerning English majors employment condition, I didn t smile to it for it s been too hot and a lot of the students haven t acquired and practical or surviving skills during college years. What s more is that their English doesnt speak for itself.雅思口语考试常用表达方法1.请考官重复问

10、题1.Sorry, Could you repeat that, please?2.Could you say it again, please?3.Excuse me, would you mind saying that again?4.Sorry, I didn t quite catch that.2.思考,犹豫1 .Well, 2.1n fact, 3.That s an interesting question, I ve never thought it, but I supposeto 4.1t s hard to say, but I guess 5.Hmm, let me

11、see 6.r m not sure, but maybe 3.表达观点1.As far as I am concerned, 2.From my point of view, 3.In my opinion, 4.Frankly, it seems to me that 4.强调观点1 .What I mean is that 2.What r m trying to say is 3.r d like to point out that 4.r d just like to say that 5.陈述喜欢或不喜欢1.r m interested in 2.r m keen on 3.r m

12、 fond of 4.r m craze about 5.1prefer to do 6.1don t care for 7.1can, t stand/bear 8.1can t put up with 9.1am bored with lO.r m fed up with 6.解释原因1.The main reason is that 2.Another reason I can think of is that 3.This can be explained by 4.A11 these factors are responsible for 5. and that s why I li

13、ke it so much.1.A and B are fairly similar in 2.A and B have a lot of in common.3.There are a number of differences between A and B.4.A is totally different from B.8.谈论优缺点1.The best part of is that 2.The good thing about is that 3.One advantage of is 4.What makes it wonderful is 5.The worst thing ab

14、out is 6.The drawback of is 9.结束谈话1.1think that s all2.1hope r ve made it clear3.Am I making myself clear?4.Did I make everything clear?雅思口语第三阶段常见问题第一种:过去和现在变化类问题例子:How has your hometown changed in the past decade?What changes do you foresee in the next 20-50 years?下列内容可以帮助大家引入答题内容回答过去Well, r m not

15、exactly sure of it since I have been quite a busy student over the past 10 years.But, let me try to search my memory and answer your question.回答将来Wow, 50 years, huh? That s a very far future. V m not sure what s going to happen to (my hometown) then. Since the future is 无法预测 unpredictable.But let me

16、 try to imagine it.答题时要注意时态的转换,动词的曲折变位.平时练习的时候结合下列造句结构比较The difference between is that,- is more,- while,- is moreWhile,- is perhaps more-; is moreThe main difference between the way- and the way- is in theThe biggest difference bet ween- about- years ago and today is thatThere are some key differen

17、ces between- and One big way that - differ from- isYes, there are quite a few differences bet ween- and-. A good example isThe difference between - and is that ,- tend to be more ,-. While-表示变化Yes, there have been some big changes.Yes, -has changed a lot. are now a lot-er/moreMore and more areSome b

18、ig changes have taken place.,is/are less-than before,is/are getting more and more,has changed a lot because-hasn t changed at all because,are not as-as before第二种:优缺点类问题例子:What are the advantages and disadvantages of having an retired person at home?What are the benefits and problems of sending an el

19、derly family member to a nursing home?答题的时候要注意很多事情不是楚河汉界分明的,问题的两边都答一些,体现思维全面的同时更好填充大约1分钟 左右的即兴答题时间.平时练习的时候结合下列造句结构两分法There are two sides to this issue. On the one hand- ;on the other handThe issue is complex. On the one hand people say- but on the otherThere are many advantages and disadvantages toB

20、enefitsproblemsStrengthsweaknessesProsconsPositivenegativeBenefitschallengesThe main advantage of- is that- The disadvantage isThe positive side but the darker side of it is thatWhile many point out,- I think it alsoThe benefits of-are-but the challenges are,-第三种:问考生对于某种观点的看法例子:Some people think its

21、 a waste of time to wait at the roadside for the red light to turn green when there s no traffic on the road.What do you think of this opinion?Some people think the primary reason for work is to makecontribution to the community not for earning salary.Do you think this is wise?回答这种问题,可以委婉的说明这个问题很有争议

22、,不好回答,但 是让我尝试一下.之后,如果观点清晰,语言基础强大,就给出一个内容形式并重的 答案.如果感觉自己的思维出现空白,就在考试的时候舍弃内容的深刻, 保全形式的精致.下列结构可以对答案进行包装表示问题深刻That s difficult to say, but I guessThat s a good question. I suppose / guess / presumeIt s difficult to say what/where/how/why/when-It s a big/complex/controversial/complicated issue/problem/to

23、pic.r m no expert, but I guessMaybe I can answer this by telling you a personal experience I had.r m not sure, but from my own observation, V d say thatIt s hard to say but if I were to guess, I? d say-r d probably say the real importance of is that they allow us to-表达主要观点的句子结构It would seem to me th

24、atAs far as T m concerned, the -In my opinionr d like to point out -If you want my opinionFrom my point of view / angle / perspective, I thinkTake the problem of,- for example.The is a good example.One example of this isPersonally, I thinkWell, I know may - but I think it sA lot of people think the,

25、- is getting better but frankly I thinkWell I think there are reasons:First of all,-; secondly,; thirdly,; next to that-; last but not least-The best reason I can think of right now is,-If you allow-to-. This will have a effect on yourI everyone were to,we shouldI think what should be done isIf I ha

26、d the power to change thing s, I d To solve this problem I think we shouldWell, the point I m trying to make is thatWell, what I m trying to say is thatWhat I mean is thatAll r m trying to tell you is that -Well, what I m getting at is that-第四种:社会问题解决方案的整体个人关系例子:Do you think the problem of unhealthy

27、 lifestyle should be solved by the government or by the individual?Do you think it s the police s job or the responsibility of the individual traffic participants to keep the normal order of city traffic?这种问题可以采取双边的方法答题,政府,集体的任务:education / publicity / legislation / regulation教育,宣传,立法 宏观的控制个人,个体的任务:

28、 awareness / requirement / respect建立意识,提高自身要求,尊重彼此权利之后可以谈谈问题的影响和解决问题的意义注意下列造句结构谈论影响I was so touched by-This taught me the value of-I think for me this - symbolizes -The impact it had on me was to make me more aware ofThis taught me a very important lessonI will never forget this-as long as I live.Whenever i I m always reminded of-When I see this,- I feelThis,- always reminds me of .I think the reason I like it so much is because,-I choose this as my favourite- becauseI like this-so much because itThe reason I prefer this,- to others is becauseI guess the reason I tend to-is because it s so-

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