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1、秘书英语综合练习及温习秘书英语综合练习与温习江苏广播电视大学外语系秘书英语课程的教材是由“中南工业大学出版社” 出版的SUP秘书英语一书。该书共分三个章节,别离从文秘人员的日常工作标准、常见文件类型和应用文体的写作等方面进行讲解。其中第一部份“Secretarial Jobs And Duties”,与第三部份“Secretarial English Writing”是学习和考核的重点内容。秘书英语的考核的平常成绩占20%。平常作业由任课教师自行布置,严格打分。期末考试成绩占80%,由江苏电大外语系统一命题。考核以简答题和写作为主,考察与文秘工作相关的理论知识和常见应用文体书写技术。常见的题型

2、有:.Give brief answers to the following questions 即简答题。题目紧扣教材,涉及文秘工作大体的理论知识和文秘工作中的常见问题。考察点多来自讲义的第一部份:Pre-reading Questions。例如: Whats the Electronic Mail?参考: Electronic mail is a form of message transmission by which you produce any written message: letters, reports, graphics etc. , on a computer or w

3、ord processor and send them at any time, usually over telephone lines to a computer “Mailbox”, or “File” in another computer terminal anywhere in the world.有时考核的内容是一个问题的某一个方面。例如:What are the good telephone manners?考察什么是良好的礼仪。就能够够将题目拆分为“What are the good telephone manners when making a phone call?”参考

4、: A good secretary should (1) Be sure of the correct code and number before dialing.(2) After dialing the number, wait until the call is connected.(3) If you make a mistake while dialing, replace the receiver for a short while and then start dialing again.(4) When the person answers, say who you are

5、 and to whom you wish to speak and their extension number, if you know it.(5) If you are connected to a wrong number, remember to apologize for it.(6) A phone call should also be planned. Prepare the call before dialing the number.也有些题目的回答并非必然拘泥于教材。学生能够自己发挥,表达自己的观点。例如:What makes a good PA or secreta

6、ry? 参考: A good secretary is required to have good educational background, professional secretarial training, capability of speaking several languages, communication skills, sense of responsibility, and pleasant manners, etc.练习:1. As a secretary, how to create a favorable impression of the organizati

7、on on the visitors?2. What is a filing system? your boss is traveling abroad for business, what will a secretary do in preparing arrangements?4. What are good telephone manners when answering the telephone?5. What are good telephone manners when making a telephone call abroad?6. What are good teleph

8、one manners when making the telephone in business?7. What should a secretary do in order to establish a positive telephone image?8. What should a secretary do in arranging appointments?9. How to receive a visitor with an appointment or without an appointment? to prepare a conference before the meeti

9、ng?11. How to prepare a conference during the meeting?12. How to prepare a conference after the meeting?13. What is an agenda?14. What are the items and their order in most agendas?15. What are the most popular formats for business letters?II. Translate the following letter into Chinese. 该项所选的英语短文均以

10、讲义中的商务信函或电子邮件为例,意在考察学生关于一样商务信函的阅读和明白得能力。例如: Beijing Youth TravelNo. 86, Fuchengmen St.Beijing 1000777 June, 2006Dear SirsWe would like to book a seat on flight CA 9763, departing from Capital Airport, Beijing, at 7:50 on the 3rd of July, and arriving at New York Kennedy Airport at 20:35 local time.T

11、he ticket is for Beijing to New York only, and the class is Economy. The passenger is Macow,L. Please confirm the booking as soon as payment is made. Payment will be cheque.Yours FaithfullyLi Yang在答题时,应当考虑到中英文信函在格式上的不同,能够依照中文信函的格式进行翻译。译文参考:先生:咱们希望预定一张7月 3日早晨7:50分从北京首都机场起飞,本地时刻20:35分抵达纽约肯尼迪机场的CA9763次

12、班机经济仓的单程机票。旅客姓名Macow, L. 咱们将用支票支付票款,请您在收到付款后确信机票预定。谢谢。李阳2006年6月7日任课教师和学生应认真学习明白得教材Part I 和Part II中的示范信函,注意翻译时中英文信函格式的转换,和语言的组织。要求格式正确,内容准确,语言流畅简练。IIIWrite a note based on the given information.该项考察的是学生关于重要应用文体便条的书写。便条与书信类似,一样包括日期、称号、正文和签名。可是二者也有区别。便条中省去了收信人和寄信人的地址,在格式和内容上都加倍简单。考试要求利用给出的信息完成一那么便条的写作,

13、要格式正确,内容清楚,表达准确。例如:Bob 想请唐小姐帮忙他预订一张6月20日从广州开往上海的123次特快列车的车票。请你以Bob 的口气给唐小姐写一张便条。参考:Dear Miss Tang,Please reserve me a seat in the 123 express train leaving Guangzhou for Shanghai at 8:50 . on Sunday . You can change the expenses entailed to my account.With kindest regards. Bob练习:(1)You want to arran

14、ge a meeting with your colleague, Mr. Anderson, to talk about his trip to Shanghai. Write a note saying:A)When and where the meeting will be;B)What you want to talk about. Write about 40 words.(2)A foreign customer will arrive.Write a note to Miss Jin, your secretary;a)Asking her to meet this custom

15、er;b)Saying with whom and when the customer will arrive.Write about 40 words.(3)You are going to chair an annual sales conference. Write a note to Mr. Smith, Sales ManagerA)Asking for last years sales figures;B)Saying when and why you want them. Write about 40 words.(4)Mr Smith, your boss, told you

16、to ask Ms Li to attend a sales presentation on a new product. Write a note to Ms Li:a)Saying who wants her to attend the sales presentation;b)Informing her when and where the sales presentation will be held. Write about 40 words.(5)You have an important examination, but you have unfortunately fallen

17、 ill. Write a letter to the teacher explaining the situation and requesting a postponement of the examination.(6)You are Peter/ Mary. You had a party at your home recently, but you unintentionally neglected to invite a close friend of yoursVictoria. Write her a note apologizing for this and explaini

18、ng how the mistake came about.(7)You have made an appointment with Prof. Snyder to talk about your book report in his office tomorrow morning. But for some reason you cannot keep the appointment. Please state your reason and express your regret for breaking the appointment.(8)You are a university st

19、udent and dissatisfied with the canteen service on campus. Write a letter to the President, complaining about the canteens dishes and service.IV. Write a notice using the given information: 该项要求学生利用所给的信息完成一那么通知(通告)的写作,要求格式正确,内容清楚,表达准确。通告是一种文字简短的应用文。公司、学校或企事业单位可利用通告向公众告知某一事请或事件,通常张贴在公开场合。英文通告一样用Notic

20、e作题目,写在正文上方正中部位,英文通告一样由以下四部份组成:1、题目(Headline)2、正文(Body)3、落款(Inscriber)4、日期(Date)学生应把握英文通告的两种书写格式。格式一:HeadlineDateBodyInscriber例如:执行委员会通知:考虑到部份成员缺席,明年的工作打算讨论会推延到12月15日举行。12月3日参考:Notice This is to notify that the discussion on working plan for the coming year will be postponed to the Dec. 15th . owing

21、 to a certain members of the committee being absent.Executive Committee格式二:HeadlineBodyDateInscriber例如:公司茶话会日期:4月5日 时刻:下午3:00地址:员工游乐中心(Staff Recreation Center)欢迎所有员工参加。参考:Company Tea PartyDate: April 5 (Friday)Time: 3:00 pmPlace: Staff Recreation CenterAll staff are invited to attend the company tea

22、 party. Guests welcome. Come and enjoy yourselves!Mary LinMarch 25th 练习:(1)图书馆办公室通知:图书馆开放时刻从9月20日起改成:早 7:3011:30 下午:1:305:30(2)外语系通知英国风俗讲座(English Folklore)报告人:Elizabeth Jones 教授,Columbia 大学社会学系时刻:2004年一月五日 礼拜一 下午两时地址:视听中心(Audio-visual Center)206房间请外语系师生准时出席(3)学生会通知:讲座:运算机在医学领域的应用 (application of co

23、mputers in medicine)报告人:Professor 时刻:周三下午2:30地址:科学厅 (Science Hall)(4)工会通知:国庆节即以后临,放假7天。10月8日照常上班。(5) 校学生会通知:5月4日 (周三)下午两点在新校区体育馆举行外语系对新闻系的篮球赛。请广大同窗前去观看。(6) 总领导办公室通知:请各部门领导明天上午8:00准时到会议室开会,商讨明年新项目开发事宜。(7)之外语系的名义拟写一张要求涉外文秘专业(International Secretary)学生听外籍教师 Sharon Smith 作 “ How To Be A Professional Sec

24、retary” 的讲座的通告。1)时刻:早晨9:30 2)日期:5月10日3)地址:学校会堂4)报告人:Sharon Smith5)题目:How To Be A Professional Secretary(8)学生会通知:请学生会全部成员今天下午2:30 准时到会议室开会。V. Write a letter based on the given information.该项考核学生关于英文商务信函的书写。英文商务信函是公事活动中常见的一种交际形式。要求各是正确;语言清楚,简明;表达准确。英文商务信函一样由以下几个部份组成:1、信头(Letterhead)2、日期(date)3、对方地址(in

25、side address)4、称呼(salutation)5、信函内容(body of the letter)6、结尾敬语(complimentary close)7、签名(signature)英文商务信函的书写格式有三种:折衷式(Modified Block)、全平头式(Full Block)半平头式(Semi-block )。考试对字数的要求一样在100-150字之间。考试的形式有两种。一种是直接规定写信的内容,要求学生依照所给内容写信。例如:以江苏广播电视大学外语系秘书的名义给Sharon Smith 小姐写一封信,告知她对英语教师职位的申请已经取得学校人事部门的批准,并于今年9月份开始

26、任教。寄信人地址:Sally White, English DepartmentJiangsu Radio and TV University, Jiangdong Bei-lu Road, Nanjing, 210036收信人地址:Miss Sharon Smith No. 29, Zhongshan Road,Nanjing, 210000参考:English DepartmentJiangsu Radio and TV University, Jiangdong Bei-lu Road, Nanjing, 210036March 19, 2006Miss Sharon Smith No.

27、 29, Zhongshan Road,Nanjing, 210000Dear Miss Sharon Smith,Your recent application for the position of English teacher has been received and approved by the Personnel Department. Your abilities and experience seem suitable to the needs of our university. We can offer you the position beginning from S

28、eptember.If you choose to accept our offer, please contact the Personnel Department before June 30.Yours Sincerely,Sally White 也能够是将阅读与写作相结合,给出一篇书信,要求学生在阅读的基础上写回信。例如:阅读以下所给信件,并以求职单位的名义给写信人回信。约定7月25日上午9点在Swarovski 公司北京代表处办公室面试。10 Gulou Street, #301Beijing 100036July 12,2006The Sales ManagerSwarovski

29、Asia LimitedBeijing Representative OfficeRoom 506, Jing Guang CenterBeijing 100020Dear Sales Manager,Sales RepresentativeI would like to be considered for the position of a sales Representative with your organization, as advertised in “China Daily” on Wednesday,July 8.As a recent graduate of a forei

30、gn trade program, Ive had up-to-date training in marketing. Additionally, several of my class research projects were done on consumer goods and consumer demands, so I have a good knowledge which is related to your business line.Which I have not worked full time in this capacity, I have had some valu

31、able part time experience. The part-time experience as a salesperson at the Great-River Hotel helped me develop listening skills-listening to the needs of customers and then satisfying them. Furthermore, I learned to communicate well with English speaking customers, often having repeat customers ask for me as their server. This ability to relate well to customers is a valued trait for your sales representative. Ive also learned how to use database software. This will help me to work more efficient

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