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1、英语翻译初级学生汇总Im far from a hater. You got talent, I love you. 我根本不是一个会憎恨妒忌的人.你有才能,我就喜爱你.I play every game as if it is my last我把每一场球赛都当作我的最后一场。No matter what , just do not give up .Always believe that your dream can come true & just keep working for what you want to achieve无论如何都不要放弃。总要相信你的梦想是可以实现,并且努力地为

2、它奋斗。 They can not break me . The only way to break me is to kill me,And everything that does not kill me makes me stronger他们不可能打倒我,除非杀了我,而任何不能杀了我的就只会令我更坚强!I do not to respect and fear anyone!我不用尊重和害怕任何人!Who can stop me is me!只有我自己才能使自己停下来! I always think I could miss 20 shots and believe that the 21

3、st is going in,I just keep fighting.我总是觉得我会投失前20投,并且相信那第21球一定会进!我只是不停奋斗。Ive learned to play when Im struggling,I think thats what being a professional and growing up is all about. You realize youre not going to play well every night. You keep fighting and something good will happen.在奋斗过程中,我学会了怎样打球。我

4、想那就是作为职业球员的全部。你明白了你不可能每晚都打得很好,但你不停的奋斗会有好事到来的。Its all about always believing, Ive seen the bad side of life and I survived.Now, I plan to enjoy the good side. And I dont plan to look back. My past has taught me a lot, and Im not ashamed of it, it taught me how quickly things can be taken away from yo

5、u. It taught me how portant it is to believe in yourself even if others turn their back on you. It wasnt easy waking up in a cell. But it wouldve been easier to quit. I didnt do that. I fought through the hard times那些都是关于信念,我经历了生活中黑暗的一面而生存下来了,我要享受美好的一面了!我不要往回看!我的过去教了我很多很多,我并不引以为耻,它使我明白身边的东西是一眨眼就会失去的

6、.它告诉我永远相信自己无论别人怎么看是多么的重要.从原来的世界中醒来并不容易,而退出就简单多了.我没有退出.我奋斗着度过了最艰难的时期!Only The Strong Survive.强者生存。(艾弗森纹身)I am what I am.我就是我。(锐步宣传语)最珍贵的东西是免费的The Most Precious Things Cost Nothing 忽然发觉,在这个世界上,最珍贵的东西是免费的。 It suddenly dawns on me that the most precious things in human life cost nothing. 阳光,是免费的。芸芸众生,没有

7、谁能够离开阳光活下去,然而,由小到大,可曾有谁为自己享受的阳光支付过一分钱?慷慨的阳光,既照耀着豪华的别墅,也照耀着农家小院;既照耀着国王,也照耀着乞丐;既照耀着老人,也照耀着孩子 Sunlight is free. Who in the entire world could do without sunlight? Who has ever paid any penny for the sunlight he has enjoyed from his childhood to adulthood? Moreover, sunlight pours equally on each dwelli

8、ng whether a luxurious villa or a shabby farm-shed, and on each person as well, whether rich or poor, old or young. So it is just and generous.空气,是免费的。一个人只要还活着,就需要源源不断的空气,可从古到今,又有谁为这须臾不可以缺少的东西买过单,无论是贩夫走卒还是明星政要,他们一样自由的呼吸着充盈天地间的空气。 Air is free. Each person needs a continuous supply of fresh air if he

9、is to stay alive and kicking. From the old times to the present, has there been anyone who has ever defrayed his consumption of the indispensable air? Each person, a nobody or a big shot, is breathing for free air which cover the earth. 亲情,是免费的。每一个婴儿来到世上,都受到了父母无微不至的呵护,那是一份深入血脉不求回报的疼爱。可从没有那一个父母会对孩子说:

10、“你给我钱我才疼你。”父母的这份爱,不因孩子的成年而贬值,更不因父母的衰老而削弱,只要父母还活着,这份爱就始终如一。 Parental love is free. At birth, an infant is adored and taken a good care of by parent. An infant grows up in parental love which takes root in the blood tie and requires no payback. None of the parents has ever said to child ,“ I wont love

11、 you unless you promise to pay back some day.” And, parental love will not gradually diminish or lessen as the child is growing up or as the parents themselves are getting old and weak. As long as parents stay alive, their love for their child remains as sincere and unselfish as ever.友情,是免费的。寂寞时默默陪伴

12、你的那个人,摔倒时向你伸出手臂的那个人,伤心时将你揽在怀里的那个人,可曾将他(她)的付出折合成现金,然后要你还钱? Friendship is free. A friend readily keeps you company without being asked when you feel lonely. A friend never hesitates to offer a hand when you fall. A friend always rushed to hold you close when you are sad Does he or she ever ask you to

13、pay for all he or she does for you? NO.爱情,是免费的。那份不由自主的倾慕,那份无法遏制的思念,那份风雨同舟的深情,那份相濡以沫的挚爱,正是生命最深切的慰藉与最坚实的依靠,而这一切都是免费的,更是金钱换不来的。 Love is free. Love comprises a true, deep feeling of adoration between lovers, a spontaneous or involuntary admiration for each other, an earnest yearning to be each others li

14、fe companion, and a strong desire to stick by each other through thick and thin. So love is the ever-lasting comfort and support that lovers seek in life. Love can not be purchased with money. It is priceless, but free of charge.目标,是免费的。无论是锦衣玉食的王子,还是衣不蔽体的流浪儿,只要愿意,就能为自己的人生确立一个目标,这个目标既可以伟大也可以平凡。既可以辉煌也

15、可以朴素,只要你愿意,就可以拥有。 So is the goal of life. A person, whether a well dressed, well fed prince or a pauper in rags, can set a goal for his life and follow it if he will. The goal can be either great or common, either splendid or simple. So anyone can have a goal gratis if he will.还有信念,还有希望,还有意志,还有梦想.所有

16、这一切,都是免费的,你要你想要,你就能得到,还在春风,还在细雨,还有皎洁有月华,还在灿烂的星辉.世间多少滋润心灵的美好风物,都是免费的. Besides, faith, hope, will and dream- these are all free. You can have them gratis if you want. What is more, breeze, drizzle, bright moonlight, the twinkling of stars and many other fine things in nature nurture and nourish the so

17、ul. All of them cost nothing.再不要对着苍天叹气了!苍天是公正的,更是慷慨的;苍天早已把最珍贵的一切,免费地馈赠给了每一个人。We should make no more groans or grumbles to heaven. For heaven is just and generous. Heaven has bestowed the most precious things on every one of us. 刘茜2009级翻译2班2009146926Backgrounder: Diaoyu islands belong to ChinaWatch V

18、ideoPlay VideoThe boat collision is once again bringing attention to the Diaoyu Islands issue. The Diaoyu islands have a long history as part of Chinas territory, belonging to the country since ancient times. The islands are 200 nautical miles east of Chinas mainland and 200 nautical miles west of J

19、apans southernmost island Okinawa.Chinas claim over the Diaoyu Islands dates back to the early 15th century. The Imperial Map of the Ming Dynasty included them as part of Ming Empires territory. After the Ming Dynasty, documents show the islands remained as part of China. That was until 1895, when J

20、apan forced China to give up Taiwan and the islands surrounding it to Japan, the Diaoyu islands included. The Diaoyu islands have a long history as part of Chinas territory, belonging to the country since ancient times. The islands are 200 nautical miles east of Chinas mainland and 200 nautical mile

21、s west of Japans southernmost island Okinawa. After World War II, international documents recognized Taiwan and the islands around it as falling under Chinese territory. But the administration of the islands fell into Japanese hands in 1972.Also in the 1970s, large reservoirs of oil were discovered

22、under the continental shelf below the Diaoyu Islands. This increased the tension between China and Japan over the islands. Over the past decades, protesters from the Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan made repeated efforts to declare Chinas sovereignty over the Diaoyu Islands.In March 2004, seve

23、n Chinese activists landed on the Diaoyu Islands as a gesture of protest and were arrested by the Japanese for illegal entry.In 2008, the Taiwan fishing boat Lien Ho was sunk by a Japanese frigate. The Taiwan authority and public protested strongly. Other border conflicts include Japans complaint ab

24、out Chinas routine naval drill in the East China Sea in April 2010.The latest hardware meets amazing softwareGingerbread pre-installedNexus S is the first phone to run Gingerbread, the fastest version of Android yet.Nexus S是第一款运行姜饼人的手机,姜饼人是最快的安卓版本。Gingerbread builds on some of the most popular Andro

25、id features like multi-tasking and Wi-Fi hotspot and adds a refreshed user interface, an improved keyboard, near field communication (NFC) support, and more.姜饼是建立在最流行的安卓特性如多任务和无线热点基础之上的,并加入了全新的用户界面、改进的键盘、近场通信(NFC)技术的支持,等等。Fast just got fasterA 1 GHz Hummingbird processor paired with 16GB of internal

26、 memory makes Nexus S one of the fastest phones on the market.1 GHz蜂鸟处理器结合16GB的内部记忆体,使Nexus S成为市场上最快的手机之一。Menus open faster, tabs are more responsive, and web pages load quicker with virtually no lag time. Switch between apps effortlessly with true multitasking on Android.菜单打开速度更快,标签响应能力更好,网页加载几乎没有滞

27、后时间。安卓拥有真正的多任务处理能力,所以应用程序之间能轻松切换。Nexus S has a dedicated Graphics Processing Unit (GPU). Playing mobile games, browsing the web, and watching videos are fast, fluid, and smooth. Its like having a pocket-sized multimedia and game console. Nexus S拥有专门的图形处理单元(GPU)。无论是玩手机游戏,浏览网页,还是观看视频,都会快而流畅。它就像一个袖珍的多媒

28、体播放器和游戏机。Brilliant 4”Contour DisplayNexus S is manufactured by Samsung, and it is the first smartphone to launch with a Contour Display. The curved glass screen fits comfortably in the palm of your hand and along the side of your face.Nexus S是由三星制造,它是第一个配有曲面屏的智能手机。弯曲的玻璃屏幕舒适地迎合着您的手掌,依附着您的脸。A brighter

29、 screen with higher contrast means colors are incredibly vibrant, text is crisp at any size, and luminance is up to 1.5x higher than conventional LCD displays.一个更为明亮的屏幕配之以高对比度,色彩饱满,充满活力,令人难以置信。不论文字大小显示都很清晰,亮度可达传统LCD液晶显示器的1.5倍。 Outdoor viewingTake Nexus S outside, theres 75% less glare than on other

30、smartphone displays. Your videos, pictures and games look their best and the sun wont wash them out.在户外,它要比其它智能手机的屏幕减少75%的反射率。您的视频,图片和游戏均能以最佳状态显示,太阳的强光也不能将其冲淡。Lighter and thinner profile更轻更薄的外形The Contour Display uses a thin-profile glass panel, making Nexus S uniquely slim and trim. Its subtle but

31、youll notice.外部显示屏采用超薄玻璃面板,使Nexus S格外的苗条而又整洁。这很微妙,但你能注意的到。Near Field Communication (NFC)近场通信(NFC)Nexus S can read information from smart tags, or everyday objects that have NFC chips in them. These can be anything from stickers and movie posters to t-shirts. Nexus S有NFC芯片,可以读取智能标签,或是日常物品信息。这些信息可来自于任

32、何事情,从电影票、海报到T恤。Rear and front-facing cameras前后双摄像头The rear-facing 5 megapixel camera is capable of taking stunning pictures and videos that you can share with friends and family. The front-facing camera can take VGA quality images and video.后部500万像素摄像头能够拍出令人惊叹的照片和视频,您可以与朋友和家人分享。前置摄像头可以拍摄VGA质量的图像和视频。 Latest Google Mobile apps最新的谷歌移动应用 Nexus S comes pre-installed with th

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