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1、酒店英语情景对话94790日常用语(句子): 酒店常用英语Restaurant酒店里面的称为餐厅,酒店外的可以叫饭馆或者餐馆都可以B&B家庭式酒店Boutiquehotel精品酒店Resort度假村King-size特大号床Queen-size大号床Twinbeds双床房Singlebed单床房Doubleroom双人间Singleroom单人间Suite套房Studiosuite公寓套房Adjoiningroom相邻房Connectingroom连通房ExecutiveFloor行政楼层Bellboy行李员Concierge礼宾Receptionist前台接待Reception/Frontd


3、23May I have your name, please?请问您贵姓?10Which dates would you like to book? When will you check in and check out?请问您需要订哪一天?什么时候入住及退房?59What time do you expect to arrive, Sir?请问大概什么时候到酒店,先生?46What time will the guest be arriving?客人大概什么到达酒店?11How long will you stay in our hotel?请问您打算逗留多长时间?36Could you

4、hold the line, please? Ill check our room availabilities for those days.麻烦请您稍等,我们查询那段时间的房态。37Just a minute, please Ill check our booking situation.麻烦请您稍等,我需要查询我们的房态。73Just a moment, please. Ill check the availability for you.麻烦请您稍等,我查询能否可以提供给您。41Could you hold on for a moment please? Ill check our r

5、eservation record.麻烦请您稍等,让我查询我们的预订纪录。72How many people are there in your party?与您同行有多少人?50Ill arrive one day early. Is that OK?我那天早点到,可以吗?56Well send a confirmation to you soon.我们稍后传确认书给您。57Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.如有任何疑问请随时与我们联系。58Please feel free to conta

6、ct us if we can be of further assistance.如需进一步了解,请随时与我们联系。其他服务类42Does it include breakfast?包括早餐吗?43The tax and breakfast are also included.税及早餐也包括在内。12Does your hotel have pick-up service?请问贵酒店有接车服务吗?13Yes, please contact the concierge for details.有的,详细内容请联系礼宾台。16What is your hotels website and emai

7、l address?请问贵酒店的网址及邮址?17Our hotels website is xxxx and our email address is xxxx. To reserve a room or give feedback to us.我们酒店的网址是xxx而我们的邮址是xxx预订房间或有任何建议可与我们联系。4How about your hotels location?请问贵酒店位于哪里?5Well, our hotel located in Yantian distric, Shen Zhen City. The OCT hotel is about 40 minutes fr

8、om Shenzhen railway station, 85 minutes from BaiYun airport.我们酒店位于深圳市盐田区。本酒店离深圳火车站40分钟车程,到深圳机场85分钟.6Whats the level of your hotel?请问贵酒店是几星级的?7Our hotel is a five-star hotel.本酒店是五星级的酒店。8How about your hotels facilities?请问贵酒店有什么设施?9We have four kinds of restaurant, lobby bar, conference room, health c

9、enter, shop prince and (KTV equipment)。.本酒店有四种类型餐馆,大堂吧,会议室,健身会所 ,商场及(KTV设施)。44We have a special family package plan我们现在开始新推出一个优惠套餐。45Well have to charge you RMB300 extra for an additional bed, the baby set is for free.如需加床,我们将会收取人民币300元,婴儿床是免费的房型资讯类1May I have the room type, please? /What kind of ro

10、om would you like to reserve?请问需要预订哪一类型的房间?2:What kind of room do you have?请问贵酒店有什么房间类型?3We have standard, superior, deluxe, executive rooms. There are also some suite as well. Furthermore, we have a floor of non-smoking rooms, and we also have some connecting rooms(Interlaken hotel).我们酒店有标准房,高级房,豪华

11、房,行政房。除此之外还有一些套房。而且我们酒店还设有不吸烟楼层及连通房。14Can I get harbor view in your hotel?我可以看到海景吗?15I am sorry, you cant. But you can have a nice view of a large pool/lake surrounded by beautiful landscaping.很抱歉,不可以。但您可以看到周围美丽的泳池/湖景。64Perhaps you have a cheaper room?或许您们还有更便宜的房间吧?65Sorry, the quoted rate is lowest

12、.不好意思,这个报价已经是最低了。68The room is spacious and cosy, Im sure you will enjoy yourself.房间既宽敞又舒适,我肯定您会过得愉快。70May I recommend deluxe suite? Its more luxurious and comfortable.我向您推荐豪华套房,更豪华更舒适的。担保取消原则18Your reservation is temporary and it will be cancelled if you dont arrive before 6p.m. on that day.您的预订是暂时

13、的,如果那天下午6点前不到,我们将会取消您的预订。90With out guaranteed reservation, we can only hold the room to 6 p.m., If you make a guaranteed reservation, we can hold the room overnight. Would you like to make a guaranteed reservation by credit card?非担保的预订只能保留到当天下午点。若您作了担保预订,我们就可以整夜为您保留房间,您愿意提供信用卡作担保吗?80Would you like

14、to guarantee your room for late arrival?因您较晚入住,您可以为您的预订作个担保吗?81How would you like to guarantee your reservation?请问您以什么方式为您的预订作担保?83May I take your credit card for the guarantee?可以提供您的信用卡作担保吗?89To guarantee your booking, please advise us of your credit cart number and dated of valid advance in.为了确保您的

15、订房,请将您的信用卡号及有效期限通知我们,或预付壹晚的 房租作订金。84Let me repeat your reservation to ensure it is correct.让我为您重复一下您 的预订以确保无误。95The reserved room will be held till 18:00 on arrival unless a cash or credit card guarantee is made.所预订的房间保留至当天的6点,除用现金或信用卡担保外。96For guaranteed reservation, one night room rental will be c

16、harged for cancellation or no show.已作担保的预订,如当天取消或没入住,本酒店将会收取当天的壹晚房费。39Certainly, well hold the room until you arrive.当然可以,我们将为您保留房间直到您的到来。疑难解答类19I am sorry, no deluxe room is available. All rooms are unavailable.很抱歉,提供不了豪华客房。/所有房间都订满了。100Im afraid we have no superior room available. Would you mind d

17、eluxe room instead?恐怕我们提供不了高级房,豪华房可以吗?20Does your company have contract with our hotel?请问贵公司与我们酒店有协议吗?22Please hold on for a moment, Mr Smith.史密夫先生,麻烦请您稍等。71I will get someone who can speak English well to talk to you.我会找壹位英语较好的同事跟您说。24I am sorry I beg your pardon.不好意思,麻烦请重复一遍。25Would you please spe

18、ak more slowly?不好意思,麻烦请说慢一点?26I am sorry, I didnt catch what you meant.不好意思,我不大懂您的意思。27I would like to talk to someone in charge.我想找您们的负责人。28He has not come back yet.他还没回来。29She is in a conference now.她正在开会。30Would you like to call back later?麻烦请您稍后再拨。31Thank you for waiting.让您久等了。32Im not sure, sor

19、ry.不好意思,我不能确定。33Are you following me, Sir?请问听懂我说吗,先生?34Could you explain that a bit more?请您解释多一点好吗35Could you put that more simply?请您具体一点好吗?101We are very sorry for the inconvenience.对您造成不便,请见谅。 信息确认40Id like to confirm your reservation.我想确认您的预订。21Can I reconfirm the reservation? A superior room, fo

20、r Mr. Smith on the 20th Oct. My name is XX,if you have any questions please feel free to contact us. Thank you for calling. Bye-bye!我可以再确认您的预订吗?史密夫先生,10月台20日预订壹间高级房。我的名字XX如有任何疑问请与我们联系。谢谢您的来电。再见!98Thank you for your reservation at OCT EAST Hotel. If you have any questions or changes about your reserv

21、ation please contact us as soon as possible.感谢您预订东部华侨城酒店,如有任何疑问或需作任何更改请与尽快与我们联系。查询及修改94Id like to change/cancel a reservation.我想更改取消预订。47Your room is confirmed for that day.那天您的房间已确定。48Id like to extend it for two more nights until the 9th.我想延住多两天,直到9号。49Well extend your reservation for you.我们将会延住您的

22、预订。51We have changed our schedule, please amend our booking till next week.我们的行程有变动,请更改我们的预订到下星期。52Id like to cancel a reservation.我想取消一个预订。53Im afraid we have no record of a reservation under this name.不好意思,恐怕我们没有这个名字记录的预订。54Which travel agent did you go through to make this reservation.请问您是通过哪间旅行社

23、来做这个预订的?55Is this a new reservation or a confirmation call?请问这个电话是新的预订,还是确认预订?62Have you made a reservation?请问已经作了预订吗?69Sorry, I cant find your name on the arrival list.不好意思,我在预期到达的名单上找不到您的名字。63Im sorry to have taken up your time.不好意思占用您的时间。93Well amend your reservation at you request.我们将会按您的要求作相应的更

24、改。酒店Check in第一种情况:已经预定,并且成功入住A: Good morning. Welcome to Beijing hotel. May I help you?早上好。欢迎来北京饭店。我可以帮你吗?B: Good morning. Id like to check in.早上好。我想办理住宿登记。A: Do you have a reservation?你有预约吗?B:Yes,I booked a double room for two nights.是的,我订了一个双人房间,住两个晚上。A: May I have your name, Sir?我可以知道您的名字吗,先生?B:

25、Sure, its Mr.Black.布莱克先生。A: OK. Hold on please. You have a reservation for 2 nights, Mr.Black. If you are sure to stay tonight, I will help you to identify and make the registration.好的。请稍等。你有预定2晚,布莱克先生。如果你确定要今晚入住,我将帮你确认并登记。B: OK.Please. 好的,谢谢。A: Please wait a minute.Could you sign the register ? The

26、 registration number and your signature.请等一下,你能在登记册上签名吗?登记号码和你的签字。B: you are .好了!给你.A:Thank you . Here is your key, and youll be Room 714. And do you need help with your bags?谢谢。这是你的钥匙,房间号714。需要帮您搬运行李吗?B:Yes. My luggage is too heavy. I need help. Thank you .是的。我的行李太重了。我需要帮助。谢谢你。A:OK. I will

27、get the poter to take your luggage. There is an elevator on your right. When you get off, go to your left, and your room will be right there, room 714. Enjoy your stay.好的。待会服务员会帮您搬运行李的。电梯在你的右手边。当你到达楼层时,往你的左手边走,您的房间就在那里,房间714。祝你过得愉快。B: Thank you. 谢谢你。来到房间所在楼层C:Good afternoon. Here is the seven floor

28、reception. I am the attendant here. Welcome to our hotel, and hope you enjoy your stay here. What can I do for you?下午好!这是七楼接待处!我是服务员。欢迎来到我们酒店,希望你过得愉快。我能为您做些什么?B: I am Mr.Black.I cant find my room. Can you take me to my room?我找不到我的房间。你能带我到我的房间吗?C: Yes.Can you tell me the room number is?是的。你能告诉我房间号码是什

29、么?B:That is very kinds of you . My room is 714.你真是太好了!我的房间时714C: OK. This way please. Please let me take you to your room. This is your room.那好。请这边走。请让我带您去您的房间。B: The room is so nice.这个房间真漂亮!C: I am gald you like the rooms.很高兴你喜欢。B: By the way,I want to know whether the hot water is available all da

30、y? 顺便问一下,我想知道是否一整天供应热水?C : Yes, the bathroom servers hot water all day long. I think, you must be tired . Here are coffee and tee . You can drink with the cup over there.是的,浴室服务器热水是一整天供应的。我想,你一定很累了。这里有咖啡和茶。你可以喝一杯。B: Thank you . And can you tell me where is the restaurant?谢谢你。你能告诉我那餐厅在哪儿?C: Restaurant on the first floor, that signs can help you find the restaurant.餐厅在一楼。您可以根据路标找到。B:Thank you .谢谢你。C: It is my pleasure. I wish you have a nice day.这是我的荣幸。我希望你有个美好的一天。酒店Check OutD: Good morning. Can I help you?早上好。我能帮助你吗?B: Yes, Id like to check out. 是的,我要退房。D: May I have you name an

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