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1、专业英语机械工程英 语 考 试 重 点 段 落 翻 译第一单元 Types of Materials 材料的类型 Materials may be grouped in several ways. Scientists often classify materials by their state: solid, liquid, or gas. They also separate them into organic (once living) and inorganic (never living) materials. 材料可以按多种方法分类。科学家常根据状态将材料分为:固体、液体或气体。

2、他们也把材料分为有机材料(曾经有生命的)和无机材料(从未有生命的)。 For industrial purposes, materials are divided into engineering materials or nonengineering materials. Engineering materials are those used in manufacture and become parts of products. 就工业效用而言,材料被分为工程材料和非工程材料。那些用于加工制造并成为产品组成部分的就是工程材料。Nonengineering materials are th

3、e chemicals, fuels, lubricants, and other materials used in the manufacturing process, which do not become part of the product.非工程材料则是化学品、燃料、润滑剂以及其它用于加工制造过程但不成为产品组成部分的材料。 Engineering materials may be further subdivided into: Metal Ceramics Composite Polymers, etc. 工程材料还能进一步细分为:金属材料陶瓷材料复合材料 聚合材料,等等。

4、Metals and Metal Alloys 金属和金属合金 Metals are elements that generally have good electrical and thermal conductivity. Many metals have high strength, high stiffness, and have good ductility. 金属就是通常具有良好导电性和导热性的元素。许多金属具有高强度、高硬度以及良好的延展性。Some metals, such as iron, cobalt and nickel, are magnetic. At low tem

5、peratures, some metals and intermetallic compounds become superconductors.某些金属能被磁化,例如铁、钴和镍。在极低的温度下,某些金属和金属化合物能转变成超导体。 What is the difference between an alloy and a pure metal? Pure metals are elements which come from a particular area of the periodic table. Examples of pure metals include copper in

6、electrical wires and aluminum in cooking foil and beverage cans. 合金与纯金属的区别是什么?纯金属是在元素周期表中占据特定位置的元素。例如电线中的铜和制造烹饪箔及饮料罐的铝。Alloys contain more than one metallic element. Their properties can be changed by changing the elements present in the alloy. Examples of metal alloys include stainless steel which

7、is an alloy of iron, nickel, and chromium; and gold jewelry which usually contains an alloy of gold and nickel.合金包含不止一种金属元素。合金的性质能通过改变其中存在的元素而改变。金属合金的例子有:不锈钢是一种铁、镍、铬的合金,以及金饰品通常含有金镍合金。 Why are metals and alloys used? Many metals and alloys have high densities and are used in applications which requir

8、e a high mass-to-volume ratio. 为什么要使用金属和合金?许多金属和合金具有高密度,因此被用在需要较高质量体积比的场合。Some metal alloys, such as those based on aluminum, have low densities and are used in aerospace applications for fuel economy. Many alloys also have high fracture toughness, which means they can withstand impact and are durab

9、le.某些金属合金,例如铝基合金,其密度低,可用于航空航天以节约燃料。许多合金还具有高断裂韧性,这意味着它们能经得起冲击并且是耐用的。 What are some important properties of metals? Density is defined as a materials mass divided by its volume. Most metals have relatively high densities, especially compared to polymers. 金属有哪些重要特性? 密度定义为材料的质量与其体积之比。大多数金属密度相对较高,尤其是和聚合物

10、相比较而言。Materials with high densities often contain atoms with high atomic numbers, such as gold or lead. However, some metals such as aluminum or magnesium have low densities, and are used in applications that require other metallic properties but also require low weight.高密度材料通常由较大原子序数原子构成,例如金和铅。然而,诸

11、如铝和镁之类的一些金属则具有低密度,并被用于既需要金属特性又要求重量轻的场合。 Fracture toughness can be described as a materials ability to avoid fracture, especially when a flaw is introduced. Metals can generally contain nicks and dents without weakening very much, and are impact resistant. A football player counts on this when he tru

12、sts that his facemask wont shatter. 断裂韧性可以描述为材料防止断裂特别是出现缺陷时不断裂的能力。金属一般能在有缺口和凹痕的情况下不显著削弱,并且能抵抗冲击。橄榄球运动员据此相信他的面罩不会裂成碎片。 Plastic deformation is the ability of bend or deform before breaking. As engineers, we usually design materials so that they dont deform under normal conditions. You dont want your c

13、ar to lean to the east after a strong west wind. 塑性变形就是在断裂前弯曲或变形的能力。作为工程师,设计时通常要使材料在正常条件下不变形。没有人愿意一阵强烈的西风过后自己的汽车向东倾斜。However, sometimes we can take advantage of plastic deformation. The crumple zones in a car absorb energy by undergoing plastic deformation before they break.然而,有时我们也能利用塑性变形。汽车上压皱的区域在

14、它们断裂前通过经历塑性变形来吸收能量。 The atomic bonding of metals also affects their properties. In metals, the outer valence electrons are shared among all atoms, and are free to travel everywhere. Since electrons conduct heat and electricity, metals make good cooking pans and electrical wires. 金属的原子连结对它们的特性也有影响。在金

15、属内部,原子的外层阶电子由所有原子共享并能到处自由移动。由于电子能导热和导电,所以用金属可以制造好的烹饪锅和电线。It is impossible to see through metals, since these valence electrons absorb any photons of light which reach the metal. No photons pass through.因为这些阶电子吸收到达金属的光子,所以透过金属不可能看得见。没有光子能通过金属。 Alloys are compounds consisting of more than one metal. A

16、dding other metals can affect the density, strength, fracture toughness, plastic deformation, electrical conductivity and environmental degradation. 合金是由一种以上金属组成的混合物。加一些其它金属能影响密度、强度、断裂韧性、塑性变形、导电性以及环境侵蚀。For example, adding a small amount of iron to aluminum will make it stronger. Also, adding some ch

17、romium to steel will slow the rusting process, but will make it more brittle.例如,往铝里加少量铁可使其更强。同样,在钢里加一些铬能减缓它的生锈过程,但也将使它更脆。第二单元 The understanding of heat treatment is embraced by the broader study of metallurgy. Metallurgy is the physics, chemistry, and engineering related to metals from ore extractio

18、n to the final product. 对热处理的理解包含于对冶金学较广泛的研究。冶金学是物理学、化学和涉及金属从矿石提炼到最后产物的工程学。Heat treatment is the operation of heating and cooling a metal in its solid state to change its physical properties. According to the procedure used, steel can be hardened to resist cutting action and abrasion, or it can be s

19、oftened to permit machining. 热处理是将金属在固态加热和冷却以改变其物理性能的操作。按所采用的步骤,钢可以通过硬化来抵抗切削和磨损,也可以通过软化来允许机加工。With the proper heat treatment internal stresses may be removed, grain size reduced, toughness increased, or a hard surface produced on a ductile interior. The analysis of the steel must be known because sm

20、all percentages of certain elements, notably carbon, greatly affect the physical properties.使用合适的热处理可以去除内应力、细化晶粒、增加韧性或在柔软材料上覆盖坚硬的表面。因为某些元素(尤其是碳)的微小百分比极大地影响物理性能,所以必须知道对钢的分析。 Alloy steel owe their properties to the presence of one or more elements other than carbon, namely nickel, chromium, manganese,

21、 molybdenum, tungsten, silicon, vanadium, and copper. Because of their improved physical properties they are used commercially in many ways not possible with carbon steels. 合金钢的性质取决于其所含有的除碳以外的一种或多种元素,如镍、铬、锰、钼、钨、硅、钒和铜。由于合金钢改善的物理性能,它们被大量使用在许多碳钢不适用的地方。 The following discussion applies principally to th

22、e heat treatment of ordinary commercial steels known as plain carbon steels. With this process the rate of cooling is the controlling factor, rapid cooling from above the critical range results in hard structure, whereas very slow cooling produces the opposite effect. 下列讨论主要针对被称为普通碳钢的工业用钢而言。热处理时冷却速率

23、是控制要素,从高于临界温度快速冷却导致坚硬的组织结构,而缓慢冷却则产生相反效果。 Hardening 淬火 Hardening is the process of heating a piece of steel to a temperature within or above its critical range and then cooling it rapidly. 淬火就是把钢件加热到或超过它的临界温度范围,然后使其快速冷却的过程。If the carbon content of the steel is known, the proper temperature to which t

24、he steel should be heated may be obtained by reference to the iron-iron carbide phase diagram. However, if the composition of the steel is unknown, a little preliminary experimentation may be necessary to determine the range. 如果钢的含碳量已知,钢件合适的加热温度可参考铁碳合金状态图得到。然而当钢的成分不知道时,则需做一些预备试验来确定其温度范围。 A good proc

25、edure to follow is to heat-quench a number of small specimens of the steel at various temperatures and observe the result, either by hardness testing or by microscopic examination. When the correct temperature is obtained, there will be a marked change in hardness and other properties. 要遵循的合适步骤是将这种钢

26、的一些小试件加热到不同的温度后淬火,再通过硬度试验或显微镜检查观测结果。一旦获得正确的温度,硬度和其它性能都将有明显的变化。 In any heat-treating operation the rate of heating is important. Heat flows from the exterior to the interior of steel at a definite rate. If the steel is heated too fast, the outside becomes hotter than the interior and uniform structur

27、e cannot be obtained. 在任何热处理作业中,加热的速率都是重要的。热量以一定的速率从钢的外部传导到内部。如果钢被加热得太快,其外部比内部热就不能得到均匀的组织结构。If a piece is irregular in shape, a slow rate is all the more essential to eliminate warping and cracking. The heavier the section, the longer must be the heating time to achieve uniform results. 如果工件形状不规则,为了

28、消除翘曲和开裂最根本的是加热速率要缓慢。截面越厚,加热的时间就要越长才能达到均匀的结果。Even after the correct temperature has been reached, the piece should be held at that temperature for a sufficient period of time to permit its thickest section to attain a uniform temperature.即使加热到正确的温度后,工件也应在此温度下保持足够时间以让其最厚截面达到相同温度。 The hardness obtained

29、 from a given treatment depends on the quenching rate, the carbon content, and the work size. In alloy steels the kind and amount of alloying element influences only the hardenability (the ability of the workpiece to be hardened to depths) of the steel and does not affect the hardness except in unha

30、rdened or partially hardened steels. 通过给定的热处理所得到的硬度取决于淬火速率、含碳量和工件尺寸。除了非淬硬钢或部分淬硬钢外,合金钢中合金元素的种类及含量仅影响钢的淬透性(工件被硬化到深层的能力)而不影响硬度。 Steel with low carbon content will not respond appreciably to hardening treatment. As the carbon content in steel increases up to around 0.60%, the possible hardness obtainabl

31、e also increases. 含碳量低的钢对淬火处理没有明显的反应。随着钢的含碳量增加到大约0.60%,可能得到的硬度也增加。Above this point the hardness can be increased only slightly, because steels above the eutectoid point are made up entirely of pearlite and cementite in the annealed state. Pearlite responds best to heat-treating operations; and steel

32、 composed mostly of pearlite can be transformed into a hard steel. 高于此点,由于超过共析点钢完全由珠光体和退火状态的渗碳体组成,硬度增加并不多。珠光体对热处理作业响应最好;基本由珠光体组成的钢能转化成硬质钢。 As the size of parts to be hardened increases, the surface hardness decreases somewhat even though all other conditions have remained the same. There is a limit to the rate of heat flow through steel. 即使所有其它条件保持不变,随着要淬火的零件尺寸的增加其表面硬度也会有所下降。热量在钢中的传导速率是有限的。No matter how cool the quenching medium may be, if the heat inside a large piece canno

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