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Unit1 School life.docx

1、Unit1 School lifeUnit1 School life 【单元内容导引】本单元是高一新学期的第一单元,其主题内容是关于学校生活的。我们从初中升到高中,来到一个新的学校,自然会与以前的学校相比较,这样,正好切入课题,展开讨论。但我们也应注意初中和高中学段生活环境和学习方法的不同,祝愿广大同学们尽快适应高中的学习和生活。【重点词汇讲解】1experiencea. experience作不可数名词。意为“体验”“经验”“从经验中获得的知识和技能”。后接介词in或of短语,表示在某方面的经验。如:Have you had any experience in work of this so

2、rt?你对这工作有经验吗?Experience comes from practice.经验来源于实践。Only women with experience of office work can apply for the position.只有具有办公室工作经验的女士才能申请这个岗位。She is a teacher with more than 20 years experience in teaching but not in driving at all.她是一位具有20多年教学经验的老师,但在驾车方面却毫无经验可谈。b.作可数名词意为“经历”。如:The car accident w

3、as a terrible experience to him.那次车祸对他来说是一次可怕的经历。Please tell us your experiences of living abroad for so many years.请向我们介绍一下你在国外生活多年的经历。Flying along the express way is an unforgettable experience.沿高速公路开快车是一种难忘的经历。Do you have such experiences as diving 100 metres in the sea?你有过潜到100米深处的海水里的经历吗?c.作及物动

4、词,意为“体验u有经验”如:Have you experienced real hunger?你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗?He experienced the greatest hardship for the first time in his life.他首次体验有生以来最大的困难。Experiencing pain is as valuable as experiencing pleasure.经历痛苦和体验快乐一样珍贵。d. experience的形容词为experienced,意为“有经验的”。如:The job calls for an experienced man.这份工作需要有

5、经验的人。Anyone experienced in drawing may come tomorrow.有绘画技能的人可于明天来。An experienced doctor is operating on the wounded soldier.一位老练的医生在给那位受伤的士兵做手术。2Improve,改进、提高、变得更好;improvement The government pays much attention to improving the living conditions of the people.政府极为关注改善人民的生活条件。He has improved his Engl

6、ish study.他的英语学习有了很大提高。His health is improving.或He is improving in his health.他的健康状况正在好起来。3close关闭,封闭Please close the windows before leaving. 离开前请将窗户关上。The shop is closed for a week. 这家商店停止营业一个星期。This road is closed to heavy motor traffic. 此路禁止载重机动车辆通行。The door wont close. 这门关不上。The school library c

7、loses at 6 p. m. 学校图书馆下午六点关门。接近、靠近He is close on forty. 他快四十了。British people dont like to get close to each other.英国人不喜欢彼此靠得很近。亲密的、近的、接近的a close friend 一位密友a close game 一场势均力敌的比赛4cause原因、起因(引起某件事情发生的直接原因);事业Do you know the real cause of the fire?你知道这场火灾的真正原因吗?Lei Feng devoted himself to a great and

8、glorious causeto serve the people heart and soul.雷锋把他的一生献给了一项伟大而光荣的事业全心全意为人民服务。使产生,使发生,引起;使,促使What caused the traffic accident? 是什么引起了那场车祸?This car has caused a lot of trouble to/for me?这辆车给我们带来许多麻烦。His illness causes him to miss the game. 他因病不能参加比赛。5regret 懊悔,抱歉,遗憾I regret not having started earlie

9、r. 我懊悔没有早一点出发。I regret(to say)that I can not come. 很抱歉,我不能来。Much to my regret, Im unable to accept your kind invitation.不能接受您的盛情邀请,深为抱歉。6require 要求,命令;requirement 要求,命令I require that he(should)help me. 我要求他帮助我。The room requires to be cleaned. 或The room requires cleaning.(requireswants. needs)这房间需要打扫

10、。【重要短语讲解】1sound like听起来像be like长得像look like好像,看上去像feel like摸起来像,想要做What is he like? 他是怎样一个人?He looks like his father. 他长得像他父亲。The noise sounded like a train that was going under the house.那声音听起来就像一列火车正从房下经过。Do you feel like(having)a walk with me? 跟我一道去散散步怎么样?2join in加入,参加join sb. in sth. / doing sth

11、.参加与某人一起做某事join the Party/the League/the army入党/入团/参军join in参加某项活动take part in参加有组织有纪律的活动My brother joined the army last year. 我哥哥去年参军了。Will you join us in the discussion/in discussing the problem?来和我们一起讨论好吗?More than 200 sportsmen took part in / join in the Olympic Games last year.去年有200多名运动员参加了奥运会

12、。3prepare food 准备食品prepare lessons 备课prepare formake preparations for 为作准备prepare sb. for 使某人为作准备be(well)prepared for ready for 为作好(充分)准备be(well)prepared to do ready to do sth. 准备(好)干某事Mother is busy preparing breakfast for us. 妈妈正忙着给我们做早饭。He had a speech to prepare that evening. 这天晚上他

13、得准备一个报告。The students are preparing for the coming sports meet.学生们正在为即将到来的运动会作准备。They were prepared for the worst. 他们早已准备好应付最坏的情况。Im not prepared to listen to your excuses. 我不想听你的借口。4first of allfirst首先above allmost important of all最重要的after all 别忘了,毕竟,竟然in allin total 总共,总计Never waste anything, but

14、above all never waste time.任何东西都不可浪费,尤其不可浪费时间。If you want to learn English well, first of all, you should treat it seriously.如果你想学好英语,首先你要重视它。There are 55 students in our class in all. 我们班共有55人。He didnt work hard, but he passed the exam after all.他学习不努力,可考试竟然及格了。Dont blame Tom too much. After all, h

15、e is still a child.不要过多责备汤姆,毕竟他还是个孩子。5be interested in对感兴趣(an)/ much interest in对感兴趣lose interest in对失去兴趣a place of interest名胜She is very interested in English. 或 She takes / shows much / a great interest in English.她对英语很感兴趣。6order a copy订购一本place an order for sth. with向订购某物book a room in the hotel在

16、旅馆订了一个房间I have placed an order for 10 copies of the book with the bookstore.我已向书店订购了10本这样的书。Can you book two tickets for the football match next Sunday for us?你能帮我们订两张下周足球比赛的票吗?7than usual比平常as usual和往常一样than expected比预料as expected正像预料的那样than supposed比推测In the summer vacation, he is as busy as usual

17、.在暑假里,他和往常一样忙。I got a higher mark than expected. 我得分比预料要高。Our team won the game as expected.正如预料的那样,我们队赢了这场比赛。8word by word一个词一个词地sentence by sentence一句一句地step by step一步一步地year by year一年一年地side by side肩并肩The teacher usually explains the text sentence by sentence.老师通常逐句讲解课文。The children have grown up

18、 year by year.孩子们一年一年地长大了。The girl and her mother often walk in the street side by side.女孩经常和她妈妈肩并肩地逛街。9used to do过去总做某事(现在不做了);只用于过去时态。be used to sth. / doing sth习惯(做)某事;可用于现在、过去、将来的多种时态。其中be可用get或become等来替代;be used to do sth.被用于做某事;不定式表示目的,可用于多种时态。He used to get up early.过去他总早起。(现在不这样了)He will be(

19、has been)used to getting up early.他将会(已经)习惯于早起。Wood is used to make paper.(People make paper from wood.)木材被用来造纸。【短语翻译】1 发表演说_答案:make a speech2 平均地_答案:on average3 因某事向某人道歉_答案:apologize to sb. for sth. 或 make an apology to sb. for sth.4 常年_答案:all year round5 作出决定_答案:make a decision/make decisions6 赢得某

20、人尊敬_答案:earn respect from sb.7 比平常_答案:than usual8 在午饭时间_答案:at lunchtime9 免费地_答案:for free10了解大意_答案:get a general idea11出席集会_答案:attend assembly12容易,轻易,平易_答案:at ease13黑体字_答案:words in bold14举办班级晚会_答案:hold a class party15准备食物_答案:prepare food16花时间做某事_答案:spend some time(in)doing sth.17因感谢某人_答案:thank sb. for

21、18引起混淆_答案:cause some confusion19抱歉地通知某人某事_答案:regret to inform sb. of sth.20首先_答案:first of all【重点句型讲解】1He also told us that the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.(1)way表示“方法、途径”时常用不定式或of后加动名词作定语,有时用that或in which引导定语从句,且in which可以省略。Farmers thought of wa

22、ys to protect their chickens.农民们想办法来保护小鸡。Mr. Wang has a strange way of making his classes lively and interesting.王先生有一种奇特的方法使他的课上得生动有趣。I dont think the way(that / in which)you speak to your parents is right.我认为你不该这样与你父母说话。但要注意:The way(that / which)you thought of to finish(或of finishing)the task is p

23、ossible.你想出的完成这项计划的方法是可行的。(2)to work hard and achieve high grades为并列不定式作表语。To see is to believe.(或Seeing is believing.)眼见为实。My hope is to become an excellent teacher.我的理想是成为一名优秀教师。2Its better to make as many comparisons as you can.(1)it为形式主语,不定式作真正的主语。Its not easy to finish the work in two days.在两天内

24、完成这项工作不容易。It is not a good habit to stay up late.熬夜不是好习惯。Its very important for students to read aloud in the morning.学生早晨朗读很重要。(2) 意为“多达,之多”。I have as many as l 000 books.我有多达1000本书。He can drink as much beer as 8 bottles. 或He can drink as much as 8 bottles of beer.他可以喝多达8瓶啤酒。3I found the homework w

25、as not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school.我认为作业不如我在母校时布置得重。They dont seem to like fruit as much as Chinese students.他们似乎不像中国学生那样喜欢水果。not asas或not soas不如,没有,比不上I am not so rich as you. 我没有你有钱。He doesnt like English as much as you. 他不如你喜欢英语。It is not so cold in Guangzhou as in my hometown

26、.广州没有我的家乡冷。4I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your does或did用于谓语动词(原形)前起强调作用。He did tell me about it. 他确实告诉过我这件事。Do come to the party tomorrow! 明天一定来参加晚会啊!My sister does work hard at English. 我妹妹学英语确实很用功。5He is a person hard to please.此句相当于:“He is a person who is hard to please.”不定式to please与主语之间存在逻辑上动宾关系,不定式中的动词为及物性的,用主动式。The bag is too heavy to carry. 包太重,拿不动。The man is difficult to get along with. 那人很难相处。Th

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