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1、ETS的作文评分标准在ETS 用“雷同探测器”向全球考生,尤其是中国考生,念起紧箍咒,规定了这样那样的百般“禁忌”之后,如何才能写出能给自己带来满意成绩的文章,便成为考生们的当务之急。 实际上,如果中国考生能摈弃某些好高骛远、不切实际的目标,那么,研究一下ETS的作文评分标准以及对应于各分数段的作文样品,我们就会发现,要达到4.0的平均分,其实并不过分困难。当然,能获得5.0或6.0分的成绩无疑会使人欣喜若狂,但这一成绩在目前的中国考生中,仅限于英语专业研究生中训练有素(well-trained)的中等学生,英语专业本科生中的佼佼者以及非英语专业本科、研究生中具备英文写作特长的学生。如果考生愿

2、意将分数底线设定在4.0分并全力以赴朝着这一目标努力的话,则不失为一种明智、务实之举。考虑到一般考生在Argument类文章上得分较高而在Issue类文章上得分较低这一实际情况,考生可力争在Argument类文章上获得5.0分,在Issue类文章上获得3.0分;或者,如果在Argument类文章上获得4.5分,但在Issue类文章上则必须获得3.5分,从而达到总平均分4.0分的目标。那么,只有在写出怎样的文章之后才有可能在Issue类文章上获得3.0及以上的分数呢?相信看了下述ETS公布的3.0分标准的作文样本后,考生们都会信心倍增。Samples of Scored Issue Essays

3、 with Readers Commentaries Sample Issue Topic:In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated. We need more generalists people who can provide broad perspectives.Benchmark 3 LimitedGeneralists have the ideas and beliefs of what America is made of. Americas wealth of knowledge can be rela

4、ted to the generalists of the past generations and the original leaders of our Constitution Period that helped shape our great nation. If our former leaders would have not been generalists when creating our countrys Constitution in the late 1770s, American generations of would have been burdened wit

5、h the constant understanding that they are doomed to failure.The fact that our past leaders were not specialists gave the creation of the Constitution the ability to be changed through amendments passed by our represented leaders of today. The Constitution was created with the ability to adapt to th

6、e countries needs and demands in running our society as it changes over time. The generalists approach to this creation of a non-specialized Constitution shows the need for todays generations to continue with the beliefs that a specialist would not follow.Americahas learned from its past and has don

7、e what it can to make the changes through adaption. Americas greatness has been from the generalist leaders of the past, thinking for the Americans of the future. Americans with a broad perspective is what will continue to lead our great nation into the twenty-first century. 全文总共209个英文单词。对于中国考生而言,其写


9、且,论点再稍加平衡一点(原文作者对题目全盘肯定,一点都没有考虑特殊、例外的情形),则分数有望达到3.5或4.0分。我们不妨看一下ETS评阅人对该文的评语:Reader Comment on 3 This response displays some competence but is flawed by imprecise use of language and limited analysis of the issue.The writer supports the claim that generalists are preferable to specialists, offering

10、as evidence the historical example of the generalists who created the U.S. Constitution. The example, while relevant, is not adequately developed. The middle paragraph traces the flexibility of the U.S. Constitution to the generalist orientation of 18th century leaders, but the ideas in the first pa

11、ragraph are too vaguely expressed to contribute to this discussion, and the final paragraph consists of unsubstantiated generalities.Frequent minor errors in punctuation, pronoun use, and verb tense, as well as imprecise syntax and phrasing (e.g., Generalists have the ideas and beliefs of what Ameri

12、ca is made of. and .gave the creation of the Constitution the ability to.) contribute to the overall inadequacy of this response. 在看完了3.0分的Issue类的作文样本之后,我们不妨再来研读一篇得分为4.0分的Issue类文章。Sample Issue Topic: In our time, specialists of all kinds are highly over-rated. We need more generalists people who can

13、 provide broad perspectives.Benchmark 4 AdequateThe need for generalists is undeniable but one can not underestimate the need and importance of specialists. The medical profession is a good example of an area that requires both generalists and specialists. If there were no generalists in the profess

14、ion there would be no one to help patients determine when a specialist was needed. There are certain problems that a general practitioner can take care of and there are other problems that are out of his or her league. The general practitioner is the an appropriate place to start when a patient deve

15、lops a problem. Many times the general practitioner is more than capable of handling problems that arise and other times he or she is unable to fully take control of the patients care. It isnt a fault with the general practitioners. There is just too much to know for any one person to be an expert o

16、n all topics. It takes people years to become experts on a single topic, never mind being an expert on everything in the medical profession.I am currently working in a large teaching hospital where the need for both general practitioners and specialists is obvious. When a patient is admitted to a ge

17、neral medicine floor, the general medicine physicians are not always able to deal with every problem the patient has without some help from the specialists. It would be unrealistic, not to mention unfair to the general practitioners, to expect the general practitioners to know everything about every

18、thing. The key is to know where everyones knowledge and area of expertise lie and use their strengths to optimize patient care.On the general medicine team in which I worked, the team would constantly be requesting consults from specialists. Whether it be a renal, psychiatric, orthopedic, rehabilita

19、tion, speech, gastroenterologist, or any other specialist, their input was constantly needed and used to get the patient well as quickly as possible. The list of specialists can go on longer than one would think and it is just impossible for one person to know everything about each one of them.Altho

20、ugh the need for generalists is apparent, it would be hard to survive without specialists, also. When a person acts as a generalist, they know little bit about everything, but certainly not a totally inclusive knowledge of everything. The specialist is there to help add the expertise and inclusive k

21、nowledge that the generalist may be lacking. The most important thing to remember with specialists and generalists is to recognize boths strengths and weaknesses and capitalize on the strengths to achieve whatever goal may be desired.(430 words) 如果我们将上述两篇Issue类文章稍加对比的话,那么,被评为”limited” 的3.0分文章在所提出的论点


23、“推陈出新”地深化和发展主题。这篇4.0分的文章全文共430个英文单词,是它前面那篇3.0分文章的一倍多。对中国考生来说,在实际考试的时间限制内,可能只有一半的考生能写出400个至450个英文单词。如果考生虽能写出450个至500个单词,但仍然没能得到4.0分,除去文字和语言上的问题,原因主要在于立论、论证和例证三方面缺乏条理和深度。下面是ETS评阅人对4.0分作文的评语。Reader Comment on 4 Overall, this is a competent response to the topic. The writer disputes the claim that speci

24、alists are over-rated and argues from the position that both specialists and generalists are needed. The single extended example clearly supports the premise of the argument as the writer compares the roles and responsibilities of generalists and specialists in the medical profession. By paragraph 3

25、, however, the discussion falters, and the concluding paragraph does little more than repeat ideas presented in the first two paragraphs.This essay displays generally adequate control over syntax and usage, and the word choice, while appropriate, lacks precision.在扼要分析了Issue类文章的评分标准及相应样本之后,我们不妨接下来审视一

26、下Argument 类的作文样本及其评分标准。 记得在第一次读到ETS公布的Argument 6.0分的作文样本(参见附录一)时,我在读完最后一句时曾确实情不自禁地为之拍案称奇,深深感慨于其鞭辟入里之深邃,丝丝入扣之细腻,实有一种令多数考生无可企及的感觉。但是,如果我们不以Argument作文6.0分作为终极目标,并且,当我们对5.0分的Argument类文章作一番分析之后,信心和成功的希望在我们内心深处又会油然而生。Samples of Scored Argument Essays with Readers CommentariesSample Argument TopicHospital

27、statistics regarding people who go to the emergency room after rollerskating accidents indicate the need for more protective equipment. Within this group of people, 75 percent of those who had accidents in streets or parking lots were not wearing any protective clothing (helmets, knee pads, etc.) or

28、 any light-reflecting material (clip-on lights, glow-in-the-dark wrist pads, etc.). Clearly, these statistics indicate that by investing in high-quality protective gear and reflective equipment, roller skaters will greatly reduce their risk of being severely injured in an accident.Benchmark 5 Strong

29、 The argument presented is limited but useful. It indicates a possible relationship between a high percentage of accidents and a lack of protective equipment. The statistics cited compel a further investigation of the usefulness of protective gear in preventing or mitigating roller-skating related i

30、njuries. However, the conclusion that protective gear and reflective equipment would greatly reduce.risk of being severely injured is premature. Data is lacking with reference to the total population of skaters and the relative levels of experience, skill and physical coordination of that population

31、. It is entirely possible that further research would indicate that most serious injury is averted by the skaters ability to react quickly and skillfully in emergency situations.Another area of investigation necessary before conclusions can be reached is identification of the types of injuries that

32、occur and the various causes of those injuries. The article fails to identify the most prevalent types of roller-skating related injuries. It also fails to correlate the absence of protective gear and reflective equipment to those injuries. For example, if the majority of injuries are skin abrasions and closed-head injuries, then a case can be made for the usefulness of protective clothing mentioned. Likewise, if injuries are caused by collision with vehicles (e.g. bicycles, cars) or pedestrians, then light-reflective equipment might mitigate the occurences. However, if th

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