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1、奥鹏大工15秋大学英语4在线测试3满分答案奥鹏大工15秋大学英语4在线测试3满分答案一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 80 分。)1. Beer is the most popular drink among male drinkers, _ overall consumption is significantly higher than that of women.A. whoseB. whichC. thatD. what答 案:A大学英语4课后答案2. My friend helped me _ my cat when I was on vacation with my wife.A.

2、look forB. look onC. look afterD. look up答 案:C3. It is reported that _ adopted children want to know who their natural parents are.A. the mostB. most ofC. mostD. the most of答 案:C4. The clothes a person wears may express his _ or social position.A. curiosityB. statusC. determinationD. significance答 案

3、:B5. Every year thousands of lives _ in road accidents because of careless driving.A. loseB. lostC. have lostD. are lost答 案:D6. It wont be long _ this theory will be proved to be wrong.A. soonB. sinceC. afterD. before答 案:D7. The young lady coming over to us _ our English teacher; the way she walks t

4、ells us that!A. must beB. can beC. would beD. could be答 案:A8. The old building is in a good state of _ except for the wooden floors.A. observationB. preservationC. quotationD. compensation答 案:B9. As Commander-in-Chief of the armed force, I have directed that all measures _ for our defense.A. had bee

5、n takenB. would be takenC. be takenD. to be taken答 案:C10. What a table! Ive never seen such a thing before. It is _ it is long.A. half not as wide asB. wide not as half asC. not half as wide asD. as wide as not half答 案:C11. Some people would like to do shopping on Sundays since they expect to pick u

6、p wonderful _ in the market.A. batteriesB. bargainsC. basketsD. barrels答 案:B12. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _.A. from being beatenB. being beatenC. beatingD. to be beaten答 案:B13. The British constitution is _ a large extent a produc

7、t of the historical events described above.A. withinB. toC. byD. at答 案:B14. This crop has similar qualities to the previous one, _ both wind-resistant and adapted to the same type of soil.A. beingB. beenC. to beD. having been答 案:A15. Food was _ during the famine. It was often seen that people sold t

8、heir children for a sack of corn.A. availableB. lessC. fewD. scarce答 案:D16. The little man was _ one meter fifty high.A. almost more thanB. hardly more thanC. nearly more thanD. as much as答 案:B17. The rain was _ make our picnic impossible.A. hard enoughB. hard so toC. so hard as toD. so hard to答 案:C

9、18. I guess Jones didnt have a chance to win the election. Almost all of the people in the cityvoted for his _.A. candidateB. opponentC. alternativeD. participant答 案:B19. As a primary school teacher, one should be _ with children. This is the first standard for being a good teacher.A. patientB. posi

10、tiveC. negativeD. peaceful答 案:A20. _ no bus, we had to walk home.A. There beingB. BeingC. Having beenD. There was答 案:A奥鹏大工15秋大学英语4在线测试3二、判断题(共 10 道试题,共 20 分。)1. The trophy was bestowed upon the winner.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B2. Loving throughout the Western world, ballet is a theatrical art that tells a stor

11、y through dance accompanied by music.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A3. The headmistress led her team of teachers by example that she arrived early at school every morning of the school day.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B4. Stephen Hawking are true examples of people who rose to international fame in spite of physical handicap.A. 错

12、误B. 正确答 案:B5. I dont know how his parents put up his behaviors.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A6. Despite others say that, I think hes a very nice guy.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A7. This bicycle system would be considerably less expensive than the Interstate Highway System.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B8. Bicycling is the best physical activit

13、y because it is most comfortable to most people than brisk walking.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A9. The absence of fatherhood can, in many ways, make people have a better understanding of the importance of fatherhood.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:B10. Bikes and cars are not treated equally from an environmental justice perspective and this should be correct.A. 错误B. 正确答 案:A4D24BB866D1C4905

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