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1、届湖北省十一校高三英语第一次联考试题2021届湖北省十一校高三英语第一次联考试题试卷满分:150分注意事项:1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。3. 考生结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题; 每小题2. 5分,满分37. 5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ATuna TossingThis sport bega

2、n in South Australia in a fishing community called Port Lincoln. It was inspired by the local fishermen who used to toss fish onto their trucks. The winner is the person who throws a 9 kg fish in a longest distance. Hot Dog Eating Contest Competitive eating has become popular in the past years and i

3、ts participants try to eat as many hot dogs as they can in ten minutes. The sport began in the U. S. city fairs and has gained recognition due to Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest, held annually on the 4th of July. The sport has turned into a huge industry and is now popular in the U. S., Canada, and J

4、apan. Wife Carrying This game has its origins in Finland and its a sport in which male competitors race whilecarrying a female teammate. The objective is for the male to carry the female through a special track in the fastest time. The World Wife Carrying Championship has teams competing from Austra

5、lia, Germany, Britain, Estonia, Ireland, and the United States. The wife must be over 17 years old and prizes include winning the wifes weight in beer. Palm Tree Climbing Independence Day in Indonesia is on August, 17th. This day is celebrated by various competitions. Climbing palm trunk is the most

6、 difficult one. To climb on absolutely smooth, oiled trunk is an uneasy problem. At the top of the trunk there are prizesfrom towels, clothes and something like that to mountain bicycles and cash certificates. 21. Which of the following events promotes the business development greatly? A. Tuna Tossi

7、ng. B. Hot Dog Eating Contest. C. Wife Carrying. D. Palm Tree Climbing.22. What can we learn about Palm Tree Climbing? A.Its winners may get various prizes. B. It is the hardest among the four events. C. Its competitors strength means everything. D. It has become more popular in other countries. 23.

8、 What can be learned from the passage? A. Tuna Tossing has its origin in a fishing community in South America. B. InWife Carrying game the winner maywin beer as a prize for his wife. C. Nathans Hot Dog Eating Contest is held on the 4th of July every other year. D. Independence Day in Indonesia is ce

9、lebrated by various games like climbing trees. BOne of the problems damaging our planet is the number of things we throw away. Rubbish of all kinds is piling up in landfill and polluting our rivers and oceans. A more recent addition to the list of things we chuck away is e-wasteelectronic items that

10、 are broken and not recycled. Now solutions are being found to give this stuff a new life. Many millions of tonnes of televisions, phones, and other electronic equipment are discarded each year, partly because its cheaper to replace them than fix them, but also because we lack the skills to repair t

11、hem. A UN report claims the 50 million tonnes of e-waste generated every year will more than double to 110 million tonnes by 2050, making it the fastest growing waste stream in the world. However, theres a growing trend for repair events and clubs which could be part of a solution to the growing amo

12、unt of electrical and electronic junk. The BBC visited a Restart Project in London, which is one of many found around the world. One of its volunteers, Francesco Calo, said that “This project allows you to reduce waste, extend the life of objects, and it helps people who cannot afford to get rid of

13、items that have developed a fault. ”As many electrical items contain valuable metals, another idea is e-waste mining. An experiment at the University of New South Wales involves extracting these materials from electronic gadgets. Its thought that doing this could be more profitable than traditional

14、mining. With phones typically containing as many as 60 elements, this could be part of the solution to our appetite for new technology. These projects make total sensecollections of e-waste for recycling are “stagnating or even decreasing” according to RuedigerKuehr, director of the United Nations U

15、niversity. And in countries where there is no legislation, much of it just gets dumped. However, the European Union, for example, is trying to tackle the problem by insisting manufacturers have to make appliances longer-lasting and will have to supply spare parts for machines for up to 10 years. 24.

16、 According to the passage,which of the following statements is right? A. E-waste is thrown away because its cheaper to find a new substitute. B. UN reports the number of e-waste generated will nearly double by 2050. C. E-waste will be reduced if more projects like Restart Project are launched . D. T

17、he Re-start Project can help people who have found a fault to purchase items. 25. What does the author mean by the underlined word in the last paragraph ? A. Ceasing. B. increasing. C. falling. D. disappearing.26. What can be the best title for the text? A. What is damaging our planet? B.What is sig

18、nificant for E-recycling? C. E-waste mining benefits more. D. New lives are brought to E-waste. 27. What is the authors attitude towards the future of the problem? A. He is doubtful about it. B. He is concerned but full of confidence. C.He thinks its just a piece of cake. D. He supposes theres a lon

19、g way to go. C2020 is a leap year, and as we all know leap years happen every four years, right? Wrong. That extra day in February is designed to keep the Earth in sync with the astrological or seasonal year. But, what you might not realize is that the maths isnt that simple and occasionally we have

20、 to wait eight years. The method behind calculating when leap years occur might be a bit more complicated than you think. Way back in 1582 the calendar we now use was first put into effect. The Gregorian calendar was named after the pope at the time, Gregory. The people who created it realized it wa

21、snt perfect to just add an extra day every four years. Heres where the maths comes in. A day, of course, is measured by the amount of time it takes for the Earth to complete one full rotation(旋转) on its axis. A year is the number of days it takes the Earth to orbit the Sun, which most people assume

22、is 365. However, the Earth actually takes just under 365 and a quarter days to complete one full revolution around the Sun. So, every four years we get an extra day, which falls on the 29th February. However, as mentioned earlier, it is in fact just under a quarter of a day. So, by rounding it up, w

23、e put the calendar out of sync againwhich means that after a while we have too many days. That imbalance has to be readdressed, otherwise after 400 years youd end up with three extra days. So back in 1582, they realized that every turn of a century should skip their extra day to subtract those three

24、 extra days. This is why the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 werent leap years. But wait, theres more. The year 2000, the millennium, was a leap year. Thats because over a period of four hundred years we only need to remove three days.So, every 400 years the turn of the century is a leap year. This means

25、 the next time you hear someone saying “leap years happen every four years”, you can tell them why theyre wrong. 28. What can be learned from the passage? A. The Gregorian calendar was created by Gregory. B. Reducing3 days every three centuries, people perfected the calendar. C. It takes the Earth l

26、ess than 365 days to go around the Sun. D. The calendar wouldnt be balanced if we had a leap year every four years.29.What is the purpose of the second paragraph ? A. To show the history of the oldest calendar. B. To introduce Gregory to the readers. C. To present how Gregorian calendar was named. D

27、. To indicate calculation of the leap year is not easy. 30. Which of the following will be a leap year ? A. 2100. B. 2400. C. 2700. D. 3000. 31. In which section is the text most likely to appear? A. A news report. B. A geography textbook. C. A science magazine. D. An astronomy book. DWe all know th

28、at friends are special people who we share our lives with, and who share their lives with us in return. But seeking friends and keeping the friendship going are never easy. According to research recently published in the Journal of Social and Personal Relationships, the key is to use “we-talk”. Led

29、by University of California psychologist Megan Robbins and her colleagues, the researchers reviewed and analyzed 30 different studies involving over 5,000 participants. This largest-ever analysis of “we-talk” suggested that the frequent use of “we” and “us” is linked to happier and healthier relatio

30、nships. The word “we” moves people from an individual position into a partnership, which makes us more interdependent. “The pronouns offer an insight into whether people see themselves as individuals or as part of a whole. Word use is a window into what people are thinking and feeling without asking

31、 them,” Robbins told Science Daily. Their research also found that “we-talk” is helpful for resolving conflicts. “The primary point is that interdependence may bring about supportive and relationship-centered behaviors and positive perceptions (认知) of the partner-especially important in times of str

32、ess and conflict,” according to a statement released by Robbins lab. US-based magazine Psychology Today used the word “union” to describe the impact on a partner upon hearing “we-talk”. Contrary to “we-talk”, there is “I-talk”, which refers to the frequent use of first-person singular pronouns, such as “I”, “me”, and “mine”, when writing or speaking. Earlier this year, researchers from the University of Arizona, US, analyzed a set of data that came from 4,700 people in Germa

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