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1、学年最新人教新目标版英语七年级上学期期末模拟检测题及答案精编试题 七年级上学期期末模拟考试英语试题(时间: 120分钟,满分: 120分)听力部分(20分). 听句子,选择与其意思相符的图片。(5分)( )1. ( )2. ( )3. ( )4. ( )5. . 听对话及问题,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )6. A. Seven dollars. B. Eleven dollars. C. Seventeen dollars. ( )7. A. In September. B. In December. C. In November.( )8. A. Friday. B. Monday. C.

2、 Sunday. ( )9. A. At 8:00. B. At 9:00. C. At 10:00. ( )10. A. White. B. Red. C. Purple. . 听长对话,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )11. Whats on the table?A. An apple. B. An orange. C. A banana. ( )12. Why does John like apples?A. Because they are big. B. Because they are nice. C. Because they are healthy.( )13. When doe

3、s John have breakfast?A. At 7:00. B. At 7:30. C. At 8:00.( )14. What is Johns favorite food?A. Rice. B. Chicken. C. Hamburgers.( )15. What does John have for dinner?A. Salad. B. Fruit. C. Vegetables. . 听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分)( )16. How old is Jane?A. Twelve. B. Thirteen. C. Fourteen.( )17. What does Jane l

4、ike?A. Basketball. B. Baseball. C. Soccer.( )18. What is Janes favorite subject?A. P.E. B. Art. C. Music.( )19. When is Cindys birthday?A. June 3rd. B. August 15th. C. August 3rd.( )20. How many (多少) brothers does Cindy have?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.笔试部分(100分). 单项选择。(15分)( )21. Sally is _ middle sch

5、ool student. How about her brother?He is _ English teacher. A. a; an B. an; a C. a; a D. an; an ( )22. After school I always play basketball with my friends _ an hour. A. in B. for C. at D. from ( )23. I like oranges, _ my sister doesnt like _.A. and; they B. so; them C. but; them D. but; they( )24.

6、 Can your friend play soccer very _? Yes, she can. A. well B. good C. fine D. nice( )25. Do you like history?Yes. It is interesting and _.A. difficult B. healthy C. boring D. useful ( )26. December is the _ month of the year.A. twelfth B. second C. eleventh D. eighth ( )27. _ Kates father _ chicken?

7、A. Does; likes B. Does; like C. Do; likes D. Do; like( )28. _ is my favorite day, because the next day is Saturday. A. Sunday B. Friday C. Monday D. Thursday ( )29. _ Smith is our geography. He is great fun.A. Mrs. B. Ms. C. Mr. D. Miss ( )30. _ is my math book? Its in your bookcase. A. When B. How

8、C. Why D. Where( )31. Mom, the sweater looks very nice. Can you _ it for me? OK. How much is it? A. find B. need C. sell D. buy( )32. _?I am thirteen. A. How much is it B. How old are you C. How are you D. When is your birthday ( )33. Can I have a look at your family photo?Sure. _. A. Thanks B. See

9、you C. Here you are D. Thats for sure( )34. Excuse me, are you David Brown?_A. Yes, Im eight. B. Nice to meet you! C. No, Im not. D. Youre welcome.( )35. Can I help you? _.A. Yes, please B. No, not C. Dont help me D. Yes. Help me, please. 完形填空。(10分)Hi, my good friend! My name is Alice. Im very 36 to

10、day (今天) because its the first day of my new (新的) term. From 7:30 to 8:15 is my first class, Chinese. It is my favorite 37 . Then at 8:25 I have math. I dont like it because it is 38 for me. At 9:20, I have 39 . It is very useful. I like it. I have P.E. at 10:15. We 40 soccer with our P.E. teacher.

11、Lunch is from 11:30 to 12:30. I eat 41 . I have rice, chicken and vegetables 42 lunch. In the afternoon, I have three classes. School 43 at 4:00. I have two good friends. They are Mike and Tom. They are nice to 44 . Next week is Toms twelfth 45 . We must think about his party. ( )36. A. free B. tidy

12、 C. happy D. right( )37. A. subject B. habit C. festival D. time ( )38. A. interesting B. easy C. boring D. relaxing ( )39. A. breakfast B. science C. pictures D. questions ( )40. A. buy B. watch C. sell D. play( )41. A. healthy B. fine C. late D. well ( )42. A. for B. with C. at D. from ( )43. A. b

13、egins B. meets C. finishes D. knows ( )44. A. you B. me C. him D. her ( )45. A. class B. trip C. birthday D. month . 阅读理解。(30分)AHello, Im Eric. Im a student in No. 5 Middle School. On Tuesday, I have three lessons in the morning. Theyre English, math and music. We have our morning break at 9:50. I a

14、lways play football with my classmates. My last class finishes at 15:50, but after that I have a P.E. lesson for one hour. Its really relaxing. Hi, my name is Gina. Im a student in No. 10 Middle School. I always go to school at 7:10 in the morning. On Tuesday, I am very busy. I have math, art and En

15、glish in the morning. And I have math at 8:10. Its boring. At 9:05, I have art. It is very interesting. My favorite subject is English. After school, I play volleyball with my classmates. 根据材料内容,选择最佳答案。( )46. What doesnt Eric have on Tuesday? A. English. B. P.E. C. Math. D. Music( )47. Ginas second

16、lesson is at _ on Tuesday morning. A. 7:10. B. 8:10 C. 9:50 D. 9:05 ( )48. The underlined (画线的) word “break” means _ in Chinese.A. 休息 B. 开始 C. 理解 D. 聚会( )49. Gina thinks her Tuesday is _. A. boring B. happy C. busy D. interesting( )50. 下面哪项叙述是正确的?A. Gina is a middle school student. B. Erics favorite

17、 subject is English. C. Eric and Gina like play volleyball after school. D. Gina and Eric have three lessons on Tuesday afternoon. BDale is from Hong Kong (香港). He is nine years old and his birthday is on November 30th. He likes eating apples and bananas. He likes blue very much. Dales family is not

18、 small. In his family there are five people (人). They are his parents, his brother, his sister and Dale. Dales brother is Dick. He is six years old. His birthday is on May 15th. His sister is Rose. She is only three years old. Her birthday is on February 7th. Dales father is thirty-six years old and

19、 Dales mother is thirty-four years old. They are teachers. Dale has a good friend in Shanghai. His name is Mike.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。( )51. Dale likes eating _.A. pears and carrots B. tomatoes and apples C. bananas and apples D. pears and bananas( )52. Mike is Dales _.A. cousin B. classmate C. brother D. f

20、riend( )53. Roses birthday is on _.A. February 7th B. November 30th C. May 15th D. April 20th( )54. _ is 34 years old.A. Dale B. Mike C. Dales mother D. Dales father( )55. 下列哪项叙述是正确的?A. Dale likes black very much. B. Dales parents are teachers.C. Dale is ten years old. D. There are four people in Da

21、les family.CHello! My name is Gina. I come from America, but I love China very much, because my mother is a Chinese. Today is October 15th. It is my birthday. In the morning, my parents take me to a store and buy a green sweater for me. In the afternoon, we go to the Disneyland (迪士尼乐园). I have a goo

22、d time there. In the evening, we have a birthday party at home. My friends all come to my party and we eat a big cake (蛋糕). Thank my parents and friends for giving me a happy birthday.根据短文内容完成下列任务。任务一:判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。( )56. Ginas parents are Chinese.( )57. Gina is very happy today.任务二:回答问题。58. When i

23、s Ginas birthday?_59. What do they eat in the evening?_任务三:将文中画线的句子译成汉语。60. _. 词汇训练。(10分)(A)根据句意及汉语提示填单词完成句子。61. The _ (价格) of the skirt is fifty dollars.62. Please _ (给打电话) Jane. This is her phone number.63. Im _ (忙的) now. You can ask John for help.64. _ (星期三) comes after Tuesday.65. My favorite su

24、bject is _ (科学) at school.(B)用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。66. _ (this) boys are my good friends.67. February 21st is Cindys _ (nine) birthday.68. Mrs. Hand is _ (we) history teacher.69. Lets _ (play) games in the classroom.70. How much _ (be) your trousers?. 句子训练。(10分)根据汉语意思完成下列句子,每空一词。71. 你们什么时候上地理课?_ do you _

25、geography?72. 他认为棒球容易。He _ baseball is _.73. 他们的钥匙在哪里?_ _ their keys?74. 这场足球赛从下午三点到五点。This soccer game is _ 3:00 _ 5:00 in the afternoon. 75. 我们有特价销售的紫色毛衣。We have purple sweaters _ _. 从方框中选择适当的句子补全对话(有两项多余)。A: Do you like math, John?B: No, I dont. A: 76. _?B: Chinese. A: 77. _?B: Because it is very

26、 interesting. A: 78. _?B: My Chinese teacher is Ms. Green. A: 79. _?B: Yes. I like her very much. She likes me, too. A: 80. _?B: I have Chinese on Mondays and Fridays. 书面表达。(10分)假如你是苗颖,你在网上看到一个新西兰女孩Jenny的博客后,想和她结为好友。请你给她写一封电子邮件,告诉她你想与她交朋友并简要介绍一下你的相关情况。提示词:name, birthday, class, favorite subject, int

27、eresting, soccer, relaxing要求:语句通顺、语意连贯;必须包含所有提示词;可适当发挥;60词左右(不含所给词)。Dear Jenny, _Yours, Miao Ying期末测试. 15 BACBC. 610 BCACB. 1115 ACABA. 1620 BCABA. 2125 ABCAD 2630 ABBCD 3135 DBCCA. 3640 CACBD 4145 DACBC. (A) 4650 BDACA (B)5155 CDACB (C)56. F 57. T 58. Its on October 15th.59. They eat a big cake. 60. 上午,我父母带我去商店并为我买了一件绿色的毛衣。. 61. price 62. call 63. busy 64. Wednesday 65. science66. These 67. ninth 68. our 6

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