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1、如何在90天内学会一门语言How to Learn A Language in 90 Days如何在90天内学会一门语言If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart. Nelson Mandela“用他人懂的语言与之谈话,只能交流;用他人的母语与之谈话,便可交心。”纳尔逊曼德拉I still remember the happiest moment of my life

2、. I had decided to throw a party for my Italian friends while living in Florence, Italy. My friends didnt speak any English, and I vividly remember throwing the party and trying to only speak in Italian. And then, someone asked me to tell a joke.还记得我生命中最开心的时刻,那时我住在意大利的佛罗伦萨,决定为我的意大利朋友举办一个派对。我清楚地记得要办派

3、对,朋友并不懂英语,我打算只说意大利语。然后,有人叫我讲个笑话。我不知道你晓不晓得,用其他语言讲笑话,可以想象是一件很折磨人的事。I began the joke. Cera una volta (Once upon a time) 我开始讲我的笑话,Cera una volta(意大利语:很久以前)Halfway through the joke, I began to get flustered. I couldnt remember the Italian word in the punchline. And 30 Italians were staring at me, waiting

4、 for the joke to end.讲到一半时,我开始惊慌失措了,到笑点时,我不知道如何用意大利语表达了,30位意大利人都紧紧地瞪着我,等我把笑话讲完。At the last minute, I remembered and completed the joke. I waited for the sound of crickets but instead experienced a thunderous laugh and a round of applause. I had made dozens of Italians laugh, in their country, in the

5、ir language.最后,我想起来了,接着讲完了那个笑话。我等着他们倒喝彩,然而他们却给了我雷鸣般的掌声和笑声。我曾经在这个国家,用他们的语言讲了几十个意大利文笑话Until today, that memory continues to be one of the happiest moments Ive ever experienced. And its the reason that, over the last four years, Ive studied languages and now speak five: English, Italian, Spanish, Portu

6、guese, and German.直到现在,我仍就觉得这是我经历过的最开心的事。原因是,在最后的四年里,我学习了很多种语言,现在我可以讲五种语言:英语,意大利语,西班牙语,葡萄牙语,德语。The Benefits of Bilingualism双语能力的益处多多Becoming bilingual opens up a whole new worlda world of different people, of different cultures, of different emotions.双语能力为你敞开了一个全新世界,不同人的世界,不同文化的世界,不同情感的世界。Learning a

7、 second language has many cognitive benefits. For example, learning a new language has been shown to delay Alzheimers, boost brainpower, reduce cognitive biases, and even increase concentration and the ability to tune out distractions. Your ability to build better habits will improve by learning a n

8、ew language.第二语言的习得能提高认知能力。比如说,研究表明,学习一门新语言可延缓老年痴呆症,提高智力,降低认知偏差,甚至改善你的注意力,降低分散注意力。通过学习一门新语言,你可以养成更好的习惯But, more so than cognitive effects, the ability to speak a second language has a ton of social benefits. Theres bliss in having the ability to order food in the waiters native language, to eavesdro

9、p on people in an elevator, to impress natives by speaking with and understanding them.而且,不仅是认知方面的益处多多,能讲第二种语言也有很多社会好处。你能用本土语言跟服务员点餐,在电梯里偷听别人讲话,通过和母语者交流并理解他们,能给他们留下印象,这些简直就是天赐洪福。The coolest thing about learning your second language is that it makes learning a third, fourth, or fifth language much ea

10、sier. The challenge isnt in learning a new language, but rather learning how to learn a language. Once you know the techniques, youll be able to apply the same grammatical patterns and language techniques in every new language you learn. Its for this reason that, while Italian took me 3 or so months

11、 to master, Spanish took only 2 months and Portuguese took just a few weeks.学习第二语言最棒的是让你觉得学习第三,第四,第五种语言变得更容易。你面临的挑战不是学习一种新的语言,而是学会如何去学好它。只要你懂得其中的技巧,你就能在每次学习一门新语言时运用这些相同的语法规律和语言技巧。正因为这样,我只花了三个月左右的时间掌握了意大利语,而只花了两个月学会西班牙语,只用了几周的时间就学会了葡萄牙语。Why most people are wrong about language learning为什么大部分人的语言学习方法都

12、不正确。I studied spanish for several years in high school, and even got good grades on national exams. But one day, when I actually tried to speak the language, I suddenly realized.我在中学时学了几年的西班牙语,甚至在国考时获得了好成绩,但直到有一天,我尝试开口讲西班牙语时,突然意识到了什么。Four years of studying Spanish in school, and I couldnt even order

13、 a burrito.在学校学了四年的西班牙语,我竟然不懂订一份玉米煎饼如何表达。So what went wrong? According to official standardized tests, I was an expert in Spanish. But I couldnt even do the most basic of tasks!到底哪错了呢?经过官方标准化测试得知,我是精通西班牙语的,但是,我竟连最基本的表达都不会。The fact is that we not taught languages in the ideal way. Students study lang

14、uages in huge groups and think that a few worksheets and grammar exercises will be enough to learn a language.事实是,我们没用理想的教学方法教语言。学生在庞大的集体里学习语言,认为做几次作业和语法练习就够了。Yet almost no one actually learns to speak.所以几乎没有一个人能真正懂讲。In actuality, by doing worksheets, we are practicing for just thatfor worksheets. B

15、ut if you want to learn to speak, well, you actually have to practice by speaking.事实上,做作业,只是为了作业而做作业。如果你想学会讲,那好,你真的要练习口语。So when people try to learn to speak a language out of a book, or with Rosetta Stone, I try to show them that they wont achieve their goals that way. If you want to speak, you hav

16、e to practice speaking. And if you want to speak a language rapidly, well, you have to start speaking. A lot.所以当人们看着书或面对着罗赛达石来练口语,我想告诉他们,他们是不会成功的。你若想讲出来,必须得练口语,而若你想快速地讲,那好,你要开始大量练习口语。The Basic Strategy Of Rapid Language Learning快速学语言的基本策略Learning a language can seem daunting, so Im going to provide

17、an overview of the general strategy, before we get into the specifics.学习语言令人生畏,我打算大概地总结一些基本地策略,然后再做具体分析。Here is the breakdown. Well go more in depth into each of these later on.以下分几类,稍后我们会进一步深入理解每个环节的内容。1. Get the right resources for learning: A grammar book, memorization software, and films/books.1

18、、获取正确的学习资源:语法书,记忆软件,电影/书2. Get a private tutor. You want one for at least a month. I recommend four hours/day.2、聘请私人家教。至少教你一个月,我建议一天四小时3. Attempt to speak and think only in the new language. Every time you cant remember a word, put that word into your memorization software. Practice your vocabulary

19、daily.3、尝试着用新语言去表达和思考。每次你不记得单词时,把它输入你的记忆软件中,每天练习词汇记忆4. Find friends, language partners, and other speakers of the language. Once you can have basic conversations with your private tutor, you need to find other partners. If you havent already, think about moving to the country where the language is s

20、poken. Consider a group class. Practice continuously. Stop speaking English.4、找些朋友,语言学习伙伴,和其他说这门语言的人。只要你能和你的私人家教进行基本的对话,你就需要找一位伙伴。若你还没有,思考一下能否搬去讲这种语言的国家。考虑一下班级也可以。不断练习,不要讲母语。Thats the basic strategy. Again, this strategy is intensive, because learning a language in three months is a difficult task.

21、If youd prefer to learn the language more slowly or you dont have the ability to move to a new country and practice 4-8 hours a day, then you can modify the plan. It is extremely important that you practice every day, however20 minutes a day is much better than once or twice a week.这是基本的学习策略。然而这条策略要

22、求很高,因为在三个月内学会一门语言是一项很艰巨的任务。如果你喜欢慢慢地来,或者你无法搬去一个新的国家,那就每天训练4-8个小时,然后再根据情况修改计划。每天坚持练习极其重要,然而-每天练习20分钟比每周只练习两次好得多。Some of these concepts are hard to understand through the written word, so I created a video series, just for Zen Habits readers, that teaches the steps to learn a language. Get the Hack The

23、 System Language Learning Videos here.书面上很难使你明白这些观点,所以我制作了一系列的视频,专门针对不好动的读者,教你如何学习一门语言。点击这里进入黑客系统语言学习视频The Resources You Need To Learn A Language语言学习资料In order to learn a language, youll need some items that you can practice with. Here are the resources I always use.你需要些项目来练习,这是我经常使用的资源。The Necessar

24、y Resources必要的资源A good grammar book. This is essential if you want to learn a language. I recommend Dovers Essential Grammar series: the books are very cheap, concise, and thorough. When I lived in Italy, the Dover Essential Italian Grammar book became my bible. I read it everywhere, slept with it,

25、and even memorized it.一本语法书。这对学习语言必不可少。我推荐Dover基本语法系列:这些书很便宜,简明扼要,要点齐全。我住在意大利的时候,Dover版意大利语基本语法书是我的指导用书,我去到哪都读它,与它同榻,甚至把背了出来。A phrase book. This is similar to a dictionary, but for phrases. You can start memorizing full sentences and phrases, and youll naturally learn the individual words. Ill talk

26、more about memorization tactics shortly.一本短语书:这就像一本字典,但是,是一本短语字典。你可以开始记些完整的句型和短语,自然就学会了个别的单词。我会马上讲到更多关于记忆技巧方面的内容。An online dictionaryA memorization app. You have to memorize vocabulary. I always put new words in my app, and practice them every night.一款记忆应用程序。记忆单词是必须的,我总是把单词放在我的应用软件里。每晚我都练习背单词。If you

27、re on a Mac, check out the app Genius. This genius app (pun intended) uses time-spacing techniques to test our knowledge. Youll randomly be quizzed on words or phrases you are trying to learn, and the more often you make a mistake, the more often youll be tested. I recommend you put English on the l

28、eft column and your desired language on the right, so that youll learn to speak in a new language, not translate from it. If youre on a PC, Ive heard good things about Anki.如果你在Mac上,登录你的应用程序 Genius。这个天才应用程序(双关意义的)应用时间间隔技术测试知识。它会对你想学的单词或短语进行随机测试,对你经常犯的错误进行测试。我建议你把英语放在左栏,你想学的语言放在右栏,这样就可以学会用新语言口头表达,而不是

29、单纯地翻译意思。若你登录了个人计算机,你就听说过记忆软件 Anki的好处。Resources to learn from学习资源A Private Tutor. I highly recommend getting an in-person private tutor through Craigslist or a nearby language school. However, if you cant find anyone in your area or they are too expensive, check out E. Edufire is a website that allow

30、s you to take private and group classes online over the Internet. Again, remember, private lessons are essential, so skip the group classes.一名私人家教。我强烈建议你从克雷格列表网站或附近的语言学校聘请一位亲自教你的私人家教。然而,如果你在你那地方找不到人或是聘请费用太昂贵,可以登录E。Edufire是一个你能找到网上家教或在网上集体上课的网站。而且,记住哦,私人授课尤为重要,所以你可以放弃集体上课的形式。Free language partners an

31、d tutors. The Mixxer is an incredible resource. Its a site that allows you to connect, via Skype, with language partners all over the world. Just choose your native language, and what you are trying to learn, and The Mixxer will find partners with opposite needs (who speak your target language and w

32、ant to learn your native language).免费的语言学习伙伴和家教。Mixxer给你提供极好的资源。这是一个你可以通过Skype网络电话连通全球的语言学习伙伴的站点,只需选择你的母语和你想学的语言就行,而Mixxer会帮你找到对应的搭档(这个搭档会讲你的目的语,而且想学你的母语)。At the beginning, online partners are a big help. Why? First, because chatting is much easier than speaking, so you get a chance to practice your language. Second, chat gives you a log of what youve been sayingand it makes it easier for your partner to correct you.刚开始,网上对话搭档会帮助你很多,为什么呢?首先,因为聊天比口头表达容易得多,所以你有机

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